
Trolls or media watchdogs?: Japan’s foreign-born defenders

Is the vicious online war against 'BS' biased reporting stifling journalism?

by Stuart Braun

Have the foreign media got it in for Japan? Do they unduly focus on, and sensationalize, Fukushima radiation leaks, alleged racial intolerance and the self-aggrandizing policy pronouncements of the reborn Liberal Democratic Party? Worse still, are non-Japanese journalists prejudicing perceptions of Japan in the wider world, further eroding the nation’s global significance?

Though right-wing Japanese apologists have long identified, in the words of Michael Cucek, research associate with the MIT Center for International Studies, “the existence of an international cabal of anti-Japanese media types,” some ardent foreign-born Japan residents are also defending their adopted home from “Japan-hating” media.

Since the tragedy of March 2011, when the controversy over the Japanese government’s response to the Fukushima nuclear crisis gave journalists grist to ramp up their alleged anti-Japanese prejudice, the pro-Japaners have employed an effective counter-attack strategy: Banded behind a small but deafening band of bloggers, YouTubers and citizen journalists of sorts, this informal alliance generate legion online comments, blog posts and video channel chat-fests that systematically seek to discredit media they say are bent on fear-mongering about the country. In this highly polarized and fractious world, you are either with Japan or against it.

The subheading on the blog Japologism.com neatly sums up the aims of these foreign-born neo-apologists: “Unapologetic apologism — Some of us quite like living here, you know!” Established by Scotsman Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson, Japologism is a direct successor of the defunct Tepido.org, a single-issue forum for rebutting the alleged Japan-hating bias of academic, blogger and Japan Times columnist Debito Arudou.

Post-3/11, the cause celebre for these Japan defenders has been an article titled “Gaijin Gulag,” excerpts of which were published on The Economist magazine’s website in January 2012, detailing the case of Christopher Johnson, a Japan-based Canadian journalist who says he was unfairly held in detention in the bowels of Narita airport before being deported from Japan.

The relative merits of the case are complex, and beyond the purview of this article. But the fact that this damning account of Japanese immigration procedure was covered in such an internationally significant publication seems to have fired up the pro-Japan lobby to respond on an unprecedented scale. Over 700 comments, most strongly attacking aspects of Johnson’s story, were posted in the days before The Economist called time on the forum, while Johnson was endlessly taken to task on numerous blogs and YouTube channels.

The Economist only published portions of Johnson’s own blog post that described the circumstances of his deportation, with the newsmagazine calling it a “rambling” account. The publication claimed that it fact-checked Johnson’s story as much as possible, but said they could not endorse it and that it was unverified. The Economist’s stated aim was to view Johnson’s story, however much it can be believed, in the context of claims of long-running abuses by Japanese immigration authorities that have sparked hunger strikes, suicides and led to the death in custody of a Ghanaian man — the latter occurring “during a rough deportation in 2010,” wrote The Economist.

In this context, the level of invective directed toward Johnson might have seemed surprising. Many thousands of words came from just one poster, VKay, a typically anonymous pro-Japan voice who comments on various Japan-related blogs and forums. Inevitably, things got personal.

“Despite the protests in comments below this one (possibly by Mr Johnson himself or one of his friends; a week or so ago a similar thing happened), he is not a major league journalist — he’s a blogger who strings for a minor cult-funded paper in the U.S.,” wrote VKay, apparently referring to The Washington Times. “His story from the beginning was suspect, and even before the Economist took it up, was being shredded.”

Johnson, a reporter with a diverse publishing history (The New York Times, CNN.com, The Japan Times) across more than two decades, much of that spent in Japan, has been highly outspoken about attacks on his journalistic credentials since his Gaijin Gulag story surfaced. The result has been a toxic online war, with blogs such as Japologism and Japan Probe sometimes publishing hundreds of ad hominem comments a week about the reporter.

The Canadian, who says he had never heard of these blogs before the Gaijin Gulag episode, says that he has been defamed to the point where former employers are increasingly reticent to work with him. Whatever the veracity of this claim, Johnson is only one of numerous writers and journalists who have come under sustained and vehement criticism on blogs, Twitter or comment forums for their alleged anti-Japanese stance. These include New York Times journalists Martin Fackler and Hiroko Tabuchi, former Tokyo CNN correspondent Kyung Lah, and bloggers Debito Arudou and Rick Gundlach, among others.

In ways, these foreign-born cyber-warriors parallel the infamous netouyo (“Internet right”) — nationalistic Net trolls who hunt Japan’s critics online. When Miki Dezaki, an American teacher of Japanese parentage based in Okinawa, decided to teach his students about racism in Japan, and included alleged examples of the practice — in particular, Japan’s racial stereotyping of Koreans —in a YouTube video posted in February, he was attacked online with such vicious regularity (including death threats) that once-supportive school officials asked him to take down the video. Dezaki refused on the grounds of free speech, and he has since left his job.

But the main players among the foreign-born Japan apologists project a less doctrinaire line. Though many anonymous commenters-cum-trolls write vociferous and borderline-defamatory comments on the pro-Japan blogs, the faces of the movement — when they deign to reveal themselves — appear more neutral and reasonable. They are mostly white middle-aged men who have lived a long time in Japan, speak the language fluently, claim to understand the culture and, by implication, believe they are well-qualified to express credible views about their adopted home.

Hikosaemon, a blogger, YouTuber and regular commenter on Japan-related online forums, is a New Zealander who has lived in Japan since 1998. Commenting on a LinkedIn forum in May 2012 that reposted a Debito Arudou article from The Japan Times detailing so-called “microaggressions” against foreigners in Japan — crudely put, conscious or unconscious actions by Japanese that “put foreigners in their place” — Hikosaemon articulated the pro-Japan rationale.

“What aggravates me is that there are so few voices counterbalancing such out of whack views, and when they are out there, they are often dismissed and attacked by the believers in the criticism of somehow being apologists in with some sort of massive Japanese conspiracy, simply for calling BS on BS,” he wrote.

Though Japologism — a blog that Hikosaemon helped inspire, according to its founder — is a self-proclaimed apologist site, this is a common pro-Japan rationale: Hikosaemon and his fellow travelers are a reasonable minority who simply feel it is their duty to expose the many “out of whack” perspectives on Japan.

The pro-Japan blog Japan Probe, which Hikosaemon comments on, presents a similar rationale in its About section. “Idiots, bigots, fearmongers, and liars” (i.e. Japan-haters) will not have their comments aired. Neither, they say, is the blog the work of a conspiratorial cabal. “We are not on the payroll of any political organizations, nor do we have some secret political agenda,” runs the site’s disclaimer.

This band of non-native Japan apologists often stress that they are not mouthpieces of the Japanese right. They are, instead, simply a spontaneous, informal thread of independent voices. Eido Inoue, a U.S.-born naturalized Japanese citizen formerly known as Adrian Havill, writes on numerous pro-Japan blogs and forums. Though Inoue declined to comment when approached by The Japan Times for this article, he did respond to the question of why some foreign-born Japan residents are so quick to call out media negativity on Japan.

“I certainly don’t consider myself to be a media watchdog,” he said in an email. “My opinions are not formally published anywhere except for a few minor indie blogs which are not read by many people.” Inoue wrote that he was simply a “private individual” and “yet another resident of Japan with an opinion on the media and [who] makes comments on news stories”.

Nevertheless, some contend that pro-Japan blogs such as Japan Probe and Japologism, which Inoue posts on, push a highly circumscribed agenda. @Kamo, commenting on the more critical Japan blog Hoofin (run by former Japan resident and U.S. national Rick Gundlach), said in February he “gave up” on Japan Probe a couple of years ago, even if it “did a creditable job countering the hysteria in the overseas press immediately after the Tohoku disaster.” Ever since, however, “they’ve not let up on the rabidly pro-Japan propaganda.” @Kamo quoted another foreign blogger in Japan, Our Man in Abiko, real name Patrick Sherriff, who called Japan Probe “the self-appointed lapdog of the Japanese establishment.”

This is possibly just tit-for-tat brouhaha. But reasonable “soft” apologists such as Hikosaemon often seem careful to avoid any interaction with the Japan-related online forums more often associated with trolls and unilateral agendas. Hikosaemon does, however, reference Japan Probe as a legitimate news source in his “2.5 Oyajis” YouTube show.

In an episode from May 2012, Japan Probe was praised for calling out Aruduo’s “hate” thesis about Japanese microaggressions. But @Saitoko7, who “liked the video” otherwise, was not impressed, saying of Japan Probe: “It’s a mean-spirited gossip blog meant to stir up hatred, and the majority of its regular commenters seem to be embittered trolls who have lived in Japan for far too long.”

In the comments, Hikosaemon replied to @Saitoko7 with equanimity. “I tend to avoid comment forums on most Japan-related sites for that reason (feel free to comment here, the water’s fine :) ).” He continued: “Most comment sites I agree are overwhelmed with trolls, be they from the Japan hater camp, or the *apologist* camp. . . . I don’t read the comments on JapanProbe, and seldom post there. I like the blog.”

A few comments on, and Hikosaemon, who associates trolls firstly with the “Japan-hater camp,” admitted that he not only liked but respected the site: “What I respect about Japan Probe is the role the editors take of showing Japan news and goings on as I see it through local media (as most who live life in Japanese here experience it I think), and their willingness to call BS when substandard reporting or writing about japan is found.”

‘BS’ is a term often employed in these pro-Japan forums as the truest marker of Japan-related media bias and negativity. Such “bulls—t” may simply result from substandard journalism; more often, however, it is compounded by a kind of gaijin cultural dissonance.

When Japan Probe posted news that Kyung Lah was leaving the Tokyo CNN bureau in 2012, it slammed her “crude, misinformed, trashy and stupid” reporting. But the nub of the problem, as expressed by numerous commenters on the post, was a lack of intimacy with Japanese language and culture. As @level 3 put it, Lah was “just some sort of cushy exile in the well-paid Tokyo-based gaijin English bubble until whatever heat blew over from her personal life.” Lah’s negative and sensationalist “tone and topic selection” were reflective of a bias born of her failure to integrate on one hand, and her personal issues/crises on the other, the commenters sniped.

Such critiques of foreign journalists echo the old charge, made most emphatically by American neoconservatives, of so-called “liberal media bias.” Conservative think tanks typically publish research showing how mass media organizations and journalists have especially left-of-center biases, meaning right-wing opinions are distorted or not heard. “Sometimes liberal bias reflects a conscious choice by the reporter or editor,” observes the conservative Media Research Center’s Brett Baker. “Sometimes it stems from mere laziness.”

For the neo-apologists, the argument is similar: Journalistic laziness combined with “conscious choices” born of personal prejudice are coloring foreign news coverage of Japan. The strategic imperative is again to pigeonhole the media, marking some — usually more Japan-positive — voices as reasonable, in stark contrast to the “out of whack” negative sources, be they individuals or news organizations.

However, one caveat that accusers of media bias have to bear in mind is the fundamental responsibility of the media to scrutinize and critique the policies of incumbent governments and other vested interests. A study by media watchdogs 4thEstate, released in August 2012, found that across three months of the last U.S. presidential election campaign, President Barack Obama received significantly more negative comments across all news media than Republican rival Mitt Romney — even in so-called Democrat-friendly outlets such as The New York Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post and CNN.

The Times, Post and CNN are often singled out for their negative coverage of Japan, though these news organizations have a consistent record of highly critical domestic and international coverage. Judging which side of the line between fiercely objective public-interest reportage and aggressive agenda-driven muck-raking a story lies on can be a difficult — and subjective — call. Claims of bias need therefore to be backed by rigorous research, say experts. “Media bias is certainly the perception, but it’s based on a lot of anecdotal evidence and people talking about ‘What I think,’ ” said Michael Howe, chief technology officer for 4th Estate.

The neo-apologist campaign against bias is most often based on such anecdotal and subjective analysis of single news stories. This may explain why some experts cannot agree with allegations of systemic negativity from underperforming foreign journalists.

“The quality of reporting [on Japan] in the foreign languages I regularly read, which are English and French, has never been higher,” Cucek, who runs the popular Shisaku blog, said in an email. Cucek did opine that The New York Times had had “problems” with correspondents in the past — although Tabuchi, he added, was the best in “recent memory.”

By contrast, deep concerns about “BS” foreign reporting on Japan have driven some observers to embark on a kind of crusade. Inoue, for example, who on one hand rejects the idea that he is a media watchdog, once paradoxically expressed his “hope to force the overseas media to do their job better.” Writing in 2011 on the now-expired Tepido.org, Inoue expressed an arguably legitimate concern that foreign bureaus often employed journalists who were not fluent or near-native Japanese speakers, could not engage in proper investigative reporting because they relied on inadequate English-in-Japan source material, and failed to develop “powerful Japanese connections (political and business), instead preferring to hang out in the ‘gaijin ghettos’ and wait for the Japanese with an angle come to them.”

But worst of all, perhaps, so-called Japan-hating sites such as Debito.org were used as an information source by foreign media after 3/11, Inoue claimed. To “fix” this wider problem of a “chain of distortions” tainting foreign reporting on Japan, Inoue hoped that “by discrediting (or, dare I dream, IMPROVE) the blogs and English-in-Japan sources that the international press uses too often as primary sources, I hope to force the overseas media to do their job better.”

The extent to which foreign media in Japan rely on English-in-Japan sources is unclear. Writing in 2010 in East Asia Forum, Cucek argued that undermanned foreign bureaus were regurgitating anti-government Japanese-language media — not the English-in-Japan media that so concerned Inoue. “With most non-Japanese media organizations cutting staff or leaving Japan entirely, the world is relying more and more on unfiltered retransmission of what Japanese media outlets are producing,” Cucek wrote. This resulted in “the broad dissemination of reporting which is potentially more harsh and negative than the on-the-ground reality would require.” The increasingly pro-LDP line of papers like the Mainichi, which also have English online editions, exacerbated anti-DPJ coverage in foreign media, according to Cucek, during the Democratic Party of Japan’s tumultuous term in power.

This vernacular source of media negativity does not feature in the neo-apologist narrative. Since 3/11, the Japan defenders have held the line that the prejudices of fly-by-night gaijin reporters underlined sensationalized and inaccurate media coverage of the Fukushima crisis. When Japan Probe called out a New York Times story for adding “extra fear and distrust” about a planned evacuation from the Fukushima area, the commenter @FullFrontal asked: “Kyung Lah, Tabuchi Hiroko, and Norimitsu Onishi. . . . Why do American media have to send to Japan journalists who have a deep-rooted hatred toward Japan?” In the instance of former NYT reporter Onishi, some pro-Japan voices have even claimed that his alleged anti-Japanese agenda was linked, in part, to his (completely unsubstantiated) ethnic Korean ancestry.

The view that the neo-apologists rely on anonymous “embittered trolls” to bully journalists online misses the sophistication of a multi-faceted campaign, however informal. YouTube shows and sundry blogs also expose netizens to the pro-Japan narrative via predominantly light-hearted entertainment. On YouTube channels such as 2.5 Oyajis, the expat presenters wear funny hats and discuss human interest curiosities in Japan. The very reasonable, informative and casual online tete-a-tetes seem designed to offer an insider view of Japan to a global audience — the 2.5 Oyajis even discuss things they sometimes hate about Japan, like old ladies who shove in to get seats on crowded trains.

Very often, however, the presenters segue into more pointed discussion on media negativity about Japan. In the “Are Sex Slaves Ever REALLY Necessary?” episode from May 15, the negative publicity generated by Osaka Gov. Toru Hashimoto’s “comfort women” gaffe was put in deeper historical context, with particular emphasis on past measures by Japan to draw a line under the issue. The conversation later turns to doctored photos purportedly from the Nanjing Massacre, after co-presenter Gimmeaflakeman, an American, refers to a story in Japan Probe about a new inquiry “supporting the Japanese argument . . . that maybe a lot of that stuff was made up.”

The 2.5 Oyajis, who speak excellent Japanese and often proclaim their love for their Far Eastern home, may not necessarily agree with the “Japanese argument” in every case, but they certainly appear to want to refocus such debates to counter foreign media negativity. In the episode “Gaijins that piss us off,” the presenters single out media types who live in Roppongi, hang out in gaijin bars speaking English and act “like they know everything, when really they don’t know shit,” in Hikosaemon’s words. Worse of all, he added, “these types then go into the mass media or go back abroad, and these guys who know nothing are showing off while spreading misinformation.”

Such claims of misinformation are never related to understaffed foreign bureaus, or inherent media skepticism toward the powers that be — or, as Tokyo-based writer Jake Adelstein noted in the aftermath of 3/11, the exclusion of foreign media from Japanese-only press clubs. In the pro-Japan narrative, negativity is personal; it is the remit of, in Hikosaemon’s words, “con artists” who hate Japan.

When “alarmist” foreign media “fear-monger” about wartime sex slaves, contentious visits to Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese government ministers or Fukushima radiation leaks, the neo-apologists can, in an echo of the liberal media bias debate, simply write off such reporting as being irredeemably poisoned by personal prejudice. As in the U.S., nuance and complexity become the victims in a highly polarized discourse over media bias.

Japan’s foreign-born defenders and detractors appear committed to an often toxic online war that might be headed for the courts (ongoing claims and counter-claims of personal threats and defamation are beyond the scope of this article). But will this seemingly exceptional war of semantics — there appears to be little evidence of similarly vicious online debates in other expat communities — potentially create more negativity about Japan than the so-called negative media coverage itself? Are foreign bureaus in Japan actually spooked, and has open debate been stifled? (A number of journalists approached for this article did not want to comment.)

Or, with Japan currently receiving subdued international attention more than two years after the Tohoku disaster, will the war of words inevitably die out? Is a detente even possible?

Ironically, most non-native Japanese who write about their adopted home, even those who often critique it, seem to want the same thing: namely, to better understand the country they have chosen to live in and its place in the wider world.

Stuart Braun is a former Tokyo-based freelance journalist now based in Berlin. Send comments on these issues and story ideas to community@japantimes.co.jp.

  • Gavirel

    I don’t know if “the foreign media [has] it in for Japan.” But they certainly put more focus (sensationalized or not) on Fukushima and its fallout than the timid Japanese media does. Somebody has to because government and media in Japan tend to walk the same line (with some exceptions). As for “racial intolerance,” there is no doubt it exists and, once again, sources inside Japan rarely (if ever) address it. If you’re not happy with the alternative, speak up. Japan is doing a pretty good job eroding it’s own global significance. Change in all these matters must come from within.

    • Realistic

      Open your eyes man, the foreign media does have it in for Japan. It’s quite obvious.

    • Harry P

      Joe, the Fukushima is just one thing, but these foreign media outlets are usually critical of anything Japan, pre- and post-3/11. That’s the problem. Japan-bashing has been a problem w/ these news outlets especially CNN and New York Times for decades.

  • JusenkyoGuide

    There’s this thing called a mirror… Perhaps the author should make use of one? Seriously, this is the exact same thing that he is accusing the pro-Japan side of. What’s sad is that the Japan Times publishes it.

  • http://www.facebook.com/deejaytaufiq Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi

    Yeah, all this alarmist “Foreign Media r teh evils for misrepresenting glorious 日本” is just paranoid BS.

    Foreign bureaus in Japan are understaffed and lack access to Japanese press clubs even if foreign journalists have good Japanese proficiency. Of course they’d have trouble writing about Japan. Jake Adelstein have been saying this for years now, and yet Japan Probe still blames the foreign media.

    And besides, what can write about Japan? Other than earthquakes and WWII, Japan is the most boring nation for news. No one cares about AKB48 and Johnny’s idols outside Japan, anime and dorama are not exactly that overseas would read about in newspapers, and Japanese politics is dull except for a few exciting racists like Ishihara and Hashimoto. 21st century Japan is dull and boring compared to the 90′s and thus looking for a good story in Japan for a global audience is like a game of whack-a-mole.

    • Max Erimo

      Congratulations, you got it exactly right.
      Japanese media don’t srutinize politicians police and companies the way they should. There is no news in Japan.
      I watch only BBC and CNN so if there is really any news worth knowing about Japan it will appear there, and probably faster and more accurately than in Japanese media.

    • Masa Chekov

      Any “journalist” who needs access to a press club to write up a story has no business being called a journalist. That’s called “being a tape recorder”.

  • Masa Chekov

    This article reads like it was written by Mr Johnson and put out there for publication by this “Stuart Braun”, who though a journalist doesn’t seem to have anything published regarding Japan online, and precious little otherwise.

    Japan Times – could you PLEASE do some background checking on your writers? What is the agenda with attacking the same people who were attacked in the piece written by Johnson (and roundly criticized in the comments) here a few weeks ago? Why is the Japan Times attacking very minor blog sites again, just as that previous article did?

    Beyond that, Johnson – oh, I’m sorry “Stuart Braun” – doesn’t even bother to define the term “apologist”. It seems that one who does not agree with some of the crap published in the mainstream press outside Japan that one is an “apologist”? What a loaded term! It immediately implies that the “apologist” is ignoring facts for some one-sided fiction. How offensive.

    And what does “pro-Japan” mean anyway?

  • iago

    This writer, whoever it may be, seems to ascribe a lot of power to a (relatively small) bunch of people’s opinions on blogs, bulletin boards and Youtube, while failing to actually address the opening question. In fact, the piece is not about bias, or otherwise, in the mainstream media at all, is it? It’s about people having opinions.
    I guess we should all remember the new internet dictionary definition of “Troll” — i.e. A person who expresses an opinion different from my own.
    Other than as click-bait (and yes, I fell for it too), it’s hard to see the value of this article. It is, after all, just one(?) person’s opinion.

  • Nevin Thompson

    I’ve never heard of Stuart Braun before, and a quick Google Search shows only a couple of articles to his name. I wonder why the JT chose him to report on this story? Strange viewpoint, too: there’s the “journalists” versus “pro-Japan bloggers”. One wonders whether or not Braun is familiar with Kyung Lah’s reporting on Japan, or, if he is familiar with her work on CNN, he has the background on Japan to understand that her reporting is sensationalist and bordering on racist.

    I think you need to have some local knowledge of Japan to report on the country, and also need to speak and read Japanese. Too bad Braun does not.

    But the question is, why would JT publish such an inexperienced journalist?

    • Masa Chekov

      Very low standards, apparently.

    • iago

      I doubt that the Japan Times actively commissioned this article to fill a much-needed gap in the “articles about what a person I’ve never heard of thinks about Japan” market.
      Much more likely that the writer submitted the article on spec. and Japan Times’ editorial staff felt it fit a vacant space in the community pages.

  • Masa Chekov

    Agreed, except showing the other side of ignorant falsehoods is hardly blindly defending Japan. I’ve never met anyone who blindly defends Japan, not that Japan needs any blindly defending anyway.

    I do find it interesting that you mention Japan’s “quite glaring social, legal, and judicial flaws” – this is the same everywhere, though, isn’t it? Put the magnifying glass on any country you choose and you will see these flaws, inequalities. Japan is no worse than anywhere else for this.

  • Roan Suda

    This sloppily written article is full of innuendo and weasel words. The most absurd suggestion, one not directly related to the topic, is that the American media were more critical of Obama than of Romney–i.e., hint, hint, that there is no leftwing bias. Ha!…Not all of us who are heartily sick of Japan-bashers such as Arudou Sharpton and company inhabit a cherry-blossom-colored haze, with secret yearnings to drive around in neo-nationalist sound trucks…One minor complaint: reticent is not a fancy synonym for reluctant. The writer needs to take a course in remedial English.

  • Masa Chekov

    I’m curious if you actually read Japanese media, bloggers and such? Because I have seen very little in Japanese media that would be described as “extremist”. That seems to be a plague that has hit English-language media hard but not so much in Japan. Timid, perhaps, but hardly extremist.

  • Daisuke

    I am not sure what is worse. This article, or the attention it is recieving? This piece just runs around in circles like a child without pants on. Copy and pasted youtube links and unexplained fancy dribble should not validate publication. Truth is the stupid illustration is the only reason people are reading this crud, delete it and let the article get the attention it deserves!

  • Gordon Graham

    I wonder if it was a “conscious choice” of Mr.Braun to leave out the fact the Mr. Dezaki left his job at the end of his short-term contract in order to travel as stated on one of his Youtube uploads. Or whether or not it was a “conscious choice” to choose to state that Mr.Dezaki was an “American teacher” and not an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) and as such was assigned to help teach his charges English conversation, not social science. That Mr.Dezaki had no license to teach and was therefore unqualified to teach human rights in a social science type class (entirely in Japanese) seems an insignificant detail for Mr.Braun, who prefers implying that Mr.Dezaki was hounded out of a job. I’d like to thank Mr.Braun for demonstrating the kind of misinformation he seems to question in his article.

  • The Apologist

    The article writer’s invoking of a political left-right dichotomy to describe this debate is inaccurate. One doesn’t have to be a nationalist or support nationalism on any grounds in order to enjoy living in Japan and/or thinking that many popular criticisms of Japan are shallow, ill-formed or unjust. As for other typically right-left issues, such as centralized economics and moral issues, there is a wide variety of viewpoints among the so-called apologists.

    However, the many comments citing Japan’s ‘timid’ ‘right-wing’ ‘non-critical’ etc. etc. are typical of the problem those of us on the allegedly ‘apologistic’ side oppose. How many of these claimants can or do regularly read Japanese news media, magazines or listen to in-depth Japanese news stories. If not, and I suspect ‘not’, on what basis are these claims being made? I suspect they are borrowed tropes from the standard Western sources, popular, unexamined old prejudices.

    Japanese media is rich with variety and vitality, in-depth and critical commentary, and yes on such issues as Fukushima fallout and racial relations. Unless you can follow it, and choose to do so regularly, claiming otherwise is just a matter of parroting ignorance. Trotting out this tired, narrow establishment view is just the opposite of ‘critical thinking’.