Welcome to the seventh edition of the International Symposium of the Cherry, which will be held in the Auditorio Santa Ana in Plasencia (Spain) from 23rd to 27th of June, 2013.
The symposium is organized by the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the Government of Extremadura through the Department of Horticulture of the Research Center La Orden-Valdesequera House, and the Department of Fruits and Vegetables of the Agrifood Technology Research Institute of Extremadura, in collaboration with the University of Extremadura.
The conference will provide an opportunity for scientists, professionals and students to present their latest findings and discuss their current work in relation to the basic and applied aspects of the production of cherries. We hope the meeting will promote the exchange of ideas, international cooperation and collaboration among researchers and also among those involved in the cherry industry around the world.
Countries like Chile, Turkey, Hungary and the United States have already received other editions of the International Symposium of the cherry, with a large number of attendees and experts who, for several days, delved into vital issues to the growth and development of the sector.
Oral presentations, poster sessions and field visits will provide knowledge for the exchange among research groups and to promote scientific dialogue during the conference.
Participants can register through this website, in the section 'Register', found in the main menu.
In addition, this website includes information on hotel accommodation, pre and post symposium travel, details of daily activities and social programs, and other news.
Main Topics
Breeding, genetics and biotechnology
Floral biology
Rootstock and variety evaluation
Crop production and orchard management
Soil and water management and mineral nutrition
Tree fruit physiology and plant growth
Pest and disease management
Processing and post harvest technology
Quality, nutritional and functional properties
Looking forward to welcome you in Jerte Valley, the home town of Picota cherries!
Dra Margarita López Corrales
Dr Manuel Joaquín Serradilla Sánchez
Dra. Mª Josefa Bernalte Garcia