Activities of IPEJ cover following fields :
-To develop and maintain relations with public and government
-Cooperation and Information exchange among the members
-Support to Continuing Professional Development of P.E.Jp
-Development and promortion of PE's business.
-International Cooperation
-IPEJ, nominated by the minister of MEXT in accordance with MEXT ordinance under PE Law, carries out examinations and registration of P.E.Jp.
Serving the dispatch of IPEJ member Professional Engineers to countries all over the world in cooperation with JICA, JBIC, JODC, JETRO. etd.
Co-sponsoring activities, such as international symposium, in partnership with the institution of Korea, Australia and other countries.
Serving as the secretariat of Japan Monitoring Committee for APEC Engineer Assessment and Registration which started from Nov.2000.
Participation for Engineer Mobility Forum to establish and maintain an EMF International Register of Professional Engineer.
Conducting work on bilateral and multilateral agreement on qualified engineers on the basis of Article 31-2 of the PE Law.
JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency
JBIC: Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JODC: Japan Overseas Development Corporation
JETRO: Japan External Trade Organisation
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