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SUUUNNNNRIIIISEEE! entry-16809.html >>
You can't rape the willing >>
Looking Alpha there, Haruto! >>
"And this is when I fell in love with your mother, son." >>
You dont get it. Just in accordance with usual anime tropes, he recovers magical sword girls vessel body. Look lower left keyframe -the Brasword looks awesome and menacing! I bet he`ill run around chopping peoples heads with it later. >>
>>87374098 The source for the image compilation is /a/ and the original animatic gif came from a Chinese forum. It's pointless linking to Yaraon, it's not the source.>>
Rape? I see no rape. I see Saki in villing pose with legs spread inviting Haruto on the ground. He is beta, so she grabs his hands and moves them towards her chest. She proceeds to massage her chest by forcibly moving Haruto`s hands. Haruto resists, tries to get his hands out of her grip, and with strong move does it - accidently ripping her clothes off. Saki is a whore. Haruto is still pure. >>
Would her hymen regenerate back? >>
>>87374305 So you can create even more threads? Fuck off.>>
So how the hell Sunrise did not terminate all contracts with said chinese subcontractors yet? Especially if rumors about them paying fine to MBS are true. >>
>>87374353 This image was not posted in any of existing VVV threads, and only was posted now because of yaraon article. i.e. you are full of shit, fuck off>>
>>87374382 The thread it was originally posted in already died. Lurk the fuck more.>>
>>87374360 They probably already did, and this is the aftermath of their buttpain>>
Still not rape. Gif of her hymen being broken or fake. He just assaults her in berserk mode. Nothing sexual to see here. Move on. >>
>>87374482 Except it was not posted. Why are you so mad? No MJP threads?>>
>>87374518 Even the second time the image was posted was earlier than Yaraon. You need to try harder than that.
>>87370865 → >>
Some chinese subcontractor is saving the industry. Now all studios stop outsourcing their work, hire japanese animators exclusively, raise their pay etc. Ah.. if only. >>
>>87374574 Oh, got your point. Its not posted enough and need promotion? Here you go
>>87374734 >>
if anything, leaks like this rise the interest in the show >>
>>87374846 I dont mind spoilers, but i prefer vague spoilers/leaks that promote speculation and theories.
By now i dont believe it to be Sunrise marketing leak - but a genuine retard doing this shit, and hopefully getting fucked in the ass with katana soon.>>
based on what we know, what division do you think this leaker worked at? seems to have been a tweener >>
oooo yeah worst girl deserves rape >>
>>87375017 I remember someone finding even his name based on the skype window that he had open on one of the images.>>
>>87374984 Apparently Haruto gains Vampire strength too - since ripping a school uniform jacket like that is no menial task. Also painful for Saki.>>
BD version will have same scene with bra being torn off as well? >>
>>87375087 anon that isn't the jacket, that's her shirt. I feel really fucking sorry for Saki, her arms look like she's struggling but can't beat Haruto's rapelust,
i can't wait to see it .>>87375025 >implying both girls aren't pure maidens. >>
>>87375111 Underwear is torn off eventually, since the scene shown later was Saki and him naked.>>
>>87375190 But who tore off Haruto's underwear? I bet it was Saki.>>
I doubt a penetration would happen though >>
I'm sure they were just acting on film and they'll just post that shit on their internet to get 82983749287349 views again. >>
>>87375221 More like he just ripped everything in the way.>>
>>87375190 i don't know if my heart could handle haruto ripping saki's undergarments off, she gonna be crying and screaming.>>87375221 dem vampire boners man>>
>>87375225 I think even repeated impregnation will happen. As well as bodyswap.>>
Haruto just Liberated Saki from her clothes and virginity. >>
>>87375283 maybe his pecs exploded or he just ripped it off in carnal lust? The afterscene shows his shirt is still somewhat intact though as he uses it to cover his manhood.>>
Imagine the shitstorm this would've caused if not for the leak. Fucking China, I USA invades them soon. >>
Wish this scene wasn't leaked, would have made the scene way better when not expecting it. >>
>>87375336 we already had several shitstorms.. it's just one week in advance I hope the stream doesn't crash>>
>>87375336 implying murricans have balls to invade china>>
>>87375336 It`ll still cause shitstorm either way. You overestimate number of people browsing /a/ threads and reading spoilers/leaks. And the actual even interpretation and details will be different in anime from what we expected anyway. Same thing as when Saki switched bodies with haruto - people were expecting it, but it still turned glorious and over expectations. I just hope the "rape" is not the only/main twist this episode and we get other developments/things to discuss too.>>
>>87375017 The guy who leaked the colored frames is/was a photography assistant. ia/people.php?id=119496>>
>>87375176 >implying an Idol can be a maiden >implying she isn't a whore Only one girl in history of all Idols ever is a pure maiden and that is Makoto.>>
will danish folklore valravn be true? if the child of saki is true it will be glorious man >> S9aMLJ0 is this what vampires are nowadays? >>
What if it plays out like this? S9aMLJ0 Will you fap? >>
>>87375382 implying that is not happening every week anyway>>
>>87375461 Vampires always drank blood during that.>>
We still can't tell if he put it in. Saki may still be pure. >>
Ok, rape itself aside. Consider the following: Shoko watches it from the bushes. L-Elf watches it on hidden camera. Akira watches it from her room using a cameras in the shrine. Their reactions? >>
reminder that rape baby is always a plot device >>
>>87375369 >I hope the stream doesn't crash It will, the leak is going to attract a bunch of people who don't usually stream this.>>
>>87375530 no.. just stop.
enough has been spoiled..
I don't even want to think of it..
I had my fill>>
Rust realized it's happening at the shrine. >>
>>87375530 Shoko: That can't be Haruto L-Elf: Just as planned Akira: ...>>
At least chinese guy doesn't have episode 12. >>
>>87375530 the spoiler said Hsoko watches it, right>>
>>87375574 I don't have a slowpoke slow enough. See you in 200 years.>>
>>87375582 >Shoko: That can't be Haruto BOKU JA NAI BOKU JA NAI>>
>>87375594 it makes sense is a terribly ironic way Shoko: Haruto is not the type to fool around and take pictures with idols -> Haruto sticks it in Saki Saki: Don't trust adults -> becomes a parent herself>>
>>87375530 For L-Dwarf this is all Fire Emblem. He finds no joy in this. He only wans a good unit>>
>>87375587 They do this makes me remembers NSA whistleblower the leaker will be fucked in the ass by sunrise>>
>>87375615 >in the future
>on your death bed >you speak your last wish >"someone must post this on the future /a/ in 180 years" >your grandchildren have to do it >everyone awaits it >a new religion is born >>
>>87375704 Who ever said I was talking about awakening. Faggot.>>
>>87375530 I don't know how they would get Akira to come out of her boxfort and to pilot after she sees that.>>
>>87375738 Name another FE game where you get your child unit. One that isn't shit, at that.>>
>>87375625 I'm still mad they changed the ED. The new one sucks.>>
>>87374984 Huh, got a halfy from this. That's disturbing.>>
>Saki bites Haruto >Rapes herself >Films the whole thing >Uses it to Convince Haruto that he did it and monsters have to stick together Sluts gonna slut>>
>>87375773 Get fucked, Soba ni Iruyo is far better than Boku Janai.>>
since keyhole was shut down does anyone know a good alternative? I have to prepare in case the stream crashes >>
Haruto will die at the end of the season. We GoT now. >>
>>87375815 Look at this faggot. Look at it and laugh.>>
>>87375754 How about to try and stop this carnal act of lust? Surely she has some sort of concious.>>87375773 Soba ni Iruyo is greater than or equal to Boku Janai, I disagree with changing it half way through like they did but they're just as good as eachother>>87375848 Haruto will turn evil(shadow behind VVV-tan) and his son and saki will team up to rescue him, his son will be VVV0/VVV7>>
>>87375336 murica's economy is tethered to china's cheap labor>>
raping someone on shrine grounds? is this some Japanese satanic ritual? >>
So Shoko/Haruto pairing is over, right? Haruto definitely won't confess to Shoko at the shrine again. >>
So, will L-Elf call Haruto a monster again over this? >>
>>87376033 no, haruto explained to saki that he also has feeling to hsoko>>
Man I'm really upset about this still and can't articulate it very well. I just wanted him to kiss Shoko later on in the series after she convinces him that he's still human inside, and having a rape scene ruins the whole pure love angle entirely and it's terrible. >>
>>87375977 Why is angry face so moe? I want Eruerufu to be angry at me.>>
>>87376076 Saki is just a meat hole for Haruto to release some stress with so he doesn't act impurely towards Shoko.>>
So who do you think is in Haruto's body in this scene? >>
it's better haruto to leave shoko for her sake, vampire and human can't get along, especially he's immortal >>
>>87376113 VVV-tan. She decided to find some food herself>>
>>87376105 I think it's the haircut, it makes him look silly in a cute way>>
>>87376111 But he's betraying her by looking at and/or touching another girl and I am legitimately upset by it>>
>>87376113 Haruto is in Saki's body Saki is in Haruto's body L-elf is masturbating in the bushes Shoko is weeping>>
>>87376165 He's just sneezing with a lot of conviction>>
>>87376134 She's going to cure his vampirism with the power of love>>
>>87373959 (OP) It's not rape, he needs to feed his valvrave, and the only way to do this is to drink breast milk.>>
>>87376177 shoko is feeding lel elf ham and eggs while seeing what rape looks for the first time>>
>>87376076 it's like stacking up cards.. It's built up that way, so it's more spectacular when it crumbles>>
>>87376242 You're right, L-Elf becomes a vampire at the end of the cour then?
He was a vampire all along. >>
VVV-tan possesses Haruto to try to get Saki pregnant. She wants a baby to be her vessel so she can have physical form. >>
>>87376246 Shoko knows what she is doing. She is the mastermind behind the whole Valvrave program and the final boss, mark my words. That is why L-Elf can't predict her, she is just that genius.>>
>>87376214 I can see them cutting away from the rape scene to her feeding him again and them being all happy then back to Saki and Haruto.>I wonder where Haruto is right now >>
How do you think Saki will cope with being raped?By stealing a body with a penis and taking it out on Drillhair Drillhair will love it >>
I bet she bites him right before they have sex, then she has sex by herself. >>
It'll probably end up a Sacred Blacksmith style nonrape. Doujins come to the rescue. >>
>>87376327 I can actually see this, he gets her completely naked and is about to actually rape her when she bites him. The reactions here would be gold.>>
>>87376305 >Meanwhile at the shrine.. S9aMLJ0>>
>>87376390 you can't keep reposting this dude, its not cool. i hope it isn't too violent, i like saki too much to see her getting violently raped.>>
>>87376158 Japan doesn't hold the same puritanical views as the christian west, sorry this upsets you.>>
>>87376456 She won't get raped. She'll get assaulted then knock Haruto out somehow.>>
>>87376486 b-bbut what about hungry hungry haruto? he can't just walk around all rapelusty>>
That's because Saki didn't go berserk herself yet.>>
The only way I can see sex happening is if Saki goes berserk aswell and they fuck like animals out of their own control. >>
Will L-elf be jealous when Haruto gives his sugar to someone else? >>
How the hell does he tear her clothing apart anyway? It doesn't work like that in reality. >>
>>87376657 it works, trust me i'm a physics teacher>>87376654 L-elf will only get mad because love between pilots will cause Haruto to go out of his way to save Saki(and his kid in utero) and endanger the rest of the units in the process.>>
>>87374281 wow. see all those comments there. just wow.>>87374614 if only...>>87375915 this show is going the full satan route. first 666 overheat, now...>>
>HungryHungryHaruto >tries to feed off nearest human being, in this case, Saki >Saki trips fending him off >clothes are torn off because its Japan >she bites him That's all folks. And the moment this airs/streams, people will forget all the hype. And stop fucking remaking this thread. 4th one in 6 hours.>>
>>87376703 And I'm a rapist, shirts don't just get torn into a thousand pieces like that.>>
How long until someone offers to be a chewtoy for vampire Haruto, so he doesn't need to assault anyone else?
Probably going to be Saki after this episode >>
>>87376584 hmm interesting point>shoko see what looks like saki and haruto having sex >runs away, devastated, ands starts to distance her self from haruto or everyone >haruto was stopped, and becomes good friends with saki >shoko dies, haruto blames himself for being to distant from her. >while crying and sad, saki comforts him. >haruto ends having sex with saki. >both don't know what to do, or how to feel towards each other after that. >haruto leaves and saki is now pregnant. >>
>>87376584 Haruto's clothes do become shredded as well.>>
>>87376792 Loco Shoko doesn't deserve such horrible ending ;_;>>
The doujins will be glorious >>
>>87376792 No. That's awful, even daytime soap opera scriptwriter would reject this.>>
>>87376299 it's really cool speculah if the valravn folklore is true>>
>>87376771 In a similar way to him getting fangs he can also get claws, not to far of a stretch. Fabric rips kinda easily regardless.>>
Look at the full spoiler picture, Saki and Haruto stare intensely at each other after Haruto already ripped Saki's shirt. >>
I support this development. Finally some interesting stuff in my christian anime. >>
>>87377020 Saki's delicious ZR in the first frame... She so ok with that, letting Haruto between her legs...>>
>>87376792 haruto is crying saki hugs him saki has a few tears in her eyes but tries to be strong, and comfort haruto. Then they kiss and embrace each other. sad, wild sex ensues as they try to comfort each other and them selves. Saki sitting on the bed looking down, and haruto at the doorway. With their backs turned to each other, not knowing whether to regret what they have done, or what to do.>>
>>87377020 Is that a phone she's holding? Is she tweeting what just happened?>>
>>87377020 Notice how both of them are split naked. Haruto got his shirt, while Saki took his uniform jacket. She's so considerate...>>
Actually, this development makes Saki even a greater character in my eyes. She now seriously has some depth. I love my Saki even more now. >>
>>87377020 >half way down her chest and still no indication of a breast She's saggy. Saggy, used goods.>>
>>87377020 unless there is penetration, it's not rape.>>
[Is this sexual intercourse?] >>
>>87377147 Come on Kensoh Ogawa, make some Saki doujins A drills is fine too>>
>>87377231 There is a curve and indication my friend.>>
>>87377149 but spoilers said shoko is going to die and we know saki is going to get pregnant some how, see Valvravn.>>
I know there's still going to be a shitstorm but I'm just imagining what could have been. It would have been beautiful >>
>>87377324 >but spoilers said shoko is going to die Bullshit>>87377310 >I can believe that this is VVV-tan's doing. Well duh. I mean, it's clear this isn't of his own free will>>
>>87377290 oh god, how could I have forgotten her. best saki indeed.>>
based Saki became even better.
She won Haruto's virginity. >>
>>87377290 She's the Saki that would have fit into a urubutcher show.>She will be carrying all that weight >>
>>87377375 what about his anal virginity? did saki take that one too?>>
>>87377020 The realistic portrayal of the awkward first time between teenagers.>>
>saki is pregnant >gives birth to a boy >he's half vampire, immortal but vulnerable to wounds >fighting against neo dorrsians >manages to fight the villain boss the villain boss opens his mask, son, i'm your father >>
>>87377475 Vulvarape going the Starwars route would also be acceptable.>>
>>87377457 Next on "16 and pregnant" we go to experimental module 77 where a former idol is pregnant with the child of a space vampire who is also 16. Ball is in your court sunrise, I want to see what you can do.>>
>>87377360 maybe but the second part is true. n the Valravn makes an agreement with a maiden to take her to her betrothed after she promises the valravn her first-born son.>>
>>87377496 That cover is rusing as hell>Haruto and Shoko being happy >Aina looking alive >VVV-tan being benevolent >Audrey showing his left eye as if he doesn't get it blown out >>
>>87377549 what a QUALITY, her skirts are too short>>
Wait... kakumeiki valvrave has raep? Picked the fuck up! >>
Finally Chihaya became popular! >>
>>87377631 You have one day to catch up, good luck anon>>
>>87377581 >complaining about too short skirts you gay, son?>>
>>87377020 How did he end up like 10 meters away from her?>>
>>87377690 He came with the force of a thousand suns.>>
>>87377718 Valverave the liberator of girls virginity by rape>>
>>87377624 Nothing. This isn't under his own free will. VVV-tan is clearly influencing him I'd say better though since he seems to be taking some kind of responsibility afterwards>>
I guess I'll watch the rape scene, the show is too shitty to want to watch any more than that though. When does the rape scene come out? >>
>>87377727 I really don't want to say it but man Haruto looks really manly on this one>>
>>87377779 >he seems to be taking some kind of responsibility afterwards >>
Sasuga Saki-chan! The most sexual vulvarave. >>
>>87377789 If you're willing to watch for vampire rape, you can watch for anything>>
>>87377807 I meant him taking her out on a date in episode 11 but okay>>
>>87377816 tell that to my Twilight obsessed imouto>>
best girl gets DEVELOPMENT >>
Is the 2nd cour of VVV beginning immediately next season (summer), or in the fall. I'm too lazy to find a chart >>
>>87377864 you woudn't have pretty mom piloting a mecha>>
>>87377779 I thought she wanted it at one point. Still, don't ever stick your dick in crazy. It's a wonderful crazy mess this, I can't apply morals or blame to anything at this point.>>
>>87377876 I've tried to fix her. I've forced her to watch X Y and Z.
It's too late for her, 3D society has brainwashed her beyond all hope.>>
>are you sure you want to give up your humanity? >hmm okay yeah that sounds fine >>
>>87377912 Wasn't there a statement where they mentioned that it was supposed to be 4 x 12 episodes? But their funding got cut or something? I really hope they had enough time to adjust the script for season 1. Otherwise s2 is going to be horribly rushed.>>
does this series have sex? >>
>>87377864 >you will never have a hairjob from best girl >>
>>87377827 >taking a girl out to a date after raping her implies responsibility Going to the civil authorities (the student council or L-11) and confessing to raping Saki under the influence of VVV-tan and nanomachines would taking responsibility. This is just a lame attempt at trying to make himself feel better. But a Beta is gonna Beta.>>
>>87378002 she doesn't want to fuck youif only you could somehow rape her >>
>>87378002 Too late, she's addicted to vampire dick.>>
Would you drink her milk? >>
>Implying it was not part of Eru Erefu’s plan >>
>>87377990 It's probably not funding related. Sunrise rarely approves 4 cours shows these days for original properties unless they are Gundam or really successful like Geass.>>
>>87377990 I don't think they've ever actually said that anywhere>>
>>87378030 >Going to the civil authorities (the student council or L-11) and confessing to raping Saki under the influence of VVV-tan and nanomachines would taking responsibility. >But a Beta is gonna Beta. The ironing, it hurts.>>
>>87378076 not really, eruerurufu plan was to make haruto finds most of the vvv mechas>>
>>87377990 we will get Valvrave Destiny with Haruto's son being the MC>>
Saki is just teen Misato. Sunrise cant into original characters. >>
They'll change it now it was leaked and they got hit by the huge backlash of angry elevens >>
>>87378203 This isnt necessary bad. Misato was a great character. And I hope Saki can attain her level.>>
>>87378210 I think any show has ever changed something just 'cause fans didn't like it.
>changing your vision just 'cause it upsets people I hate it when people do that.>>
>>87378210 >Implying Urubutcher gives a shit The buttpain of his fellow elevens is practically ambrosia to him.>>
>>87378262 >I think any show has ever changed something just 'cause fans didn't like it Lets make new SEED season with new cast, kill off the MC of last season and tell new story ... Fuck it, its not popular. Revive the MC. Scrap the story. We are doing season 1 2.0>>
I hope the rape scene goes for more than just 20 seconds or whatever. It should show her getting thoroughly impregnated. >>
>>87378370 This is an 8pm slot anime. Fucking families will be watching this while eating dinner. Do you really think they will have hardcore rape scenes?>>
>>87378378 Thats what Shoko would say. Saki would want abortion, but Shoko would prevent it.>>
Terrible show but I can't wait for the NTR doujins. >>
>>87378378 Oh course、he takes her to a DEITO next episode>>
>>87378365 SEED was written by someone who self inserted so hard into the plot it was funny. It was obvious that she'd never kill off her husband's proxy.>>
>>87378392 It's a 1am timeslot unless something has changed from last week>>
>>87378394 >Saki wanting an abortion Unlikely, since she already fell for Haruto>>
>>87378394 I learned from hentai that if you rape a girl and put a baby in her she automatically falls in love with you.>>
>>87378392 families don't watch anime at dinner you watch shit like walker texas ranger or friends. 3d shit you know.>>
>>87378392 It's Japan. They see and/or partake in rape on their way to work/school/grocery store>>
>>87378470 It has to do with hormones specific to 2d physiology. Much research as been conducted on this matter.>>
>>87378500 oh yeah I hear they have train cars that are specifically for girls to get groped and raped>>
>>87378369 >>87378332 Wait, so Gargantia is Urobutcher's show this season, not Valvrave? I just assumed, given the whole 'Shoko dies in the first episode wait nope that's later' thing, and the whole vampire thing fitting his 'humans = monsters' schtick, and the homoeroticism, and... Are you sure?>>
>>87378447 >implying Saki didn't fall for Shoko She's just using Haruto so she can have a kid to raise with Shoko.>>
I'm so tired of all this Sakirape thing.
I can't wait for Thursday so it's over and we can move on to more important matters, like what is Audrey doing and what is Cain planning? >>
>>87378578 Watching saki's rape videos Planning more rape>>
>>87378578 >what is Cain planning? That's obvious as fuck. He's slowly pressuring Module 77 to board up all the Valvraves, so he can have a bigger family, being a Space Vampire himself and all that.>>
I want to impregnate Saki. >>
>>87378662 That show was just a clone of old scifi ideas, doesn't count.>>
>>87377375 I just fapped to this scrumptious ZR and came buckets. Thank You>>
>>87378493 At this point it's not shipping anymore.>>
Any doujins for this series yet? >>
I demand more rape doujins >>
>>87378708 He still wrote it. Or else by that logic you shouldn't count any anime past the 80's.>>
>>87378536 VVV is Geass author`s. How could you even compare them?>>
>>87378806 >How could you even compare them? They're both equally bad>>
>>87378691 But Audrey is too pure to do such a thing.
He just wants to love him tenderly.>>
>implying haruto wont have a harem of pregnant girls by the end >>
rape equals character development
gotcha >>
looks like saki got the best meat in the end >>
>>87378922 >that Haruto's left leg and foot Jesus christ, how horrifying. It's like he has disproportionate little stumps for legs.>>
>>87378934 But Mikono did a lot of things!
Like fucking dogs. >>
>>87378975 If I was raped, I would probably reevaluate my whole life if I survived.>>
>>87379058 >Like fucking dogs Offscreen, doesn't count.>>
>Arisa gets raped in Guilty Crown >what a slut >Saki gets raped >I hope she has a babby I think your slut radar is malfunctioning, /a/.>>
>>87379440 But she didn't get raped, she sold her body>>
>>87378975 I wish people would stop talking like this was actually anybody's fault as if it was on purpose and not because VVV-tan wants the flesh>>
>>87379440 Arisa didn't get raped. She was whoring out her body. Also, Arisa started becoming a total bitch anyway for Gai cock>>
>>87379488 Because she was a filthy slut who should have died.>>
>>87379440 >Arisa gets raped in Guilty Crown That's not how rape works anon.>>
>>87379440 >trading sex for power >rape Better check my privilege.>>
>>87379527 tumblr told me it's rape if the girl didn't enjoy it. Checkmate, potential rapists.>>
>>87379440 Don't remind me about the lack of doujins for guilty crown. The girls being delicious was pretty much it's sole positive point and yet there are what, 3 doujins?>>
>>87379440 Arisa didn't get raped, she whored herself out.>>
>>87376299 Sounds just like my Japanese horror movies.
Saki survived the evil baby, nice. >>
>>87379577 Every man paying a girl for sex is a rapist now.>>
Didn't the geass author guy write guilty crown? Why do they even let him keep going? >>
>>87379866 There were two writers on Geass. One did Guilty Crown, the other did VVV.>>
>>87379982 Both are shit but when they are together they can put a leash on each other.>>
>>87380121 Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland OVA 1 2012 2.10 (431) 5.05 (445) Supervision (監修)>2.10 lol>>
Will it have a timeskip between cours? >>
>>87380607 Time skip to where she's fully pregnant probably>>
>>87380607 I doubt it. If so, there's only 3 episodes to wrap up this whole arc, and with probably most of the next episode covering the Haruto/Saki drama, there just isn't time. I'm personally hoping that this whole show is planned with a season 2 in mind, but that's unlikely.>>
>>87380658 The empire will last 1000 years, a 200 yeaar one wouldn't cover the fall of Haruto/his son with Saki/Cain/VVV-tan/whoever.>>
>>87380638 Bueno>>87380658 Maybe not, the story is about freeing JIOR, in 200 years it appears to be a all out war, where JIOR is free.>>87380729 The timeskip could be 1-2 years, Haruto and Saki would a child, the people would be more mature, etc. At least I hope so.>>
>>87380869 >>87380877 Didn't the history infodump in the first episode said the empire would last 1000 years?>>
>>87380863 >the people would be more mature That's what I thought when 3.0 had a timeskip. I doubt it.>>
>>87380869 >>87380877 I think it's from scandinavian folklore. VVV is heavily inspired on it, or so I've read.>>
tell me more about valravn, wiki tells us too short summary >>
>>87380909 I knew it wouldn't, because then Rebuild would end. Every Eva media ends with shinji finally maturing.>>
>>87380950 boy meets girl
boy meets another girl 2nd girl gets raped by boy and lives 200+ years 1st girl dies, driving boy to do something heroic boy lives on in 2nd girl>>
Rape =/= winning da harutob owl Shoko still wins >>
>>87381195 However surviving = winning da harutob owl>>
>Saki is called Valkyrie of the Battlefield in her manga >Valkyrie, female "choosers of the slain" of Norse mythology, associated with ravens HAPPENING>>
>>87381220 Shoko's soul lives on in Haruto's heart. She won but she died, but her soul lives on. Shoko: 1 Saki: 0>>
>>87381265 Meanwhile, Saki fucks Haruto every now and then and will have his son Saki: 9999999 Shoko: analobliterated and dead>>
>>87381260 yeah but don't forget about the valvravn which is Danish Folklore.>>
>>87381347 They name their son Shoko. Shoko: Checkmate Saki: 0-1=-1>>
>>87381359 That's exactly what I meant, the valvravn is a raven and raves are related to Valkyries.>>
>>87381365 Shoko. Tokishima SAKI's son. Saki: ∞ Shoko: shit>>
>>87375532 I don't think Sunrise has the balls to give Saki her rightfully deserved rape baby If anything, they'll make it seem like she enjoyed it afterwards or they'll make this scene completely forgotten by the next episode>>
Isn't anybody else wondering why haruto ends up naked too? Also, reminder that Haruto is not the rapist, but is also raped. >>
>>87381757 She becomes Haruto's bro and they go see one of her movies.>>
>>87381757 She and Haruto become close as a result of it in episode 11. Anyone has the full spoiler list from 2ch? Shoko becomes representative of New Jior or something.>>
>>87381627 mfw shoko was from the future and fall in love with her own father>>
>>87381820 I'm guessing they'll both be in a vampire frenzy and end up biting each other up.>>
>>87381852 So it's not rape then, she enjoyed it Otherwise Haruto would be locked up in the brig eating sandwiches with a dead look on his eyes>>
>>87382021 I can still see L-Elf shoving him in the brig for a while after this.>>
>>87382110 >yfw the rape brings Saki and Haruto together even more >Haruto gets caught and put in the brig >in the brig with Thunder >Haruto develops a buddy-buddy relationship with Thunder >>
>>87381885 Shoko wins the election and officially becomes sovereign of the now independent country. This event makes Haruto feel distant from Shoko Under the influence of vampiric urges, Haruto sexually assaults Saki Haruto and Saki start talking to each other more often after than and become friends Haruto tells Saki about his feelings toward Shoko Haruto is curious about her idol days They go watch a movie of her idol days Elsewhere, Liselotte is looking outside a window. Two doves that were together fly separate ways. SYMBOLISM>>
Just because he's ripping off her clothes doesn't mean he's raping. >>
>>87382110 Are they gonna separate him from his baby mama? How cruel.>>
>>87382497 >implying the brown-haired viewer isn't Shoko and the black-haired viewer isn't Marie watching Saki's idol movies to get to know her better Shoko wins.>>
>>87382341 I actually agree. Since he's doing this due to vampire insticts, then he should have instinctively gone and ripped her skirt and panties off if he intention was rape. Ripping off the shirt looks like he's trying to get acess to bite her.>>
>>87382173 Wait but it hasn't even aired yet. And there's no pre-air. How would even 2ch know what happens in e11?>>
>>87382566 He can bite with some layer of clothing as long as it works.>>
>>87382582 I'm not letting go of this ship until you convince me a better Haruto that isn't homo and doesn't involve Saki.>>
>raping saki >raping the slut of the show and not a pure character like marie or shoko Meh>>
>>87382641 HarutoxLiselotte, best ship to get hilarious reactions from L-11.>>
>>87382566 probably he'll just rip her clothes off and she'll say "oh stop! wait nevermind keep going" and not resist at all. Then after it's over and when the vampire shit wears off he'll be sorry and all but she will say that it's perfectly fine and then they will become bros.>>
Why is the teacher so lewd? >>
>>87383075 thatshowyouwriteanirrelevantcharact erwithtoomuchscreentime.jpg>>
>>87382173 Holy shit yeah dat symbolism shoko confirmed for losing da harutob owl now whether anyone wins...>>
Since we know that she really is jealous of Shoko... >>
Goddammit every time i open a VVV thread i feel uncomfortable and i want everyone to die. Fucking spoilers and worshipping of the only bitch in the show, hell, even the school council drill-hair president is better than her. Saki is an immature attention whore teen slut who craves for cock and likes rape.Yes im mad bcuz ppl don't like the tihngs I liek >>
>>87382173 >get sexually assaulted >use it as a reason to get closer wemin logic>>
>>87383417 >the only way to grow closer to a grill is by raping her! Sunrise logic.>>
>>87383387 She is jealous of their bond, their trust. Saki is always alone.>>
Why didn't she slap the vampire out of him? she wanted it didn't she? the slut. >>
>>87383675 Shoko is an angel, she would never hate anyone.>>
>sex/rape=character development >implying it's not just jerkoff material for fat otaku and her I thought valverave could not get any worse>>
>>87383888 >I thought valverave could not get any worse >>
>>87383888 code geass writer is involved, it always can get worse. In before rocket-propelled Cain.>>
Only 25 hours until we know who raped who. >>
>>87384013 >rocket >implying he isn't powered by an anti friendship particle drive that can only be stopped by cheering haruto on while he shouts >>
>>87384266 Cain already said that he knows friendship. He is no pure evil.>>
>>87384220 I'm fuckin pumped! I want Saki and Haruto to be bros and casual sex friends with the good prospect for a deeper relationship.>>
>>87384220 Would "who raped whom" work better in that context?>>
>>87383568 Stop deluding yourself, faggot. She just wants popular D>>
>>87384802 >casual sex friends ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING>>
>>87384802 That sounds terribly similar to what was going on between Kira and whatshername.-
+ yotsuba
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