アニメ第2期最終エピソード 第14話~最終回第16話 8月18日(日)13:00~(日本時間)全世界同時公開決定!" />
中国 China | 配信サイト「楽視」にて配信 Available for streaming on 「letv」 |
韓国 Korea | ケーブルテレビ局「Aniplus」にて放送 Available on Cable Television 「Aniplus」 |
台湾 Taiwan | 配信サイト「中華電信」にて配信 Available for streaming on「i-funtv」 |
タイ Thai | ケーブルテレビにて放送 Available on Cable Television |
シンガポール Singapore | ケーブルテレビにて放送 Available on Cable Television |
フランス語圏 French-speaking countries | 配信サイト「Wakanim」にて配信 <フランス・スイス・ベルギー・アルジェリア・モナコ公国・チュニジア・カナダ(ケベック州)> Available for Streaming on 「Wakanim」 <France, Switzerland, Belgium, Algeria, Monaco, Tunisia, Canada (Quebec)> |
その他の地域 Other Countries | 配信サイト「Crunchyroll」にて配信 Available for Streaming on 「Crunchyroll」 |
アニメ『俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない』のフィナーレを飾る「14話~16話 世界同時公開」。
The worldwide simulcast of the final episodes #14-16 of “Oreimo 2”?the idea of presenting this event came from the “passionate support” of our fans in Japan and also from all the international submissions we have been receiving for the “Oreimo 2 Web Radio Show.”
Every staff and cast member who has been involved in this series has put their hearts and souls into these last 3 episodes of “Oreimo 2,” and we have all been hoping to share these final episodes with as many fans as possible. When we saw so many dedicated fan submissions to the “Oreimo 2 Web Radio Show” from our international fans who watch every week through various streaming services, we knew we had to provide an environment where every fan can watch and experience these final episodes simultaneously.
At this time, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the staff who was involved in making this event possible. With everyone’s support, we were successfully able to make this announcement to our fans everywhere.
I am truly delighted to be able to bring the finale of this wonderful series, “Oreimo 2” to as many of our fans of the world.
製作プロデューサー 柏田真一郎
Shinichiro Kashiwada / Producer