Latest CSBBCS News

proposed-changes-to-csbbcs-charter-2May 29, 2013 - The agenda for upcoming CSBBCS AGM, scheduled for June 9, 2:30-4:00 pm, includes a proposal for changing various elements of the Society charter/bylaws, as well as a motion related to the financial support the Society gives to scholarly events. Click here to view a PDF containing the existing charter, the proposed new charter, and the motion related to supporting scholarly events. Please study these documents. Mark your calendar and plan to participate at the AGM in Calgary.
in-memoriam-dr-doreen-kimuraApr 2, 2013 - Doreen Kimura was an eminent neuroscientist and one of the founders and main pillars of the field of neuropsychology in Canada. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, she grew up in Neudorf, Saskatchewan. At the age of 17 she taught school in a one-room rural schoolhouse near Dubuc Saskatchewan and again at 19 in a one-room school near Cowan, Manitoba.In 1953 Doreen responded to an ad in the Manitoba Teacher's magazine and won an entrance scholarship to McGill University, where she completed Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees, obtaining a PhD in physiological psychology in 1961. During her PhD work, Doreen studied neurological patients at the Montreal Neurological Institute under the supervision of Brenda Milner, co-supervised by Donald O. Hebb, two of Canada's most distinguished behavioral scientists. In the early 1960s, Doreen was a postdoctoral Geigy Fellow at the Neurochirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital, in Zurich Switzerland, where she set up the Human Brain Function Laboratory, and a postdoctoral researcher in brain and behavior at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.
in-memorium-dr-lorraine-g-allanFeb 21, 2013 - It is with great sadness that we share the news of the untimely passing of Lorraine Allan. Lorraine passed away on December 16th, 2012 after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. Lorraine served many years on the CSBBCS executive and was awarded the Richard C. Tees Distinguished Leadership Award in 2006. Lorraine will be sorely missed. You can find a tribute to Lorraine's life and career on the McMaster website and her obituary can be found here.
2012-graduate-student-awards-announcedJul 4, 2012 - Based on their presentations at CSBBCS 2012 in Kingston, the following students received awards: Tanya R. Yonker (University of Waterloo) Brian Mathias (McGill University) Kevin R. Barton (University of Waterloo) Blair C. Armstrong (Carnegie Mellon University) Read More...