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View Important Announcement For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two
Contests —one for new
Rotating Banners , and the other for our
House Ads . Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners! >[HorribleSubs] Majestic Prince - 12 [720p].mkv Judging from pics episode looks good.>>
Is this the mandatory beach episode? >>
Asagi just raised every kind of loli flag available. >>
>>87835407 Jesup those are ridiculous. They don't even flatten out when she lays down, either.>>
>>87835327 (OP) I thought it was an okay ep but over all boring. And i am not looking forward to next week with that new ace character they are bring in>>
>>87836796 Cant enjoy both shows? And this week was boring with only a couple of good moments>>
>>87836765 If only they could share Tamaki's tits they'd both be in the perfect zone.>>
That was fast. It only aired like 2h 20m ago.
Amusing episode, watched it while it aired.
specially this:>>87835633 >>
>>87836837 >not bad, good balance >>87836869 >comfuckingpletely flat Variable titrate at its finest. How often do characters get smaller for fanservice episodes, anyway?>>
>>87835407 Holy fucking shit. I always knew Tamaki's tits are huge, but not this HUGE.>>
>You will never go take the loli route >>
Can somebody dump all the stitches of the two girls thus far from the other eps as well? >>
>>87836700 >They don't even flatten out when she lays down, either. Genetically engineered super tits.>>
>>87837292 >yfw somebody designed her to have tits this big, and even made them behave like giant hentai tits intentionally thank you science>>
Please, Ulcer-kun, don't take the loli route. It'll only hurt your stomach. >>
Oh man, looks like they really are trying to give Asagi a loli pairing >>
>>87837568 Best girl, hopefully !Lacus will either die or lose the Izuru.>>
>>87837836 Isn't a common theory that she's his sort-of-mother or sort-of-sister? I'm betting she's going to die whatever she is to him.>>
>>87838113 She'll die shortly after or before we found out.>>
>>87837475 What is wrong with loli for Asagi? Everyman should be entitled to a loli.>>
>>87838487 I liked how he was lurking around the base for someone to read his manga.>>
>>87838161 Sounds good. I wonder if her man servant will die as well.>>
>>87837430 This is what happens when you give /a/ ScIENCE. That and eternal lolis.>>
Teoria didn't participate? What a waste of Wulgaru ass. >>
>>87838704 I think the hilarious part is the regular gdf army is useless against the wulgaru.>>
>>87838825 Haven't watched it yet, did they just whore out Kei and Tamaki for popularity?>>
>tamaki was made as genetically superior breeding stock >nobody will deitoh her >>
>>87838987 Basically GDF gave them the order to be PR and Marketing for a day.>>
>>87835327 (OP) With all the sugar she consumes you'd think she'd be the one to look like Tamaki. She is still delicious in her own right though. Also Peko Yamada's voice is awesome.>>
>>87839093 Also, Asagi is perfect husbando material. This is why Kei needs to get with him and not Izuru.>>
>>87839209 But Asagi has ulcers and will die an early death. Plus he is a lolicon.>>
>>87838987 >whore out I think the word you are looking for is 'restoring morale',GDF gotta get some fresh recruits after the beating in the previous battle.>>
>>87839173 If girls are called bridge bunnies,what are male operators called?>>
>>87839601 I still call them bridge bunnies. Men can be bunnies.>>
You like Bunny girls don't you /a/? >>
What was Tamaki's crew doing? >>
>loli wanted to look sexy for Asagi >Grandfather is ok with him hooking up with loli >Asagi gets the loli a sexy swimsuit >>
>>87841265 watching moe anime judging from the sound of it-
+ yotsuba
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