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why aren't the other nazi boys anywhere near as good as him? >>
>>87332932 They haven't been through the same shit as him obviously>>
>>87332932 That's the question I ask myself every week.>>
>>87333370 asami set is wasted on shoko i hope she gets good VA work in the future, her work as chihaya is god tier>>
>>87333457 Your thread is right there Audrey:>>87333407 >>
>>87335924 The majority are sick and tired of the "spoilers" being spammed in every thread so theyve abandoned ship. I am just sticking around to read.>>
>>87335971 It's funny how not even original shows are safe from them.>>
>>87335971 I think it's also because most stuff has been discussed.>>
>>87336025 Theres still plenty to discuss. People just jump straight into the spoiler bullshit if anything is attempted. Weve been infiltrated by the SnK faggots.>>
>>87335971 >>87336016 I admit I'm actually happy we got those spoilers. This way, the horrofied reactions have been spread throughout the week. Sure when it does air it'll still have a lot of anons going haywire about it, but it'll be less than otherwise.>>
You find this in your room, what do? >>
>>87336128 Really? I'd expect the gargantia faggots to do that.
I kind of wish the 'camera' followed L-elf more, I want to know how much he knows about the VVV; does he realize the girl only appears on one? Does he know what the contract terms were?>>
>>87336129 I would've preferred raw, unaltered shitstorm.>>
>>87336025 After a while our conversations end up going in circles. One thing I think we'll get next episode is a bit of an info dump from Kibukawa and L-Elf regarding the Valvraves.>>
>>87336129 The spoilers being dropped before episode 9 aired ruined our word cloud and our live watch in general as did the faggot op who made it 45 minutes early.>>
>>87336265 I'm worried they'll just skip that scene to make us go "hurr what happened to the guy?">>
>>87336265 >implying they won't cut away from spy vs spy just when they're going to reveal something, to spend the whole episode on rape drama and romcom antics It's mystery robots, we aint gotta explain shit (to the audience)>>
>>87336258 Nah, the gargatia faggots are in their own threads these passed two weeks due to something actually happening in that SoL mecha.
Im sure Haruto told him a little about the terms of service but otherwise i think he may not know everything, such as the existence of VVV-tan. I still think the VVV-tan's race is like the Goa'uld from Stargate SG1, symbiotes who take control of the person and share their memories yet not taking them over fully.>>
>>87336336 It was the "twist" for the episode so I doubt they'll just drop it, not with L-Elf holding him at gunpoint.>>
>>87336258 >Does L-Elf know The answer is always yes, no matter the context.>>
>>87336277 >god shota started kill >saki stop finally >eruerfu blood safe >crying jew >best shoko suffering >akira begins >glasses incoming >>
>>87336509 I didnt even bother saving last weeks because it was so terrible.>>
>>87336405 Nah, they might so they can create a shitty 'mistery' regarding what happened to him.
Although on the other hand, if L-Elf is getting exposition dumb down below, that would explain why in hell he left Haruto wander alone at night if he knows the guy is getting out of control.>>
>>87336597 Learning the truth of the Valvraves is more important than babysitting Haruto. For all we know he sent Saki a text and told her to watch him.>>
>>87336863 Not if Kibukawa has something important to say.>So you see, the plans for the VVV are- >Hold on, my hidden cameras caught Haruto leaving the room. Excuse me I have to make a call >Hey Saki, yeah I'm busy holding a guy at gun point, mind going to a dark hidden place in the woods after Haruto. Thanks. Oh and watch out, he might try to assualt you. Saki? Shit she hung up. Eh, fuck it, qhat could possibly go wrong. >>
We'll probably just get bits of the spy infodump as a flashback sometime during the episode. >>
>>87336863 >For all we know he sent Saki a text and told her to watch him. Wut?>>
>>87337929 Saki is seen checking her phone right afterwards. If L-Elf sent her there, she could be texting him. That said, I don't think he had a hand in this. The anime seems to be pushing for a slow tentative friendship between Haruto and L-Elf and I'm not sure Haruto will forgive him for this. Until it airs I'm assuming he was too busy with the spy.>>
>>87338226 >Saki is seen checking her phone right afterwards. If L-Elf sent her there, she could be texting him. >"Nice plan faggot" >>
Because he's best everything. >>
>implying Elf isn't enjoying the view >>
>>87338472 She is just uploading the sex pictures on spacebook.>>
>>87338538 >posts the one with the fake blush Dammit anon>>87338560 Eh, it's a bad plan. There was a high chance either or both got too awkward around each other afterwards to work well together gain, and that would ruin teamwork. But speaking of that, was I the only one disappointed in the last episode that L-Elf didn't suddenly sprout from the bushes when Shoko and Haruto were secretly watching Jewdog?>>
>>87338538 Did that anon who made this finish the Audrey version? If he did, can someone please post it. Thanks in advance.>>
>>87339009 Thank you. It turned out a lot better than I thought it would.>>
I sure hope next episode delivers more to discuss than just the rape or else it's going to be a long week. >>
>>87339131 We'll get some of H-Neun's unrequited love and Kriem's intensifying deathflags.>>
Will we see it before episode 13, /a/? >>
>>87338538 I never thought it would have the name I propoused.>>
>>87339334 anyone have the non text version of this?>>
>>87339216 >Kriem's intensifying deathflags They may just be realized, we're running out of epiodes for this cour.>>
>>87339216 >H-Neun's unrequited love More like unsatisfied lust. H-Neun just wants to release the dragon.>>
>>87339581 If that scene wasn't foreshadowing I don't know what is.>>
>>87336139 Who did this!!!>>87336418 Then does he know that Cain will try to screw his plans big time? Does he have a keikaku to outkeikaku his former mentor?>>87339619 Bats are flying in the cloudy sky?>>
>>87340478 L-Elf has to be taking Cain into consideration, ignorning him would be a huge over sight on his part. He was trained by him, he has to know what the guy is capable of.>>
>>87340602 don't think they know Cain is a space vampire, with a hidden agenda.>>
Earlier in a different thread some anon came up with that ridiculous Madoka theory.>L-elf always knows all things ahead of time. >His predictions are always correct. >L-elf's accurate predictions are because of some supernatural ability or is he's really that extremely smart? >Anon claimed L-elf's situation could be similar to Homura's. I think it's bullshit but it was interesting to watch the discussion. >>
>>87340786 Well, this speculation first appeared after episode 3 aired. Nothing to prove it so far. But I guess there wouldn't be any point in pulling off another Madoka. I guess Eruerufu is just this smart. I'm more worried about the theory of aliens and UNDERSTANDING...>>
>>87340786 Personally, I think L-Elf is just really that smart. A one-in-a-million autistic master of deduction with years of intense training and strategizing under his belt.>>
How would an ordinary day of L-Elf and Haruto living together look like? >>
>>87332888 (OP) Not perfect, just overpowered. I can't wait to see Cain ruining his keikakus.>>
>>87341098 If he's Sosuke, I wonder if Shoko will be his (notably less violent) Chidori>>
>>87338472 >Saki is seen checking her phone right afterwards. If L-Elf sent her there, she could be texting him. >"Nice plan faggot" Hahahahaha>>
>>87340771 It was said that L-Elf was the only one of the guys that Cain briefed on the Valvraves, there's a possibility that he was suspicious.>>
>>87341176 A good reason for Haruto to change sides. Fucking Elf.>>
>>87341275 Did he know that he was the only one? It was his job too steal the Valvrave. A briefing would not be suspicious.>>
>>87341299 And then we're Star Wars.>We even have a Star Wars princess. >>
>>87341361 Generally one would call in everybody for the briefing, not one at a time.>>
>>87341275 >It was said that L-Elf was the only one of the guys that Cain briefed on the Valvraves When/where was this?>>
>>87341176 Can you imagine the haircut episode except with Shoko and L-Elf?>>
>>87340786 Nah I think he's just that smart. Even as a kid he was already smart enough to escape and think to use the hair acessories as weapons. He's a brilliant boy with years of desesperation and extreme training, honing his skills>>
Is that his real surname? >>
>>87342805 I think it's a name all Karlstein graduates get. He was supposedly russian, not german.>>
>>87342805 It's the name of the academy he went to. Considering all of Hitler Youth has codenames, they likely take on that surname as well.>>
>>87342805 Given to him by the Karlstein Institute. So yeah. His real surname.>>
>>87342805 I'm still wondering how they conviced him to add his name to the door. We'll probably never know his real name. He'll say it to a character but we the viewers won't get to hear it.>>87342825 I think Haruto is a whistle>>
>>87342860 >Russian Not confirmed. He might be as well a child bred in the lab.>>
>>87342958 >how they conviced him to add his name to the door. >convinced >implying it wasn't his OCD kicking in >>
>>87342960 Well by "supposedly" I meant according to another anon, so I didn't mean it was a fact or anything.>>
>>87342958 Isn't his real name Licht? I think we've been over this.>>
>>87343014 >Isn't his real name Licht? Isn't that Princess surname?>>
>>87342960 That is highly possible considering the put test subjects into concentrations camps in NS.>>
>>87343014 Licht most likely refers to Liselotte. Either his nickname for her or can be taken to mean that she is his "light", or his motivation that keeps him fighting.>>
>>87343671 L-Elf in the middle of a group of schoolgirls in pink aprons always amused me.>>
>>87343671 I love how anyaclone is not concerned in the least>>
>>87344145 Shoko is going to be mindbroken as fuck when she sees the berserker vampire sex.>>
>>87345766 >berserker vampire sex. Are there doujins with this theme?>>
Just noticed Dorssian's uniforms are in the colors of Germany. What about Russia? >>
Russia didn't offer enough vodka to Germany. >>
>>87346328 Well I sure hope there will be after the next episode airs.>>
Anyone think L-elf WON'T backstab the protags? At some point their plans will clash and Elf will bail out, right? >>
>>87346807 I don't think he will. I have feeling with the timeskip, L-Elf doesn't get what he wants with Liselotte... perhaps he fails (that would be quite the twist) And he has no other place to go but stick with Haruto. Perhaps even become a VVV pilot at last?>>
>>87346917 >Perhaps even become a VVV pilot at last? I get your other points and of course I don't mean this argumentatively, but I'm not sure if I see this happening.
I think he sees his survival and the security of his position to lead battle plans as the most important part of his plans and being a VVV operator gives you weird shit to deal with.>>
>>87347084 You just become haruto's potential food, this is how jew and thunder won't survive the timeskip.>>
>>87346807 He won't have time for backstabbery, they have only a handful of episodes before Cain fucks everything up.>>
>>87347084 Yeah you're more than likely correct. L-Elf seems to be more willing to use Haruto rather than pilot himself. (or at least understanding the extents of the VVV powers before hand) Though the real reason why I mention that is well, unless he DOES become a vampire too, L-Elf won't be important past the timeskip.>>
>>87347267 Why not? There is always cold sleep or some other sci-fi stuff he could use.>>
>>87347307 Cold sleep would make him become disconnected from everything that's happening, also licht dies. And cold sleep for 200 to 1000 years (real timeskip length unknown) is pretty bad.>>
>>87347428 We don't even know the extent of the "vampire" powers. So far all we've seen is the body swapping and can't die. And apparently gets "hungry.">>
>>87347357 >would make him become disconnected from everything that's happening I don't see the downside.
It would give him an interesting PoV and it creates the need for justified exposition.>>
>>87347487 >>87347357 sounds very beginning of Geass R2-esque, but it's a tactic used for a lot of sequel things.>>
>>87347357 Disconnect would work better for Haruto in a timeskip since he is the pov character. Less so for L-Elf.>>
>>87343007 >Implying he'd willingly want to expose himself by putting a sign to where he was staying Anyone think his handwritting is terrible?>>
>>87347952 Even the all-mighty Eru Erufu needs a flaw.>>
>>87347952 He's not used to jap, probably. Also>he'd willingly want to expose himself I think it goes more like>every student must be located in their rooms with the name in the plates >but L-11, you're also a student and then l-11 wrote it.>>
Do you think Valvrave VI will be the connection between present and the far future? >>
>>87348068 I hope it doesn't just let Haruto time travel, he really needs some extreme timeskip development a la Saki.>>
Eruerufu armed with Liselotte's hair, with preparation. Da Shokoshoko armed with jelly bars, with preparation. Who wins? >>
>>87348017 1000 years later, L-Elf and Haruto wake up to a strange new world.>>
>>87348202 Eruerufu has problems predicting Shoko's brain problems, so Shoko wins>>
>>87348202 Hasn't Eru Erufu already beaten Shoko when he marched up to her, told her to turn the school into a military dictatorship, then single-handedly coup'd the entire school, had a Dorssia attack incapacitate him for a while but got an alliance with Haruto to turn the school into a military dictatorship out of it?>>
>>87348365 But she didn't have jelly bars available at that time.>>
>>87348404 She had just been cooking, if she's going to use her preparation time to make some sort of broth instead of jelly bars then more fool her.>>
Oh look pixiv reads my mind. >>
>nobody posted the newest translations yet Slipping /a/>●サキはショーコとハルトの信頼関係が羨ましくてハルトにふたりぼっちを キーワードにちょっかいかけてた<←過去形>(ソース:雑誌) Saki envies the mutual trust relationship between Shoko and Haruto. She wishes she could have a special "alone together" bond with him. ●10話でサキちゃんが本当にいい子なのだとわかる/ハルトがサキに酷いこ とするけど許してあげて(ソース:雑誌) Episode 10 will once again show that Saki is good girl deep inside. Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. Source: Magazine (wwww)>●10話サブタイ:恋の選挙公約(予告描写:サンダー・サキ・ハーノイン ・クリムヒルト・ショーコ・ハルト・タカヒ) Episode 10's subtitle: Campaign Promise of Love. Preview images: Thunder, Saki, H-Neun, Kriemhild, Shoko, Haruto, Takahi>>
>>87347991 Bad handwriting is a sign of intelligence. Sasuga, Sunrise.>>
>>87343933 He doesn't appear to be out of place at all.>>
>>87348926 >not reading other threads. Yeah, those are old news now. Those have been out for a day or more. Lurk more.>>
>>87349179 I know. I thought we posted the newest info in every thread?>>
So we all knew she was best girl all along right. >>
>>87332888 (OP) Because he's the pilot of Chamber, and the he gets to bone Amy.>>
>>87351121 isn't that just whatsherface from Angelic Layer?>>
>>87351340 Holy titfucking christ it's true. Is the council president Pinion?>>
>>87351339 remove those braids and she looks like haruto.>>
>>87351340 >>87351293 Man... I was wondering why he looked so familiar. I was trying to think of the character he reminded me most of.>>
>>87351340 So, does this mean Haruto x L-Elf is confirmed?>>
>>87351513 They can never get rough in bed, no neckbiting. I don't want to live in this world.>>
So... Do you think Shoko jacked off while in Haruto's body? >>
>>87351513 no, because like Ami, haruto is a slut and belongs to everyone.>>
>>87351545 Is it odd I've been thinking about this since episode 1?
But there will be a lot of licking involved, which is fine by me.>>
>>87351545 Imagine it. He cums inside his Aryan lover, groaning out his release, getting his partner right to the edge, before biting him on the neck, transferring bodies and feeling the orgasm he JUST induced rush through his body. Glorious.>>
>>87351422 Shit, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe we should do a character eqivalent chart betweent the two shows. But who is Bellows? Thunda or Akira?>>
>>87351339 I made an Angelic Layer post some time ago, in a thread about Medabots. Good to see anons actually remember it.>>
>>87351697 Well I don't know about Bellows but Ridget is that one Dorssia bitch.>>
>>87333528 >wasted on shoko >implying Shoko is not her best role >>
>>87351747 FUCK, that was a terrible brainfart on my part. I'm sorry. Do you guys think Rukino jacked off while in his body?
Did she lick her fingers after? >>
>>87351865 Of course she did. Nothing is better than Rukino in Haruto's body boning all the girls imho. The way she seduced Ninomiya was amazing.>>
>>87352002 I expect a doujin or at least a fucking fanfic from that shit... please.>>
Why is Blue Vulva Rave so fucking OP >>
>>87352189 >no mobility >attack from beneath and is done for Poor blue VVV.>>
>>87352226 >do a 360 and use your uncrushable wingshields >>
>>87352297 >no mobility Be Saki and you can destroy it because multi-angle attacks.>>
>>87352313 when will all the vuravuravus gattai into vulvazord>>
>>87338799 >Eh, it's a bad plan. There was a high chance either or both got too awkward around each other afterwards to work well together gain, and that would ruin teamwork. There is no 'chance' with L-Elf. All of it is predetermined
unless Shoko is involved . Just look how confident he was Jewbro would go to the hangar and be convinced by Thunder to pilot.>>
So I just fucking realized. If Akira is suppose to be getting Purple, which is a giant radar, but she's a fucking NEET. How is she suppose to relay information effectively? >>
>>87340602 I wouldn't be surprised if everything Cain did around him was a front to give L-Elf the wrong impression. The guy loves being mysterious.>>
>>87352466 gonna mairu that shit with her japanese cellphone>>
>>87352466 Spacebook/space twitter/space chat Plus VVV 6 wouldn't even go near the battlefield and just hide in the cracks of Module 77 during battle>>
>>87340786 >I think it's bullshit That's because it is. He's been surprised too many times for him to be in some kind of loop.>>
I lost when I saw DogAudrey >>
>>87353023 No, Haruto surprised him when he first went all vampire and bit him.>>
>>87353023 And vampire Haruto what the fuck did you do to my body.>>
>>87347307 >There is always cold sleep People always say this is a possibility, but really, what reason would the character's have for doing this? I don't see how they could fit it into the plot without feeling forced.>>
>>87348202 What would sex between an autist and a mentally impaired girl be like?>>
>>87353962 Sorry, I like dog Audrey better, he's hilarious>>
>>87354357 And here he is with his "I'll fuck you" eyes>>
>>87352466 Why does everyone want that shitty NEET to pilot a VVV anyway?>>
>>87354810 L-Elf via Dorssia recommends you get into the fucking mecha Haruto.>>
>>87355063 I find this image off for some reason. And your comment reminded me of "You can (not) redo", why?>>
>>87347084 He may not have the luxury of staying as things are. He may come across as overpowered at the moment but once Cain gets serious he'll probably change his tune. He knew from the beginning that one had to be compatible with the Valvrave to pilot, so of course he's being careful. He has a goal that requires him to be alive, which is why if he's in a situation where he needs the Valvrave to live he'll be forced into becoming a pilot.>>
>>87343158 licht refers to light yagami who was the second L. L-elf is L-11 therefore the 11th L>>
>>87358956 And that's why Licht can be read on the photo with Liselotte>>
>>87355861 >L-Elf will never give Shoko his ham and eggs >not even in doujins Damn it, Japan.>>
>>87336139 Exactly the same L-elf did on the following pages
Very homo >>
>>87359489 She won't be holding him back when she becomes his mandatory cumdump to sate his vampire lust.>>
Saki's not gonna win. Haruto's heart is 2pure for her. >>
>>87349593 We don't after it's thoroughly discussed on the original thread it was posted. If you're going to re-post it, at least use the spoiler tags.>>
>>87359589 Why do the ones with the purest of hearts get to be the sluttiest?
;_; >>
>>87359710 VVV-tan is the real slut. Haruto is a pure maiden corrupted under her whore influence.>>
>>87359835 It looks like they forgot to color in her eyebrows there.>>
>>87360041 Why the fuck? Even after a 200 year timeskip?>>
When will Saki's armour piercing slaps return? >>
>>87359835 That's just what she wants you to think. Don't fall for her tricks!>>
Scans from PASH! magazine. 1/2 >>
I heard that Sunrise has to pay MBS 160 million yen due to the leaked audio track from episode 10. Anyone else heard anything about this? >>
>>87362000 This is my first time hearing about any leaked audio. So many damn leaks.>>
>>87362000 no, gib link and why would sunrise pay mbs?>>
>>87362042 There are 4 leaks total. 3 are just images (no big deal), 1 is audio track (around 7-8 minutes).>>
>>87362086 ヴァルヴレイヴ製作委員会(キングレコード、アニプレックス、MBS、サン ライズ、バンダイ、バンダイナムコゲームス、電通、ムービック) MBS is part of the production committee (as sponsors) and they feel like the leaks are breach of contract.>>
>>87349186 L-Elf never betrayed Liz or Audrey. They are political hostages apparently. That's probably why they shipped the prince into death academy. L-Elf even told A-Drei that he didn't betray him. He seems to want him to sit and not dirty his hands on this.>>
>>87362231 I see, so they're blaming Sunrise's poor security/contractors for the leaks. Fair enough.>>87362093 So where is this Audio Track then?>>
>>87362270 >So where is this Audio Track then? Probably floating around Chinese forums. Maybe even in 2ch.>>
>>87362000 >160 million Sasuga chinese. Maybe now elevens will outsource less.>>
>>87362370 >implying a hikki being contracted isn't just as if not more likely to leak shit. >>
>>87362000 >160 million yen That's like, what, 16 cents?>>
>>87362576 I'm probably wrong, but I think its around 200k dollars.>>
>>87362712 I don't know much about plamo, but I think they're around 3,000 yen ($30).>>
>>87362093 >3 are just images 1. Saki rape 2. Haruto and Saki date 3. ??? What's the third?>>
>>87362756 You think the chinese outsourcing firm would pay?>>
>>87362778 >53 thousand model kits to regain the lost money Hoho>>
>>87362907 implying they wouldn't Boku Janai their way out of anything sunrise does>>
>>87362907 Why would they sue chinese? They'll sue some eleven company.>>
>>87362778 For MG gunpla kits. The higher end PG kits can cost between 15,000 to 30,000 yen.>>
>>87362719 The guy who originally leaked some minor stuff said the series already got axed from 4-cour down to 2 (this was already 3 weeks ago though).>>87362270
was the original thread. It's been deleted now. You can google and see the thread title 继第十集分镜图露出之后,革命机10的配音版本也漏了 but the responses are not archived.>>87362313 Nah, I scoured the last 3 threads on 2ch. They aren't even aware of this. Most of their discussions are just predicting future events. On the other hand, there's another Gundam series coming this October if anyone cares.
Domain Name: GUNDAM-BF.NET Registrar: MELBOURNE IT, LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE Whois Server: Referral URL: Name Server: NS1.SUNRISE-ANIME.JP Name Server: NS2.SUNRISE-ANIME.JP Status: ok Updated Date: 27-may-2013 Creation Date: 23-may-2013 Expiration Date: 23-may-2014>>
>>87363077 >Domain Name: GUNDAM-BF.NET >Registrar: MELBOURNE IT, LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE >Whois Server: >Referral URL: >Name Server: NS1.SUNRISE-ANIME.JP >Name Server: NS2.SUNRISE-ANIME.JP >Status: ok >Updated Date: 27-may-2013 >Creation Date: 23-may-2013 >Expiration Date: 23-may-2014 I hope it's good.>>
>>87363139 People are calling it Gundam Boyfriend for now ...
As you can see on the twitter image (especially the last few tweets), announcement should be imminent.>>
>>87363077 >the series already got axed from 4-cour down to 2 >>
>>87363077 >axed from four cour down to two Does someone in Japan hate fun?>>
>>87363251 Ah, well. There's still hope for R2 eventually.>>
>>87362000 >I heard that Sunrise has to pay MBS 160 million yen due to the leaked audio track from episode 10. Anyone else heard anything about this? Sounds like just a rumors>>87363077 >The guy who originally leaked some minor stuff said the series already got axed from 4-cour down to 2 (this was already 3 weeks ago though). How do you really know that's the same guy and/or true though? I wouldn't be surprised, but especially since the first cour isn't even done yet, it's a little early. If the second cour does better than expected, such a decision could be reversed.>>
>>87363371 >Ah, well. There's still hope for R2 eventually. >implying it won't be Valvrave the Conqueror. >>
>>87363398 If they plan to end it with any semblance of closure they'd need to know the episode count beforehand.>>
>>87363077 >the series already got axed from 4-cour down to 2 Guys, Guys! Maybe the first one is only 12 episodes, but second maybe is 26!!>>
>>87363525 Or maybe it's just going to be a rushed clusterfuck.>>
>>87363496 Well, the ending might be as open as most Gundam endings. Didn't stop them from making more.>>
>>87363496 IE: 0079 ended the war, but then Zeta came, and then ZZ and CCA.
Especially here that we have a time skip involved somehow.>>
They probably decided to abandon Valrave in favor of Gundam BF. >>
>>87363629 Personally, I don't see why anyone is even talking this "4 cour, down from 2" seriously when the show was originally announced as having one cour and then another one, not 4.>>
>>87363695 >They probably decided to abandon Valrave in favor of Gundam BF. Nah, they're made by totally different studio personnel and Gundam is obviously going to have much more investment, both in terms of time, money and promotional materila.>>
>>87363077 >On the other hand, there's another Gundam series coming this October if anyone cares.
Isn't that when Valvrave's second cour will be airing? Sunrise would never simultaneously air two mecha cash-cows.>>
>>87363808 They haven't said anything about when Gundam BF is airing though.>>
>>87363648 Unlike most Gundams we know there's a timeskip incoming. They can't just end before it happens and then never make a sequel. Well, I suppose they could, but that's not really Sunrise's style.>>
>>87363077 Can't Gundam BF just be a video game though?>>
>>87363077 Nobody here ever expected the show to be 4 cour and never did Sunrise announce it as such, so I would assume that's BS.>>
>>87363398 The guy has given spoilers before, and his posts are mostly few days before the new episode airs. He's 100% correct so far.>>87363711 Was split cour from the get-go if you go by the music composer's words. Also, when was the last Sunrise original series that got novelized (that's not Gundam)? I don't think they would bother if they didn't intend the project to be somewhat big.>>
>>87363835 Read the twitter message I posted. They said it's October.>>
>>87363879 As long as it's a Gundam otome game. I want to go on a date with
Sinanju .>>
>>87363849 Well, that depends.
a) Time skip happens between seasons, so nothing is lost. b) Time skip is teased at the end of season 2's conclusion, but nothing might follow and they might leave it open-ended in that regard (ie: the future might be this...or will it?), pending sequel approval if sales are higher than for S1.>>
>>87363879 >>Name Server: NS1.SUNRISE-ANIME.JP >>Name Server: NS2.SUNRISE-ANIME.JP >>
>>87364000 "They" means who in this case? Random guy?>>
>>87364047 It might be a video game with animated cutscenes made by Sunrise and an OVA.>>
>>87363711 It could have been a 50 episodes show if it won the competition for Sunday 5 PM slot, but it seems that they rather chose Yamato over this.>>
>>87364061 Google their twitter accounts, they're all animators, one guy even mention it's the 3rd studio.>>
>>87364087 Frankly, I don't think VVV was ever going to be a 5 PM show with this subject matter. Plus Yamato is Yamato.>>
>>87364087 We still have hope for a second season dear anon, I still have hope..>>
>>87364133 But MBS started the Sunday slot with the second season of Geass.>>
Not sure if this has any new art. >>
>>87363963 I'm not sure if I can seriously accept that first claim at face value, but alright. Split cour, yes, which sounds like 24-25 episodes was what they actually expected to work with in any official capacity. And that's fair enough, I believe. Honestly, I'd say 24-25 episodes is still big in an age where 12 or 13 episodes series are becoming the norm for most typical shows. 50 episodes requires having either a proven successful property or else. .>>
>>87364217 >But MBS started the Sunday slot with the second season of Geass. So what? This isn't related, no matter what slight similarities are involved. Different and new IP that needs to win people over from zero.>>
>>87364384 Almost save producers are involved except for ons from King Records and Aniplex. It could have been one if something like Star Driver could get the slot.>>
The question is more : Why is Haruto so shit ? Watching him every week is painful to me. >>
>>87364322 Are these also from the same magazine? I love looking at character designs like this.>>
Is A-durei and eruefu blood-related? >>
>>87364490 Because not everyone has the same opinion as you.>>
>>87364468 And Star Driver only got 20 something episodes plus a movie.>>
>>87364336 You don't have to accept it at all, I'm just relaying the information. You don't have to believe me at all like
>>87364160 As you can tell, my posts are just to see if you guys heard anything related to the subject regarding the breach of contract. I'm not here to convince anyone to believe my statements, I just thought the information's interesting so I passed it along. You have every right (and should) doubt all posts, but to reiterate, I'm not here to convince you of anything.>>
>>87364569 Well, they might think that robot shows don't attract the mainstream audience or something. I even heard that they are preparing the next Gundam(Origin?) for the Thursday late night slot.>>
>>87364532 I assume that particular image is also from Animedia, but it didn't specify. Unfortunately I don't have the magazines myself, merely resharing found scans.>>87364539 If anything, A-Drei is likely related to Liselotte.>>
>>87364718 Question: if the thread was deleted, presumably in short order, would they really react quickly enough to have a breach of contract argument? Much less to have people hear of it here?
Also...if the guy making the leaks is a freelance Chinese (?) animator, how would he have access to the audio track?>>
>>87365040 Wow. That face Haruto is making just screams suffering.>>
>>87364539 Definitely not, L-Elf was a prisoner of Dorssia and A-Drei is a prince. Like other anon said, if A-Drei's related to anyone it'll be Liselotte.>>
>>87365135 Suffering? More like.
>Derp. I think i ate something wrong this morning. Can this photoshot be over already? >>
>>87365135 He's asking himself how he got caught up in another love triangle.>>
>>87365135 Looks more like a 'I didn't ask for this' kind of face.>>
>>87365040 L-Elf always looks so smug in official art.>>
>>87364871 1) The thread was spread to weibo, and this comment was "retweeted" /@AEMedia高达主题论坛: 看了今天流出的革命机第十话部分关键帧动画和音频后,我确信这周的革命机绝 对是所有4月新番里爆点最大的(好吧,还有别翻某坛砖楼,有人蒙对了剧情了
everywhere. is a somewhat big Chinese website for Gunpla/Gundam Discussion. They have known affiliation with Sunrise's outsource studios in the past (mostly in QQ groups). The message claimed from what they heard, the next episode will be the hottest topic among all April's anime. 2) There are multiple leaks, the first few leaks came from a guy who wasn't freelance (he's part of the photography crew in the credit). As the audio leak, it is unconfirmed if it's the same person (hence I have no idea about the access part). Honestly though, I don't really care for the leak so I didn't even hunt for the audio track. I just want to know if anyone knew anything about that breach. Seems like people here don't, so I'm taking my leave.>>
>>87365321 What do those Chinese fujos think about this show?>>
>>87362093 animators aren't supposed to get any hand on audio that's the timer's job seems like there are more than one leaker>>
>>87364776 >>87365174 I'm won't close the possibilities man. Since eruefu have a proper picture of the Liselotte which is very suspicious for a prisoner to have.>>
>>87363077 Gundam-BF A romantic show about a lonely schoolgirl falling in love with Gundam. "My Boyfriend cant be this Gundam!"> got axed from 4-cour down to 2 (this was already 3 weeks ago though). I refuse to believe. I want my Valvrave Destiny R2!>>
>>87365321 Well, thanks for the information I guess.
But after so many leaks, I don't think the episode will have quite the same effect by now, unless they're really holding back other stuff.>>
>>87365557 >I refuse to believe. I want my Valvrave Destiny R2! You'll just get Valvrave Part 2 and that'll be it.>>
>>87365613 Fake. We all know Valrvave will run for at least 100 episodes, not counting OAV and movies.>>
>>87365669 Valvrave the Liberator Valvrave the Conqueror Valvrave the Destroyer Valvrave the Redeemer>>
>>87365669 Except VVV are not established franchise like Gundam.>>
>>87365794 It's doing better than Gundam AGE and they're giving that a movie>>
>>87365747 Well, if it`ll go according to Conan the Barbarian naming sence - it`ll need not 100, but more like 1000 episodes. Conan the Destroyer Conan the Magnificent Conan the Invincible Conan the Mercenary Conan the Victorious Conan the Rebel Conan the Valiant Conan the Fearless Conan the Unconquered Conan the Defender Conan the Triumphant Conan the Buccaneer Conan the Liberator Conan the Conqueror Conan the Avenger Conan the Renegade Conan the Raider Conan the Marauder and much much more...>>
>>87365747 >Daughter of Golden Seven >Queen of Diamond >Platinum Star >Ancestor World >>
>>87365892 I was thinking it would progress through the machines Liberating JIOR, then conquering Dorssia then being corrupted and destroying ARUS and then Haruto's kid fixing all the damage his dad did.>>
>>87364243 >>87364322 >Not sure if this has any new art It has, thanks for sharing. Stupid adorable L-elf
Now I have to order Animedia, damn it
Do you know where the other concept art photos are from? The ones with Jew, Thunder and Saki in pilot suits.>>
Seems this one had another page. I really wish that Audrey comic wasn't cut off the edge. (Animedia) >>
>>87365892 There will be no VVV 2 since VVV is just there to bring back/promote the hIME universum. Its a story set between My hIME and Mai Otome. VVV is hIme-tech. So instead of VVV 2 we`ll get MechaArtifical Intellegence Himegami set 1000 years after Mai Otome>>
This looks quite amusing. (Animedia)>>87366156 I know what one you're talking about, but I don't know the source. I imagine there will be a VVV guidebook/artbook filled with concept art released eventually though. >>
>>87366407 Thunder x Saki confirmed OTP? Fuck this shit!>>
>>87366457 >Thundar x Saki confirmed OTP Whelp, looks like we know wins the Harutob owl.>>
>>87366156 >>87366407 Just after I mentioned a possible guidebook/artbook I found this. Official fanbook out August 26th. Only 1500 yen.>>
>>87363077 >The guy who originally leaked some minor stuff said the series already got axed from 4-cour down to 2 (this was already 3 weeks ago though). Oh god, WHY?!?!?!>>
So, when will Saki's VA sing as good as she did in Star Driver? >>
>>87359391 >L-Elf will never give Shoko his ham and eggs I'm not Japan, anon, but I tried
I'm sure this is exactly what you meant >>
It's always disappointing to hear about cutbacks. I wish we lived in a world where anime projects never found themselves strapped for cash and every series had an opportunity to be the best it could be. >>
>>87366715 Well, Eva was strapped for cash towards the end because Gainax blew it all on whores and crack and look how that turned out. Oh wait...>>
>>87366669 That's incredibly cute. Thank you for drawing that and sharing with us.>>
>>87366715 You should support Gundam AGE. Sunrise and MBS think robot show is not that popular nowadays.>>
>>87366669 This is lovely anon, really. I want this to happen.>>
>>87366802 I'd support several studios but I'm broke as fuck. I imagine it's the same for a lot of anime fans.>>
>>87366862 Models weren't that expensive, but they only bought that one for Madoka.>>
>>87366407 >>87366531 Based Animedia, the chibi/seiyuu image is too amusing (and accurate). Thanks for the info and the images, although I'm not very excited about the guidebook. Sunrise guidebooks don't usually have a lot of concept art, just a bunch of pages filled with screenshots and episode analysis/summaries. You'll get more concept art via furoku booklets than anything released officially.>>
>>87367019 Thanks for the heads up, I was going to buy it but I wasn't sure what it would consist of. It's a shame because I like seeing concept art and sketches which is hard to come by.>>
>>87366802 Gundam AGE was shit though. Artstyle and mech design was a massive problem, and a huge departure from most Gundams. It's not that 'mecha isn't popular' these days, it's that the typical mecha fan is sick of rehashes. It's why older Gundams performed so well, and it's the same reason why Code Geass was a grand success. They were all departures from that which they had set before it. When you, as today, make a mecha anime for the sole desire of selling gunpla and such, it suffers since the plot MUST be constrained around involving as many different mech designs as possible. Remember Zeta Gundam? There were like 6~ models shown in the entire 50 episode series and it was wildly popular. Remember Gundam Seed (not Destiny)? Higher focus on characters, with Gundams more used as a vehicle for character development (i.e. that fucking escape shuttle), than a commercial. That said, they did have their fair share of Gundam fanservice, but more functionality-wise on existing mechs, rather than sheer number of differing mecha.>>
Far too sleepy to attempt to decipher this, but it seems to be a short interview with Kimura Ryouhei (L-Elf's VA), so thought I might as well post it. That's the last from me tonight in case anyone was waiting for anymore scans. Goodnight.>>87367019 Ah, I see. I haven't bought a Sunrise guidebook before, so I didn't realize they were typically lacking in concept art. >>
>>87367202 >>87367303 I bought most CG official books and was incredibly disappointed because of that reason. For that particular series, the best concept art resource were a couple of booklets that were included with Animage ("Format Materials").>>
>>87367562 ...Fuck. Well then, that certainly shows just how tired I am. All I looked at was "Kimura".>>
>>87364322 Dat perfection Bottom right surprised EruErufu when?>>
Saki rape scene is leaked ... >>
>>87368295 He looks enraged to me. Why are all these expressions so perfect?>>
>>87368551 They should just upload a clip like they did with that Geass episode...
Holy shit though >>
>>87368551 Jesus Christ this face is so deceitful to me now...>>
>>87368551 We will never know how big the shitstorm would have been if this wasn't spoiled. I'm pretty sure /a/ crashing down would have been an understatement.>>
>>87368683 I fucking knew it would be at the shrine.>>
>>87368683 >the shrine where Haruto was supposed to confess to Shoko Heh.>>
>>87368691 >Haruto takes out his rage on Saki by his own volition HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>>
>>87368645 He's liberating. He's just liberating her ample bosom from its fabricky constraints.>>
>>87366407 >Miyano ducks a bit to adjust with the height of the mic. >Even the staff asked him if he wants to use the ceiling mic. Oh Miyano.>>
>>87368651 Thursday is still going to be a ton of fun.>>
>>87368551 What's with china leaking all of this? i kinda curious.>>87368651 I predicting there is going to be sticky>>87368691 May be since possession mark is CG?>>
>>87368691 Its probably a CG effect added later so it might not be on that level of drawing.>>
>>87368721 That would be a huge twist, but we already know what his face looks like after it. I now start to wonder if it really is someone else inside Haruto's body>>
>>87366669 "We like ours done nice and brown! We like ours done upside-down! Flip 'em, flop 'em, flip 'em, flop 'em, HAM AND EGGS!" Oh, God. I'll never be able to listen to that innocent kids' campfire song ever again.>>
>>87368551 But I don't see Saki tearing of his pants.>>
>>87368765 >implying he didn't tear them up himself so he can fuck her >>
>>87368551 He's raping her at the shrine, where he almost confessed to Shoko. 10/10 Sunrise.>>
>>87368551 Seeing Saki squirm and struggle is going to be great.>>
>>87368551 I for one can't wait for the voice acting>>
Haruto confirmed for right about being a monster despite us telling the faggot to stop being a pussy. >>
The fact that /a/ still keeps exploding because of this despite the continuous leaks makes me excited for the livewatch thread. >>
>>87368834 Vampires are quite renowned for their abilities of getting women's clothes of through a variety of means.>>
>>87368869 The twist is that he's the only one who is a monster.>>
>>87368551 I don't know what to feel anymore. Man, the only question now is if she gets pregnant.>>
>>87368869 Haruto is correct, but wrong. He should've said 'sexual' monster. I would've welcomed his sentiment with open arms and unzipped pants.>>
>>87368965 I think we already know that. The shadow is their son/daughter>>
>>87368965 >forgetting about all the pregnant foreshadowing /a/'s pointed out >>
You'll never be strong enough to rip Saki's clothes in an instant. ;_; >>
>>87368551 I put the frames together in a single image for those who are interested.>>
Welp. I guess, we got the RIP and TEAR that we asked for. >>
>yfw gg was right all along >>
is it thursday yet.. also.. chinaman.. please.. stahph >>
>>87369079 It's hilarious that this will all just make Saki and Haruto closer.>>
>>87369094 He should just upload the entire scene and be done with it>>
>>87368551 Wait... so how do they become bros again?>>
>>87369125 At this rate he is going to upload the entire episode.>>
>>87369151 Haruto takes responsibility of course! He's pure at heart, anon.>>
>>87366407 Akira look alot cuter in their dress and glasses>>
>>87369094 Like last week, they will upload another major spoiler three hour before airing.>>
>>87369017 We can assume from the last frame that the next one is the first leak.>>
>>87369252 Someone better not make an early livestream thread.>>
I wonder if it's going to be like this S9aMLJ0 >>
>>87369252 The leaker said he was going to spoil the entire cour right?>>
>>87369151 >forgetting woman get turned on by rape more than anything else >>
>>87369281 Even if they don't make one, you'll be eventually spoiled. You can't escape.>>
>>87369268 This one is before the shirt ripping? Doesn't make much sense.>>
>>87369299 how is he getting away with this so far?>>
>>87369299 What, he never said that. The leaker most likely wants to troll.>>
>>87369299 God damn no I wanted to enjoy this as it aired with /a/. Speculah is what makes this great.>>
>>87369151 If Haruto lost control then Saki probably let it slide. Her disappointed face is probably because Haruto only did it under influence.>>
>>87369310 I considering abandoning these threads because of that, but then I realized the biggest spoiler image was already on Pixiv so I was bound to find it either way.>>
>>87369324 It's not the first time a Sunrise anime gets leaked.>>
>>87369322 No, shirt ripping first and then the colored one. You can see Haruto starting to lower himself at the end of
>>87368551 >>
I can already see the word cloud. One gigantic RAPE in the middle with Haruto and Saki by the side. >>
>>87369361 those leaks are usually quickly followed with a public apology and sanctions I don't think we have any so far>>
>>87369399 Next episode would then be a giant RESPONSIBILITY along with PREGNANT and DEITO>>
Hello 2ch. nime/1370917423/420 >>
so I really have to ask.. all this time.. did he want to rape L-Elf and Kyuma too? >>
>>87369403 Twist this week is that the twist that was "leaked" was cut from the anime thanks to feminists>>
>>87369268 Now that I think about it, the rape scene is quite long.>>
This thread needs more fujo rather than spoilers. >>
>>87369432 >The gaijins say 'fuck' too much! Japan, please.>>
>>87369297 I'd be a bit disappointed if it wasn't like this. Vampire sex should have its own flavor>>
>>87369399 and it will read as saki RAPE haruto. actually if Haruto was under the influence and Saki let it happen, wouldn't this mean that Saki raped Haruto? It would be like Saki slipping Haruto a roofie>>
>>87369437 Yep. Kyuma was just jew-hate. everyone knows vampires hate kikes.>>
So there are 0% chances that they'll end up fucking... right? >>
>>87369498 >audrei, even if you kidnap me Lelf won't love you >says you space vampire, says you. >You're drunk. >Everyone knows if you kidnap their best friend they become madly in love with you! >>
>>87369437 He just attacks whoever is in front of him, I guess. And this time Saki was alone and couldn't resist alone. L-Elf should have observed his actions before punching him.>>
>>87369437 I still wonder what the hell happened when Haruto took bite of L-elf the first time, he was unconscious when he woke up.>>
>>87369539 Yeah. Shoko drawing love flags with elf is just further reason to speculate she's going to die imo.>>
>>87369571 They're both mentally impaired.HAMMU ERRUFUUUUU >>
>>87369539 Speculah L-Elf and Shoko don't get VVV's. L-Elf's plan fails and he doesn't liberate his Licht. 200 years later we see Shoko's and L-Elf's descendant.>>
>>87369605 When he's attacked he goes full vampire mode i think.>>
>>87369656 VVV-tan. Not Haruto, he's just under her influence.>>
>>87369268 >>87369017 actually it looks like Saki move his hand to her shirt and let go before he rips it off. Haruto definitely looks like he's berserking, but I think Saki is egging him on to have sex.
Which technically means Saki rapes Haruto>>
>>87362425 it's easier to bring an Eleven hikki to court for their misdeeds though. choose wisely Sunrise!>>
>>87369432 They're finding out about the leaks through our threads. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.>>
>>87355861 Wow someone screenshot my post for the first time. This is a very special day for me.>>
Space Vampires are Wurgur it makes sense now >>
>>87369571 Damn. I think that it would be nice that the MC love interest get owned by somebody better than him.>>
>>87369742 laugh.just imagine, we're still the internet haet machine. >>
>>87369742 My moon's pretty raw but I believe they're laughing at our reaction to the leak not getting it from us.>>
>>87369742 Seriously? So the chinese leak here before leaking to the jap?>>
>>87369742 Wait, then where is the anon posting the leaks here getting them from if not 2ch?>>
himecut always falls for the rapist >>
>>87369866 What's the general consensus of what they're saying?>>
>>87369720 so I've been wondering.. does that rune mean anything?>>
>>87369742 There's also one guy complaining about not being able to read details in some of the replies on this thread, apparently. Soon enough they will be copypasting our specula, poorly translating it and assuming it as spoilers.>>
>tfw you never gonna see L'elf touching, tying and reducing Akira. >tfw no face >>
>>87369886 I don't think they're leaking to either I think it's just an anon trawling a chinese website it got leaked to. It wouldn't surprise me that a westerner would be more likely to browse chinese shit than the elevens would.>>
suddenly.. all those vulvarape jokes become awkward.. >>
So Haruto liberating Saki's hymen is true huh... >>
>>87370064 or maybe it's because 4chan doesn't ban non-Japan hosts, but 2ch does. I tried posting on 2ch once, says my host is on the no-no list.>>
Time to repost this n This is reflected in a Danish traditional song that describes how, after refusing offers of riches, the Valravn makes an agreement with a maiden to take her to her betrothed after she promises the valravn her first-born son. After the agreement, the valravn flies away. In time, the couple have a child and the Valravn returns, and asks the maiden if she has forgotten her promise. The valravn takes the child away, and tears into the chest of his won wager and consumes the blood contained within the child's heart. As a result, the valravn transforms into a knight. >>
>>87370145 I wonder if all our premature jokes will come and bite us in the ass>>
>>87370219 It's certainly going to bite Saki in the ass next episode.>>
So the guy leaking these might actually be among us? Then we really are fucked until the last episode airs. Even then, we'll get the second cour spoiled. We need to find where he lives and revoke his internet access at once. >>
The storm of screencaps and edited images about the rape is going to be hilarious. >>
>>87370224 Apparently not because I just tried again. ERROR:アクセス規制中です!!(\>>
>>87370367 Think it's possible to pretend this thread never happen? I don't think the .gif's spread out yet.>>
>>87370369 I see. Japan keeping isolating itself from the rest of the world.>>
>>87370367 I wish we didn't know a thing about the rape. It would have been glorious>>
>>87370145 I tried to make this bilingual for 2ch anyone got the non-text raw?>>
>tfw L'elf will never get some Jior pussy or ass. >>
>>87370467 You're not the only one.>we will never be able to watch episode 10 for the first time >>
>>87370553 >lelf >not training to be a wizard see chart.>>
This week felt so fucking long. One more day. One more god damned day. >>
>>87370410 It would be great if we could contain it here, but there's always a faggot who ends up posting the gif as an unspoiled OP image later on or right before the episode starts.>>
>>87370553 Actually i think he maybe gets Shoko or Saki. Don't know why, it seems no logical but i kind of feel it.>>
>>87370757 >waiting >implying they're not married already >>
>>87369998 no way... i think i crossed to another universe now...>>
>>87370857 >comparing Haruto to Shoe notto disu shitto agen>>
>>87370785 Liselotte won't die, L-Elf will rescue her, and they'll be reunited then get married. They'll have two kids and die of old age together.
I want to believe ;_; >>
>>87370894 Oh no, lelf will die before that. Or audrei is actually liselotte>>
>>87370894 Yeah tell that to the amount of Shoko x L-elf fags here.>>
>>87370894 That actually has a chance of happening. Some time ago an anon analyzed the mark/shield on the grunt's unit from the timeskip, and if Sunrise did it right, there's a chance the guy was fighting for a nation that conquered small nations, ruled by a man and a woman.>>
>>87370894 Both Shoko and Liselotte will die. Calling it.>>
How can Haruto become the space emperor? It's either someone else in his body or he got mindraped hard. You need a lot of deaths for that >>
>>87371032 He won't. The shadow will be his rebellious son/daughter fighting against the empire.>>
>>87370955 There is a solution. L-Elf must have a threesome with Shoko and Liselotte.>>
>>87371042 >she had no brothers or none of the brothers had heirs So Audrey confirmed forever alone or it isn't actually Lisellote?>>
>>87371165 Audrey might have gotten married but just not have had children.
Or he died. >>
>>87370207 Couldn't be a better time than now!
Is there anybody out here with enough ability to translate?Long live Senator Moses! >>
>>87371165 Kind of hard to see him producing an heir when he's gay for elf>>
>>87371165 >none of the brothers had heirs Could also be the case. It could also mean that
A-drei might not make it to the second cour after all
Please have mercy Sunrise >>
>>87371114 >>87371127 Not him but I'll be honest. I really don't find the idea of L-elf having any romance as interesting.>>
So, what happened in The Bloody Thursday, /a/? >>
>>87371295 monarchy supporters attempt to return power to the throne it fails they are branded "rebel" and the military further strengthens its grip on the throne Liselotte becomes a political prisoner under the guise of "protection">>
>>87371295 >bloody thursday >airs on thursdays waifu war>>
>>87371295 It's a Bloody Thursday for good measure... A Bloody Valvrape Thursday.>>
It's going to be Cain ruling along with Lisellote isn't it? >>
>>87371258 There is nowhere to run. Only the dead can know peace from this suffering.>>
>>87371292 I enjoy watching his interactions with different characters, but I find it hard to believe he'd actually be romantically involved with anyone but Liselotte. He's doing everything for her sake after all.>>
>>87371430 >Haruto finding a woman to call his own >suffering >>
>>87371410 Cain "liberates" Dorsia from Koyasu Takehito becomes Lisellote's new guardian but she is still under house arrest, just under a different patron They change the flag back to the old kingdom flag>>
>>87371410 Cain doesn't seem to be interested in power, Dorssia or their people, he just wants to get his waifu back.>>
>>87371467 but she moves her hands to try and stop him and he just rips her shirt clean off ;_; in related news I can't wait to see her tits from that angle.>>
>>87371528 You better be ready to buy those BDs then>>
>>87371467 >Saki >a woman for Haruto to call his own top lel. She belongs to the idol industry and faceless fat old men in suits anon. Not Haruto.>>
>>87371590 Why else do you think the preorders spiked after the leak?-
+ yotsuba
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