Active Vibration Control, AFM Noise, Soundproof Hood, Vibration Measurement Equipment

Welcome to Herzan's Website! We provide high performance environmental solutions for precision research instruments. This includes our acoustic enclosures, vibration isolation systems, Faraday cages, and site survey tools. We specialize in supporting nanotechnology research, but we offer solutions for product testing, in-vitro fertilization, and many other applications.
  • Organizations that utilize precision instruments can rely on high performance environmental isolation solutions offered by Herzan LLC, including acoustic enclosure systems, passive and active vibration isolation tables, Faraday cages, and site survey analysis tools. We specialize in supporting nanotechnology research, but we also offer solutions for product testing, in-vitro fertilization, and many other applications.

    Herzan's acoustic isolation and vibration cancellation solutions are the result of almost two decades of development and collaboration with instrument makers to deliver the features and functionalities needed to ensure high quality, highly precise results.

    We understand that every application and work environment has different requirements. This is why we closely work with clients to develop comprehensive and integrated solutions that meet their needs. Herzan's product range includes standard and custom systems for:

    • Acoustic Enclosures and Acoustic Isolation
    • Active Vibration Isolation and Control
    • EMI Isolation
    • Site Survey Analysis
    Herzan can also create custom designed and engineered workstations, cleanroom support solutions and mounting platforms for a wide range of research needs. With our extensive experience and expertise, and commitment to providing superior customer service and support, you can rest assured that we can help you meet your environmental isolation needs.

Herzan Products


  Acoustic Enclosures


    Vibration Isolation Systems


 EMI Isolation     


Custom Made Systems




 Site Survey
Site Survey Tools



Learn about the science of noise


Learn about the technology behind our isolation systems

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Best Practices

Recommendations for minimizing environmental noise


   Herzan Social Sites



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Active Vibration Control | Vibration Isolation Systems | Acoustic Enclosure | Soundproof Hood | AFM Noise | Vibration Measurement Equipment