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She is no longer a child. >>
>>87309190 (OP) ●サキはショーコとハルトの信頼関係が羨ましくてハルトにふたりぼっちをキ ーワードにちょっかいかけてた<←過去形>(ソース:雑誌) ●10話でサキちゃんが本当にいい子なのだとわかる/ハルトがサキに酷いこ とするけど許してあげて(ソース:雑誌) ●10話サブタイ:恋の選挙公約(予告描写:サンダー・サキ・ハーノイン・ クリムヒルト・ショーコ・ハルト・タカヒ)>>
Liselotte confirmed for slut. >>
The purest of maidens, Eruerufu has god tier tastes. >>
>>87309317 Saki envies the mutual trust relationship between Shoko and Haruto. She wishes she could have a special "alone together" bond with him. Episode 10 will once again show that Saki is good girl deep inside. Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. Source: Magazine Episode 10's subtitle: Campaign Promise of Love. Preview images: Thunder, Saki, H-Neun, Kriemhild, Shoko, Haruto, Takahi>>
Where does L-elf keep the lock of hair she gave him? Does he sniff it before bed every night? >>
What does her profile say? >>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. TOP FUCKING HAPPENING>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him.
I will never forgive him for hurting Shoko.>>
>>87309991 >still as flat Picked up again.Except that I dropped this shit as hard as it deserved at episode 1. >>
>>87310116 >Except that I dropped this shit as hard as it deserved at episode 1. You're no fun at all, anon.>>
>>87310116 >dropped this shit as hard as it deserved at episode 1 Really.>>
>>87309317 so anyway, what's the source of this? Is there a scan?>>
>>87309997 We already know this. She was voice of Lise in L-11's flashbacks. Writer for episode 10: campaign promise of love is Jukki Hanada. Hanada>>
>>87310059 Frames 291, 296, 297 look really lewd. 291 is Saki face down and bent over while 296 is a shot of her ass with Haruto inside of her and 297 is Haruto thrusting.>>
>>87309917 Nothing really new. Princess of Dorssia. Something along the lines of saving 7 year old L-Elf from pursuing palace guards by cutting her own hair.>>
Any more info on Lieselotte? >>
>>87310246 >flashbacks Oh yeah, I completely forgot that. And why does the writer relevant with Liselotte?>>
>>87309788 >x will do something terrible. please forgive him! I don't know why I always find these hilarious.>>
>>87310688 twice is just a coincidence let's wait for a third time first before calling it a pattern>>
I just want to know if she's Audrey's imouto or not. Wouldn't it be revealed already if she was? >>
>>87310688 L-Elf will do something terrible to Akira's internet connection. Please forgive him.>>
>>87310837 It says she is the Dorsian princess. Audrey is the prince. They are probably related. Probably not the same mother?>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. Source: Magazine YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS>>
>>87309788 >Episode 10 will once again show that Saki is good girl deep inside. Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. Source: Magazine What? Haruto is going to blast her with the VVV like Q-Vier did with Aina and Moses? At least she is immortal.>>
>>87310837 >>87310938 I imagine it'll be brought up eventually, though not necessarily anytime soon. I'd like to believe it'll make Audrey more relevant.>>
>>87310999 he's going to blast her, alright... in the babymaker>>
>>87311091 wasn't that taken out of context and more likely 1) Saki pretending or 2) Haruto trying to suck her blood and getting her clothes messed up?>>
>Haruto rape Saki inevitable Oh god. Why you such a fragile woman. You should stay pure. Thx for the spoiler. I watch this shit no longer. My heart cant take it. My pure waifu has been defiled>>
>>87311130 Haruto has some pretty amazing harem powers powers if he managed to accidentally remove both of their clothes.>>
>>87309788 >Please forgive him Never. NOPE NOPE NOPE and NEVER NEVER>>
>>87309788 > Haruto will do something terrible to Saki >please forgive him OH FUCK IT'S HAPPENING>>
>>87309788 I'll never forgive him for being an unfaithful whore.>>
>>87309788 >Episode 10 will once again show that Saki is good girl deep inside. Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. There is a God.>>
>>87310688 "haha! time to cull the secondary cast some more."">>
What do these say? Have they been deciphered already? Also what is with the PF User names Hito in Red VVV and Hinowa in Saki's VVV? >>
Jake the Rune
No. 87313914 >>87313854 5 1 3 It's just the older, fancier way of writing the numbers.>>
●サキはショーコとハルトの信頼関係が羨ましくてハルトにふたりぼっちをキ ーワードにちょっかいかけてた<←過去形>(ソース:雑誌)
●10話でサキちゃんが本当にいい子なのだとわかる/ハルトがサキに酷いこ とするけど許してあげて(ソース:雑誌)
●10話サブタイ:恋の選挙公約(予告描写:サンダー・サキ・ハーノイン・ クリムヒルト・ショーコ・ハルト・タカヒ)
●10話流出画像:ハルトがサキを組み敷く画像・裸のハルトとサキ・サキの 憂い顔
●11話流出画像:マリみてみたいな制服姿のサキの映像をスクリーンで眺め る人物2人 >>
What if she's the real final boss of Dorssia? Poor L11. >>
This show has made me like, hate, and be alright with Saki twice already, and usually my character opinions stay stubbornly firm. >>
>>87314022 Google tranlsator is shit but in this case it ( can help to figure out the meaning ) Barre information until now ● had been killed at an early age parents Eruerufu (Source: magazine) ● caught coup imprisonment Liese Lotte (Source: magazine) ● wore dabble in the keyword Metabotch two of the trust relationship Hult Hult and Shoko is envious <← past tense> Saki (Source: magazine) ● To terrible thing to bloom is / Hult know Saki is a child's really good at 10 story but it is forgive (Source: magazine) ● 10 story subtype: campaign promise of love (notice description: Thunder Saki-Hanoin-Kurimuhiruto, Shoko, Hult Takahi) ● 10 story outflow image: sad face of Saki Saki and Hult image and naked Hult is hold down the Saki ● 11 story outflow image: People two people who look on the screen a picture of Saki of uniforms, such like to see Mari>>
>>87314007 But anon, that means she also cut the other side. L-elf probably has a box filled with her hair.>>
>>87310059 >Dat look of resignation Goddamn, she's been raped so many times she's not even spirited about it anymore. Why does Haruto get the used-as-fuck goods and L-Elf gets the pure Shoko and/or the pure Drossian Loli-princess?>>
>>87314090 If only she stopped being such an attention whore and stopped trying to get in the way of childhood friends, I would love her.>>
Saki with Marimite outlook would be nice. >>
>>87314096 >● To terrible thing to bloom is / Hult know Saki is a child's really good at 10 story but it is forgive (Source: magazine) Oh muffins, Hope that Hult finding out that Saki's a child doesn't have anything to do with the Terrible thing.>>
>>87314022 >エルエルフの両親は幼い頃に殺されていた both of L-Elf's parents were killed during hi childhood. Source: Magazine>>87314022 >リーゼロッテはクーデター巻き込まれ幽閉(ソース:雑誌) Liselotte is has been under house arrest since the coup.>>87314022 >10話流出画像:ハルトがサキを組み敷く画像・裸のハルトとサキ・サキの 憂い顔 >●11話流出画像:マリみてみたいな制服姿のサキの映像をスクリーンで眺 める人物2人 Talking about the spoiler pics Basically this is spoiler compilation thread from 2ch/2chan?>>
>>87314312 are you translator bro? did you post the translation for this>>
>>87314404 It happened for Saki a looooong time ago, and repeatedly.>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. If this fucker doesn't take responsibility. I'll Riot.>>
>>87314408 He said it says nothing we didn't already know. This is like the third time I've answered this.>>
>>87314408 I did in that other thread. It's just product information, nothing new or interesting.
Rave Mirror is just a copy of the Rave engine and can't harakiri.>>
>>87314179 Haruto is a slut. Used goods is all he deserves.>>
>>87314536 does this say the VVV I swords are made of Clear Fossil?>>
>>87314525 They go to the movies later. Everything's peachy.>>
>>87309788 >Saki envies the mutual trust relationship between Shoko and Haruto. She wishes she could have a special "alone together" bond with him. I guess being molested wasn't what she meant. by special bond.>>
>>87314525 Like all those other fuckers took responsibility? Even Saki knows she's worthless, she's so wrapped up in a glamorous facade because the reality is a severely broken and used thing.>>
>>87314597 If he is still all Shoko after what he does to Saki I'll be pissed.>>87314628 This is good news I hope he is not doing entirely of guilt.>>
>>87314601 It does not. As far as we've seen, the only thing with Clear Fossil is Blue.>>
>>87314030 It's fine. He has his new waifu to ease his pain.>>
>>87314644 >>87314701 Dude I read it the first time.>>
>>87314591 But we're talking so used as to be recycled twice. Haruto's sluttiest actions thus far are getting force kissed by Saki, Saki bodyriding him, and Saki being around Haruto when he's having vampire-rape urges. She's literally the essence of so much sluttiness it rolls over onto other characters in proximity.>>
>>87314763 I had a typo the first time, and it drove me nuts looking at it.>>
>>87314746 This two get together never become vampires and die together of old age.>>
>>87314723 >If he is still all Shoko after what he does to Saki I'll be pissed. To be fair, he doesn't do it willingly. Though I doubt they'd throw in all this Saki shipping if they didn't plan to go somewhere with it.>>
>>87314875 yes of episode 11. Haruto and Saki have a deito.>>
Has Eruerufu got a love interest yet? I've been meaning to catch up. >>
>>87314601 it says that Z Edge and Strike Brace are coated with Clear Fossil>>
>>87314935 It's probably Light but Shoko might be in it too.>>
>>87314935 Liselotte I guess he will get more attached to Shoko.>>
>>87314873 I'd be okay with this, even if it meant no Eruerufu after the timeskip. Too bad Shoko's just going to die alone and miserable.>>
>>87314601 「クリア・フォッシル」で形成されている molded from Clear Fossil but only the Z-Edge and Strike Brace 革命機ヴァルヴレイヴに登場する霊長兵器。 It also implies that VVV-1 was discovered by Jior. Not built from scratch? This implies that Jior found an ancient weapon and remodeled it into what we know as VVV-1>>
>>87315066 >Too bad Shoko's just going to die alone and miserable. I see that happening to Liselotte as a plot device to make L-elf and Shoko closer.>>
>>87315161 >Won't Sunrise will be angry about it? top lel>>
>>87315173 This is totally not like Ideon or Gasaraki.>>
>>87315161 >The animator itself? >it I know animators get a lot of shit, but they're still people.>>
>>87315173 oh, additionally.. センシズ・ナーヴ Senses.Nav This is what you call the green antenna/visor things Valvraves have As you have guessed, it's a high performance sensor unit VVV-1 wings are actually sensor units too. It's not used for flying.>>
>>87315173 that's enlightening, thanks So Clear Fossil weapons overheat quickly and the Z-Edge must be cooled on the Strike Brace>>
The rape scene would been much better if it wouldn't been leaked. >>
>>87315346 No shit. The excitement is gone a thread of 1600+ is not possible anymore.>>
>>87315299 thanks, it's actually Senses Nerve anything else?>>
>>87315173 Interesting I remember someone around the time of the first two episode posting the bit about VVV-1 being found instead of built. Glad at least we have a source for this now.>>
>>87315320 >So Clear Fossil weapons overheat quickly and the Z-Edge must be cooled on the Strike Brace I'm not sure about that. Blue Valvrave uses quite a lot of Clear Fossil but it still has the lowest heat generation among other Valvraves Maybe it actually helps radiate heat better>>
>>87315508 Maybe it absorbs energy. I speculate that blue absorbs some energy to use as its own weapons, which explains the massive firepower after taking that large beam. Red stabs the sword into the overheated core, absorbs the heat, and uses it as a weapon.>>
>>87310810 So who will be the next person to do something terrible that needs forgiven?>>
>>87310059 2 weeks of semen made a glopping
noise as it flowed endlessly into Saski>>
The text advertisement for the manga made it seem as if seriously bad shit happened to Saki in the past. It was something like "What could have lead her to renounce her humanity without hesitation?". >>
>>87315748 I don't think they'd want us to forgive Cain for whatever evil plans he has in store. Maybe Satomi.>>
What if KV would show real hentai scenes? How would you react to this /a/? Would you be happy or be disappointed? >>
so judging from what we know so far.. Liselotte was a Princess She is now under house arrest Red Friday? was a coup that occurred before the start of the series A-Drei was sent to Karlstein Academy, infamous for killing off students during training? Theory: A-Drei and Liselotte were part of the old monarchy that was overthrown by the military. Red Friday was a failed coup that attempted to return power to the throne. The military now pretends to be protecting the royalty against future "rebels" but is really the one running things Liselotte is a political prisoner A-Drei was too as well at one point, but he abandoned his title to enroll in the high risk Karlstein Academy in hopes that he will control the throne again one day. >>
>>87315911 Raped by her father and forced into sexual favors to keep her idol career which she got fired from anyway.>>
>>87315911 Getting beaten by her Dad and people wishing she would disappear is pretty bad.>>
>>87315911 >Junior dol industry >not being a front for a space Yakuza prostitution ring They probably forced her to do gravure>>
>tfw the leak is going to ruin what could have been an amazing moment in /a/ >>
>>87316118 >Implying it won't be another Sunrise troll >>
>>87316118 Fucking Chinese animators have to ruin all the fun.>>
>>87316168 nigga what? My dick is hard in anticipation.>>
>>87316053 >people wishing she would disappear That was just her being a drama queen. Getting slapped around by her dad was the only thing she has a legit reason to be spiteful about.>>
>>87316004 I wouldn't be surprised if A-Drei and L-Elf had plans to take back Dorssia together before L-Elf went ahead with a different method. Hopefully they will eventually see
eye to eye. >>
>>87316226 Eh, you don't know maybe her mom is a prostitute and wishes for her to disappear or some shit.>>
>>87316210 This. I know she'll get raped but I'll get sprung see her getting the pipe>>
>>87316348 She specifically mentioned the entire world just because she got fired for being a shitty idol. You shouldn't take any of it seriously.>>
>>87316004 >>87316312 That sounds likely, L-Elf mentions he dislikes bloody methods; it seems he's protecting him by keeping him away. That's why he never tried to kill him and is really shocked about the "betrayal" when he awakes.>>
>>87316063 >They probably forced her to do gravure Please they probably forced her to star in a couple of Adult Videos.>>
>>87316631 I am not I am just going by very obvious anime cliches, like maybe they found out about her parents and everyone laughed at her, took her out of the industry.>>
>>87316688 except for the part where she would have been like 11-14. Does anyone else see the glaringly obvious problem that we're speculating a 16 year old student getting pregnant? Surely the nips find this taboo as well.>>
>>87316631 What if everything that happened to Saki was a plan to make her a VVV pilot?>>
still hideous thoughwho SHOKO here >>
>>87316669 Well, L-Elf assured him he didn't betray him. He's just doing things on his own.>>
>>87316754 >16 year old student getting pregnant Not now but after she keeps helping Haruto with his hunger problems. It might happen in a few years. Shoko might reject Haruto if she sees him fucking Saki.>>
>>87316754 it has happened before Full Metal Alchemist 1st Anime had a rape baby and the mother kept it.>>
>>87309190 (OP) Oh man, she's so cute. I'm glad we finally got some official art of her. Although I was hoping her dress would flair out at the bottom like in this fanart.>>
>>87316898 Now Haruto has no reason not to confess to her.>>
>>87316950 I can't wait for her to be madly in love with Audrey, a triangle will be sweet.>>
>>87316881 How about the problem of a 16 year old raping another 16 year old.>mfw the next day there has been a sharp increase in underage girls being raped in japan >>
>>87317001 No. Liselotte and Audrey are siblings and Eruerufu is their little hobo boy pet.>>
>>87317111 Audrey's plan might include if Lel-f marrying Liselotte, he'll become his brother in law and they can live in the same house together with cooking ham and egg breakfast for him>>
>>87317111 Yes, Fucking L-elf shot her sweethearts eye. Why doesn't L-elf care for him then?>>
>>87316916 Heero, what the fuck are you doing in that hole? More importantly, WHO are you doing in that hole?>>
>>87317221 But L-Elf didn't shoot Audrey's eye, Haruto did. L-Elf doesn't care about Audrey as much as he does Liselotte, but at the very least he doesn't seem to want to hurt Audrey.>>
Please tell me lel-elf will turn Licht into a vampire so she's forever beautiful >>
>>87317172 That would be adorable. I'd love it if they ended up being a happy family (or maybe an OT3) by the end of the series, but I know it won't happen.>>
Have you forgiven Q-Vier for killing Moses yet? Will you forgive Haruto for raping Saki? >>
>>87317455 Moses was only good for that one line, he'd have gotten annoying if he stuck around. As for Haruto, that depends on if it's his vampire powers causing him to do it or not.>>
>>87317455 >Have you forgiven Q-Vier for killing Moses yet? Never.>>
>>87317455 >Will you forgive Haruto for raping Saki? Sure he probably didn't mean to.>Have you forgiven Q-Vier for killing Moses yet? Fuck no. Moses was a gift to /a/. And Q-Vier took him away. I loved that guy.>>
>>87317979 But she got over 70,000 R.I.P.s on Spacebook!>>
>>87318082 She's so much cuter without her glasses.>>
>>87318057 Even so Aina still wanted Haruto's dick instead of his lel>>
>>87318239 We know what part was megane-chan herself.>>
>>87316118 The twist is, she's raping Haruto in her body with Haruto's body>>
>>87318280 Jewbro was into NTR, that's why he smiled when Aina and Haruto held hands right in front of him.>>
>>87318448 >Man, the girl I love is such a nice person >Not knowing she actually wanted his holy vampire dick >>
>>87318448 Well, only money comforts him after all.>>
>>87318280 No one is allowed a happy relationship with Haruto around. Not even Haruto.>>
Liselotte a best girl.>no longer a child. She always was shown as teen already in OP/ED. >>
>>87320700 >>87309190 (OP) When she finally meets Haruto they will share so much in common with each other that they get along famously instantly and make Eruerufuru and Shokoloco
and Saki
super jelly. You know this to be true.>>
>>87321359 The very fact that they will be so similar to each other means that they won't be lovers but actually share a brother/sister relationship. Which, of course, would make Liselotte's actual brother Audrey super jelly as well. DAMN YOU HARUTO STOP MAKING PEOPLE JELLY.>>
>>87321433 Are you suggesting a SEED-like waifu exchange? Don't know if want.>>
>>87321359 Haruto will fuck her,
Saki , and Shoko, plus Drills. You know this to be true.>>
>>87321566 It's not waifu exchange, it's more who can steal who>>
>>87321620 I also forgot the teacher and newtype Aina, the council president's admirer, Akira, Kriemhild, and Marie. Fuck I failed.>>
>>87322026 Nah, he will only rape Saki. She is special.>>
>>87322075 I do have to wonder why L-Elf left Haruto unsupervised when he knows his tendancy to attack is rising.>>
>>87322168 He wants Haruto with Saki so he can keep Shoko to himself.>>
I hate Haruto so fucking much (his design, his voice, his personnality). His raping Saki won't help his case. I wish him a long painful death. >>
>>87317455 >Will you forgive Haruto for raping Saki? No. I already dislike him, and I'm going to summon nina-level of hate for him.>>
>>87322310 They should really remove the lesbian shit on her, it's been proven by magazine spoilers that she wants his dick and was jealous of Shoko for being close to him.>>
>>87309788 >please forgive him Fuck you nips, if you don't have the confidence to write crap don't write anythinig in the first place. Look at Kawamori, the guy is shitting all over the place and he is very proud of himself.>>
>decide to fap >Oh yeah some Saki, why not >Suddenly think about her in Haruto's body >Suddenly think about Drills >Yeah, that's pretty hot >Suddenly imagine myself as Drills getting raped by Saki in Haruto's body >mfw I realized that I wanted Haruto's dick all along What a fucking slut.>>
>>87322600 But unlike Flay she lives for 200 years lel.>>
>>87309190 (OP) Cool, she is already better than Nunnaly.>>87321433 Haruto continues to destroy Audrey's life. Will he ever stop?>>87322168 He wants his pilot couple. It's more and more obvious.>>87322600 Haruto is the unstable one.>>
>>87322680 Who wants to live forever -- Freddy Mercury after getting AIDS>>
>>87322345 In his defense he... nope, can't find anything.>>
>>87322788 Who would not want to live for centuries, and not just for decades?>>
>>87322743 >He wants his pilot couple. It's more and more obvious L-Elf's a shipperfag? The real reason is that he's just tired of being almost raped every night and just wanted a good night's sleep.>>
>>87322345 >His raping Saki won't help his case. Not sure here do you hate or like Saki?>>
>>87322853 It's both.
Don't forget that Shoko's ties to Haruto delayed the contract. L-Elf would have multiple reasons to ship them.>>
>hair is a women's life and shouldn't be cut >VVV-tan's hair is 10+ feet long VVV-tan is Liselotte's mother.>>
>>87323091 Haha, she forgives him and then becomes his waifu get rekt faggot>>
>>87322888 I like Saki. That's why I'm extra mad at him. I didn't think it was possible but with that rape, I'm going to hate him more than Nina.>>
>>87323091 I like Saki and Haruto I am still saving my judgement of him after the rape, hopefully he doesn't do anything retarded. I can understand what you mean though.>>
>>87323118 >forgiving rape That's fucking disgusting. Only shit tier shoujo has that sort of outcome.>>
>>87323091 It's well-deserved payback.>>
>>87323144 She knows about his 'urges' from what she's seen and the way he tries to prevent others from contracting with VVV, she really can't blame him for that.>>
>>87323144 She wanted his dick before that. Wouldn't you want to get raped by the girl you love?>>
>>87323144 Or maybe she just can't resist the vampire dick>>
>>87323144 Isn't it rape for Haruto as well considering he has no control over what's happening? It's all VVV-tan's doing.>>
>>87323190 Do you think a slap is not enough to stop hungry Haruto?>>
>>87323190 Why does Haruto suddenly get the urge to rape, when usually he just wants to transfer bodies? Sounds like a bad excuse to squeeze some melodrama and edge in there.>>
>>87323190 That's exactly the kind of BS 3D rapists come with to justify their vile crimes.>>87323216 No. Forced intercourses are horrible, deshumanizing and humiliating. I'm not a complete degenerate so I can understand that. Haruto a huge steaming turd.>>
>>87323264 Probably not anymore, L-Elf was completely knocking him out.>>
>>87323216 Does she?
I got the impression she wants a true companion.>>
>>87323280 >Why does Haruto suddenly get the urge to rape I guess this time he couldn't be stopped by a slap or a punch. So he went all the way. VVV-tan is hungry>>
>>87323294 see
>>87323264 Saki obviously let Haruto have his way with her since she's able to stop him, but didn't>>
>>87323230 Fucking slut. I knew her slutty outfit showed her true colours.>>
It's not going to be actual rape anyway. >>
>>87323294 >deshumanizing Well, that should not matter anymore.>>
>>87323294 It wasn't by his volition anyway. Haruto only vampire'd out because vampire urges.>>
>>87323317 She does the magazine spoiler says she is jealous of Shoko for being so close to Haruto.>>
Thursday can't come soon enough. If only the chinese didn't leak the rape. That's the last thing I expected from Valvrave. >>
>>87323376 Was gg right all along? Is he truly a monster?>>
>>87323405 No, she is jealous of the bond they share. Saki was alone all her life>>
>>87323443 Leaks are helping sales a bit,so at least it won't bomb.>>
>>87323294 >deshumanizing That's the word right there. At the current state of the rape, Haruto is not in control of his humanity. Also, this whole 'Haruto is a slut' thing is getting out of hand when all he really did to get this was get forcibly kissed by Saki and bite L-elf.>>
>>87323405 >Saki envies the mutual trust relationship between Shoko and Haruto. She wishes she could have a special "alone together" bond with him. I don't see how she is jealous of Shoko.>>
>>87323457 But even before the leaks, the preorders weren't bad.>>
>>87323401 Haruto's clothes look shredded, they probably end up attacking each other.>>
>>87323473 You mean you missed every moment in which Haruto and Shoko show that especial 'childhood friend bond' and Saki's face then?>>
>>87323461 It's just a joke, anon. Haruto is pure despite how slutty his actions are.>>
>>87323405 Can't blame her. Shoko and Haruto really trust each other.>>
>>87323498 That show she is jealous of the relationship, not Shoko.>>
>>87323461 >Also, this whole 'Haruto is a slut' thing is getting out of hand when all he really did to get this was get forcibly kissed by Saki and bite L-elf. It's really just a shitty joke, but there are some people that somehow decide to take it seriously. He never did anything and he's staying pure for Shoko. For now.>>
>>87323531 pretty sure he's gonna be a double-dipping two-timer come next ep>>
>>87323528 Please don't. I've seen enough horrors. The cyclops one killed me last night.>>
What this show needs is homo sex. Homo sex resolves everything. >>
>>87323529 She is jealous of Shoko's relationship with Haruto. Therefore she's jealous of Shoko.>>
>>87323613 they call it cyhoko it prowls the deep sea looking for jelly bars while singing jingle bells.>>
>>87323294 >Haruto a huge steaming turd. I think Haruto will agree with you once he gets what happened.>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him.
>>87309788 >Episode 10: Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive. Wow...just wow>>
>Saki envies the mutual trust relationship between Shoko and Haruto. She wishes she could have a special "alone together" bond with him. >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. Well now Saki has a specia "alone together" bond with Haruto too>>
>Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive. >Saki was unsatisfied with the assault Forgive him for being a cheeky little cunt who can't deliver?>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him.
>/a/ shitstorms about Haruto being a faggot blaming his vampire stuff and raping Saki. >>
>>87323986 There was a shitstorm was last week. Do you mean there will be another? Aren't people already spoiled?>>
>>87324093 It's /a/. The surprise factor might be gone, but shitstorms will happen nonetheless. But seeing this for the first time in the episode would've been glorious.>>
I still cannot believe they would put a sex scene in Valvrave... This cannot be happening. No way. >>
>>87323787 I'm genuinely surprised that the anons who jokingly pointed that out as foreshadowing were right.>>
I can't wait for thursday. >>
>>87324338 Do you think VVV-tan was not serious? She really wants to know.>>
>>87323644 THIS.
Any homosex not involving Audrey is not worth it.>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki >A doujin is made where Saki body jacks someone tall like Jewbro or Thunder and ass rapes Haruto just to get back at Haruto. >While Saki is taking Haruto's ass to Pound Town she tells Haruto that it's her raping Haruto. >>
>>87324986 Sensei confirmed to be irrelevant by physics.>>
>>87325017 evilharuto.jpg calling it now, their kid is going to save him>>
>>87325137 >kid is going to save him This is not AGE, son.>>
>>87325179 the new ED is just as good, I also wish they didn't change it though. I like both equally.>>
>>87309190 (OP) Is that supposed to be a twist or are you people actually this retarded? Of course she isn't a child anymore, so isn't L-Elf.>>
>>87309190 (OP) Notドルシア「軍事盟約連邦」? Not Dorussia Federation??? ドルシア「国」???? Dorussia? State of Dorussia? Dorussia Kingdom?>>
>>87325514 I guess it's Kingdom since she is a princess.>>
>>87325330 Yes, but the first time we saw her she looked younger than in OP's scans. She seems to be more Lacus-tier than Nunnaly-tier.>>
This is kind of weird shipping. >>
Once again chinks and spoilerfucks ruined everything. >>
>>87326023 >Hey Haruto jack L-elf's body and you can be my right hand >>
>>87326047 They didn't ruin anything. My poor heart can only take so much suffering. I am glad for the warnings.>>
>>87326208 >He doesn't like to witness shitstorms in livestream threads >>
>>87325997 Duh she looked exactly the same like OP scans in the opening sequence.>>
They kind of ruined the discussion and the shitstorm that could have been. >>
>>87326234 I think the shitstorm would have been too much for many of us to take, at least we god some warning so we don't go mad when it comes.>>
>>87326265 The catalog would be spammed with Saki getting raped and Saki winning Haruto Hell it might even spill on /m/>>
>>87326337 my heart couldn't take it either, i don't even like shoko that much but I do like saki.>>
>>87326265 This is why we can't have nice things. I hope you and everybody like you die horrible death.>>
>>87326337 >implying there won't be multiple threads anyway >>
>>87326337 >Hell it'd surely even spill on /m/ FTFY All that glorious potential butthurt, forever lost.>>
>Haruto does something to Saki and becomes friendly with her >L-Elf who's been devoted to his waifu for a decade >I'm disappointed in you, Tokishima Haruto >>
>>87326274 解決のヒント1 エルエルフの過去に淡い思い!? クールボーイの原動力は王女様! 両親を殺され兵に追われているところを助けてくれたリーゼロッテに、心射抜 かれてしまったエルエルフ。 そんな彼女は、クーデターに巻き込まれて幽閉中の身だ。 「エルエルフが実際何をしようとしているのか、具体的な部分も含めて、本当 の想いはこれからみえてくると思います。 これまで信念がぶれないように見えていたエルエルフが、どんな感情を見せて いくのか注目してください」(池谷Producer) エルエルフが革命を目指す理由に少なからず関係しているリーゼロッテ。クー ルな彼もいいけれど、彼女を想い感情に流される人間臭い彼も見てみたいね!>>
Tips 1 resolution I think that in light of past Eruerufu? Driving force of Cool Boy Princess! Eruerufu that Liese Lotte who helped place where being chased by soldiers killed parents, had been Inuka mind. Such she's only imprisoned in being involved in the coup. I think "What Eruerufu or trying to fact, including the specific parts, the real feelings and come into view now. Please note Eruerufu that was visible belief to prevent movement so far, or going to show any emotion "(Ikeya Producer) Liese Lotte are involved no small reason that Eruerufu aim is a revolution. Cool he is good, but he smell human thought flows in her feelings, too like to see! >>
>>87326914 Haruto is selfish, he only consider his feelings. He never asked Shoko is she was fine with him being a 'monster'.>>
The only this can get better is if Shoko releases her frustations out on a table.... >>
>>87322243 I don't know why I like this pairing so much. It makes me feel like a fujoshi shipping random characters together.>>
>>87327047 because autismxbrain problem and monsterxmonster>>
>>87326946 Shoko is not an outsider like Akira or Saki. She is a good girl.>>
>>87327047 I don't want JINGLE BELLS anywhere near my EruErufu>>
>>87327089 I hope that she makes Eru Erufu soft so that Haruto can rape him as hard as possible.>>
>>87326941 Shoko never asked what was wrong with him or has cared enough to ask why he was covered with blood the day she 'died'.>>
>>87322550 It's a joke, anon. And I'm pretty sure they just phrased it like that because Haruto didn't do it intentionally. Same thing when Q-Vier killed glasses. Now if they ask us to forgive Cain then you can complain.>>
>>87322854 Don't worry immortality isn't that bad when you start getting old enough to where decades will pass by without you knowing it. Just ask Leto II.>>
>>87327178 Neither of them seem to care to ask much about anything concerning the other since episode 1. Shoko hasn't seemed to even, take Haruto aside to even TALK about the fact he's a fucking mecha pilot with skills?>>
>>87327279 >The bewitching teacher attracts students with by a physical magical power to remind of a dear and a rabbit. hahaha 10/10 i lel'd top>>
>>87327242 >implying Q-Vier did not intend to cause a lot of collateral damage >>
>>87314408 ValvraveIII火神鳴 [VALVRAVE THREE] 型式番号:RM-031 全高:26.3m 頭頂高:19.9m 総重量:27.1t 装甲材質:VCL Polymer PF名称:火神鳴(ヒカミナリ)(Hi-Kami-Nari) Module77を革命へ導いたValvraveは1体だけではなかった。 1号機の言動期間を複製したMiller-Raveを搭載し、内骨格のPe rimet-Frameに火神鳴(ヒカミナリ)(Hi-Kami-Nari )と銘打たれた3号機は、人型としては過剰とも言えるほどのVolume( ボリューム)(EngRish?)で構成されている。 一対の巨大腕型特殊装備、Armstronger-CanonはMille r-RaveのEnergy増幅Bypassとして機能し、長距離にも対応 した砲撃行動を可能としているほか、巨腕自体が有している物理的な破壊性能 も計り知れない。 また、肩越しに配置したChain-Saucer(?)(ソーサー)は円盤 状のEnergy体を連ねて発射する効果的なSub-Weaponとなる。 複製とはいえ高出力のEnergyを無尽蔵に発生する性能を持つMille r-Raveだが、その大小として発熱量の上昇率も極大であり、戦闘状態に おいては機体活動時間の制限が設けられている。 これはOriginalを含めたValvrave共通の弱点ともいえ、Mi ller-Rave搭載機には1号機で確認されていた強制排熱行動ともとれ る"Harakiri"的攻撃性能も備えられていないが、それらを差し引い てもなお、霊長兵器を霊長たらしめる革命的な存在であることに変わりはない のである。>>
>>87325008 She'll need to have a good long talk with the physics teacher.>>
>>87327337 Q-Vier is such a fuck. Did you see the side eye Audrey gave him when he could have potentially killed L-Elf? Oh man.>>
>still thinking there will be any sex in episode 10 Haruto will assault Saki, but they won't actually have any sex.>>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki YES PLEASE COULDN'T HAVE ASKED FOR MORE>>
Does this mean I can try to rape somebody and become bros with them as well? >>
>>87309788 >Haruto will do something terrible to Saki. please forgive him. Based on the leaked imaged he removed her thigh highs. That's terrible and unforgivable.>>
>>87327584 Are you both space vampires? Also
>Saki's not gonna get raped becauseof that you'll not hear Haruka Tomatsu's moan ;_;>>
>>87327608 I don't know, I might forgive him seeing how delicious her thighs are. Hngggggh>>
Could anybody care to translate? >>
>>87327178 She knows if it's something he wants to talk about, he'll talk about it. She's not going to force him into something he's not comfortable with.
It was the same when she took his side when Satomi was trying to monopolize the VVVs despite her knowing nothing about the situation.>>
>>87310116 Then you are a bad person and wrong about it too.>>
>>87327938 Sometimes you have to force the issue. It's good that L-11 is not Haruto's friend and willing to do what Haruto does not like or want.>>
>>87328257 That does not mean he is not willing to give him good advice.>>
>>87328194 I think the problem is that Shoko may be distancing herself after she thinks she was friendzoned. You'd think she'd be better at reading Haruto after knowing him all these years but apparently not. If he were showing her more signs then she'd probably confront him. At this rate somebody is going to have to tell her.>>87328257 Not for long, their relationship will become more personal before long. I think the whole point of him being with the students is for him to have his shell gradually broken.>>
>>87328329 >I think the whole point of him being with the students is for him to have his shell gradually broken. And it starts with Shoko shoving sweets down his throat>>
>>87328329 To be fair, nobody is going to guess SPACE VAMPIRES no matter how close they are. Until that point they had a relationship of mutual trust and understanding. Then the supernatural shit came along and fucked it all up. You can't really blame either of them for that.>>
>>87328378 Pretty much. Haruto's "I trust you" was the first crack. L-Elf needs sugar, Shoko is literally giving it to him.>>
I know it's not Madoka but how high are the chances for L-elf = Homura?
>He always knows all things ahead of time. >His predictions are always correct. Are L-elf's accurate predictions because of some supernatural ability or is he's really that extremely smart? >>
>>87328475 I already thought about that aswell and it doesn't seem too far fetched. Maybe Liselotte has something to do with that actually.>>
>>87328458 Plus there is a LOT of other stuff going on.
>>87328470 I hope we get to see him interact with other people besides Haruto>>87328475 >>87328496 I thought that too. I think it's more he can see into the future to a limited degree.>>
>>87328458 At least, she should ask how he gained the skill to pilot the Valvrave and what he paid for it.>>
>>87328475 If it's supernatural then I'm pegging the blame on Cain, there's a chance he could have done something to L-Elf over the years. L-Elf was apparently with Liselotte until the coup, Cain used to be close to the current Fuhrer. I could see Cain being the one to take L-Elf to Karlstein way back when.>>
>>87328529 >I hope we get to see him interact with other people besides Haruto We did in the last episode.>>
>>87328565 He could have done something to all of them, Q-vier could have had his agression levels messed with for example>>
>>87328593 With only one or two of them surviving out of their entire classes then one must be really special to make it out alive. L-Elf is the exception, he was carrying out massive massacres when he was 15. And that's the only one we've heard of.>>
>Implying L-11 is not repeating the same timeline all over again to protect Liselotte and destroy the current Dorssia. >>
>>87328591 He and Kyuuma work well together. Kyuuma has a good head on his shoulders, enough that he'll actually listen to advice.>>
Come to think of it, never was there any hint that elf didn't know Haruto. >>
>>87328724 Did L-Elf ever ask anyone for their name?>>
>>87328724 He probably knows the names of all the researchers that were working on the Valvraves, I wouldn't put it past that he knows that Haruto's dad is involved.>>87328754 Probably memorized all of the students names.>>
>>87328754 No.
Doesn't this makes it more suspect? How did he find Akira?>>
>>87327938 To be honest, Satomi trying to place the VVV's under government jurisdiction were well within his rights. That said, Shoko is a terrible person to be in charge of a nation. Satomi and L-Elf are much more competent at it.>>
>>87328786 He had already hacked into all of the security systems and cameras of the school and module at that point, not that hard for him to know what she's been up to.>>
>>87328755 Oh god what the fuck. Is that supposed to be VVV1?>>
>>87328786 Even more interesting is that he didn't deal with Akira right away, but suddenly realised that he is being watched and from where.>>
>>87328793 Satomi freaks when things don't go smoothly, he's terrible in a crisis situation.>>
So when is one of L-Elf's plans going to come TUMBLING DOWN? >>
>>87328851 When Haruto and him start shifting personalities.>>
>>87328851 When Cain decides he's done observing, then L-Elf will have to become immortal to compete. That is unless Cain just keeps letting L-Elf keep doing what he's doing becaue it benefits himself.
The twist is when Cain defects. >>
I also noticed that L-Elf seems to know everyone's personality well but he didn't know Shoko. >>
>>87328793 Shoko is very good figurehead, but not someone who should rule.>>
>>87328934 d-does that mean that she'll
be the one to kill him? >>
>>87328945 No, she'll be instrumental in breaking his shell.>>
i need more akira. when is she going to do her best hermit crab and get a vulva? >>
>>87328847 Satomi has a good bureaucratic mind...but yeah I see what you're getting at. But that's why L-Elf is there for right?
I bet at some point L-Elf will screw up/miscalculate horribly and it'll be bad news for everyone. >>
>>87328851 When he starts working against Cain's plan.>>
When will my nigga Q-Vier fuck some shit again?
Killing shitton of people is like his resume. >>
>>87329000 Shoko is Churchill who's been hit over the head to l-elf's stalin (except less sexy).>>
>>87328955 Hence "who is that bitch?" it all makes sense. If he knows a different Shoko from repeating the same timeline but that could also mean this Shoko could be a time traveler as well. Too many possibilities.>>
>>87328825 He heard the camera movement. How he found her though I have no idea.>>
>>87329033 >this Shoko could be a time traveler as well Yeah, I think we are going a bit too far here>>
Shoko better do something incredibly retarded and make L-Elf laugh his ass off. >>
>>87329081 That might end up killing everyone because of disturbance.>>
>>87329030 Well...depends what you're into really>>87329032 Hurt so good>>87329033 Maybe some random event caused Shoko to go to that school instead of a fancy private one?>>
>tfw Haruto will never get a waifu >>
>>87329107 No but he will get a wife and he loses his wizard potential on Thursday.>>
>>87329107 If sunrise won't give one to him then I guess he'll have to take one himself.>>
>>87328786 The entire theory is impossible unless this is the first loop with space vampires. But if that was the case he wouldn't know half the shit he does.>>
>>87329103 I think Shoko is just not well-known outside of JIOR.>>
>>87329118 I think he was laughing at the gall of it.>>
So /a/ what is your prediction on who and how many people will die during the last couple episodes? >>
>>87329118 That was just a chuckle, we need a tears coming out of the eyes type of laugh one can't stop.>>
>>87329118 Shoko is the only person to make L-Elf laugh so far. Interesting>>
>>87329160 The school won't be there in the second cours. Which of course means we'll probably be losing Marie. I don't think my heart can take it.>>
>>87329107 Who needs a waifu when you get an idol bro who you won't outlive?>>
>>87329209 Haruto's too sensible to put his dick in crazy more than once.>>
>>87329027 >Everyone at Karlstein Institute has training simulations >Q-Vier was some vagrant child that wandered in, was mistaken for student, was trained but the simulation just turned out to be Saints Row 2 >>
>>87309190 (OP) It's funny because I absolutely detest lipstick. But it's the ONLY thing that gives her character any spark, visually...>>
>>87329238 He wasn't that creepy when Haruto was crying in his body.>>
>>87329371 not the head-dress, the rest of her make-up or the neo-traditional clothing then?>>
>>87328793 Satomi is an absolutely terrible leader for anything other than school activities. If they had left him in charge they would all be Dorssian prisoners right now. His solution is always "Let's just stay out of it" or "It'll be fine if we do nothing". He's never taken the initiative except for that one time he lost his shit.>>
>>87329442 I'm thinking her eye makeup is tattooed on at this point.>>
>>87329483 Funny how every time Prez mans up Haruto or Shoko always puts him down.>>
>>87329259 He shows interest in someone but not only doesn't shut off other people advances, he goes along with them. Lewdest valvrave by far.>>
>>87329483 Isn't he just being a normal JIORan politician?>>
>>87329554 I just realised we have yet to see Shoko's fatherWhat if he's just like Shoko? >>
>>87329483 >He's never taken the initiative except for that one time he lost his shit. And if it weren't for Shoko L-Elf would have either kicked his ass or killed him.>>
>>87329607 We don't even know if he is a PM(sensei) or a president(narration).>>
>>87329607 Sings jingle bells and has brain problems?>>
>>87329607 No father, it was all for show. Module 77 is for the Valvrave>>
why the fuck did L-elf betray his fucking nation for a bunch of edgy students who wanted MUH FREEDOM when they arleady had it (oh noes, ARUS tried to take one of THEIR OWN MECHAS back) >>
>>87329668 His waifu needs to be saved. I honestly hope she's like Marianne.>>
>>87329607 >middle aged man starts stripping on national television while giving a speech and singing jingle bells I'm not sure how I'd feel about this.>>
>>87328475 >L-Elf = Homura I find the fact that you think Madoka's the first series to pull off the 'MUST TRAVEL BACK IN TIME TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT' card to be a little disgusting actually.>>
>>87329699 You forgot>while throwing everything from the shelves. >>
>>87329668 He didn't pick the students. He picked himself.>>
Sorry kids, Shoko still wins. >>
This shit is like a mix between Gundam Age and Seed. So fucking bad, I really don't know how anybody can like it. >>
>>87329641 I just imagined a 50+ year old man with ribbons in his balding hair dancing and singing a Japanese rendition of jungle bells with a face that looks like he has Down syndrome. Fuck you anon my sides have left the module.>>
>>87329702 Like it or not, it is the most iconic one.>>
>>87329688 ARUS were held responsible for Valvraves, their scientists were building them for the student colony (I forgot the name of said colony). That's why they showed up and tried to pilot the first Valvrave but instead he died.>>
>>87329668 >oh noes, ARUS tried to take one of THEIR OWN MECHAS back The Valvraves were from JIOR, not ARUS. ARUS was trying to take advantage of the situation. L-Elf sided with the students because the Valvraves will speed up his revolution by 5 years, he wants his waifu back as swiftly as possible. L-Elf doesn't even seem to be from Dorssia originally, his country was probably annexed.>>
>>87329483 I kind of feel bad for him. All he wanted was a normal high school life without all this space vampire shit. I hope he at least gets with nameless girl by the end.>>
>>87329770 No they weren't, JIOR were the ones that had the whole Valvrave project.>>
>>87329745 If the series was over and I was just marathoning it I'd agree, and would probably have dropped it a few episodes in, but it's actually fairly enjoyable to discuss it.>>
>>87329770 No Joir scientists were building the VVVs. ARUS/Moses wanted to steal it from Haruto for mass production.>>
>>87329862 ARUS seems aware of Valvrave project back in episode 3 hence they said they want to mass-produced it to counter Dorssia influence/>>
>>87329910 >>87329927 The first time someone calls her by name is going to be a death flag so big even Kriem would be jealous.>>
>>87329841 >Implying he won't get drills.
She is clearly still in love with him.
The Saki/Haruto thing is just a slut phase.>>
>>87329745 >AGE whoa there nigger, AGE wasn't that bad>>
>>87329983 >Manned Shoko That sounds lewder than it should ve.>>
>>87329744 His friendship and maybe his heart. Not enough for me to root for Shoko.>>
>>87329988 That was after they saw what it was capable of, they were taking advantage of the situation.>>
>>87329988 Because Haruto was flying around fucking shit up in VVV1. They just wanted to steal it with all of JIOR's research and start mass producing it for themselves.>>
>>87329744 It's called character development, anon. I'm a Shokofag, but I've given up hope at this point. There's just no way she can win.>>
I wonder if all the kids in the module will die save the vampires and their blood will be used by Cain to mass produce vulvas. >>
What was the point of ARUS existence when they doesn't amount of anything?
They don't even had remarkable characters on their side & Moses is a fucking joke. >>
>>87329744 She's probably just being trolldere here. She seemed to be ready to open up to Haruto in this scene before Shoko came and showed her how good her relationship with Haruto was.>>
>>87330351 And where is over-protective big brother Audrey slowly but surely falling in love with the new hobo pet boy?
I seriously can't wait for Audrey's flashbacks.>>
>>87330392 To think, we would have had bro antics as early as that episode.>>
Out of context but, how exactly do I get my screencaps to capture the subtitles with the shot? >>
>>87330893 I had this problem a few weeks ago, ended up having to use Directvobsub in the external filters. Don't remember if I had to change anything else.>>
>>87331072 Anything else aside from that? Or does MadVR really not support the subtitle screencap thing?-
+ yotsuba
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