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View Important Announcement Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here . Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks). Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated! Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix! Anonymous Super Robot Taisen UX Perfect (...)
No. 9125781 >>
About time,my party needs some TAMASHII >>
Time for some confirmations. Thank god. >>
>>9126037 Where did you live? We already knew that for months.>>
>>9126442 Last time you said it was K, then it was Z2, make up your damn mind.>>
>>9126449 each one sets a lower bar?>this is of course coming from someone who enjoyed Z2.... I wonder how OE will ruin the franchise>>
>>9126471 I frankly believe anyone who enjoys Z2 has not played Z1. Hopefully, Z3 will get rid of all the horrible shit Z2 introduced.>>
>>9126507 I'm sure it's possible to enjoy Z2 while acknowledging it's complete shit compared to Z1. Like me.>>
>>9126518 tis true its like enjoying skyrim even if its shit compared to morrowind>>
>>9126507 >I frankly believe anyone who enjoys Z2 has not played Z1. Or they're a Geassfag or GL fag and don't give a shit>>
>>9126541 It's like enjoying Brawl even if it's shit compared to Melee>>
>>9126542 Or Tetsujin (WRONG or RIGHT?) Or Votoms>>
>>9126545 Only if you're a....heh...tourneyfag.>>
>>9126545 >he didnt mod Brawl to remove tripping >>
>>9126507 It's easy to do if you're smart enough to realize how stupid it is to compare a console game to a handheld.>>
>>9126959 >B-BUT HARDWARE LIMITATIONS Still going on with this baseless assumption?>>
Anybody know what attacks the Riots C and X were capable of? I haven't seen any in the walkthrough vids because every uploader skips attack animations. >>
>>9126863 It replaces the boring bits of the new testament with super robots.>>
>>9127131 The first thing that came to mind was a giant mecha-jesus preaching the word with an army of robots flying by his side. And I'm 100$ that someone already drew that.>>
Chen Gong
No. 9127946 Shouko: - Defeat the Sphinx A-type with Kazuki during the Prologue - Defeat five enemies or more with Shouko in Stage 13 - Kazuki's loop kill count is 100+ by stage 26's end Karen - Choose the Space route after Stage 6 - Choose the Japan route after Stage 16 - Choose the Tobikage route after Stage 26 - Before Tobikage route Stage 28: Joe, Lenny, and Mike's loop kill count is 150+ - Don't damage Karen during stage 28 - Shoot down the Shalum as Joe in stage 28 Burn Burning - Choose America route after stage 13 - Before stage 31 begins, Shou & Marvel's loop kill count is 100+ - Select Cham as cheerleader on Stage 31 - Trigger the dialogue event when Shou attacks Burn - Reduce Burn's HP to below 10% using Shou, without killing him Cockroach Batman - Choose America route after stage 13 - Choose Tobikage route after stage 26 - Choose Arkham City route after stage 32 - Choose Union route after stage 41 - By stage 44: Heroman's loop kill count exceeds 200 Lu Bu Tallgeese & Diao Chan Qubeley - JUDA route stage 7: Sun Quan defeats Lu Bu - Japan route stage 16: Sun Quan defeats Lu Bu - Stage 22: Cao Cao defeats Lu Bu - Stage 34: Cao Cao defeats Lu Bu - Stage 36: Side with Cao Cao and defeat Lu Bu, alternatively defeat Lu Bu with Sun Quan if you side with him (you fool) - After Stage 41: Choose Tatsumiyajima route - Before Tatsumiyajima Stage 42: Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan's cumulative loop kill count exceeds 300 - Stage 42: Liu Bei defeats Lu Bu >>
>>9127978 You amuse me anon, the people who complain about Z2 have played other games, which means they aren't the "newfags" as you put it.>>
>>9127978 >quoting someone who directly said he enjoys Z2 >>
>>9127978 most of /m/ is allergic to synth violins>>
Chen Gong
No. 9128006 Graham Gundam Ashura Special - After Stage 6: Choose Celestial Being route - After Stage 13: Choose America route - After Stage 26: Choose Byston Well route - After Stage 32: Choose Vajra Nest route - By Stage 48: Graham's loop kill count exceeds 50 - Stage 48: Select Graham as commander The Immortal Cola - After Stage 26: Choose Byston Well route - After Stage 32: Choose Vajra Nest route - By Stage 48: Setsuna's loop kill count exceeds 150 Mark Nicht - By Stage 47: Kazuki's loop kill count exceeds 200 - By Stage 47: Twin Dog, Cross Dog, Cross Dog (senpai version) each used at least once - Stage 47: Kazuki defeats Misao President Badass & Juda - After Stage 6: Choose JUDA route - After Stage 13: Choose Japan route - After Stage 26: Choose Tobikage route - After Stage 32: Choose Vajra Nest route - Tatsumiyajima Stage 43: Kazuki defeats Katou Hisataka - Before Stage 45: Kouichi's loop kill count exceeds 200 Oukaou & The Kamikaze Dropout - Stage 12: Asap defeats Sakomizu - After Stage 13: Choose America route - Byston Well Stage 28: Asap defeats Sakomizu - Stage 38: Asap defeats Sakomizu - Before Stage 40: Asap's loop kill count exceeds 100 - Stage 40: Select Erebos as cheerleader - Stage 40: Exceed seven persuasion points
- 1 points: Joe, Kira, Athrun, Shinn, Kaidou, Kurou, Aoi, Joey, Liu Bei
- 2 points: Arnie, Fei, Alto, Cao Cao, Burn, Sun Quan, Kouichi, Amalgam, Kazuki
- 3 points: Asap, Lux, Saya, Shou, Setsuna >>
All will be within my breast. >>
Chen Gong
No. 9128060 Michio & Mark Ein - Stage 20: Michio kills three enemies or more - Before Stage 37: Michio and Kanon's cumulative kill count exceeds 100 - Stage 37: Select Michio as commander GOUBYNE - After Stage 26: Choose Byston Well route - After Stage 32: Choose Arkham City route - Before Stage 35: Triple Dog is used at least five times - Before Stage 38: Mamoru, Sakura, Kenji's cumulative kill count exceeds 150 Zerokage & Super Ninja - After Stage 6: Choose Celestial Being route - Japan Route Stage 17: Joe defeats Ilbora - Stage 22: Select Romina as commander - Stage 22: Joe defeats Ilbora - Stage 30: Select Romina as commander - Stage 30: Joe defeats Ilbora (both Skeleton and Zerokage) - Stage 39: Select Romina as commander - Stage 39: Joe defeats Ilbora (sensing a pattern here?) - Stage 49: Select Romina as commander - Stage 49: Joe defeats Ilbora Onii-chan & VF-27γ - After Stage 6: Choose Celestial Being route - After Stage 13: Choose Europe route - After Stage 26: Choose Tobikage route - After Stage 32: Choose Vajra Nest route - After Stage 41: Choose Union route - Stage 50: Select Ranka as commander - Stage 50: Alto defeats Brera Green River & Liber Legis - Stage 3: Kurou defeats Doctor West - Stage 4: Kurou defeats Master Therion - After Stage 13: Choose America route - After Stage 26: Choose Byston Well route - Stage 32: Select Ruri as commander - Stage 32: Kurou defeats Master Therion - Arkham City Stage 33: Select Ruri as commander - Arkham City Stage 33: Kurou defeats Caligula - Union Stage 42: Select Ruri as commander - Union Stage 42: Kurou defeats Claudius & Tiberius - Union Stage 43: Select Ruri as commander - Union Stage 43: Kurou defeats Titus, Augustus and Nero - Before Stage 51: Kurou's loop kill count exceeds 200 - Stage 51: Select Ruri as commander - Stage 51: Kurou defeats Master Therion Good hunting, lads. >>
>>9127946 Was there any clarification on killcounts? Does it still have to be within the scenarios rather than pure kill count?>> for future reference>>9128073 Starting kill count + stated kill count = actual kill count, isn't it? And it only counts for whatever loop you're currently on >>
>>9128085 I didn't know if the mention of loop kill count meant carry over from previous playthroughs. And don't kill counts auto inflate after first playthrough?>>
Chen Gong
No. 9128106 >>9128104 Yeah, so you'll have to keep track after the first loop.>>
>>9128060 UX really likes the kill x with x requirement for secrets.>>
Looking at the secret requirements, you can get the majority of the secrets by going CB, America, Byston Well, Union in one run. >>
Chen Gong
No. 9128126 >>9128122 Yeah, were I not passing out at the keyboard, I would totally try and draw up a flowchart or something to simplify things.>>
>>9128060 Almost done with second run, requirements for karen and michio are correct, got them both.
Mamorus is wrong, I didn't go to byston well and I'm pretty sure that I used Triple Dock less than 5 times, but I still got him. Used the requirements put on akarasu and they worked. Irubora/Zerokage is missing something, I did all of that as well but he still is getting killed...on stage 49 at the moment, gonna try it again and see if it changes.>>
>>9128060 >So many requirements for every secret No wonder New Game+ keeps secrets that you've unlocked still unlocked.>>
Chen Gong
No. 9128148 >>9128141 These are translations from the Perfect Bible.>>
>>9128148 I know, but I got Mamoru despite not going to byston well stage 26 and I'm not getting Zerokage.>>
Chen Gong
No. 9128188 Uh oh, I missed a flag for Oukaou: - Stage 40: Asap defeats both Oukaou and Hyper Oukaou. >>
>>9127946 >>9128006 >>9128060 It amuses me how they actually try and make good secrets for Nintendo titles, while Z2.1 and 2.2. had very few secret units and other secrets were just some items.>>
there's a new srw already?>3ds fuck me how is it so far? >>
>>9130588 Pretty good. It has its flaws, but is at least fun. With that said, thanks to the region-lock issue it's one of the games /m/ is the most indifferent to, outside of that one guy who really really hates it (maybe there's more, but that guy samefagged so much about it he effectively killed his own opinion's credibility).>>
>>9130602 oh right the region lock. most of us (i assume) are gonna have to wait until 3ds becomes emulatable before we can play a lot of games. damn it all.>>
>>9130617 3DS has been pretty good at localizing most games so far unless you live in Europe or something>>
Any more photos of the originals? >>
>>9130981 Aw, too bad i was hoping for pics of their mechs.>>
>>9131014 Yeah, Z2 had such great secrets, like...Rolo. And Anew. Yeah...>>
>>9127899 Who else besides me likes the Odessiya?>>
>>9131083 Me. Odysseia's really cool looking, has some neat gimmicks, good attacks and a good BGM. The Lyrus on the back is a bit large but other than that it's great.>>
>>9131083 I think I like Riot B better than any of the other UX originals. It's got a real retro-Banpresto vibe to it.>>
>>9131127 I want UX to get into OG soon just to actually get it as the new MP unit. MP Huckies are pretty boring and have no interesting weapons, meanwhile Riot has standard Gundam stuff + dem pikes and OBARI SWORD.>>
>>9131127 I only really like Odysseia and the parts that form it>>
>>9131082 Meanwhile UX has.................I got nothing>>
>>9127899 I like it but even though the two combining was obvious i expected a few more new attacks.>>
>>9131188 I expected the rival to survive and join. Too bad.>>
>>9131160 So you concede that Z2 had bad secrets, then?>>
>>9131167 Like I said....nothing or at least nothing anyone would want.>>
>>9131191 We will never see an Odessiya and Vijaya Rampage Ghost.>>
>>9131201 Everyone surviving from their respective shows is not nothing, faggot.>Master Therion and Lu Bu >No one wants >>
>>9131201 So no one wanted Graham, JUDA, or Liber Legis.......>>
>>9131201 He just hates fun as well as every series in UX.>>
>>9131207 >>9131213 Look, this guy's been crying about this game for over two months, now, for what I assume is because it's got shows that he doesn't know. Nothing you say can get this guy to fuck off, so it's best to just not reply.>>
>>9131201 >Nobody wants Master Fucking Therion, TAMASHIII, Graham, Juda, GOUBINE, and Twin Kage Attack. Really?>>
>>9131127 Nope, MP units now are Lions, which means we're lucky if we even get to keep the units from 2nd OG. I'm already listing up the ones we will lose in the next game, the list is big.>>
>>9131239 I won't be surprised if by 3rd OG the amount of locked units pretty much increases two fold.>>
Metalman W.9
No. 9131269 >Fan art of planet sized tits god >All of them with only two arms You had one job Japan. Getting that out of the way, think we'll expect the next 3DS SRW in about a years time or a new one for Vita?>>
>>9131269 >Vita >Getting anything but ports of PS3 games >>
>>9131269 The Vita's already getting Masoukishin 3. Now a "normal" SRW's the bigger question. Especially since they're still making PSP games. Now the current situation might change (the PSP was kinda dead on arrival too) but for now I doubt the Vita will get a game before a long while.>>
>>9131284 I actually have to wonder what the Vita SRW is gonna look like. Is it gonna be like UX, or like Z? Or will it be more like A Portable, with its MX-y style? 3D? Or what if it's just Z3?>>
Metalman W.9
No. 9131305 >>9131283 >>9131284 Well I was trying to find some hope for Vita but yeah at this point it don't look good. At least with Masoukishin 3 for the PS3 we might get more SRWs for it down the line.>>
>>9130602 I really wish idiots would stop saying "it's fun" when asked about how good a game is.>>
>>9131312 >stop enjoying a game that's not what games are for >>
>>9131298 If OE is successful, they'll probably go with 3D.>>
>>9131284 The PSP was never ever at all as dead as Vita is>>
>>9131312 A game is fun because I enjoy it. Why can't autists understand a simple word that even children get?>>
>>9131312 That's the purpose of games. Why do you play dodgeball? Baseball? Soccer? Tic tac toe? Hopskotch?>>
>>9131315 You can enjoy it all you want, but if I'm asking you about the quality of something, you need to give something better than "durr it's fun". You're effectively saying nothing.>>9131332 Not all games are made with fun in mind.>>
>>9131312 Z2 is shit, not fun, and i want my bandwidth back for pirating it.
UX seems okay>>
>>9131342 Do you do this every time someone says that they're having fun?>>
>>9131342 You'd enjoy UX if you enjoyed L. It's more of that but refined.>>
>>9131359 Only if I ask them about the quality of something. It's a valid answer for "hey you enjoying that game/movie/book?">>
>>9131364 This is the thing, though: "It's fun" is mostly a shorthand of "I enjoyed this." It basically just means that the guy you're asking about whatever liked what he saw. And you're certainly not gonna get any answers by just getting all indignant and pretending to be some kind of intellectual champ. If "it's fun" isn't enough for you, then just ask them to further explain why they think it's fun, don't start going all "heh filthy plebs" like a high school outcast.>>
>>9131226 With the exception of Graham I have no idea who any of those are>>
>>9131342 Hard mode. Name a non videogame game that isn't meant to be fun.>>
>>9131379 Saying how much you enjoyed something doesn't tell me anything about the quality of it either. Instead of saying that, tell me why you enjoyed it. Elaborate on the aforementioned flaws instead of stating they exist. Really, if you're going to help someone, at least try a little and don't give half-assed responses. I wasn't even the guy who asked about UX.>>
>>9131344 >UX seems okay Only if you're retarded>>
>>9131398 Nah, it's pretty good, actually. I think I like it more than L.>>
>>9131342 Let's see; it has a shit cast, terrible graphics, lame secrets and the story is incredibly bland and non-engaging. Worth a pirate but sure as hell aint worth $300>>
>>9131393 I can understand that, but there's still a difference between asking someone to be more specific and getting all pissy the second the word "fun" goes into play.>>
>>9131403 Nah, you're talking out your ass. At least Z2 looked like a PS2 title and not a first gen PS1 title like UX>>
>>9131410 Look, it's been over two months. It's time you moved on. Being this angry at something for such a long time isn't healthy.>>
>>9131410 >Shit cast Nope, incorrect.>Terrible graphics Nope, also incorrect. It looks better than what you're seeing on Youtube, assuming you're even researching the game beforehand.>Lame secrets Can't vouch for this one; I'm not looking at the secrets list until I beat the game once.>Story is incredibly bland If you don't enjoy crossovers, I guess. I don't regret buying it at all. I'm having a lot of fun with it.>>
>>9131403 I think I like it more than L too but I'm not far in.>>
>>9131239 Units lost, the ART-1 after you get Banpreios (since no one can use it after that), MP Huckebein might be replaced with a new MP model, Sanshiki, AM Gunner, and Armorlion. The reason I listed the Amorlion, and AM Gunner is because both are filler suits, so if Ryoto and Rio get new suits, they are fucked.>>
>>9131415 You should be specific in the first place. "It's fun" should never answer anyone's question about the quality of anything. "Fun" is completely subjective and has practically been reduced to an excuse used by people so they don't have to admit their favorite thing is shitty.>>
>>9131428 >I don't regret buying it at all. I'm having a lot of fun with it. DAT BUYER'S REMORSE>>
>>9131441 Most anything you can say about a game can be considered "subjective," though.>>
>>9131428 >>Terrible graphics >Nope, also incorrect. It looks better than what you're seeing on Youtube, assuming you're even researching the game beforehand. I can say this is true. It looks much better on the 3DS itself for some reason.>>
>>9131445 Seriously. Two months. Get out of your fetal position, take off your hate-diaper, and go outside. I'm sure your friends and family are worried sick.>>
>>9131441 Everything about entertainment is subjective because not everyone finds the same things entertaining.>>
>>9131445 Why would I have buyer's remorse? I wasn't about to pay full price for either the system or game, so I waited till I could get a good deal. $150 for the 3DS and $40 for the game isn't bad at all. Especially considering that UX isn't the only game I'm going to import.>>
>>9131428 >Nope, incorrect. Yeah...I'm sure am excited to play as Miku, SD Gundams.HEROMAN, and Wings of Rean. The cast list semm to have come for a rejected pile list plus Gundam 00 and Macross F in order to sell the damn thing.> It looks better than what you're seeing on Youtube, assuming you're even researching the game beforehand. So you're just blind>I don't regret buying it at all. I'm having a lot of fun with it. Who are you trying to convince here?>>
>>9131428 >Nope, also incorrect. It looks better than what you're seeing on Youtube, assuming you're even researching the game beforehand. Even as a guy that's only seen videos of UX, I can safely say that it's got way better map graphics than Z2. Animations, kinda depends, sometimes they're better than Z2, sometimes they're Tristan Divider-level, but the map's actually pretty neat.>>
>>9131447 >>9131460 That's untrue. You can be objective about nearly anything. It just requires a little bit more effort than most people are willing to put forth. You can point out the pros and cons of a video game independent of your own personal tastes, right? It's not even hard.>>
>>9131467 >sometimes they're better than Z2 Thanks for for the laugh>>
>>9131441 The problem is, everything is subjective, because everyone has different standards about it. Even worse since we're on 4chan. Saying, for instance, that a game's graphics are colorful is objective; saying they're good only brings greentext and lolnos from more elitist people and/or trolls. That's why I stopped making statements about quality here. "Fun" means "I enjoyed playing it and hope you will"; which is the most objective statement I can make because hey, I'm sure it's true.>>
>>9131474 Two months of crying over a game for having series you don't know.>>
>>9131467 >I can safely say that it's got way better map graphics than Z2's fucking nothing>sometimes they're better than Z2 Cool lie bro>>
>>9131473 That's untrue. No one can be truly objective. Everyone is biased to the core even when they think they are being 'objective'.>>
>>9131467 >Animations, kinda depends, sometimes they're better than Z2, Last time I checked Z2's animations wasn't pixelated as fuck>>
>>9131494 Certainly doesn't stop me from knowing a bad game when I play one and have fun with it regardless.>>
>>9131489 >Everything that UX does better than Z2 doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is that it has series that I don't know! >>
>>9131479 >>9131489 >>9131495 (and all of your other posts before that, there's a lot and I ain't quoting everything) Look, friend. I already told you this four or five times. If you don't want people to notice you're samefagging, make it less obvious. More variations in your phrases and post structure. Find more arguments. And start using periods at the end of your posts. As of now you sound like an angry parrot. So please go get some training, and come back when you'll be ready to be a REAL troll.>>
>>9131514 >I have to say that UX is superior to Z2 in order to sustain my buyer's remorse! >>
>>9131514 An SRT game having series I don't know is a plus in my book. I usually end up researching the series, and watching most of the better ones.>>
Aren't modern SRW games all pretty samey at the end of the day? >>
>>9131514 >Everything that UX does better than Z2 doesn't matter! This implies that it does anything better.>>
>>9131539 More or less. Meaning they're all pretty good.>>
>>9131528 >Only one person hates UX Looks how stupid you are.>>
>>9131538 >An SRT game having series I don't know is a plus in my book. Then what's the point?>>
>>9131554 Read the rest of the post, and find out! Exciting!>>
Is this going to be a thing everytime someone makes a SRW UX thread? SRWK was shit yet never receives this much dedicated hate. I remembered when SRW NEO first came out. Almost every post was how much it sucks. Years after it was released only NOW /m/ praises it? >>
>>9131551 Just accept that nobody can believe that more than one person could cry about a game that they haven't played for over two months for having series that they don't know, and move on with your life.>>
>>9131572 >Years after it was released only NOW /m/ praises it? We do?>>
>>9131572 Until the 3DS gets hacked and we can illegally pirate it, yes.>>
>>9131587 It gets some praise here and there.I liked it, too. >>
>>9131550 Not really. They're pretty mediocre.>>
>>9131590 Well at least /m/ shows its true colours in that regard.>>9131587 Well, the hate and bile that was present when the game came out was never brought up again. There weren't even any reminiscence on how they didn't enjoy the game at the time.>>
>>9131572 Simple. The first impression tends to ruin everything. Either you think it's crap from the get-go, or you hype it up and it doesn't live up to it (there's always someone for whom it doesn't). Result; hate. Later on you can find clearer judgements on it. Of course UX has not a lot of fans because of the region lock, plus there's the samefag on it and he's incredibly tenacious for some reason, so most threads end up looking like that.>>
>>9131606 >/m/'s appraisal for a SRW game depends if they can pirate it or not How incredibly shallow yet unsurprising.>>
Jesus, what's with all the Z2 hate? Far as I can tell you assholes are bummed out that it had crappy secrets (true), had shitty instrumentation (which I can get behind), that the crossover bits were badly done (variable) and that Yuusou wasn't in it for Shin Getter (BETRAYAL). Oh, and that it was too easy. A SRW game, too easy?! Quelle horreur! What the fuck are you even playing them for guys? If the answer isn't fanservice and animation porn, which Z2 delivered in spades, you're doing it wrong. >>
>>9131619 I'm not really sure about that. Aside from Mr. BETTER NOT HAVE ANY SERIES I DON'T KNOW, there's not really much, if any, hate for the game, since not many have actually played it, probably exactly because of that "can't pirate this shit" thing. Sure, there was that initial hate wave because of the admittedly kinda scrappy PV, but after that, it's mostly been smooth sailing. Of course, that also means that the guys that HAVE played it and DO like it aren't exactly numerous, either. /m/ seems to mostly be indifferent towards this game, since most of it simply hasn't played it.>>
Does /m/ even like SRW anymore? >>
>>9131641 I can't hate Z2 because it gave me VOTOMs.>>
>>9131641 Secrets, music, and crossover bits are ALL a part of the fanservice. Z2 didn't really fulfill any of those, so I'm not really sure if you can say that it's got fanservice in spades.>>
>>9131641 At least Geassfags and Gurren Lagann fags liked it. If they ever do an Impact style remake of Z2 I hope they fix all the problems.>>
>>9131641 I didn't hate it, but compared to SRW Z, Z2 felt like a step back. No squad system, worse canon integration, only one protagonist. Also Gaioh is a shitty bad guy and DAMONs are annoying to fight.>>
>>9131704 >DAMONs are annoying to fight You're honestly complaining that SRW is too hard? Wow.>>
>>9131641 Those Z2 threads were something else both before and after the release, probably the most fun I've had on /m/ probably because we were all waiting and playing it collectively as it came out instead of waiting in the mail for it to arrive like with OG2nd and UX.>>
>I can't hate Z2 because it gave me VOTOMs. THIS GUY FUCKING GETS IT.
Even if the Strikedog sucked >>
>>9131704 I can agree with this. Z had better game systems but IMO Z2 had the better cast. Except for Eureka 7 Movie. Fuck that garbage, good thing they barely used it.>>
>>9131708 They're not difficult to deal with, they just take a few more turns to steamroll, in a game where you regularily have deploy 20+ units. That shit adds up real fast, and turns the game from slog to slog^2.>>
>>9131704 I hated the squad system. Biggest roadblock for my playthrough of Z was that thing. Same for that partner sytem crap they had in OG2nd. Yes I realise the reatrdity of complaining about strategy in a turn based strategy game. Yes, I persist at playing SRW despite the fact I suck at strategy games. YOU DON'T ASK TO FALL IN LOVE>>
>>9131708 Can you read? I said annoying, not hard.>>
>>9131717 >The lack of secrets >Add a squad system >Fix the last half entirely since everything was obviously rushed
>Some animation could definitely need some retweenking etc. >>
>>9131730 >20+ units I can barely stand managing 12.>>
>>9131714 >but IMO Z2 had the better cast. I've never seen such blatant miss opportunities in a SRW cast before. What a waste.>>
Fuck the squads system Come at me Z2 haters >>
>>9131755 >Fix the last half entirely since everything was obviously rushed
What?Lack of secrets doesn't phase me. What could they have done anyway? >>
>>9131730 Another thing that annoyed people regarding the DAMON is their own theme. What's important to note here is that it's not really that bad a theme (not to me anyway). It fits the monstrous nature of the DAMONs quite well. The problem was that every time we fought a new type of DAMON, which happened quite frequently in Z2.2 it would play and overwrites almost everything else. It needed to seriously be kept for something like a last ultra powerful DAMON near the finale, not every single damn new monster.>>
>worse canon integration To be fair, if you cram 35 seperate anime shows into a single game, odds are the story isn't going to coalesce very smoothly.
And since at least 80% of us can't read runes, how is story a problem? >>
>UX thread >Turns into Z2 bash thread good ol reliable /m/ When OE comes out that'll be a blast>>
>>9131760 In the sense that the series were used badly, or in the sense that they could've used something else? Because if so, I just wish that they'd finally used the Getter Robo manga, instead of Armageddon. It would've basically been absolutely perfect, since you get that timeskip to move onto Go, and the Getters = Gurrens connection is twice as strong.>>
>>9131714 Z2 had a better cast than Z1, but handled it worse. Not to mention the actual returning series from Z had so little plot importance (with few exceptios like Amuro, if only for the sake of making a VA joke), they might as well not have been there. The only reason ZEUTH returned is because it wouldn't be a Z series game otherwise.>>
>>9131763 Basically how the handled the end for some series like Gurren Lagann for example and how the structure of the missions in the last half seemed too samey, it got pretty repetitive especially with no squad system.>>
>>9131787 It actually would be better if Zeuth hadn't returned and we only had the less bloated Zexis.>>
>>9131774 Z1 basically had perfect series integration, I think. EVERYTHING had a place, and EVERYTHING got to do neat stuff, and even Sayaka got to have a little subplot with Tekkouki. Z2 basically shafted about half of the new series, and double-shafted all of the old ones.>>
>>9131791 To be fair, the series always has had a problem with creating a compelling end game.>>
>>9131779 The former, a lot of the cross series interactions and team ups felt so pointless this time around particularly the shit with Wiseman and Charles didn't really amount to anything.>>
>>9131796 It used the manga Ryoma, manga Hayato, manga Shin Getter, and some weirdo posing as Benkei. I still have no idea what that guy was supposed to be. 8jiD-aY>>
>>9131763 More cross series combo attacks. MUH BOSS BOROT/WALKER GALLIA DOUBLE MISSILE TOSS. Seriously though, proper playable Kokubougar? With double knot punisher? Musashi coming back to life and being Black Getter's pilot? Final Dynamic Special with two Getters and shin Mazinger? Chirico/Fyana combo? Recruitable Energer Z with Tetsuya, not a anime faithful cop out? As far as I can tell, most of the Z2 bashing comes from the fact that it was a good game rather than an excellent one. If that's the worst complaints /m/ can muster, its very much first world problems gaming.>>
>>9131824 And then you get fucking UX which gives everything under the fucking sun. It's disappointing regardless how you put it and you expect more given that it's a follow up.>>
Unless /m/ is secretly hiding their ability to read moon, I laugh at people saying crossovers and plot in SRW is so-so. >>
>>9131865 /m/ usually waits until someone with "credentials" says something about it and then piggybacks off it.>>
>>9131865 /m/ isn't a monolithic entity that either can or cannot into moon as a collective. Some of us are better at it than others. Even then, it doesn't take much to figure out the general gist of what is going on at the moment.>>
>>9131951 Lots and lots of hot blood in there. I love it. Good show, UX. And they're actually calling Booby Yuga here "God"? I thought it was more complicated than that, something about the Hindu apocalypse or something.>>
>>9131762 >not liking tri-formation system I bet you don't even like Touga raping every boss unit the minute he gets to 130 will.>>
>>9132014 The personification of the last cycle of the world makes sense to be called a god.>>
>>9131269 >>9131283 Vita more like getting another new SRW, if pic related is true>>9132014 I there are creature that manage to trap one of Demonbane in loop, i wound consider it as "god".>>
>>9132174 The Vita SRW is probably PoJ. Where is that list from anyway?>>
>>9132182 >The Vita SRW is probably Po hurr>something >something gendum >something >super robot taisen series >something goondum >something else >super robot... PRIDE OF JUSTICE >>
>>9132187 >Implying I didn't read the list. I'm saying that it could be outdated or incorrect. That's why I asked where it was from. Stop acting like a smartass.>>
>>9132179 So, from what I get once you unlocked a secret once you only have to get the kill requirements on the next playthrough, or do you have to take each route again?>>
>>9132193 The kill flag is supposedly stored according to people.>>
>>9132191 Found it on /m/ PoJ thread sometime's ago. The list is not really outdated, incorrect maybe.>>
>>9132220 Poor Brera. And this is the Movie version, so he even gets shafted of a team attack.>>
I still wonder, why the fuck did they put this much effort on andrei's GN-XIV? NrIfS8g >>
>>9132308 I still smile everytime I see that they kept the fucking A slash in.>>
>>9132308 Speaking of which, what does the bible say about getting him and Patrick? Also, it really shows how the late-game units AKA the ones they did latter have much better animations than the ones from early game(like Force Impulse).>>
>>9132241 Brera confirmed for NG++ secret for most people.>>
>>9132345 I'm kinda baffled why Wil needs 200 kills. Even for a frontliner that's a little excessive.>>
Chen Gong
No. 9132380 Well now, this thread kind of exploded. I kinda wish I had waited for this before playing as far as I did, I was aiming for Burn but ended up without a save I could use to shore up Shou and Marvel's kill counts. Ah well. I'm apparently on track to get Will completely unintentionally. >>
>>9132334 Please read the thread.>>
>>9132380 I'm only on stage 4 so I can get anything I want right now. Oh Chen one question: You don't need to go to Byston well to get Shoko? The stage where she joins is over there. What about keeping secrets between playthroughs?>>
>>9132359 At least it isn't as tedious as Fafner secret in K.>>
>>9132406 >upgrade Elf hard (who transfers upgrades to the beast Sein anyway) >deploy every Fafner literally whenever possible >do one stage slightly differently than normal It's not that hard, to be honest.>>
Chen Gong
No. 9132428 >>9132391 I didn't see any clarifying remarks but last I heard, you can get Shouko without doing the Byston Well route but it'd be better to err on the side of caution, I think. With the exception of Night Camo Bilbine, Romina's outfit change, and Lux, all secrets become permanently flagged once you do all of the requirements.>>
>>9132406 K's Fafner requirements were pure assholery. I mean come on.>give Mark Elf at least five bars of weapon upgrades so it can carry over to Sechs (nothing indicates it would) AND pray for crits every turn >babysit Kouyou rather than the goddamn main character despite that you lose him when that mission ends >sortie every Fafner you got on about seven stages, most of which aren't even Fafner-related And if you complete it you can't use Cross Dock anymore. What the fuck.>>
Is their any mention of strategy to kill that Festum in the first stage to get Shouko? You don't have very powerful weapons, and Shinn and Luna are worthless to hit it once its HP gets around 30%. >>
>>9132461 You need a strategy for that? Shinn was consistently hitting it for me and then I just went and finished off with Kazuki.>>
>>9132496 I must have a bad Shinn or something, since he can't seem to hit anything without a spirit pumping him up. I actually just did it by using vulcans to gimp the Festum and using support attacks to give Kazuki more chances to attack. But looking at the killcount I going to have to purposefully fail missions to feed kills to people? Will and Therion need 400 kills combined, and unless you farm, I don't think more than one secret is feasible per loop.>>
>>9132531 It's set in such way that it's almost impossible to get everything in one run. That's why you keep secrets once you do them. I'm starting with the fafner secrets since that's all kazuki.>>
>>9132531 Also, supposedly the kill count thing works if you fail a stage and kill farm even if the kills don't show.>>
>>9132531 You should have your Shinn checked and replaced by a specialist. It's serious.>>
Chen Gong
No. 9132607 >>9132597 Nah, my Shinn was also in a bad way. I didn't manage to unlock Shouko because Shinn whiffed so much that I hit the unspoken turn limit. He got better though, so there's that.>>
>>9132607 This is why you always buy your Shinns from certified, confirmed sources. I know the second-hand ones are a lot cheaper and it looks like there's no difference, but then stuff like this happens.>>
>>9132461 Oh, I just thought of something, is it possible to max out on kills and miss secrets? Simply because I fed so many kills to Demonbane, if I have to get 200 more kills I don't want to have to get a repeat of SRW L>>
>>9132632 No, after the first run you have to manually count kills because it's a counter separated from each loop.>>
>>9132650 Only reason I ask is that Akurasu talks about a killcount multiplier bug, is that in reference to once you get the character for the first time the killcounts are inflated or that kills count for more after the first loop?>>
>>9132674 Basically you start getting shittons of kills for the next run but those don't count for the secrets. You have to actually do 100 kills (even if you restart a level through game over the kills count even if the counter doesn't reflect it)>>
No. 9132712 >>9132428 Just to clarify, you can probably just use Ryuuguutou(remove extra Us as necessary) instead of Tatsumiyajima, considering that they lifted the location name out of mythology.>>
Gonna dump a few random UX 4 panels since we have a thread going. That and Super Type 28 Dr.West Gundam is superior. >>
>>9133627 Reminding you there is no Sandalphon>>
And last one reminding you why Heroman is great. >>
Chen Gong
No. 9134336 >>9132712 I'm not quite so presumptuous as to second-guess which readings are used in Fafner. Though I did always wonder why there was no reference to Urashima Tarou.>>
I just checked the DLC. There's now 8 Puzzle maps and 16 Normal maps. >>
>>9128060 Guess Ruri is really the reason why I missed it. Is it also true that if you don't get the unit in the previous loop but already fulfill the kill count requirement, you don't need to do it again in the new playthrough?>>
>>9136787 You have to get the kill count requirement again if you missed the unit.>>
>>9136804 So the rumor isn't true then.
Well shit, guess I'll do a new game so that I don't need to manually note my kill count.>>
>>9132433 You can't? Admittedly I never checked but you can put Canon back in Mark Drei.-
+ yotsuba
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