• Supporting the Jewish Community

    Applause Catering provides Kosher Catering Services for charities like Forever Chai, Chabad Youth Network, Herzog Hospital and the Jerusalem Foundation of Canada.

  • Certified Kosher Caterers

    Applause Catering is a certified Kosher Caterer in the city of Toronto. Our Kosher kitchens are located at Beth Tzedec, Toronto.

  • 31 years of experience

    Applause Catering has provided Kosher Catering Services in the city of Toronto and the GTA for over 30 years.


Kosher Catering Toronto

Applause Kosher Catering – premier Kosher caterers in Toronto with 30+ years of experience. Our Kosher Catering is under the strict Rabbinical supervision of Badatz of Toronto with kitchens located at Beth Tzedec.

Kosher Catering Services

  • Wedding Catering

    Applause Catering creates exclusive menus for every wedding that we provide Kosher catering services at. Please contact us by filling the form.

    Wedding Catering
  • Corporate Catering

    Applause Catering’s award winning team provides exquisite Kosher Catering Services that will impress both you and your guests at affordable prices.

    Corporate Catering