StatsParagon Level: 100 Heroscore: 20,165 DPS Unbuffed: 266,359.74 EHP Unbuffed: 1,088,980 +DPS (Poison): 14.00% Elite Kills: 11,379 Life: 109,073 Resistance: 844 Armor: 4,053 Strength: 267 Dexterity: 329 Intelligence: 3,272 Vitality: 1,904 Attacks per Second: 1.60 Critical Hit Chance: 54.50% Critical Damage: 430.00% Dodge Chance: 15.73% Life Bonus: 63.00% Life per Second: 288 Life Steal: 3.00% +Maximum Mana: 246 +Mana Regenerated per Second: 31 Movement Speed: 24.00% Magic Find: 300.00% Gold Find: 300.00% PvP Dummy: 1,885,393 | ProfileRegistered to: cpzangief - confirmedLanguages: Japanese Looking for Group: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 ItemsVile Wardheroscore: | +1,896 | dps: | +20,616.81 | ehp: | +278,036 | itemscore: | 611 |
| Zunimassa's Visionheroscore: | +3,343 | dps: | +40,235.54 | ehp: | +307,050 | itemscore: | 757 |
| Tal Rasha's Allegianceheroscore: | +4,466 | dps: | +85,276.89 | ehp: | +70,040 | itemscore: | 804 |
| Assassin's Gageheroscore: | +3,874 | dps: | +70,049.59 | ehp: | +126,693 | itemscore: | 679 |
| Zunimassa's Marrowheroscore: | +2,733 | dps: | +29,147.91 | ehp: | +334,645 | itemscore: | 660 |
| Lacuni Prowlersheroscore: | +2,408 | dps: | +40,408.74 | ehp: | +132,114 | itemscore: | 574 |
| Sinister Treasureheroscore: | +2,722 | dps: | +44,319.36 | ehp: | +170,869 | itemscore: | 474 |
| The Witching Hourheroscore: | +2,964 | dps: | +47,363.88 | ehp: | +199,612 | itemscore: | 662 |
| Zunimassa's Poxheroscore: | +3,298 | dps: | +56,963.77 | ehp: | +73,288 | itemscore: | 549 |
| Rupture Strategyheroscore: | +11,561 | dps: | +228,677.48 | ehp: | +44,060 | itemscore: | 2082 |
| Hunt Cryptheroscore: | +2,011 | dps: | +21,722.69 | ehp: | +301,097 | itemscore: | 554 |
| Thing of the Deepheroscore: | +5,302 | dps: | +89,559.45 | ehp: | +191,001 | itemscore: | 831 |
| | Zunimassa's Trailheroscore: | +2,451 | dps: | +30,884.34 | ehp: | +222,704 | itemscore: | 742 |
| |