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>[HorribleSubs] Majestic Prince - 14 [720p].mkv >>
Patrick fell for Irie by the way. >>
>>89225574 Their death flags just won't stop coming.>> 9CQA0UM >>
>>89225651 That dedicated Kei. NotLacus needs to back the fuck off.>>
My inner Keifag is probably too strong, but Teoria feels really fake. >>
>>89227058 She feels like an adoptive mother, really, I could imagine Shota Izusu telling her all that.>>
>>89227058 She's just bland. They gave an incredible amounts of characterization to everyone except her.>>
Holy shit what an awesome episode. >>
Can Midorikawa ever stop being gay? >>
>>89227639 > Dat face Oh great, didn't wanna sleep this night anyway>>
Ange confirmed for perfect husbando AND waifu by Team Rabbits standards. >>
>>89225290 2 power up in the same eps, Oh yeah!!>>89227614 serious the battle scene in this show is soo good>>
>>89227860 They aren't called Team death flag for nothing. I hope they survive just like Colasour.>>
>>89228051 >you will never watch Kei make you a cake >>
>>89228298 Do you think her cake would make your piss taste sweet?>>
So when do we get to see everyone elses power up? >>
>>89228956 I want power-upped Tomoko to break FTL barrier or something.>>
Holy shit that battle scene. >>
>>89229095 >Tomoko hurrr But fuck yeah, great episode>>
What would be Ange reaction to that video? >>
>>89229650 He whips out his futa cock and starts fapping.>>
This episode started with some rape trauma right off the bat. Running away from the inevitable rape.
What a nightmare. >>
I know since last week that this episode gonna be good since rape prince appear. But i didn't expecting to be this great. Good comedy in beginning great action in 2nd half. While mech battle is great i notice quality drop in 2D animation on 2nd half. >>
>>89230274 Majestic Prince actually deals with the topic of Rape and how some victims have PTSD.>>
>>89230373 More like Hirai's distorted faces coming into play.>>
Any scene with Ange.
Gay as fuck, or is it? >>
>>89227639 I think the show's entertainment value corresponds with Jiart's level of excitement>>
I KNOW YOU ARE HERO In my life >>
So Wurgaru mech is organic mech? I think they already explain it but i kinda forgot >>
My excitement for Akito episode 2 can't be contained since CGI is done by the same team. >>
>>89230848 It was the episode when they were on Mars.>>
>>89230927 mother with the leader guy as the father>>
Anyone else notice it was only Yoko Hikasa singing the ending? >>
>yfw this entire sequence My dick was not ready for that battle.>>
>>89231887 next you're going to tell me she voices Maria in Symphogear>>
>>89231887 Oh shit didn't notice! Glad She gets the ED to herself, Tamaki's seiyuu isn't really all that good of a singer>>
>>89232057 i feel yea. this has renewed my interest for this show>>
>>89232583 The Railgun S ED is decent. It's just that she is singing in her index voice instead of her normal voice for the MJP ED.>>
>>89224655 So is she trying to be a character this time or is she still a plot device?>>
>>89232583 What? She’s pretty good. Listen to the Railgun S2 ED.>>
I'm so glad I chose this as my primary mecha. That second duel. >>
>>89234253 I only started watching because VVV and Gargantia ended. Turns out, I like it more. Too bad I was missing out on the first half.>>
>>89234111 Plot device. If we go with the clone stuff then I think she might have been in love with a previous Izuru clone.>>
So now that Ange has seen just how RAPE Izuru can be, does that mean s/he is going to be a little more subservient or what? >>
>finally got the titan coloring down >>
>>89234642 Establishing alpha dominance is an important part of hierarchy.>>
>>89234642 He/she is going to be thrown into the love affair between Teoria<Izuru<Kei<Asagi>>
That duel was sexy as hell. The only thing that really bothers me about the show is how docile the voice acting is during combat. I mean I'm not expecting hot blooded grunting matches, but it'd be nice if it had a little more effort. >>
>Teoria is what triggers his survival instincts and mid-season power up Welp, it's official. Keifags = TOLD>>
>>89235522 she triggered his survival instincts by handing him a death flag she's trying to kill him>>
>>89235603 And Kei tries to kill him every time she steps in the kitchen. You can't trust any of these bitches.>>
>>89235675 Izuru and Asagi should just get together already!>>
>>89236313 Stop trying to give Izuru death flags you bitch!>>
If the character design wasn't so shit, i would so watch this. >>
>>89236375 I liked how the fountain colour turned to red when she told him to come back alive.>>
Fucking cuhrayzee episode >>
Asagi and Izuru want to see more porn and want to ask Randy for more. >>
>>89237287 More Rin-Rin look alike porn is always a good thing>>
Holy crap! This ep was awesome! Rape Prince vs. Moe Hero fight was fucking intense. >>
>Kei baking cake >Ange getting raped by Jiart >Red 5 transformation (permanent?) >That fucking duel, holy fuck it was amazing >Jiart transformation >Kei sitting by Izuru's bedside in the PV like a worried lover >Izuru making this face int he PV This episode was glorious, tied with episode 8 for best MJP episode IMO>>
>That fucking duel with the rape prince Holy fuck, did they just blow the entire budget or something?>>
this episode strongly hints that Teroria was his foster mother or something along the liens of a caretaker >>
Wonder if Ange's gender will finally be revealed soon or if they're just going to tease it as long as possible. Oh the suspense. Holy shit, that battle. MJP took me at least 7-8 episodes to actually get into, but I'm glad I stuck with it. >>
>>89239189 He'll be a genderless clone/cyborg type thing. Would you rub Ange's featureless crotch region, /a/?>>
>>89228051 Seeing her in that apron made my heart skip a beat. That or my pacemaker is on the fritz>>
>>89239635 >featureless crotch region So does Ange grow pubic hair? Is there just a patch of hair down there with nothing but smooth skin underneath?>>
>>89239635 Is it like a Barbie doll down there? Just nothing? How does it pee?>>
Do you think that fountain where Izuru meets Theoria has some foreshadowing with changing colors? >>
>>89239900 Instead of peeing, Ange sweats it out. This explains why Ange's so much better at running than the others. Biological necessity to shed that liquid. Life finds a way.>>
So we got our Sixth Ranger last week and now this week the Red Ranger got his Battalizer. What's next? >>
>>89240084 The rest of the rangers get their special attacks to keep up.>>
I won't lie, despite never being very excited about the animation quality of the series, this is the best close quarters mecha battle I've ever watched. way to go mjp >>
>>89240228 It won me over when Jiart joined his swords and made an X boomerang.>>
>>89240157 ...and becoming big tits general's lamata interest>>
>Izuru suggests to make Ange watch the porn vid What happened to your purity?>>
>>89240691 >Asagi goes along with it The real question is, what did they do that night?>>
>>89234149 I-I'm not that anon, but I like Miyu Irino, so I may watch it. Is that gaiden that bad?>>
>>89240779 >together More like each other. They really 'bonded'.>>
>>89240743 There's just one episode out so you can't say much about the plot, it looks interesting and has a more serious atmosphere compared to geass. More of a mecha war drama with geass.>>
>Agne couldn't keep up with Jiart Wait Why? Is it because Agne is always running at 100% so he can't pull out the extra 20 to 30% in crazy situations?>>
>>89241117 Because he just has an improved version, he's still heavy armor-type, so he isn't really meant to have super mobility and speed like Izuru.>>
>>89240880 Thank you. So is the way I expected when I knew who was the director. Well, I supouse I'll watch. It's just that everyone I asked before told me it was plain bad and boring. That made me fear very bad things.>>
I just finished watching this. Izuru is literally Amuro. >>
>>89241117 Black 6 is heavily armored. Red 5 is faster.>>
>>89241354 Pretty much, just more of what made Geass Geass.>>
>>89234347 So you picked up an actual mecha after the first two semi mecha shows were over?>>
>>89232930 Stop it Red-5, Blue-1 is my favorite but your making this hard!>>
>>89241117 All she does is spam, and we know how ineffective spraying is to Jiart, he casually evades them without even looking>>
>>89241272 It's closer to a classic mecha series than most shows from the last season.>>
>>89241880 Black-5 also has close quarters blades, so I think her unit is supposed to be like a compromise between what Blue-1 and Red-5 do in close/mid-range and Gold 4's long range.>>
So Archer will make his proper appearance next episode? >>
>>89238420 Indeed.
If you remove the other kids, I actually believe picture related is what happened.>>
>>89242075 Still waiting for Rape Prince's big brother to fight.>>
Thanks MJP, you just managed to lighten up my mood a bit. >>
Why is this show so fucking good? >>
Jake the Frenulum
No. 89242546 >>89242269 >next week is this exact same scene + Ange >>
>>89242462 Because nobody shitposts in the threads.>>
Bow to your new commander. >>
>>89242546 I wonder if s/he goes berserk mode when aroused.>>
>>89242750 >Learn from me kid, and you can be the second greatest commander the GDF has ever known. >>
Should I watch this. I like the art. >>
>>89242950 >Should I watch this. Do you like mechashit? If so then yes.>I like the art. What.>>89242955 No.>>
>>89243199 I can see Ange falling in love with rape mode Izuru.>>
>Kei sitting at Izuru's bedside in the preview >refuses to leave until he wakes up >falls asleep at his bedside overnight >mfw this won't happen >>
>>89243128 Hiraiface aside, the CG, backgrounds and stuff are all pretty good. It's visuals are certainly one of it's strong points.>>
>>89243177 Those shitty Hirai faces on the main cast are my major complaint about the show right now, despite the effort the animators are putting into improving them. Everything else managed to get better. Even fucking Tamaki and Izuru.>>89243195 Then you probably won't like this series.>>
>>89243343 >Kei's face when her husbando likes watching porn >>
>Izuru and Asagi suggesting to each other that they watch porn again >make up some bullshit excuse to include Ange to find out its gender Izuru is no longer pure>>
>>89241117 Chances are that it's because she doesn't have a will. She's seems to be only fighting because that's what she's made to do, while Izuru and Jiart have reasons to go against each other. She's one of those characters who act according to statistic data, and when facing something that goes beyond their data, they have no idea know what to do and gives up. She's basically always at her limit, unable to go past what her data indicates, while Izuru and Jiart can continue to do the unexpected because they act on survival instincts.>>
>>89243409 Who does who? I'm guessing Asagi would get cramps if topping.>>
>>89243387 Hirai face works well with MJP and unlike Seed and Destiny, you can tell the characters apart.>>
>>89243409 >>89243476 >Izuru comments on how boys his age are interested in sex Izuru wants to bone the only question is who>Capcha: keijsih clothing welp>>
>>89243565 She needs to learn the ancient art of yobai.>>
>>89243488 Can't I just loathe his new art style without having those abominations being brought up at least once? For the record I didn't like his char designs on the main characters on Ryvius either, though everyone else there looked cool.>>
>>89243565 Kei has super hearing right? I wonder if she can hear Izuru moaning while he faps.>>
>>89243427 I don't think Jiart can go beyond his capabilities. He's always been a great fighter, but I doubt he'll go to Izuru's level.>>
>>89243614 Nah, you can loathe his designs from Gundam though. MJP's are much better.>>
>>89243656 Haven't watched the new episode yet but Jiart is top-dog.>>
>>89243656 >but I doubt he'll go to Izuru's level. He surpassed Izuru earlier today when he got his upgrade. He has always been better than Izuru. Izuru's upgrade today only allowed for him to become as good as base level Jiart>>
>Hurry up Tamaki! >she screams >whatsherface blushing and going "kawaii <3" >>
Jiart will probably get an upgrade for his White Glint. Asagi and Izuru have a long way to get as good as Jiart is. >>
>>89243707 That's my point. He's always been the best so he can't go beyond that. Izuru is relatively new and can continue to grow.>>89243749 Izuru can keep growing. We aren't sure what he's capable of because he's pretty much Amuro.>>
>>89243789 >herface >her There are no girls on the dobermans>>
>>89243586 now, why would you call yourself that? /a/ is not a homophobic board>>
>>89243652 >>89243565 >doujin where Kei hears Izuru fapping in his room >breaks into his room and fuck him >>
>>89243829 >He's always been the best so he can't go beyond that His brother is probably better>>
>>89243920 I guess he's a little cute but he'd still be pretty masculine for a girl. And I'm pretty sure there's been indirectly mentioned that he's a guy a couple of time, like when Tamaki's checking them out and stuff.>>
>>89243664 I don't think so... Given the choice between the two, I'd still pick SEED's.>>
>>89243829 They also made a point to mention that Red 5 couldn't keep up with Izuru, even when it was upgraded.>>
>>89244092 Nah, Jiart is pretty much the big bad of the series. Big Bro is probably pretty amazing as well.>>
>>89244121 >I'd still pick SEED's. Glad to know you're retarded>>
>>89244092 I doubt it. I think his brother is just the more authoritarian one, either through leadership capability or some sort of birthright. Jiart seems more like the super skilled type who gives no fucks about being in charge.>>
>>89244121 Seed is pretty much the worst example of Hirai's character art.>>
>>89244092 His brother could also just have that position because he's older. They haven't stated actual ages if I remember right, and age plays a major part in who gets the highest seat.>>89244126 That's why I mentioned the Amuro bit. Amuro also had troubles with Gundam because it didn't react the way he wanted it to. They can always improve on or make a new mech for him.>>
>>89243829 My point is they act on survival instincts, while Ange doesn't, so she can never do what Izuru can.>>
>>89244186 Considering what we know of their culture, Jiart might be a better fighter but everything about his big brother implies the latter to be more suited for leading and controlling their subordinates. Also I'm sure he's a top tier fighter himself.>>
>>89244242 >They can always improve on or make a new mech for him. >Nu-Red-5 >>
>>89244175 Glad to know /a/ is a place where mouthfrothing assholes like you reside. Do everyone here a favor and leave.>>
>>89244352 Oh, alright then. I wasn't even thinking about Ange when I was talking about it, but I only focused on the Izuru and Jiart part.>>
>>89244121 For a Gundam series is a great budget, the character animation in SEED (and even Destiny) is fucking AWFUL. How can you compere the two?>>
>>89244476 They also had that weird plastic-ishly looking style going on with the two CE series which didn't help things and yeah, the character animations themselves were pretty stiff. Like TOR level. MJP is like Hirai improving a lot.>>
>>89244461 I'd also like to add that Ange seems more like a proto new type as opposed to somebody who was born as a new type like Amuro. They're amazing, but they never seem to learn more of their situation. Ange seems similar to that.>>
>>89244359 Pretty much. You don't get to be manly king of the space rapers without being pretty strong yourself but the way all the other characters seem to act towards Jiart makes it seem like he's the stronger one. His leadership might also have something to do with their space wizardry and that seer or whatever it was that showed up briefly.>>
>>89244423 >like shit art over superior art >anon calls you retarded over your shit opinion >WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH get out.>>
>>89244612 More like than animators actually care to animate the characters.>>
>>89244197 Hell no! What is Linebarrels ? Anything from him is better than Linebarrels fugly faces. I thought I'd puke at certain shots. And the most depressing thing is that the manga chara designs look quite alright.>>
>Ange getting his shit wrecked >that fight between Rape Prince and Izuru >that definitely-not-newtype faggotry When is Red 5 going to get the magnetic coating?>>
>>89244716 >the way all the other characters seem to act towards Jiart makes it seem like he's the stronger one. I think the way we've seen them act is more of a service toward the fact that he's a prince and royalty. Most people won't disrespect or fight against royalty.>>
>>89224373 (OP) Somebody tell me that the retarded commander is dying painfully soon.>>
>>89244889 Izuru is going to be his successor in the timeskip>>
>That entire last battle >Whole minutes of nothing but action Also, finally finally Tamaki has someone to give her the D>>
>>89245086 that shit gets handed to you pre-signed, you don't get to sign shit>>
I think it's funny how we were joking about this last week and they were actually thinking of doing it>>89245086 >>89245124 D...don't say that guys... >>
>>89245246 a nice, firm, ass. unlike Tamaki's oversized tumors>>
>>89245086 He's already signed, dated, stamped, finger printed and attached a DNA sample and current photo. This episode he was reproducing them in triplicate to be signed by witnesses. Seriously, how are they not dead yet?>>
What the fuck is even going on next week? >>
>>89245246 Does her cockpit have a vibrate function?>>
>>89245224 Stop being such a slut Asagi
>>89245216 Stop being so lewd Izuru What if she did turn out to be a girl?>>
>>89245313 >Tamaki blushing >Suruga blushing I seriously thought the title was going to have the word "love" in it>>
>>89245295 Too fun to die and no one wants to make Tamaki sad?>>
Being Asagi is so suffering >>
>>89244094 >>89244108 >>89244128 To be fair the "Patrick" part rang a bell, then again I heard that only after making that post. I must've also forgot tidbits of the previous episodes too.>>
>>89245370 Izuru was the one that talked about sex, Asagi just agreed>>
>>89245415 But he gets his own loli. Even her grandfather approves.>>
>>89244761 Seriously, it's like you cannot express your own opinion on this board anymore without some idiot going 'you are shit, your opinion is shit and get out!'. Spare yourself the humiliation and stop posting in this thread.>>89244612 SEED is quite bad, but I think what makes the MJP designs more unbearable for me is the...oversimplification of facial features? If this makes any sense. The faces look too childish.>>
>>89245415 >Asagi's face when loli gets killed by Jiart >>
>>89245463 If anything, the faces on MJP look more stylized and different from one another then Seed's ever were, at least my opinion on the matter. You could swap Yzak, Nicol's, Kira's, or Athrun's faces with one another and have the same person barring hair color and style.>>
>>89245487 I wonder what happened to him, did the 2nd form of red-5 alter his personality?>>
>>89245246 Seriously though, what were they thinking when they designed that seat?>>
>Ange's face when he/she gets told Though, this is good because this is probably for humbling him/her>>
Jake the Messiah
No. 89245695 >>89245519 It really helps that MJP characters spend half their time in SD-face mode.>>
>>89245663 S/he'll become Kei's new rival to get da Izuru.>>
These scenes are going to look really awkward if Ange is a dude >>
>>89245710 >Will Kei swoon? why would she swoon twice?>>
This is cute. For both of the genders >>
>>89245599 I think it's the opposite. His attitude at that point in time altered Red-5. Jiart's mech did the same thing when he decided to get serious.>>
>that entire fight scene
What the fuck? What business does this series have being this goddam awesome?>>
Why does Teoria look like she's wearing a dead octopus for a wig? >>
>>89245858 You missed the last combat-heavy episode?>>
Red 5 confirmed for favorite>>89245858 The power of studio Orange >>
>>89245860 I'm guessing this is what happens when you put your harmonic levels past 100%?>>
Is this supposed to me 26 episodes because it's moving slow as shit >>
>>89245882 Goddammit anon, you might be onto something.>>
>>89245929 You can hope it gets a s2 just because, even if it's underfunded.>>
>>89245918 You become the most incompetent officer in the whole universe?>>
>>89245895 For a red mech it has more white than it does red.>>
>>89245519 True. With MJP he at least made an effort to avoid the sameface. Still, I find the SEED faces more pleasant to look at than MJP ones in the end.>>
>Purple 2 frame Transformation make sit spawn arms and legs >>
How much longer until "I'M IN LOVE WITH HUNTING YOU MY LAMATA" >>
>>89246136 It's Midorikawa, it doesn't need to be said.>>
>we finally got to see the green chainsaw gun from OP1 my dick could barely handle the awesomeness of this episode>>
>>89246117 We've seen the transformation. It get's lots of guns on its ring.>>
>>89246136 Please. I'm pretty sure he sleeps at night dreaming of putting his lamata in chains>>
>tfw your the only one who really loves Blue-1 and Red-5 equally >>
>>89246196 that's not it's transformation, that's just fully armored Purple 2>>
>>89246196 I think he means a transformation like 100% thing like Izuru got this week>>
>>89246136 >>89246179 >Midorikawa Hikaru as Jiart >Toshihiko Seki as Rau Le Creuset I can't decide who I like best in the crazy-white-haired-Sunrise-antagoni st role.>>
How long until they get their tier 2 mechs? >>
>>89246223 What is that feeling? I really don't understand this because you could have any feeling toward liking Blue-1 and Red-5 equally. Are you angry, happy, sad or what?>>
>>89246373 But it still can't keep up with his commands. They're going to have to get an upgrade so he doesn't break his mech.>>
>>89246343 Blue-1 has the Spear of Grungir, its fantastic.>>
Jake the Bandaid
No. 89246438 >>89246308 Goddammit, Asagi.
>>89246341 >giant funnels with shittons of boosters on them >functions as remotely-controlled missile launchers/battering rams Sadly, that's probably not going to happen.>>
>>89224373 (OP) >Boiling Genes >that lewd >that beastial lust >that fight >that Black 6 yanyan >that Red 5 going full powah modo This shit just keeps getting better and better.>>
>>89246438 Of course not, that would just be silly. They're going to be remote shields.>>
>>89246499 >that black 6 getting his shit stomped into the ground by Jiart I fucking hoped it would happen I was so damn happy when it did>>
>>89246434 I'm not disagreeing with you, but I don't understand what is meant by saying >tfw your the only one who really loves Blue-1 and Red-5 equally. I don't understand what that feeling is. I enjoy all of them equally but because of the different aspects of each mech. To say that you are the "only one" who loves Blue-1 and Red-5 doesn't make any sense to me, and I don't understand what feeling you have toward being the "only one" who loves those two equally.>>
This is starting to sound kind of gay >>
>>89246633 >Midorikawa Anything that has Midorikawa as a rival to someone will be gay.>>
How would you guys feel if Team Rabbits started getting combo attacks?>Red+Blue chainsaw/ax/spear/katana whirlwind of doom >Rose+Blue/Red rocket-boosted IMPACT CRASH >>
Jake the Iron
No. 89246794 >>89246558 >not using your shields offensively Shield Bash works in space, too.>>
Ange is thrown into team that already has established dynamics. Beats main fighter in a fight. Is perfect in every activity, be it cooking, playing real-time strategy or shooting. Is modest about own capabilities. Is lusted by main cast, regardless of gender. Diagnosis: Mary Sue. >>
>>89247088 >Is lusted by main cast, regardless of gender. more like the main cast will start hating her>>
>>89247088 You forgot>gets shit kicked in by the enemy >>
I like Izuru, but I'm hoping the other characters get some time to shine too. He's been hogging too much of the spotlight recently. >>
Its actually Tamaki and Patrick during the ending guys. >>
Did anyone else first think that the dream sequence was a nightmare Kei was going to have it sounded like a woman to me at first until I fully saw Izuru running from Jiart >>
>>89241354 >>89241402 Akito is more serious but still fairly bombastic as you'd expect of Code Geass, I believe.
It's really just introductory stuff for now. The best part of episode 1 were the fight scenes though, so I agree with the anon who pointed out they're made by the same 3DCG people working on Majestic Prince.>>
I thought the Scene with Teoria was going to be another nightmare. >>
>>89247206 I think it's going to be a case of playing catch-up. Izuru is the simplest, so he moves ahead first. Then everyone else has to deal with their shit in order to catch-up with him. By the end, everyone has overcome their issues and obtained their tier 2 power-up. I'm hoping that how it turns out.>>
>>89246633 I wonder how they "get the genes" from their "lamata's".>>
>>89247555 >Episode 13 >"SPEED ISN'T ENOUGH TO BEAT ME YOU FUCKING WULGARU BITCHES" >Episode 14 >the enemy has so much speed that Ange can't hit it, gets fucked up >>
>>89247455 >everyone has overcome their issues Asgai will finally over come his ulcers and be confident enough to help lead the team??>>
>>89247088 >gets shit kicked in for getting in the way of Rape Price and Moe Hero's totally not gay all all, duel >Mary Sue >>
>>89247629 >mfw the 4 eyes upgrade allows for increased enemy tracking damn I'm slow>>
>>89247746 I think I'm in that club. I just thought the eyes were just cause it looked cool>>
>>89247746 Yeah, probably the reason why Izuru could keep up with Jiart>>
>>89247852 Yeah, you know, I had to rewind to make sure I saw that right.>>
Was there any lead up to this though? Not that I mind Tamaki finally getting some love. I don't think they showed him being interested in her before? >>
>>89232583 She's good if she uses her natural voice. 6WWAK1g 9A03vIU JL8dCr4>>
>>89247963 Ah, okay. I don't remember that then. Well good.>>
>>89247852 Looks like it feels good. Wonder when will get that kind of technology.>>
>>89247992 it wasn't anything major. When the giant beam cannon gets destroyed and Team rabbits + Team dobermans rally up together to fix things, Tamaki just starts boosting all over the place at light speed and he says "Amazing!". More like he was praising her ASHMB than her>>
>mfw that entire fight scene >>
>>89247206 >He's been hogging too much of the spotlight recently. Did you miss the episode based on the two girls?>>
>Ange shows up and starts showing everyone up >Izuru shits on everything this episode HE'S THE LEADAH>>
>>89248130 >he has dreams about Rape Prince >Rape Prince shows up for a fight >Rape Prince loses and now wants to rape him even more I'm never going to be ready for when they finally meet in person.>>
Are there any renders of the rape prince's mech on the official website? >>
>>89248390 Imagine how Jiart will react once he realizes there's a relationship between his lamata and Teoria.>>
>>89248542 Teoria is also his lamata Sasuga my lamatas, you both excite me!>>
>>89248651 >Teoria is also his lamata He explicitly stated that Izuru is his only lamata>>
>>89248390 Said dreams are about Rape Prince violating him too>>
>>89248542 >ignore bitches >get lamata He has no need for women>>
>>89248542 "Sorry didn't hear you, Teoria, what was that?" "Sounded like, 'Please stab me in the face and take your lamata'" "Can do.">>
>>89248701 >>89248542 What if Izuru is secretly Teoria's Lamata and she just hunts Lamatas differently.>>
So I'm guessing Asagi beat the other 3 units by himself? >>
>>89248934 they literally disappeared I think. I don't remember seeing them at all after Jiart told them to fuck off>>
>>89248667 It would be kind of weird they don't resolve the Jiart looking for Teoria thing. And now that they've mentioned Izuru protecting Teoria, it would make sense if he ends up protecting her from Jiart.>>
>>89248701 Lamata is just what they called preys as. And Jiart's goal is to conquer mankind so he can rape his sister who's residing there.>>
>>89248904 Well, if Teoria's a Wulgaru too then, that kinda makes sense.>>
This episode was surprisingly entertaining, I did not expect it but I enjoyed every second of it. >>
I'm starting to lose hope that Asagi will ever do anything useful. >>
>>89249730 His role is to suffer. And take out grunts>>
>absolutely no idea what their scale is Oh well.>>
>>89249985 Kei is a bit smaller than the others. Tamaki is huge.>>
>>89250274 That's not all gonna fit on one image I see>>
I think I got the sizes more realistic, this time. >>
Dat feel when no Blue action this episode. God damn it, but the Red transformation was fucking awesome. Mecha porn dump time. >>
>>89252203 Really loving the character dynamics.>Asagi and Izuru watching porn together as a suggestion to figure out Ange's gender Too good.>>
>>89252156 Blue is actually pretty good at taking out lots of grunts quickly (besides Tamaki for obvious reasons)>>
>>89252354 Here's hoping they update Full Power Red-5 soon.>>
Okay I've decided, OP2 > OP1 Which is a rare occurance >>
>>89252405 HAHA. You're a funny guy. I'll hunt you last.>>
It's time for best mecha
that is stuck with ulcers so he gets no screentime. >>
>>89252405 >decided Its way fucking better. I listened to it a lot today.>>
>>89252354 Why haven't we seen Full Armor Red 5 yet?>>
>>89252424 >being this delusional OP/ED2 are better than OP/ED1>>
>>89252405 I like OP 1 better musically, but OP 2 has way better visuals>>
>>89252433 You know what Blue needs? Something to make it stick out like a bigger sword or something>>
>>89252691 Did you want him to get ass-raped?
Besides Rape Prince would have just kicked him away for his beloved lamata anyway>>
>>89252751 >>89252768 I'd like to think Blue and Red are on the same level except Red can last longer due to super concentration and no ulcers.>>
Did /m/ liked this episode? >>
>>89253127 That would actually probably poison you, yes>>89253194 When are we actually going to see these mods?>>
>>89253362 I don't know. Maybe during the Ceres War?>>
Dat battle. 12/10
Would lamata. >>
>>89254080 So are those triangles going to open up into missile stacks, or is it some kind of special energy cannon?-
+ yotsuba
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