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This afternoon, on a /very special episode/ of Valvrave, Kyuuma wants to get off of Sunrise's wild ride. >>
>get off of Sunrise's wild ride. Impossible.>>
One doesn't just get off Sunrise's wild ride. >>
>>9174903 He actually made this thread one minute before the other one.>>
>>9176123 I guess we can go in order now that the other one isn't bumping.
Granted is there anything to talk about before the subs hit? The>This show is horrible and no one likes it >But I like it >YOU ARE A RETARD argument that keeps cycling is kind of getting old.>>
>>9176141 I find it easier to make half-parody commentary on the show.
If you truly enjoy something, you'll tear into it viciously and endearingly. Plus it throws the hateforce a bone or two to keep them pacified. Usually.>>
>>9176191 Yeah that's fun too. I enjoy the show, and eagerly look forward to next ep, but I can definitely admit the show isn't logical at all.>>
>>9176144 Too bad for them that L-11 did not let them.>>
>>9176199 I think it makes sense. Sufficient sense. Doesn't mean there isn't stuff to chuckle at. Like THE SURPRISE WAS VAMPIRES.>>
>>9176211 Oh it follows the rules of it's own universe quite well, I admit that.
Like other day I was thinking
>Isn't stupid to let L-Elf run around free till I realized 1) He was captured before, it just didn't take 2) Only a few people know he was with Dorsia 3) How the hell would they catch him anyway?>>
>>9176213 I actually enjoy how ridiculously good he is at anything but working with people. Honestly the funniest joke the show popped off was him handing Shoko his plan for militarization.>>
>>9176227 That was great. Especially with the
>L-Elf from out of nowhere, eating their food moment.
>You want want to turn us into a police state? >Yes, and the problem with that is? >>
>>9176211 >Like THE SURPRISE WAS VAMPIRES. You know, now that it's revealed Cain has a Valvrave mark, it's probably going to be revealed to be not that weird eventually>>
So it looks like A-Drei actually has a glass eye after all. >>
>>9176874 yeah that makes alot more sense than whatever abortion of physics is needed to explain the bullet curving up to leave that scar but spare his eye>>
YANDERE SISCON! RED ALERT RED ALERT>>9176874 I thought that obvious from the new ED. >>
>>9176902 That was obvious the last episode. The colors for the eyes aren't even the same.>>
>>9176902 I never really paid attention to the new ending... And yeah, looniness must run in the family.>>
did they reveal aina is still alive yet >>
>>9176902 I think its less him being a siscon and more shock at how fucking Shoko keeps taking everything he cares about/wants: The respect of the students, the leadership position in new JIHOR, all his criticisms about what they are doing, and now his fucking hiki imouto>>
>>9176975 She's dead Jim She's in Newtype ghost land now>>
>>9176978 I hope you're right about that and less of the idea that he's a siscon>>
VVV threads in a nutshell>People discuss anime >It's bad because I say so >Care to elaborate some more? >Hurr durr retards >Not really much of an argument but okay >retards, everyone hates it >charts >Back to step 1 >>
>>9176978 Dammit, he just wants to become a hero>>
>>9176983 FUCK, DROPPE->Newtype ghost land well if the show already has vampires who's to say there won't be poltergeists>>
>>9176978 Maybe Student Prez should have explained to the students why it was in their interests to help the Senator who was shooting at them and let him take the Valvrave and abandon them to Dorssia.>>
>>9176978 Yeah, that guy is heading towards despair. His main appeal was his position of power, and now that the situation is all upside-down he's getting more and more upstaged by Shoko, who unlike him actually has guts and charisma. He's going to do something really really stupid in the upcoming episodes, mark my words.>>
>>9176972 But who was like a mother to him? Shouko? That would only work if she ends up aging, marry someone else, and end up acting motherly towards Haruto rather than genki due to motherhood.>>
>>9176995 Please let there be ghost robots Please let there be ghost robots Please let there be ghost robots>>
>>9177005 unless she gets a Valvrave thats probably whats going to happen. Eru-erufu has that position covered with Nazi loli though>>
>OH GOD PLEASE PUT ME IN SRW No but seriously, Vulcan machine guns are pretty cool>>
>>9177003 He will try to launch the unpiloted Valvraves at Dorssia with the promise of being made head of the colony in a simultaneous colony takeover. But then will realize his fuck-up, and die a pitiful death. Or maybe a heroic death saving someone else from a stream of bullets. Or a pointless bravado death when said person still dies from bullets that passed through him.>>
>>9177033 I still say he is going to try and become a VVV pilot, gets rejected and literally explodes.>>
>>9177033 >He will try to launch the unpiloted Valvraves at Dorssia with the promise of being made head of the colony in a simultaneous colony takeover. Oh, he couldn't be THAT atupid>>
>>9177044 Nah, the system will make an exception and eject him, Goose style. Which will, amazingly, fail to kill him. Comedy averts yet another possibly needed death.>>
gg subs are out. I suggest gettign the ddl on mega if you don't wanna wait. >>
VVVI's attacks so far Vulcans Hard Light Rifle Swords The gun with all the swords 666 Harakiri >>
>>9177108 >forgetting the Fold Sickles >forgetting hard light melee LASER SPIKE AXE KICK.>>
>>9177050 Please Akira needs a dead significant person to motivate her to become a pilot. Jewdog - his girlfriend Thunder - his friend Akira - ????>>
>>9177148 Or Shoko motivates her. Even in death, Satomi fails.>>
>>9176902 That kid is suffering.>>9176946 Yes, yes it is.
>>9177032 It doesn't even make sense for Valvrave to have head vulcan (it's melee mech, and what guns it does have shoots hard light spears), but I can't deny it's kind of cool.>>
>>9177120 >Implying that SRW isn't just going to merge the swords and the sickles into one melee attack >>
>>9176995 Actually someone proposed the theory she'll be the OS of a Valvrave. There's a suspicious lack of a body in this episode, and the professor guy was cleaning up the scene of her death, and he was shown to be building more Valvraves. Since we still don't know the deal with the OS in them...>>
>>9177160 Having a point defense weapon > not having one, even if you're melee as fuck. Besides Hito has a nerf gun and can do hardlight sonic boom, it's not pure melee.>>
>>9176946 It was nice to see Haruto go melee this week. Ever since he got the gun he's mainly been shooting stuff>>
I just want to know one thing. What military Genius thought they needed a navy on a space station err Dyson sphere module. >>
>>9177164 I don't think he's building more, rather he came across either a halted operation for presumably V2, or it's an automated process; module 77 churns Valvraves out without further input. In other words, it's an Internecine.>>
>>9177169 They'll make that into a barrier if anything. In a nutshell We have about 6 attacks assuming that BP makes one attack dedicated to combining all of the melee weapons into one Counter Cut Shoot Down Shield Defense Barrier>>
>>9177168 There's water. There's gravity. In the event of ground siege, you can now spam artillery from the sea. Land, sea and air. Gotta mix all three.>>
>>9177168 In case they get invaded? Or to protect the robots underneath the school none of the kids know are there? I mean, you did see them in episode 1 right?>>
No wonder JIOR lost so fast. Also I thought this was Neo-Jiorn >>
>>9177168 The one that decided they should have deep bodies of water to allow for fishing. Though it would be hilarious if those ships could convert into a space form sort of like the space battleship Yamato.>>
>>9177178 New JIOR probably at the end of the first cours.>>
>>9177178 Technically only L-Elf calls it that>>
>>9177178 >the second amendment works as well in the 22nd century as it did in the 18th You could give every man, woman, and child in America a rifle and the training to use it and they'd still get shit on all day long by an actual fucking military with tanks and jets. I don't think some rinky-dink handguns and the occasional rifle are going to stop Waffes from ruining your shit.>>
>>9177210 Still, an unkillable space bancho with a heart of gold would mow down those foot soldiers. Or get shot trying.>>
>>9177213 If Thunder becomes a pilot, I expect nothing but pure super robot manliness from him. Of course, he'll probably be the first pilot to die>>
>>9177249 >A Valvrave pilot dying According to future Saki, that does not appear to be possible.>>
>>9177283 I think it's possible, but you probably have to incinerate both the VVV and the pilot to do it.>>
You just have split them into atoms and molecules.>>
>>9177210 when's the last time the guys with tanks and planes won against guerrillas?>>
>>9177317 When's the last time the guys with tanks and planes decided "fuck it, slag 'em" instead of "we will be an occupying force and win their hearts and minds".>>
>>9177297 >Too gay >on /m/ >And you're watching a Sunrise anime I don't know where you think you are right now>>9177314 "This is Snake, awaiting mission">>
>>9177210 More or less. It's actually better NOT to arm everyone in the event you want to carry out some guerilla shit. If you arm a child and your women and they get shot, you look like the bad guy. If they're unarmed and they get shot, the invading army looks like the bad guy. It's also easier to confuse an enemy when they don't know who's going to be attacking them; if everyone is armed, it goes from, "Oh shit do they have a gun do I shoot them?" paranoia to, "Shoot everything that moves if I want to live," certainty.>>
>>9177335 The problem with glassing an enemy population is that you'll have the entire world on your doorsteps, let alone your own constituents. It's a Pyrrhic victory as you end up having to nuke everyone else.>>
>>9177314 He's so ridiculously awesome. Always doing weird shit and acting cool.
Best character of the season.>>
My sides exploded at this. Just look at THUNDER. And he was carrying the third one. >>
>>9177494 Eru-erufu is getting ridiculous, he didn't even use a lose screw or something this time! he just fucking sits up>>
>>9177505 If no one tried to stop me, even I could get out of this.>>
Valvrave in a nut shell is Char and Amuro in high school on a neutral colony where Char and Minerva were in relative age when they met. >>
>>9177148 It sounds like she's going to get motivation from Shoko, who is pretty much her only friend so far Satomi takes care of Akira, but they don't have a good relationship.>>
>>9177520 >>9177505 It's a really poor way of restraining someone. Especially since his body looks like it has a lot of free room.>>
>>9177520 Why does no one ever just duck tape oven mits on then hands>>
>>9177516 >Crazy weapon eh? It is actually rather amazing that it attack make sense. The hard light essentially has all the heat dumped into it, then blasted over the enemy like it is lava. Almost like the hard light melted.>>
>>9177210 If only the military let us own gatling guns and arm ourselves with tanks.>>
>Saki doesn't kill that fucking faggot Q-Vier >Thunder doesn't get a Valvrave, AGAIN Damn it all.>>
>>9177604 Maybe the week after next? We get Archer Valvrave next though.>>
>>9177210 >You could give every man, woman, and child in America a rifle and the training to use it and they'd still get shit on all day long by an actual fucking military with tanks and jets. >this is what people actually believe in a world where global superpowers fight and lose wars against insurgencies on a regular basis >>
>>9177335 I don't think that the Russians were particularly concerned about "hearts and minds" in Afghanistan, anon.
Nor were the Americans in Vietnam, for that matter.>>
>>9177593 I'm not sure about gatling guns but it's legal in the US to drive a (de-weaponized) tank. There also aren't any laws against flamethrowers so I guess if you want to put one of those on your tank you're good to go.>>
>>9177361 L-Elf is just too overblown for my tastes, I dunno. I get that this was "his episode" but I'll be quite disappointed if he continues to dictate the course of action completely from this point forward.>>
>>9177619 >>9177615 Because they try to fight the insurgency. When you kill EVERYONE, there's nowhere for an insurgency to hide!>>
>>9177629 An insurgency is only ever a tiny minority of the population.
When you try to kill *everyone*, the ENTIRE POPULATION is going to be up your ass. Good luck with that! I don't have the relevant image from /k/ saved, but there's one that talks about this which makes an excellent point. Tanks, jets, artillery, mecha; these things do not remove the need for boots on the ground. Hell, we've SEEN JIOR be attacked by ground soldiers several times now.>>
>>9177636 Why could you possibly need boots on the ground to eradicate a village? Just bomb it. Bomb it again. If you think there might still be survivors, bomb it some more. Bombs become your boots.>>
>>9177615 See
>>9177353 And they only "lose" in the sense that they run out of money and positive public sentiment and have to pull out. There is no traditional victory wherein you take possession of whatever land and resources you didn't burn and leverage it for your future ends. Even WWII essentially gave Japan and Europe to America as vassal states. Guerilla warfare is a last-ditch effort to bore the enemy away so you can maybe use the next 5 decades to rebuild your mudhole.>>
>>9177516 So what's the downside to that thing?>>
>>9177659 You mean aside from the fact that it takes ages to charge?>>
>>9177651 No one eradicates villages because no one can withstand the ire of the entire world. Even
denies it when they bulldoze and white phosphorus villages. Again, massacres lead to everyone being after your ass. Your options are to avoid it or to take everyone with you. Or go down like a punk.>>
>>9177636 Exactly. And that's exactly why their plan of having Haruto fight off all the badguys didn't work. Dorssia isn't like a poorly written mecha enemy faction that simply send in waves of grunts every week, and then fold and run away when they're all wiped out by the Protangonist mech. Their robots can't stand up to Valvrave, but they can send soliders in on foot at the same time and Valvrave can't do anything about that. Hence in order for their country thing to work, they need a military like L-Elf says. Haruto can't keep one man arming them to saftey>>
>>9177669 Valvrave is.. what? Dorsia vs. ARUS with lil' neutral JIOR in the middle? If Dorsia blows up JIOR completely it's not like ARUS can get MORE mad at them.>>
>>9177675 It's a colony full of school children and two adults.>>
>>9177651 >Why could you possibly need boots on the ground to eradicate a village? Just bomb it. Bomb it again. If you think there might still be survivors, bomb it some more. >Bombs become your boots. Americans can hit some towelhead sitting on his toilet in a building's basement with a laser-guided bomb from the safety of a control center hundreds of miles away and we still aren't winning this war. Open a fucking newspaper sometime.
Also, that genius strategy of yours sure worked great during the Vietnam War.>>
>>9177675 Public sentiment matters a lot for waging war, and JIOR has captured the hearts of the ARUS public. Slaughtering JIOR would likely massively increase support for the ARUS war effort. Not that such an increase would necessarily help them win, of course.>>
>>9177678 Only because americunts don't have the courage to turn all of Pakistan into glass. If they did they would have won the war on Terror.>>
>>9177689 I look forward to when you try to get rid of termites by burning your house down.>>
>>9177689 You just don't understand that you simply cannot effectively eradicate a nation with airpower. German cities and infrastructure were pounded fucking flat by possibly the biggest sustained bombing campaign the world has ever seen during WWII and they still fought a war on two fronts for years.
Airpower is an extremely valuable tool, particularly in conventional warfare, but it simply cannot substitute for soldiers on the ground. Ask yourself: did the Valvrave stop those JIOR soldiers who broke into the base and nearly shot Hyuuma? Did the Valvrave get Haruto into its cockpit when Senator Figaro tried to steal it? No, it was infantrymen on the ground with guns who did these things.>>
>>9177675 Of course they can. It is currently a nation of zealous not!MonarchialCommunists vs what seems to be a comparatively looser group of nation-states. As in WWII, all it would take is a suitable atrocity for the beast to awaken and his right, left, north, and south hands to stop bickering and pick up a sword together.
JIOR is different from other guerilla factions in that it has a weapon the enemy wants its hands on. I imagine that Captain Ahab over there has some amount of knowledge of the Valvrave's pilot selection system, also; he might not want to just kill off all those students just yet. But this is separate from the real-world guerilla thing. You just don't kill civilians if you can help it. It's a whole lot of trouble you don't need.>>
When will Haruto become Neo JIOR's general and launch an offensive on Dorssia on behalf of L-elf's orders? >>
>>9177699 Don't be ridiculous. I would however, burn my neighbors house to the ground if I saw termites sneaking over.>>
>>9177702 >Germany >1940s >relatively primative bombs JIOR's a space colony. Just melt holes everywhere and let everyone asphyxiate.>>
>inb4 Audrey's glass eye is magical in some way >>
>>9177773 >just punch holes in the colony Oh, you mean like JIOR did to themselves this episode? Because that didn't seem to result in mass deaths. What part of "razing a civilian colony would be an utter PR disaster" don't you understand? Morale is everything in war.
>relatively primitive bombs Sure, but when you're launching tens of thousands of them from thousands of aircraft, well...>>
>>9177784 >What part of "razing a civilian colony would be an utter PR disaster" don't you understand? Morale is everything in war. I understand something. It's called "Blitzendegen." Do you really want to let the JIOR menace live? Are you willing to be mocked by a bunch of high school students over and over again?>>
>>9177784 Zeon had pretty good morale after Operation British and Battle of Loum. Atrocities doesn't necessarily equal bad morale. Only the perception of losing creates that.>>
>>9177806 It's not the morale of the people carrying out the atrocities that matters. It's how those atrocities affect the morale of their opponents.>>
>>9177810 This. And I honestly wouldn't be surprised if ARUS itself attempted to kill off New JIOR under a false flag operation to gain mass public approval.>>
>>9177859 Go to bed, L-Elf. Pigfucker 2.0 and nothing more.>>
>>9177859 >terrible make up >one bun >no fashion sense 2/10 would not take hostage>>
So, with Blue and Yellow apparently debuting next week, do we already know who (Kyuuma, Thunder) will get which one? Personally I think V fits in with Kyuuma, being a Defense Type, "MUST ZETTAI MAMORU EVERYONE" mentality and all. And big brash bully = III's huge stronk metal claws. Also, what the fuck is this thing? VVV II confirmed? >>
>>9177863 She reminded me more of chinese loli from CG S2 though.>>
>>9177877 It has a translucent head like VVV-6>>
>>9177178 Well, JIOR is supposed to be Space Japan and real Japan doesn't allow civilians to own guns either (well, except for shotguns and even then you have to take several psych tests in order to get a license for it, you can only use it for hunting and you have to provide the local police with a map of your house indicating where you keep them locked up).>>
You think the VVV units might be made of people? Like some kind of soylent green twist. >>
>>9177622 Seconded. L-11 needs more failures. It's no fun when he wins all the time and overshadows everyone.>>
>>9177915 I'm surprised he hasn't taken one of the Valraves already. It's like Gai in Guilty Crown: He was infinitely more suited for the Power of the King than Shu, and when he got it...Well, he used it to fullest effect.>>
>>9177925 Maybe he deduced that becoming a VVV pilot will make you immortal and he is reluctant to become a VVV pilot because he
is subconsiously suicidal and wants to die in a blaze of glory but becoming a VVV pilot will run counter to that desire >>
>>9177925 Not only that, but there is basically no drawbacks from this other than MUH HUMANITY. Like, remember Death Note, how Light didn't get the eyes contract for more power because that would make him much more powerful but would cost him half of his lifespan? It's like that, except it's the complete opposite, and becoming an immortal vampire is much more of an advantage for a chessmaster future ruler of a government.>>
>>9177615 I have no idea why people keep thinking that a ragtag guerilla faction can win against trained soldiers. Even the Taleban have taken HORRENDOUS causalities.
It's just that there are so many of them, and American hands are tied by the rules of war. And even then, SO MANY of them have died.
You'd have to be a Muslim fanatic to take that level of losses and keep going. Most people don't have the same will to fight. If it comes down to open warfare? Oh god, the ragtag rebels will be horribly, horribly crushed, to the point it's a slaughter.
>>9177619 The Americans were giving the mujas STINGER MISSILES, though. Not just stinger missiles, but weapons, training, and all kinds of stuff.>>
>>9177939 The 'vampires' don't even need to drink blood. In fact, they're less 'vampires' and more Enhanced Humans, a la Kamen Rider. Saki is still ridiculously hot 200 years later, for instance.>>
So, who is getting Purple Sorcerer Valvrave? L-Elf? Shoko? Haxx0r gurl? A-Drei? Cain?
Q-Vier ? >>
>>9177964 The nerd.
He's gonna be a Wizard once he hits 30 anyways, might as well start practicing now >>
>>9177971 But
Akira might end up too a Sorceress. >>
>>9177964 My bet's on Riddhe, but he'll be killed shortly after piloting it.>>
>>9176990 Fuck you. Gundam Seed did NOT save Gundam franchize!>>
>>9178084 >implying we'd have 00 or age without CE >>
>>9174901 CCA was produced before Sunrise took over>>
>>9177932 he probably don't want to out live Lisolette>>
>>9177964 >Riddhe Is this what we're calling Student President Siscon now?>>
>>9178127 We'd have been better off without 'em.>>
>>9178148 Why not? If we're lucky, he'll pilot a black Valvrave with an SV-D system.>>
>>9178148 They're similar enough. And they're both Namikawa.>>
>>9178130 You mean Bandai. Sunrise was Gundam's studio since day 1.>>
Why was the princess of a huge country playing by herself near a concentration camp? Why didn't they shoot him dead as soon as the princess disarmed him like he was a mannequin? >>
>>9178181 Because they may piss her off and end up in said concentration camp themselves.>>
>>9178181 Because they were in awe and didn't want to traumatize her.
Also, they were being rounded up there, near the capital I imagine, but who knows where the camp is.>>
>only seafaring battleships in space Well, I don't think I've seen that before.>>
>>9177613 That blue one is going to Jewbro so hard.>>
so what's Blue's gimmick besides shields and arrows? maybe those arrows are homing? >>
>>9178319 His gimmick is being the first Valvrave to get shot down.>>
>>9178331 How can any of them get shot down when Mr. Skullmech was ranting about the "Legendary Seven"?>>
>>9177873 >You can't just give half of your life! >You can't just give half of your ham and eggs! He never really let it go, huh He probably mutters it to himself in the shower>>
>>9178336 Just because Saki is alive 200 years from now, doesn't mean they all are.>>
>>9178344 Just because Saki is alove 200 years from now, doesn't mean the rest aren't.>>
>>9178344 True, but I think it's more likely that they would stick with the existing pilots than bring in new ones. The term "Legendary Seven" implies a lengthy heroic pedigree. Also, to take MSG as an example, neither the Guncannon, the Guntank, or the G-Armor were ever shot down and had their pilots killed. What makes you think that a Valvrave must be?>>
>>9178352 I could totally see Cain or some superpower killing one/some of them to exemplify the fact that the vampires aren't as invulnerable as we thought them to be.>>
>>9177335 The US supplied the Afghanis during the Russian invasion. In Vietnam, the US had stupid self imposed restrictions on where/ how they could operate, and only supplied the war with just enough men to avoid losing the war, not enough to win it. Iraq and Afghanistan more recently are a similar deal. You look at the combat statistics, the guerillas get heavily shat on in every engagement. but
A) The US public is not willing to tolerate casualties to anywhere near the same extent at the guerillas, and. B) They restrics themselves heavily in what they can/ can't do. once again, in wanting to spare short term spikes in casualties, they do go full on mobilisation, only have just enough troops to not lose, not enough to actually win by a longshot.>>
>>9177180 Wasn't there a ship that did just that in Episode 2?>>
Guys. Hey guys. If Dorssians are going to bombard your school. Why don't you just. You know. Leave the school and run away? >>
>>9178589 There's no where to run away to, they established that pretty early on.>>
>>9178594 Seriously? I'm not saying they should leave the module, but there are hills and shit behind the school. Or hell, sneak up on places Audrey already bombarded, knowing he won't shoot there again. Be somewhere, ANYWHERE else other than the school building.>>
>>9178589 Without a preplanned evacuation procedure, the kids would just scatter like idiots and get hit by random fire. Though come on, who the fuck expects to be attacked by a battleship on a space colony? That was just weird.>>
>>9178594 Besides the underground Valverave command center should, in theory, be the most defensible spot..>>
>>9178606 >That was just weird Valvrave in a nutshell.
And it's great >>
>>9178625 Yeah, but if you were going to invade a colony, you would bring tanks, jeeps,etc not a boat.>>
>>9178614 >And it's great Only if your standards are
than the retard >>
>>9178633 They took the boats that were already in the colony.>>
>>9178633 They didn't "bring" boats. They hijacked the ones that were there already from episode 1>>
>>9178633 Those are JIOR gunboats that were docked at the station when JIOR surrendered.>>
>>9178236 They look enclosed so they can probably operate in space as well. Like, patrol craft. They've already shown that the Dorssian warships can dock and travel underwater.>>
>>9178794 Is there one of these with the kick after?>>
>>9176990 >People criticize the anime >It's good because I say so >Care to elaborate some more?
>Hurr durr it's an intentional meta parody which is why the writing is shit >Not really much of an argument but okay >YOU JUST DON'T LIKE FUN IS ALL
>Sunrise is saving anime and VVV is gonna be another success for them I should know because I see VVV-1 is on the bestsellers list on Amazon >>
>>9178812 Sounds like the thread from the perspective of the hater >>
VVVfags think L-Elf is an actually good character. Let that sink in. Even SEEDfags acknowledge that Kira is a shit character. >>
>>9178834 >Comparing L-Elf to Kira. This is like comparing Lelouch to Kira.>>
>>9178841 >Comparing a Gary Stu to a Gary Stu' I see no problems here>>
>>9178832 hurr durr retards retards. You really need to find something better to do than to troll someone for having a different opinion. >>
>>9178841 >responding to blatant trolling this is like putting your hand in a fire, twice.>>
>this thread Like clockwork.>>
>>9178881 It's inevitable, like all discussions on /m/.>>
>>9178841 They were both genius strategists with some sort of supernatural power and whose series aired circa 2006? Oh wait, wrong Kira.>>
>>9178888 I really need to download one of those filters, and just block every post that uses the word "retard" or "fag". Granted the threads would probably only have 50 posts in them.>>
>>9178910 I wouldn't say Light had supernatural powers. Just a supernatural weapon.>>
>>9179064 Why can't pixiv love Saki as much as 4chan seems to?>>
>>9179172 Because pixiv likes dem Nazi boys more.>>
>>9179189 Yeah, I know. It's all about the Nazi's with them.>>
>>9179315 So is the show still shit? Christ, I don't know what makes me stay for this crap.>>
>>9179310 It's supposed to be Glasses' blood. Which doesn't make any sense, since the last we saw of her she was floating in the middle of the room.>>
>>9179310 Its Aina's blood probably Though WHY there is a bloodstain on the buldhead if she was hit by fucking missiles and her corpse was floating around I don't know>>
>>9179348 Her body could hit something and float to ground. Or she was dragged to the ground, so she could be wrapped in something and blood soaked through..>>
>>9179348 >>9179351 Maybe the body eventually bounced or something... Okay it made no sense, but what in this show does?>>
>>9179342 Yes. That's what everybody with sense have been saying. This show is a required taste i.e. your tastes have to be so bad to enjoy it.>>
>>9179351 >Though WHY there is a bloodstain on the buldhead if she was hit by fucking missiles and her corpse was floating around I don't know She has a large chunk of her torso missing. So when she was hit by the explosion she squirted blood from the body cavity downwards where she floated.>>
>>9179358 >but what in this show does? The Wafles.>>
Well the teacher is sticking to the floor, when there wasn't gravity in the room before. Maybe they turned the gravity on, and the body just came crashing to the floor. >>
>>9179368 can barely make out shit from that. Stop talking out your ass.>>
Bring on Dog and Thunder already. >>
>>9178418 False. We ran the surges which "won" the wars that existed at the time. The problem is that fighting an insurgency without killing everyone is not a matter of military might. When the surges end, you HAVE to swoop in with billions in aid and infrastructure, draining any remaining insurgency of manpower, morale, and legitimacy. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were actually multiple small wars that ended and then began again when shit didn't get better and the people with vendettas amassed enough resources to continue fighting. You have to first remove the means to fight, and then the will to fight. We have the best trained military on the planet but some of the worst trained people-people.>>
>>9179418 Wonder how they will get her into one. She won't even leave her box fort right now.>>
>>9179359 So it's still the same more or less? All twists, zero logic and the characters are as shallow as ever?>>
>>9179431 isn't the purple one covered with sensor-funnels and other electronic warfare shit? Seems like its bait enough to draw out a hacker NEET>>
>>9179418 Also the scene of her trying to stammer "thank you" and then completely losing her shit when Shoko breaks down was great.
>I have no idea how to handle this. I know, I'll kick my brother. -
+ yotsuba
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