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View Important Announcement For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two
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House Ads . Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners! >>
>>88013866 (OP) No SENMETSU only REPRODUCTION PRIVILEGES now. Right after that pesky evil A.I. Striker is dealt with.>>
2 hours until Kugel goes crazy or Ledo becomes a hero. >>
Is this going to be the last episode? >>
>>88014898 you do know its broadcasting early today right, tripfriend?>> 1.htm 20:00 JST >> Password: 4444 >>
Pinion getting a boner over technology. >>
I can't wait to see the faces of anons who show up expecting the live stream 2 hours from now. >>
Rackage calls Pinion cheap for his tech love. Her aim is to get her hands on Machin Caliber and asks Pinion to join pirates. >>
>>88015174 Pinion is a greedy autistic powerwanker.>>
Damn, I was lucky to stumble upon this. there're so few people here. Never heard about earlier airing >>
Ledio pleads against the attack on Gargantia. Agrees in the end. >>
>>88015241 Even, if she got her hands on one I doubt she could use it>>
This is not good; he's thinking too much about gargantia. At this rate we're not going to get any senmetsu. >>
It's time for some sacrifces! >>
Is he going to push aside mass senmentsu? >>
Kugel is culling the weak, including a kid who resembles Ledo's brother and Bevel! >>
>>88015382 Oh, we'll be getting Senmetsu. The cult fleet? Senmetsu'd to shit.>>
is he asking him if he can win against striker? >>
What is he asking about striker? >>
Oh shit, Ledo made up his mind. But it sure isn't the correct choice. >>
Pinion turned good guy again, fuck yeah. >>
Is totalitarian utilitarianism going to get told? >>
Oh it's happening, preparations of the battle between Gargantia/Ledo and the cultists/Kugel have begun! >>
Did I just see Gargantia2?>>88014937 Second to last. Series finishes next week. >>
Why Ledo chose Gargantia I'll never understand. >>
So what IS the key for? Nuclear warheads? >>
>>88015655 Gargantia may be full of smelly hippies, but there's no reason to slaughter them wholesale>>
>>88015655 because of the squirrel did pinion pimp his mech?>>
Revolution! This is getting interesting and they haven't used the key yet. >>
even breasts wants to fight alongside him >>
So, he was basically an AI based on the colonel's brain? >>
>>88015718 >hippy Keep crying retard. Your tears are delicious.>>
>>88015870 Horriblesubs should be up in about 6 hours. There is a chance someone might get something else out before them.>>
>>88015880 So he won't obey the only member of the alliance on site?>>
It feel's great knowing we were right all along >>
Now watch as brown girl gets butchered next week. Calling it now. >>
What was Striker last line in the Ep?!?!?! >>
Manly Pinion was awesome. Rackgae was wrecking shit left and right, used the move Chamber used on her. Ridget is going to use THAT. Can't wait for the subs! >>
post screeeeeeeennnshoooottttsss >>
>>88015951 I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids>>
Holy shit That sail was a glider all along? >>
Anyone who was watching the stream understand moon enough to give a rough summary of the important dialogue? >>
>>88015942 The ending will not be difficult/painful, so sayeth the butcher.>>
>>88015969 They did that in the beach episode you dingo>>
>>88015972 >feeling any sympathy for striker after that. are you retarded?>>
I'm late for 15 mins and i only watched Striker vs Chamber, tell me what has happened >>
>>88015979 The Butcher also said this wasn't a healing show.>>
>>88015979 >trusting the butcher For all you know, he's just saying that so you'll let your guard down.>>
Damn that episode was nice, Pinion and Rackage going to the good side.>>88016015 >>88015979 The preview shown Amy smiling, Doubt the Butcher will do his magic. >>
>>88015987 I think you're being taken on a ruse cruise. Which is funny, because no one was planning one. You started this voyage by yourself. You are the captain of your own ruse cruise, and you're the only passenger.>>
What if the entire Galactic Alliance is led by an AI? Hideauze < Hippies > Spacemen >>
Oh why did chamber and ledo fight against striker? >>
>>88016056 Probably went back in time further than Ledo or was never awakened by Striker>>
>>88016035 i watched the last half of the show and Amy was fine>>
>>88015965 see link above 1.htm>>
No surprise for the twist >>
>>88016073 Was going to slaughter the Gargantians, turn it into an even shittier version of Avalon.>>
>>88016082 she could find comfort in rackage but instead she decides to create an evil cult.>>
I'll bet Striker was just following thee colonel's final orders. >>
>>88016139 >dumbass can't comprehend 6000 light year gap between Earth and Galactic Alliance >>
This show really went downhill didn't it? >>
Symbolic Pic But really what did Striker said to Ledo at the end of the Episode? >>
>>88016056 Probably of the infectious disease.
Best lies have a grain of truth.>>
>>88016176 Plot wise it doesn't make sense. Krugel probably got there the same time as Ledo. And, again, time has passed but they aren't in the past.>>
Uhh, so tell me again why she sides up with Ledo. >>
>>88016218 ledo slept comfy for a couple of hundrer years, kugel probably didn't.>>
>>88016247 She wants Pinion's dick. Also Striker is isane.>>
>>88016258 Chamber clearly stated in episode 1 that Ledo slept for six months before being woken up to deal with Pinion trying to crack Chamber open.>>
>>88016273 She just wants to be a good AI and follow the colonel's last command and carry on his dream.>>
>>88016181 Yeah. What could've been senmetsu was replaced by SoLs>>
>>88016306 Probably this too. So, robots are the ultimate evil, now?>>
So in the end the humans did create a being of pure intellect and IT'S BATSHIT INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE >>
Striker-chan did nothing wrong. >>
>>88016296 really? well thats odd then, have to keep looking for logical explanation then>>
>>88016258 Or maybe he never waked up or his cold sleep was tepered by the AI an... WE REALLY HAL9000 NOW!>>
>>88015597 Jesus christ, I knew he was best Gargantia, but he truly is the most handsome.>>
>>88016318 blue line MJP red line is Valvrave purle line is Gargantia and you are a faggot>>
>>88016358 Hisasi should've done all the end cards.>>
>>88016336 if Striker wants to keep the last hope of Krugel its mean this is the flaw of an AI, just as in GA>>
>>88015971 Managed to join only when they were showing Pinion and Rackage but this is a short summary:Rackage didn't like the way cultist fleet was run. Mocked Pinion for being a cheap man for caring only about tech.
Revealed she's after Machine Calibers and asked Pinion for assistance. Ledo tried to persuade Striker against attack on Gargantia. Failed and agreed reluctantly in the end. Melty and Flange talked about cultist behaving strangely and that something has to be done before their fleet ends like them. Rain happened. Cultist culled the week, that was the last straw for Ledo. Ledo asked Chamber if he can fight/win against Striker. Asked Melty to deliver important message to Gargantia. Striker gave a propaganda speech, Ledo interrupted and shit went down. Meanwhile on the Gargantia after Melty barely made it, fainting from exhaustion and saved by Amy in the end there was talk about running away. Amy made them reconsider and Doctor suggested to use THAT (key) During the fight Striker was slowly winning, Pinion was assisting (GO PINION!) and Rackage praised him and said this fixed her image of him. Ledo managed to pin Stiker to one of the big pillars with Pinon's help, damaged Striker repeated some sentences 'Kugel' said previously and it was revealed A.I. is running the show. Striker rebooted, continued next week. >>
>>88016347 Can Ledo not care about age differences? Amy a shit, going for Bellows is the best possible move. At least the latter is smart and mature enough to understand why he did what he did, as opposed to childlike forgiveness from Amy.>>
>>88016405 Do you hate fun? It's the best anime in terms of entertainment this season.>>
>>88016431 You must have low standards in terms of entertainment>>
>>88016405 Valvrave kinda stayed mediocre for me with batshit sensationalism, brain problems, rape, and subplots coming up and being thrown out on a dime Gargantia lowered from great but it's steadily settling at above average>>
>>88016390 So basically it goes pretty much as we predicted Christ can this show get any less predictable? I'm not even going to watch the subs for this shit anymore. It's just so obvious>>
Wow, this show really is too predictable, so many people were predicting "Chamber defeats Striker, Ledo opens up cockpit to personally confront Kugel, it's empty or Kugel's rotting corpse is inside" >>
>>88016390 Big great thanks for that. Can you tell what was that last line that Striker said?>>
>>88016405 >>88016419 >>88016431 I don't really have a problem with Valvrave, but it really pisses me off when people have the guts to compare it to CG. Sure, mechas are prettier, but it's not near as entertaining as CG.>>
>>88016358 It's like they wanted to hire all the porn artists for the endcards>>
>>88016431 >space vampires >devil robots with childish A.I. >kwisatz haderach with silver hair >prime minister wearing anime and cow shirts I'm all for fun but there is a line where it crosses to retardation territory and VVV crossed it long time ago.>>
>>88016465 >it's steadily settling at above average No Shut the fuck up, This show has been nothing but a hamfisted snorefest>>
Seriously, how is this is a message showing the youth that society is not scary? >>
Fuck I missed. Why so fast today? >>
>>88016465 Valvrave was the dark horse of the season it really is a love it or hate it show.>>
>>88016521 I have no idea anymore. This show needed to be longer>>
>>88016521 That is just some next level DEEP bull shit that was thrown on to this show.>>
>>88016504 If the show is this predictable... Can we predict that Chamber survives IN ONE PIECE?>>
>>88016510 >but it really pisses me off when people have the guts to compare it to CG Well...same writer but the Geass comparisons are retarded indeed.>>
If there wasn't just one more episode left, I probably would have dropped after this. It is going to predictably end with a battle between Chamber/Striker, the Gargantians using the key to activate a super-weapon they were hiding the whole time and senmetsuing Striker, then a few minutes of Ledo going back to slice of life, possibly with Chamber too damaged to do shit anymore. >>
>>88016516 >This show has been nothing but a hamfisted snorefest THIS>>
>>88016550 as long as the second half is not about the hippies , I'm okay with it>>
>>88016597 A prequel about the Evolvers and the Union as a space opera.>>
>>88016550 This. I don't give a fuck about any of the characters aside from Ledo and Chamber.>>
>>88016521 Maybe by comparison "well its hard in society but at least your not being culled by cultist murder bots or genetic ubersquids">>
>>88016624 I'd watch that shit. I'd watch it pretty hard.>>
Fuck, I know it's going to be aired early from last week chat but still forgot about it >>
so has butcher ever written a kissu? >>
>>88016597 I actually enjoy this show more when it was about cute hippies doing hippy things and then the plot kicked in.>>
>>88016504 Yeah, it's such a great prediction, since the show basically bashed us over the head with foreshadowing. It's like Madoka where for 10 episodes we got how big her potential was, how universe changing her wish could be how powerful she is, and yet anons only managed vague 'her wish will fix things', besides 10 or 15 other possible ending predictions. Not that this ever stopped anons patting each other on the shoulder about how great prophets they are.>>
>>88016510 >its not as entertaining as CG well thats opinions>>
>>88016703 >I actually enjoy this show more when it was about cute hippies doing hippy things and then the "DON'T DO ANYTHING" messages kicked in I don't know about anyone else but this is me>>
>>88016624 i'd watch this, this series needs to stick up with Hideauze vs GA rather than goes around SoL , Waterworld, or HAL 9000>>
>>88016574 >Can we predict that Chamber survives IN ONE PIECE? Chamber won't. His computer might, as some box attached somewhere when Pinion goes through Chambers charred remains. But the mech will be destroyed and Ledo becomes part of Gargantia..>>
I feel as if the series tried to do too much in the short span of time it had. >>
And here I wished that Urobuchi had taught me about society and new opportunities in life. >>
>>88016810 Same thing happened with Psycho Pass though that series had 22 episodes to compensate so it's really just the incompetency of the writing staff behind it that thought it was a good idea to waste an episode on a secondary character.>>
Someone please summarize what just happened today please ;_; >>
>>88016860 i would like psycho pass with arc based story, criminal investigations, mystery, etc.>>
>>88016912 Ledo stops striker and the Gargantians are saved Just saved you about 20 minutes of a shit episode>>
Well that was underwhelming. >>
>>88016765 Expected as much.. but.. Still... VIVA CHAMBER>>
>>88016918 >arc based story, criminal investigations, mystery, That's what happened with one overreaching arc connecting the different, seemingly unrelated cases.>>
>>88016912 Don't bother watching today's episode or next week's, just drop it now. It was that bad.>>
>>88016574 Chamber will survive, but will be rendered inoperable in some form.>>
>>88016952 When its obvious what the plot is going to do of course it'll be overwhelming. Jesus christ don't even bring up such a situation into the plot if this is how it's going to be handled.>>
>>88016810 It was that they wasted 3 episodes on fanservice. That was kind of passable when I thought the rest of the series was going to be like that, with Ledo getting used to non-military life, learning life lessions, getting some, etc. But then they just went right back to the suffering, leaving 4-6 feeling completely superfluous.>>
>>88016972 But Pinion is a bro now, right? That can't be bad>>
>>88016954 >Chamber's computer becomes damaged >starts talking like Gintoki >>
>>88017014 You're trying too hard Urobucther cock sucker>>
>>88017023 >knee jerk Butcher hate reflex activated It's always cute to see the haters squirm.>>
>>88016974 agree,
i could say the lead animator in this episode were superb I feel like they put all the budget to the fighting scene, even the camera angles were really awesome>>
>>88017066 >I feel like they put all the budget to the fighting scene, even the camera angles were really awesome That Rackage wrecking like hundred of cultist Yumboros. Pinion with that big loader mech grabbing the beam cannon. Just awesome!>>
>>88016860 What Gargantia and P-P had problems with was how they handled the characters and their development. Sure, the protagonists certainly got noticeable and arguably nice development but everybody else were sort of just there. You couldn't feel anything for them. Then again, that's just me talking.>>
>>88016986 The best one can hope is that the damage can be reparied over time, aka, centuries later for future generations. Meanwhile, pic related...>>
>>88017066 >I feel like they put all the budget to the fighting scene, even the camera angles were really awesome Yeah...I sure do love shit CG moving about on screen.>>
>>88017164 >everyone unanimously Oh my, another speaker for /a/. How cute.>>
>>88017133 one good fighting scene doesn't make me to change the opinion of the whole series though>>
Last line by Striker was "Ensign Ledo, your resistance is futile." >>
>>88017165 >The best one can hope is that the damage can be reparied over time, aka, centuries later for future generations. More like his will be parked in Amy's room and he'll be Ledo's voice only sidekick in the end.>>
Welp. We know it's going to be a happy end for the people on Earth but what I'm more interested in is how the conflict up in space is going. >>
>>88017132 >>88017113 I dont know the CG kinda look meh in compassion to the other mecha show, but I wait until sub come out before making judgement>>
>>88017207 My opinion rests with you My guess is that Gargantia superweapon are NANOMACHINES>>
>>88017250 >how the conflict up in space is going. Alliance is dead if Kugel's words were true.
Space squids will eat Earth in 12000+ years when they receive Ledo's SOS and set course for Earth.>>
>>88017242 Even better, Ridget gets killed saving the fleet and the next Fleet Commander = Chamber's AI box. Chamber becomes the opposite of Striker, a benevolent yet logical ruler who reforges civilization through Ledo's newfound ideals, continuing for 6000 years when the Hideauze return, but Humanity is ready with the full power of a moral, yet efficient society. Get slaughtered anyway, the end.>>
>>88017261 or perhaps controller module of satellite laser/wormhole/communication device made by Alliance in the past we Cloud Atlas now>> eP1rHHA Sales dropped hard when Ledo broke because of the squids=humans bullshit. We need Kugel to win. >>
>>88017332 >wormhole This. It's going to be a wormhole and all the shit happening out there lightyears away from them, they're going to invite right into their doorstep.>>
>>88017337 Kugel is dead. Striker is broken and will be blown to pieces in the next ep. How does that make you feel?>>
>>88017372 He will die because of his sickness but he isn't dead yet>>
>>88017393 >i_newer_saw_a_box_with_bonuses_bef ore.jpg Summer.>>
>>88017337 You want Thinking Machines to rule over all of mankind?>>
>>88017389 Striker worked just fine. And no, mechas don't lie.>>
Kugel died by suffocation. Striker probably ran out of oxygen at some point. This is why he decomposed so quickly. He's been dead for awhile, but since the cockpit of Striker was airtight, his body was preserved. >>
>>88017400 >He didn't know the episode already aired >>
>>88017242 >>88017300 this is what happen to Chamberby the end of the show
That mecha is ZZ gundam after 40ish years >>
>>88017436 It's Chamber + Pinion + Rackage + THAT vs Striker.>>
>>88017400 NIGGA HE DEAD. We have already seen inside Striker's cockpit, he's dead.>>
>>88017400 Episode aired two hours early anon, Kugel is confirmed dead. Striker has gone Skynet on us.>>
Butcher did it again. As expected from the master of predictable plot twists. The ending would be so much better if Kugel was alive. Now it's just Disney's everyone vs. big bad. >>
>Hanaharu will never make an official doujin for Gargantia >>
>>88017300 >Chamber becomes the Sybil System Well shit.>>
I-I just wanted Kugel bro to survive. Fuck. >>
>>88017300 >Ridget gets killed saving the fleet This won't happen, she's one of the 'young people entering society and getting a job'. It's more likely Flange or Doctor will die. Maybe Bevel. But I like your end.>>
>>88017547 His body rotted away. Pretty sure you need a body to sleep. Dead.>>
>>88017552 ....that doesn't undermine what he said at all and there was very little foreshadowing to be had given this show is as subtle as an elephant in the room.>>
So have you been healed yet /a/? >>
>>88017548 That would have been nice. Kugel, from the first episode, seemed like a bro. Willing to sacrifice himself because his subordinate got the all-clear to actually have fun for the first time in his life, while he was an old man who had lived a full life.>>
>>88017547 He's kicked the bucket. He has ceased to be. He's gone to meet his maker. He's an ex-pilot.>>
>>88016705 >Yeah, it's such a great prediction, since the show basically bashed us over the head with foreshadowing. You're gonna have to tell me where Kugel getting into the wormhole and Striker going rogue to form a aforementioned cult to build a shittier version of Avalon was foreshadowed.>>
>>88017552 Ok, not predictable. Overdone. "Evil AI" and "titans were humans all along" is like the most used types of twist.>>
>>88017594 >there was very little foreshadowing Yeah, if you slept through the last 3 episodes>Chamber talking about how others besides Ledo could command him if they wanted to kill squids >Kugel's/Striker's excuse about not responding to Ledo's SOS >Kugel's hologram and endemic disease which forces him to stay in cockpit >>
Oh man. Oh man. This anime has showed me that society isn't scary at all. Not at all. Now I feel like getting out of my basement and embrace the warm welcome of an entirely different world which will happily let me adapt to it in my own pace so that I can be a productive member of the community. >>
Here comes the UNDERSTANDING end God fucking dammit. This shit will be unbearable. >>
>>88017755 None of that had shit to do with the recent events>>
>>88017675 Read the previous post in chain so you know what is actually discussed.>>
>>88017755 How does any of that connect to the recent events?>>
>>88017467 >gundam with a pegleg Who the fuck came up with this?>>
>>88017787 I hope Striker makes Ledo feel responsible for it.>>
Such a great setting and character design wasted on a boring story. >>
>>88017755 None of thos eare examples of foreshadowing. It was obvious as fuck that Kugel was dead and Striker was running things unless you are fucking stupid.>>
>>88017806 Technically speaking it's a pretty valid way of propulsion, look at BIGDOG.>>
>>88017777 >>88017789 It actually sets up things for the 'Kugel is dead' part. What's so hard to understand about it?>>
>>88017787 Is he going to be okay? He just needs some water, right?>>
>>88017788 No, answer the damn question. Wher in the show was any of that foreshadowed? ,If you're gonna make a stupid claim the leas you could do is fess up and admit you were wrong.>>
>>88017828 The first one has not connection to do with foreshadowing Krugel had died, the last two are just obvious.>>
>Something that has been foreshadowed is not predictable What the fuck?>>
I'm starting to like Ridget now that she knows her place. >>
>>88017812 Waiting for a spinoff series that's not so plot centric.>>
>>88017835 What? You jump in and start posting about different shit when talk is about dead Kugel and then actually pretend to have some point? As for Striker going rogue. It didn't happen. The A.I. is not crazy or broken (before this fight) it's standard GA way to run things because they are threatened by Hideuze.>>
>>88017787 Could you make gif from latest Pettit gargantia - last scene with evacuating Chamber, with subs>>
>>88017941 >The A.I. is not rogue or crazy >creates a fake hologram image of Krugel and uses his voice sample to form a cult to start Avalon 2.0 >>
Let's just hope the Hideauze show up to rape everyone >>
>>88017987 Yes, and? It's the GA way, the primitive inefficient savages have to be educated and taught how to fight the squids.>>
>>88017813 Chamber tells Ledo earlier on that he could rule Gargantia, but Ledo shoots him down. This is a form of foreshadowing, as it shows that the natural idea that comes to a Machine Caliber when it encounters primitives is subjugate them. Ledo talks about life in the Alliance. Heavy focus on efficiency, unquestioning obedience, no money, no fun, the weak are purged. Then a fleet shows up that is avalon on a boat, except they worship a Machine Caliber (note - Striker is the god here, no Kugel) Kugel is stuck inside of Striker with a disease. We were shown earlier that Kugel, while a soldier, is willing to break protocol and die for others. Why then is this same Kugel absolutely alright with going along with his AI's plan of subjugation and creating another Avalon? Why did Striker make the offer to Pinion, rather than Kugel himself? It's incredibly clear.>>
>>88017974 >all these hentai artist who can't draw doujins now ;_; Anyway there two doujins with Bellows on sadpanda 317c/ bb06/>>
>>88017873 >The first one has not connection to do with foreshadowing Krugel had died It has. It shows others can 'use' striker to kill squids without Kugel being present.>>
>>88017987 Outside of the Krugel hologram, it's operating normally.>>
>IG paying off tons of H-artists to not make hentai of the series. ...really?>>
>>88018153 Because if there's any way to spread awareness of a show it's to take away the porn.>>
>>88018037 >It's the GA way, the primitive inefficient savages have to be educated and taught how to fight the squids. Which wasn't foreshadowed at all.>>
>>88018069 >This is a form of foreshadowing, Stopped reading there>>
>>88018069 >Chamber tells Ledo earlier on that he could rule Gargantia, but Ledo shoots him down. This is a form of foreshadowing, No it's not.>Ledo talks about life in the Alliance. Heavy focus on efficiency, unquestioning obedience, no money, no fun, the weak are purged. Once again not foreshadowing>>
>>88016247 She's probably trying to take Striker's fleet for herself.>>
What exactly does foreshadowing have to do with predictability? >>
Does anyone think this show would have been better if it focused either more on Ledo learning how to appreciate life/ adapting to a new life in the form of SoL or if it was focused more on fining the truth of the space war etc. instead of doing both? >>
>>88018388 The former the shit with the space war wasn't that interesting>>
>>88018273 Striker didn't go rouge and educates the primitive people of Earth so they can join the Alliance and help fight the space monstrosities.
Kugel getting into wormhole wasn't foreshadowed it happened in fucking ep.1 but there was nothing definitive shown about him getting killed so what's the problem with that?>>
>>88018364 People were claiming that the show was foreshadowing everything, which meant that you'd be "predicting" everything the show is telling you.>>
>>88018388 They could have done both if the show was lobger>>
>>88018410 >Kugel getting into wormhole wasn't foreshadowed it happened in fucking ep.1 We never saw Kugel go into the wormhole, he was in the recovery fleet during the comotion>>
>>88018418 well if you had to choose one then for a 12 eps ?>>
>>88018451 The SoL, I don't really thing you can tell a story of that magnitude like the space war in just 13 episodes.>>
>>88018468 It sort of does. If the show is telling you not that subtly what is going to happen next, you can't parrot the same thing back and say it's your prediction. If the show is predictable without any foreshadowing that's something else.>>
Forshadowing -> You can only see it after the series is over and you rewatch it Predictable -> You see forshadowing too early - Bad writing >>
>>88018468 If the show gives you hints about future events and then you actually catch them and predict a probable event happening in the next episode it's predictable.>>
MFW faggots weren't expecting Urobutcher 101. >>
>>88018507 That's not foreshadowing, that's just drawing lines between unrelated events. Foreshadowing hints at what is to come but in a way that you don't know for sure what will happen.>>
Remember, the butcher wrote the last episode. We gon get sumtin gud >>
>>88018507 >Predictable -> You see forshadowing too early - Bad writing Bullshit. There is no bad time. It's the subtility that makes it good or bad. When you makes the following events too obvious with it, it's bad.>>
This anime will have nice end. Go watch Valvrave if you want suffering and new death records >>
>>88018587 As long as it isn't more of the first episode>>
>>88018583 Yeah, you know, people fantasizing about something and getting it right by luck means it's really badly written.>>
>>88018587 He also wrote the first episode which was shit>>
>>88018449 >We never saw Kugel go into the wormhole Yes and?
He was together with Ledo, heading back to the gate. Halfway he decided to stay behind. Few seconds later he either killed the nearby squids or some squid dragged him into the gate. Anyway Both Kugel and Ledo were seconds away from the Gate. There was nothing shown he couldn't reach the gate. They just left that part out so the 'surprise' can happen later.>>
>>88018507 >Forshadowing -> You can only see it after the series is over and you rewatch it But that's wrong. Many times foreshadowing is used to make events obvious to the reader or viewer before the characters would have a chance to know. Gargantia doesn't do a good job with foreshadowing but your post is still wrong.>>
>>88018620 >you know, people fantasizing about something and getting it right by luck means it's really badly written. And were back to square one again.>>
>>88018620 So no anime s predictable by that logic.>>
I'm sort of interested whether a Hideauze got into the wormhole as well. >>
>>88018668 You seem to have missed the word "by luck". When something is predictable, it's not luck anymore.>>
Also does anyone feel like Gen was bullshitting about the whole " young people coming into society" and it was one of those thing people say to make their show seem more interesting. And so far their has been much healing or suffering >>
>>88018675 Would it really matter? It's not smart enough to make its way to earth and try to lead the forces there.>>
>>88018653 >And were back to square one again. Welcome to any Gargantia thread after the Evolvers vs Union started.>>
>>88018708 Something something healing writer. Gen just says what he feels like.>>
Oh look, the Gargantia defense force. >>
>>88018711 We don't know how they communicate. But anyway it doesn't matter if it can't call reinforcements or not. What matters is that it shows up in the best moment to fuck shit up.>>
>>88013866 (OP) True ballers say zenmetsu word=zenmetsu>>
>>88018698 >by luck >Is the only one named character in episode 1 >Is the only character with a different unit >by luck No, this was obvious foreshadowing.>>
>>88018620 It's not about predicting things. It's about things been done before. And offering no new take on things done before is not a good writing. Everyone teaming up against evil robot is like saturday morning cartoon level of twist. It's stupid to have this in a show that maintainted moral ambiguity so far. Heart of Darkness end would be better even if it's also not something new.>>
>>88018801 >Is the only character with a different unit Because he's, you know, the commander.>Is the only one named character in episode 1 Really? I forgot about that one. But it doesn't make it THAT obvious. It could've been just a bad way to make people empathize more with his heroic death.>>
>>88018708 >Also does anyone feel like Gen was bullshitting about the whole " young people coming into society" No. It's there. But it's part of the story because this is not supposed to be dry school textbook explanation.>>
>>88018923 I never said it wasn't badly written. I was just disagreeing with the whole predictable thing.>>
>>88018979 Well explain what you havent taken from this story so far>>
>>88018619 >As long as it isn't more of the first episode It's going to show another space battle after Striker is disposed except this time it highlights how bleak the entire conflict is and how both parties, Hideauze and Alliance, have lost their humanity in the process. Then cut to Gargantia, and Ledo to show how they were right all along and that they're the ideal.>>
>>88019021 >what you have taken from this story so far First it was aimed at young people, teen and early 20 somethings, I'm twice that old and working for 15 years already. But the themes are there: Ridget: young 22.y.o, late fleet commander Farrock's aide gets in position of great responsibility and is lost and almost crushed by that. She's reminded later that she doesn't need to deal with all the shit alone, there are other people she can rely on. Ledo: young boy with close to zero social skills unable to live in 'normal' society is forced to enter one. Even after many mishaps he's not shunned/ostracized but welcomed and cared for by others.
Whole Gargantian society is shown as full of hard working people, but they also know how to have fun - contrast to Ledo's staring-in-the-clouds-standby-mode when there are no squids to shoot.>>
>>88018923 >moral ambiguity Not really.
Space squids and Space people in constant state of war = bad. Earth squids and Earth people, primitive but able to coexist. = good.>>
>>88018923 >it's been done before therefore it's bad >they should do 'my favorite book' end, that way it would also be unoriginal but good Anon...>>
AI controlling shit was an easy twist to foresee I guess. Look at this
>>87728843 >>
>>88017676 So many well-fed and fertile females. Reproductive privileges plox. Remind me again what's so great about DFC?>>
>>88019340 Ok that makes sense, cause when I watch the show I feel like the show is telling me changes are bad and the how you have to listen to society but society doesnt listen to you>>
>>88019692 >Remind me again what's so great about DFC? When she hugs you she holds you closer to the heart anon.>>
>>88019590 More like> they should do end from critically acclaimed book that made it into critically acclaimed movie >>
>>88019773 But I can't get any closer to her heart than with my nose between those warm, soft tits.>>
>>88019428 Space squids, alliance and gargantians all have bad sides. Gargantians primitivity is their bad side.
The show tells us that becoming a dick is a prerequisite to higher form of existence.>>
>>88019059 "Did you see, Ledo?" "Uhm, what? N..No, I didn't see your exposed w..white underwear. I made sure to look away." "..." "Ledo no baka!">>
>>88019935 >Gargantians primitivity is their bad side. There is not something that can't be dealt with (no matter how many times anons claim they are stuck at the current tech level forever). The space factions are stuck in a eternal war though and anons mostly picked favorites because TRANSHUMANISM vs I WANT MY OWN GUNDAM.>>
>there are people thinking seriously that VVV is AOTS
Seriously? I haven't been here for just 2 months and the whole board went to shit already?>>
>>88020744 Stop with this cross series bullshit. Go complain in VVV thread about VVV shortcomings, there's plenty of those around.>>
>>88020744 It's much better than Crapcuntia: on the Virginous Faggot>>
>>88020452 They're not exactly primitive either. They've got mechs and their tech level keeps them alive.>>
>>88018081 The one that I look most forward to has not been uploaded yet. ;_;>>
>>88020830 Well, they kind of are compared to pre Ice age Earth civilization and GA tech standard but they live in difficult circumstances so it's somewhat understandable. They don't lack curiosity though, that's why they will do better in the future.>>
>>88020794 I bet you like Man of Steel and Bay's Transformer movies as well because the writing in VVV is atrocious.>>
>>88020961 not this shit again ... why can someone just enjoy a show god-damn it>>
>>88020969 >NOT MUH SUPERMAN
At least it's better than Returns >>
>>88021036 >why can't someone just enjoy a show god-damn it Because if you don't act like elitist asshole for any reason available you don't belong here.>>
>>88020969 Zack Snyder was directing it. That should tell you everything you need to know.
>lens flare fucking everywhere
>cringe-worthy dialogue
>piss-poor characterization
It's like VVV.>>
>>88017764 I've been reading too many dark-skinned elves doujins. My first thought when I opened that image was "I hope she runs afoul of some really horny orcs">>
>>88021533 >"I hope she runs afoul of some really horny orcs" Maybe she's a succubus?>>
>>88022161 In a bit less than 2 hours if HS sticks to the usual schedule>>
>>88022433 >>88022433 >=(
Stop this. Also you could check nyaa for previous Gargantia UTW release times to get a rough estimate.>>
>>88022506 Well, it was always around 11pm UTC, but it was mentioned that it is 2 hours early this time, is that true?>>
>>88022608 Yes, the stream/broadcast happened earlier. Still can't find raws.>>
I have to say: This show might have been a little predictable, but there's nothing wrong with it in execution. However, the message it's trying to get across isn't one that I like. Technically, there's nothing WRONG with how the show has been done; Everything ties together rationally, and so on... But I just can't stop rooting for the glorious Alliance. I feel they chickened out with the Kugel reveal, because that could have gone off so much worse for Ledo. I knew we were never going to get a 'And they killed all the Hideauze ending', but this makes me bitter. Oh, so very bitter. -
+ yotsuba
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