The objective of the lPEJ is to perform the clerical work with respect to training to the professional engineers, guidance and communication of the members in order to contribute to the maintenance of the dignity of the Professional Engineers and to the progress and improvement of the practice thereof and eventually contribute to the improvement of science and technology and to the development of the national economy and cooperation with the foreign countries. (Article2, lPEJ Articles, and Articles 1 and 55, the PE Law ).
IPEJ's Logo
We are pleased to announce that IPEJ's new logo has been implemented. It was adopted by the board meeting held on May 13, 2007.
In our new logo, "P" and "E" from "The Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan" are built into the design in the form of small letters.
The "p" and "e" convey concepts that Professional Engineers are required to take care of, such as "Comfortable, Safe and Peaceful Society"and "Environmentally-rich Society". This also implies Professional Engineers with high ethical standards.
Namely, "p" represents Professional + peace and "e" represents Engineer + environment, ethics.
Two red dots represents activities that can be conducted by PE(Jp) on a personal basis.
The far left red dot means unlimited technology progress, and the one at far right means responsibility to one's own engineering skill.
The left white dot means responsibility to society, and the right white dot means responsibility to customers.
Dark blue for the left part means society and for the right part means technology.
公益社団法人 日本技術士会 / Copyright IPEJ. All Rights Reserved.