One of the main things recommending VigRX over other male enhancement products is the fact that the pill contains only completely natural ingredients of the highest quality. Even though there are other products out there with similar composition when it comes to the types of ingredients, most of them don’t contain enough of the specific ingredients, or they don’t have them in appropriate ratios to fully exploit their potential. If you are interested in what exactly is it that makes VigRX special, this short overview should help you better understand the composition of this amazing pill.
Damiana Leaf
This well-known ingredient has been used as an effective aphrodisiac for hundreds of years. It is claimed that even the ancient Mayans were exploiting the benefits of this plant, and they have passed on that knowledge to the settlers. The plant has shown its value in helping men achieve firmer erections, more powerful orgasms and increased sexual stamina.
This is an ingredient specific to VigRX, and one that you won’t be able find in other products of this type. Studies have shown that it helps Q10 coenzymes get absorbed better, which basically means, that this ingredient acts as a booster for the other ingredients found in the pill, maximizing their beneficial effects.
Horny Goat Weed
The name of the plant probably says more than enough about the effects that it has. Because of its properties of inhibiting PDE-5 (which is basically what Viagra does), this plant is also known as the ‘natural Viagra’ and has been used with great success in increasing male potency.
Ginkgo Biloba
Even though you might associate the use of this plant with other types of medication, studies have shown that one of its many beneficial effects include boosting sexual performance.
Asian Ginseng
Another plant that has been in use as a potent aphrodisiac for several centuries, the beneficial properties of Asian Ginseng have been proven in clinical studies. Quite potent even on itself, in the combination with other ingredients of VigRX Asian Ginseng can do wonders for sexual drive and stamina.