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reminder that chamber is evil and will kill all the sexy ass tanned gargantits >>
>>87207934 chamber will only senmetsu gargantians if they are the hideauze>>
>>87207882 (OP) You are now aware of all the
spiral power
inherent in this image.>>
>>87207934 this, ledo was cockblocked so hard by chamber in the last episode.>>
>>87207934 >reminder that chamber is evil
Squidfucker plz.>>
you are worst hideauze. you are the hideauze idiot you are the hideauze smell. return to gargantia. to our gargantia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,evolver we will never forgeve you. squid rascal FUck but fuck asshole hideauze stink squid sqhipere shqipare..hideauze larve genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead hideauze..ahahahahahSQUID WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget space elevator .evolver we kill the king , evolver return to your precious squid….hahahahaha idiot hideauze and evolver smell so i can smell it. REMOVE HIDEAUZE FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=continent al union…you will ww2/ kugel alive in avalon, kugel making album of avalon . fast rap kugel avalon. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of kugel… you are ppoor stink hideauze… you live in a ocean hahahaha, you live in a sea kugel alive numbr one #1 in avalon ….fuck the evolver ,..FUCKk ashol hideauze no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and babes. kugel aliv and real strong wizard kill all the hideauze farm aminal with rap magic now we the humanity rule .ape of the zoo presidant ryan matsumoto fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and evolver wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. galactic alliance of humanity greattst countrey >>
>>87208297 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.>>
>>87208360 way to edit your copypasta to fit the thread, faggot>>
>>87208503 >implying hideauze removal isn't the best type of contribution. step it up soldier of the galactic alliance of humanity.>>
>>87207882 (OP) Considering his death flags and that Urobutcher is involved, I'm still expecting that at least one Gargantian will become squid and become a target for senmetsu by Chamber whether Ledo likes it or not. And Bevel seems like a very good candidate given his illness that could worsen resulting in someone trying to save him with salvaged tech.>>
>yfw blonde elvis' aniki became hideauze >>
There will be no transformation antics. Instead the Alliance will show up and Ledo will have to protect Gargantia from his own people since they'll instantly be deemed as worthless. >>
I feel a tragedy coming up, hold me /a/ >>
>>87208020 That's wrong. Simply wrong. The "Evolvers" have no future. The true form most capable of producing and effectively using spiral power is the humanoid form, that was said many times in TTGL. Devolvers can go eat a bag of dicks, like right now.>>
>>87211807 >at least one Gargantian will become squid Like how?>>
One interesting dynamic is that they don't seem to want any good/bad guy between Evolvers and Humans, they are both assholes trying to kill each other. >>
>>87212370 I don't need to, there is possible way to do it when all laboratories are sunk for tousands years>>
>>87212391 Unfortunately this is lost on senmetsufags.>>
>>87212417 There is always room for UNDERSTANDING, it's one of the staples of the mecha genre.>>
>>87212533 Indeed. It pisses me off. But hey, at least they're not singing yet.>>
any reason WHY Galactic Alliance lose to fucking SQUID? >>
>>87212579 Because they are also humans with the same technology integrated into their exoskeletons >>
>>87212195 >humans >more spiral power than a nautilus >>
squid form is simbiotic, therefore a suit. Bevel will get an artifact from the squids base that will acitivate when it comes in contact with the tooth-flute he has from Ledo. Also, to destroy ledo mentally there will probably be a squid that is hes brother/clone. >>
>>87212691 Why don't write some fanfiction and get the fuck out of here>>
>>87212691 op here, please don't. I really hope they don't go into some of the biology behind the evolution project this episode or a live 'evolution' or else I will actually be sick.>>
>There is always room for UNDERSTANDING, it's one of the staples of the mecha genre. I find it interesting you put it that way. Gargantia is a subtle show that tries hard not to moralize and thus offers many opportunities to see if the audience "understands" or not. The Gargantia ship didn't dwell on the morality of killing for the sake of killing but shifted that out of pontification and into how such attitudes affected the relationships between people. The morality problem was more with the audience than the anime chars/plot itself.
And with the 4chan audience, it was highly politicized to the point that morality seemed to be more an excuse to attack and demonize liberals than it was about the morality of killing for the sake of killing. It seems the audience in gargantia threads is full of people who hate seeing any form of liberal concepts in anime. In one sense, these people want and demand their anime to be politicized against any liberal concepts looking "good", "positive", or "moral". Is it a fear of feeling shameful for their own political viewpoint? It seems that way from the style of arguments presented.>>
I hope you realize that most of the "whalesquids" Ledo exterminated were just the symbiotes, without humans in them. The appearance of the fully developed humanoid Hideauze makes that clear. >>
>>87212957 Anyone who spouts the word 'liberal' towards anything they dislike is just engaging in the worst sort of groupthink; the kind regularly attributed to 'liberals', ironically.>>
>>87213026 Yes. Confirmed in those puchi gargantia things>>
>>87213088 Friendly reminder that Ledo speaks german in riddles.>>
>>87212957 5 star post. Seriously, I just marathoned all the episodes yesterday and I do not see where the big fucking political agenda is that got thousands of posts. All the Gargantians did was mildly admonish Ledo for using EXCESSIVE force, not "using force at all", and thus escalated a conflict they could not afford to escalate. Once he defended them against the second pirate attack they were at his feet thanking him. Same with the whalesquids. No sane leader would risk the existence of his fleet for one stranger raving about SENMETSU.>>
>>87213177 This just further reinforces that the Galactic Alliance of Humankind are space Nazis.>> eP1rHHA >>
i am keeping an eye out for you squid sympathizers >>
when does the next episode drop is there a VN version because it seems like a VN anime especially since urobochi >>
>>87213088 and Bellows got "raped"... revealed in the official spinoff-manga
she revealed herself too /syu_001/suiseinoga_001/0001-0/inde x.html>>
>>87214588 bellows got molested by another big tittied bitch i like it>>
Let's forget the imminent suffering and discuss how moe Ledo is. >>
>>87214592 Why does that one particular Hideauze look more human than the rest? Just for the sake of triggering MUH FEELS?>>
>>87214805 They all look human from birth until puberty Didn't you watch the episode?>>
>>87214549 horriblesubs drops in 4 hrs 15 mins. raws will drop in a couple hours>>
12 minutes to the HEALING! >>
>>87214549 cc0721oppai
in a little over 10 minutes.>>
>>87214886 probably not this episode. from the preview, it looks like suffering all around.>>
>>87214982 oppai Don't post full link because account may be blocked faster.>>
>>87215024 I never know where the streams are. Do I have to be a part of some secret club?>>
>>87215113 No, there is no special club. CC streams multiple shows during the week and has been doing so for quite a while, you're just showing off how new you are.>>
>>87215113 Basically yes. Protip: search the archive, you'll find it in one hit>>
>>87215091 galactic alliance, easy supporting or living with squids is heresy>>
>>87215174 Plamo when? I need a purple robot on my shelf.>>
>Emi in the livestream how disgusting>>
>>87215091 Hideous all day every day.
>immortality >improved physical capabilities
>can survive vacuum >built-in weapon system >>
>>87215091 > choosing anyone but squids How does it feel to be part of inferior species that lost the war and soon will be eaten by space squids?>>
UNDERSTANDING and SENMETSU in same episode... >>
>>87215302 Is it really hard to type in archive?>>
>>87215316 SENMETSU was one of the first words in this episode.>>
>>87215302 /5866247264>>
>>87215351 >Mindbroken? Time to update the butcher bingo.>>
>>87215386 >This channel requires a password gr8 b8 m8>>
>>87215331 Its not, but all I found that is gargantia related is a closed stream>>
>>87215386 It seems there's that guy in every stream thread. Good job you fucking idiot.>>
melty gonna give him some loving >>
Pinion's aniki got turned into a hideauze Y/N? >>
suffering and healing in the same episode >>
What happened with pinion? >>
>>87215565 You will be the first faggots to cry when he gets banned again, stop telling people the details every week.>>
Angry ledo is the miracle of the universe >>
Is he really angsting about this shit? Dear god Ledo. They killed you're fucking waifu step it the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fuck up >>
all these squid sympathizers >>
>SUFFERING Oh god yes! Finally, now we can truly being to FEEL>>
>>87215771 Ledo is super depressed and this is a character-driven show, so showing that is important.>>
>>87211924 That would be hilarious, I hope it happens>>
>>87215777 Alliance faggots get out. This is a pro-Hideauze board.>>
Someone tell me what happened! Is there any hope for a genocide ending still? >>
>working CU cannon PINION STRONK>>
>>87215859 >anime >genocide end This isn't Ideon. Expect UNDERSTANDING.>>
That all around healthiness. >>
>>87215859 never. it was always going to be an understanding end.>>
>>87215855 Where is the power source and where did they find it?>>
>music is too loud >my feet hurt >i just want to go back in space >>
let's make ledo suffer some more >>
>>87212957 >it seems the audience in gargantia threads is full of people who hate seeing any form of liberal concepts in anime. In one sense, these people want and demand their anime to be politicized against any liberal concepts looking "good", "positive", or "moral". I have no problem with those liberal concepts in real life, but I think over-reliance on cliched messages that are "good" "positive" and "moral" often end up making the show/movie/book they're in feel stale and predictable. Yes, I know war is bad. I know everyone should get along. I know we shouldn't destroy nature. But I'm tired of being hit on the head with again and again. I want something more challenging and unpredictable. I did like the whole evolver plot twist because it went into morally gray territory (and not just man bad nature good which is what I expected) and sparked a huge debate, which is great. That's challenging, more or less. I don't want the show to end with an UNDERSTANDING ending because it's predictable. An ending that causes debate and that doesn't attempt to tell you what's the definitive way to live your life would be the best in my opinion.>>
>>87216053 I don't think it'll be an UNDERSTANDING ending, because the Hideauze seem incapable of reasoning and the GAoH is probably being run by computers. I think it'll be a helplessness ending.>>
Fucking shit man, another MORAL LESSONS episode. >>
>>87215986 Would of been a lot more hilarious if they started to eat some fried Hideauze corpses.>>
So does nobody else speak Japanese and realize that Ledo is talking about killing both the squid and space marines?
Does nobody else hear him talking about wanting to commit war suicide? Does nobody else realize that
Chamber will take these instructions literally and try to destroy Gargantia, only to be killed by Ledo sobbing and screaming inside the CU cannon? >>
>>87216141 That'd be a great way to rub salt on Ledo's wounds.>>
>>87216111 i think you may be disappointed then. understanding is the backbone of the series.>>
>>87216173 Last week's episode isn't enough for you?>>
"I'm sorry Ledo I'm afraid I can't do that." >>
>>87216180 I'm sure Chambers is smart enough to know whether or not something's an order.He'll just pretend he doesn't though. >>
I knew it will be cliffhanger with Kugel >>
What the fuck is going on... >>
fuuuuuuuuuuuck i need subs i'll never be able to learn japanese >>
oh fuck. kugel. can we say tweest? >>
pls someone summarize what chamber was talking about >>
>get home >open /a/ >O FUCK GARAGNTITS IS ON AGAIN >open stream >credits well, shit.>>
Kugel confirmed for Hideauze >>
>>87216348 >saya's gargantias front and center finally>>
>>87216374 Only the end was interesting The rest before was just suffering and Chamber explaining shit>>
Why have I never heard from /a about this show? I started watching it because it's Urobuchi and it begun quite awkward but It went quite awesome after 8th episode and was fucking gorgeous in the end. >>
>>87216348 >brown mechanic represented in the end card Truly the end of days>>
>>87216322 It was a loooooooooooooooooooooong 2 episodes to get to this point, but finally shit is about to hit the fan.>>
>>87216395 The found a beam weapon and fierd it at fucking pirates.>>
>>87216410 That's some gorgeous vomit. How many episodes are left?>>
So Kugel managed to take the whormhole. A top class warrior. >>
So Kugel got his own legion of squid removals? Or they are squid cultists >>
>>87216458 they look like heretics to me, they probably captured him>>
>>87216392 oh man, he is back? he was my favorite character>>
Then Kugel goes full cultist >>
>>87216458 Kugel is
The Cultists are just cultists.
They believe Kugel is a god.>>
>>87216410 Did it actually show the vomit? I must not have been watching carefully enough.>>
>>87216483 >captured him >they make his mecha cast a shadow so he looks like a god >>
>>87216479 How the hell are they going to wrap up this shit in 3 episodes! I don't even know what the hell is going on anymore!>>
>tfw all i want is kugel and ledo to exterminate hideauze together >tfw that dream will never happen. >>
>>87216458 squid cultists Whether he got converted or the reverse will be revealed next week>>
What if Kugel sympathizes with the squids faster than Ledo does, and now he leads the squid resistance against humans? >>
>>87216504 No that's just the whisky Pinion ditched into the sea.>>
>>87216532 Ledo is in PTSD mode right now, can't kill squids.>>
What's the show that's after Gargantia? >>
>>87216616 I wouldn't mind that. I just don't want Kugel to be defiled so quickly my sickening thoughts of squid sympathizing.>>
>>87216559 >implying Kugel won't command Ledo to keep on killing them which Ledo will refuse and then its Ledo Vs. Kugel >implying Pinion won't join the cultist to be at Kugels side >implying Ledo won't retrun to gargantia preparing for war >>
>>87216624 Kugel's going to be the anti villain. We've got bingo.>>
>>87216453 Is there even any doubt anymore that Butcher is a westaboo?>>
>>87216348 Is this the Senran Kagura character designer?>>
>>87216595 It's from when Pinion spilled some of his drink in aniki's honor.>>
>>87216624 Where the hell did we get lesbians from?>>
How could we have not seen that it was an analogy to Heart of Darkness. We had the clues and we were so close but damn. >>
Come on. There's still hope for no UNDERSTANDING end. >>
>>87216657 Pinion has super weapons, gargantia doesn't stand a chance.>>
>>87216624 >innocent MC Unless you're talking about Amy, no.>madness Who?>betrayal Galactic Alliance betraying Ledo is a bit of a stretch.>gunservice Beamspam and an energy pistol shouldn't count.>>
>>87216547 This show could use a couple of model kits. Maybe by kotobukiya. Production IG doesn't know jack shit about marketing.>>
>>87216624 You might want to cross dystopian and utilitarianism (GAlliance is one).>>
>>87216780 There's gunservice in ep 1 and 2. Used by the gargantians.>>
>>87207882 (OP) If that image and backstory doesn't confirm the Hideauze are evil, I don't know what does.>>
>he was just playing along with the squidcult because he didn't have anywhere else to stay and squids broke his stasis thingy >overjoyed to find a sane fleet >immediately asks Ledo/Pinion to help him purge the heretics down to the last woman and child >>
>>87216834 It looks Messianic. It's more like they're made to look zealous in their beliefs.>>
>>87216691 Given his huge love of Equilibrium and a lot of western films/literature it's likely he's not as JAPAN STRONK as most. I mean, Fate/Zero had very few Jap STRONK characters. The most GAR character was Macedonian/Greek. Take SnK where the last Jap is so hilariously overpowered that people will probably riot if it isn't revealed to be the result of lol, titans.>>
OP here, looks like my stomach contents didn't end up on my keyboard this week; thank you urobutcher for that. So, how about that tweeest eh?this is the longest and most discussed thread i've ever made on the 4chan in 3 years, thank you /a/ >>
>the Evolvers' remnants on Earth turned into cults I should have expected that.>>
>>87216732 > Chamber defied Ledo's order to squeeze the Hideous. No. Ledo told him before that they won't turn back when they have an opportunity to kill hideauze, He was following his orders, Ledo was just too slow to stop him.>>
>>87216732 >Chamber defied Ledo's order to squeeze the Hideous. Ledo started screen yamero to late. It's not betrayal>Ledo was innocent. Debatabke>>
>>87216839 I like the blue ones in the upper right corner. Looks neat.>>
So, what are the chances that the squiddies will have developed a bioweapon that can turn all humans left on the planet Earth into Hideauze? >>
>>87216824 Shitty old guns, that fucking too much stretch, doesn't count>>
>>87216897 >this is the longest and most discussed thread i've ever made on the 4chan in 3 years, thank you /a/ That's what you'll get for discussing anime my friend.>>
>>87216732 >Chamber defied Ledo's order to squeeze the Hideous chamber already had squid girl in his hand by the time ledo screamed, which would make her as good as dead.>>
>>87216982 Kugel will breed superior genes into earth Humans>>
IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>
Why did the cultists have Hideauze carcasses all over their ships? It seems disrespectful if they supposedly worship the Hideauze. >>
>Kugel has already been defiled by UNDERSTANDING Only a matter of time.>>
Being higher ranked than Ledo, Kugel must also have breeding privileges. On a planet of unsophisticated swine like where he's lost, it is HIS RIGHT to take whoever he wants.>>
>>87217005 Are you retarded? Chamber is an AI who follows every command he makes to the dot. The fact that he should have a much faster reaction speed than a human and had more than a full second of time after Ledo told him to stop to not senmetsu the squid shows that he desobeyed a direct order.>>
>>87217064 They probably have some sort of silly idea that if they eat enough Hideauze flesh then they'll become Hideauze.>>
>>87217064 They don't worship Hideauze They worship Kugel>>
>>87217047 >>87217051 Please don't rape any Gargantians, or suggest Amy's brother be killed. I want to still like you.>>
>>87217064 > It seems disrespectful if they supposedly worship the Hideauze. So they obviously don't.>>
>>87216951 They still need the polyp symbiontsBodysnatcher, here we come >>
>>87217064 Theory: the cultists worshipped the Hideauze, but then Kugel showed up and showed them just how much more powerful he is than them (120x more powerful than a single Whalesquid).>>
Yes. But he rapes them all whenever he wants.>>
>implying Kugel will rape amy too risky, he will rape the winning OC>>
>>87217113 Not knowing moon, I was pretty lost at the end. How long has Kugel been there? Why wouldn't Chamber pick up a distress signal?>>
>>87217064 Maybe it's not hideazu cult, but "kill hideazu" cult? Like KKK, but for squids. That would explain Kugel being their boss.>>
Kugel is Kurtz you damned fools>>87217185 distance, fog, kugel's communications module damaged when he tried to sacrifice himself to hold off the hideauze in episode 1 >>
Does Kugel have a balanced amount of UNDERSTANDING and SENMETSU? >>
>>87217142 daily reminder that Ledo has a hot white violet eyed aryan space girlfriend>>
What the hell happened to Mandragon? Are there any other anime countdowns to use? >>
>>87217244 'Original Character' There was a comp to get a fan-made char to make a cameo, the best one will be in the show. And Kugel will violate them>>
>>87216779 you should check the layout of Gargantia again. Guess what wasn't used in a loooong time since you don't kill needlessly?>>
Chamber x Kugel's mecha fucking WHEN >>
>>87217272 It doesn't count down in real time, but still pretty good.>>
>>87217287 I know I would like to know who won the contest Did they announce the winner?>>
>>87217244 no winners yet, i'd say on ep 11 or something then they will announce it.>>
>>87217318 Chambers going to run out of energy unless he gets jacked up on nanomachines>>
>>87217269 >>87217276 beautiful hot violet aryan girlfriend, Ledo can't wait to return to Avalon and breed with her>>
>>87217343 >Emperor What blasphemy is this? While he may be great he is but a servant to a far greater cause.>>
>>87217097 chamber is an ai programmed to assist his pilot to senmetsu the hideauze. were you paying attention earlier? case 1: assisting his pilot: chamber noticed ledo's fatigue and took autonomous action when confronted with the queen because ledo did nothing. case 2: senmetsu the hideauze: squid girl is identified as a hideauze. ledo gave no initial order, so chamber took autonomous action to destroy her. squid girl was already in his hand and the lasers were powering up by the ledo yelled stop. it was too late.>>
>>87217272 x.html It's in Spanish, but it doesn't really matter, everything is obvious and it has real time countdown.>>
>>87217236 So, when they get back to Avalon they can finally mate with the purpose of procreation and recreation instead of just recreation?>>
>>87217484 It will be Kugel/Ledo obviously. No need to travel back to Avalon.>>
So what're the chances that there are actual Hideauze just outside Earth and traversing the solar system? >>
>>87217548 > Kugel/Ledo But they can't reproduce that way, so there is no logic behind such activity.>>
>>87217097 but, yes, i will grant that chamber does have a problem following orders that are contrary to his apparent programming. he had to be explicitly ordered to release the information on the squids.>>
>>87217085 He already bred with Ledo's childhood friend>>
Now that I think about it. Kugel is also a german word.
What's with that anime season VVV> Space nazis SNG> Space nazis. >> re=player_detailpage&v=YVkUvmDQ3HY# t=29s >>
>>87217715 >>87217746 He is Ledo's father.
Childhood friend is the mother who doesn't age due to superior space genetics.>>
>>87217716 Nazis dress and sound cool Space is cool Space Nazis are very very cool.>>
>>87217716 Ledo, switch it around you get Doel, Doel == goal,purpose, target,plan and many others in dutch>>
>>87217369 >>87217236 >implying that she isn't a baby machine who pops out one or two future soldiers every year by now >>
>>87217716 SnK> Eoten is people SnG> Squid is people SsY> Querat is people>>
>>87217782 >He is Ledo's father i kinda though that too. has that been confirmed?>>
>>87217854 No. Dude, everyone in the Alliance looks alike. They are all albinos with purple eyes.>>
>>87217921 >everyone in the Alliance looks alike but we do not know that. ledo and kugel are the only two people we have seen.>>
>>87217921 There must have being a real hardcore albino soldier in the past.
Got reproductive rights with everyone>>
>>87217854 he isn't that much older. i don't think people in the alliance get that old before they die.>>
>>87217961 There's a shot of a full army and they all have white hair. I'm too lazy to look for it now.>>
>>87217942 Ledo is not a german name but it is also commonly used as german name though.>>
>>87217967 Their hair doesn't gain colour because they don't see the sun and they don't get tanned for the same reason, after a few generations the pigments kind of die out. It's just
evolution >>
>>87218023 Their hair isn't necessarily white, just really light. You can see in the shot pale purple, blue, and even pink.>>
>>87218023 oh shit, you are correct. that was ep 1. forgot already. my bad. then
>>87217972 would be correct too.>>
Well, if this keeps up until episode 13 I think there is a good chance that Gargantia regains its status as AOTS since its only other competitor VVV is losing steam since 2 weeks ago. >>
>>87218094 It's like you never saw old people. There are various shades of "white" hair. It's not necessarily WHITE The original point was that everyone looks alike in Avalon.>>
>>87212957 >Gargantia is a subtle show that tries hard not to moralize hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha>>
>>87218094 This is merely to white hair what dark green, dark blue and dark brown is to black hair. It's a way to keep the cast racially homogenous looking (à la japonaise) while remaining able to differentiate the characters easily.>>
>>87218137 >You will never join a space federation filled with albinos to deliver justice upon mutant scum >>
>>87217236 >I am sorry Amy...I already have someone I want to reproduce with. >>
>>87218188 No, white hair is a result of aging and cell quality decaying. You don't get 'pink hair' by going from a ginger to a geezer. There's no inbetween, your hair strands gradually become grayish white as you age past 40-50 under normal cirmstances. MAYBE you still a little color close to the roots if you're lucky.>>
>>87218176 If the Galactic Alliance is revealed to be run by an A.I.-like entity and thus making them not that different after all with the mindless Hideauze then yes, it will be AOTS indeed.>>
i do wonder about something though: if there are 470 million people living in avalon, who are they? are they all retired? the ones on leave like ledo would have been? ledo seems to believe that all people in the alliance are soldiers, yet avalon appears to be populated and ledo has never been there. >>
>>87218176 >Valvrave >Losing steam If anything the rape leak only made it more popular.>>
>>87218340 Maou's quality is plummeting at the speed of light. Don't get me wrong, it started out fucking awesome, but lately it's just shit.>>
>>87218429 Wombs, children, non combat Military personel and soldiers on breeding duty>>
>>87218390 Yup, you haven't actually dealt old people. Thanks for proving my point.>>
>>87218462 I enjoyed the beach episode. It's hard to maintain THAT high of quality every episode.>>
>>87218462 I'd say it started off high, dipped down a bit but settled on an above average constant. Shit is a bit too much.>>
>>87218390 Some geezers have pure white hair, but most of them have disgusting yellowish white hair. Many end up coloring them in a blueish whitish hue to compensate this.>>
>>87218571 Its the butcher. Of course it'll turn out to be a horrible lie.>>
>>87218511 You blithering fool, this is the Hayflick theory.>>
>>87218527 I hated it. I didn't exactly pick it up for the girls anyway. All I wanted was some "Daily Lives of Immigrant Demons" hijinks.>>
Commie is still encodingg what the fuck, when's this shit going to come out >>
>>87218406 >Galactic Alliance is revealed to be run by an A.I.-like entity and thus making them not that different after all with the mindless Hideauz I like this notion. What are the chances of this happening?>>
>>87218504 the alliance has their soldiers brainwashed very well if there are that many non-combatants.>>87218571 now that is an interesting theory. that would make the alliance underdogs by several magnitudes.>>
>>87217798 I prefer my theory : Ledo <=>Dole = Dore = doll, puppet>>
>>87217236 wat is suisei no gargantia available in some other media?>>
>>87217921 Nope. Characters from LN looks different>>
>>87218669 >commie usually last. utw-vivid is out before them.>>
>>87218669 It hasn't even been 5 hours, you impatient faggot>>
>>87218723 It's the most likely outcome at the present time.>>
>>87218782 Ledo -> Dole -> Dore -> Dor -> PAIN (in portuguese)>>
>>87218723 It's highly possible. To keep the war effort perpetually running and to improve efficiency it's not improbable that the human leaders transfer their consciousness to an artificial construct.>>
>>87218834 Ledo -> Delo -> Eldo -> Olde -> Old LEDO CONFIRMED FOR AN OLD MAN, HOLY SHIT.>>
>>87218879 Considering the time travel, he really is "old".>>
>>87218927 Ledo,Delo,Dole,Eldo... How come all the translation of words are fitting for Ledo?>>
>>87218782 Sure, but what about this? Ledo > Redo > Red > Blood is red > Dolls don't have blood > Ledo=/=Doll>>
>>87218406 I don't really see this happening, unless the show gets a second season or horribly rushes things.>>
>>87218723 But they already played that card in Psycho-Pass, they won't do it again... right?>>
>>87218879 Ledo -> Lado -> Laido -> Laid o -> Laid off Gargantia confirmed for japanese economy>>
>>87219055 Of course they will do it again. Urobutcher isn't very creative (otherwise we wouldn't be able to make a bingo card in the first place)>>
>>87219055 The twist was the other way round in Psycho-Pass.>>
>>87218723 Keep in mind that everybody in the GAoH places their faith in technology and even Chamber, a basic military support AI, is smarter than Ledo. If they were still wholly human or had any kind of human leadership, Ledo has shown that it would have collapsed or at least failed to be as unquestionably unwavering as it is. The series is doing its damnedest to show that everything even remotely human is human at the core. The GAoH is the only place where that is absent.
Notice how in the first episode GAoH people started screaming and panicking in fear. It's too stable to be run by humans.>>
>>87218858 Oh, cool. Any translated ones, is it ongoing?>>
>>87218723 How many times has this been done already>>
You folks may have missed it, but there will be a fourteenth episode included with the first volume of BDs. s/2013-03-30/i.g-gargantia-blu-rays -to-include-original-video-anime >>
>>87219113 Hideauze confirmed to be the best direction for humanity then?>>
>>87219130 Grandmother was a really well done example of retarded computer overlord.>>
Why do i have the bad feeling that either Ledo doesnt want to senmetsu anymore and thus gets a bad confrontation with Kugel or that Kugel is now crazy and thinks the Hideauze are right and Humanity needs to die
Fucking Urobutcher where is my healing anime >>
>>87219199 Eeeh, I highly doubt that. They're a stagnant society.>>
>>87219148 I thought there will be three separate OVAs for each BD box?>>
>>87219297 but we are supposed to get understanding and/or healing. the gargantians seem to be the only ones who are capable of that. (not that i am a fan of the idea, it just seems like that is where the series is headed).>>
>>87219343 > ws/2013-03-30/i.g-gargantia-blu-ray s-to-include-original-video-anime It will be>>
>>87219425 Oh they'll get understanding. They'll understand how unstable their lives truly are, like a fiddler on the roof.>>
>>87219477 X7ut8gw>>
>>87219399 uhh, no, just an observation. i want more senmetsu.>>
>>87219148 Those are already confirmed to be SoL episodes.>>
>>87218429 Avalon doesn't exist, or it's hypersleep. Remember how Ledo's brother was killed?>stuffed in a bin >completely at peace >launched into space/incinerated
>bin comes back empty Now imagine getting your ticket to Avalon.
>stuffed in a bin/shuttle >please prepare to enter hypersleep for the journey to avalon >ejected into space/incinerated >bin/shuttle returns empty do you really think they, as a society that spends most of its time in hibernation learning via sleep propaganda, whose citizens don't even know what a homeland is, who never see any kind of natural light when not in combat, would have the resources needed to maintain a place like Avalon?>>
The production committe named themselves Okeanos. And they made Avalon a line Is Iskandar jelly of Seibah? >>
>>87219607 Oh god, that's pretty depressing actually. It's efficient, but it's soulless.>>
>>87219607 >launched into space/incinerated
Look at the Butcher Bingo, Avalon's utilitarianism, Mini-Ledo was either recycled into food or made into chambers.>>
>>87219607 That's actually pretty good. God damn it. I'd prefer if this was a space opera about the conflict between the Evolvers and the Union up to present time.>>
>>87219710 I had a brother once and it was
nutritional .>>
>>87219607 i would put my money on hypersleep. they program the experience, rub a few out of the males and inseminate the females, then put them back in service. i do not think they would egress them because they would die out from attrition.>>
RAW IS UP! 41519 >>
>>87219786 There really haven't been any space epic anime nowadays, huh?>>
>>87219607 Why didn't you put that shit in spoilers? God damn you.>>
What if all the battles we see in episode 1 is a hypersleep training? >>
>>87219900 Isn't Space Battleship Yamato one? I could be wrong; I'm not watching it.>>
>>87219900 You have Yamato 2199, there have never been many, they're expensive to make and bomb easily if done bad.>>
>>87219908 because it is speculah. and you are on /a/.>>
>>87219840 >a cold roboter hand will never jerk you off
feels bad man>>
>>87219900 Is Lagrange or
[Space Insurance Fraud Agency/spoiler] considered one? >>
I think Bevel's disease is never a disease; it's actually him suppressing his squid suits. Another reason for Amy to protect the squids; her brother is one of them. >>
>>87219786 /a/ would have a field day with that. Imagine all the Evolver vs. Alliance threads. It'd be like the ones now only in crack.>>
>>87219913 We need to go deeper. Entire thing is hypersleep exercise testing Ledo for his loyalty to alliance.>>
Having less then one minute of screen time, Kugel is essentially a new character and I hate when they pull a new character out of their asses nd make him main villain within FUCKING THREE EPISODES BEFORE THE END. GSD>MJP>Vulva>Gaygantia >>
>>87219900 1pqwAgTE>>
>>87220117 >bathing in several months old semen ewwwwwwww>>
>>87220212 And when he thought everything is a training, it's actually all real.>>
>>87220226 welp there are supposed to be 2 ovas or whatever so there is more time.>>
>>87220283 Actually makes sense.
This is why the Gargantia travels on 'the Milky Way' and on star galaxies.
Ledo just won the war.>>
>>87217236 Daily reminder that she is a complete bitch if you actually read the novel>>
>>87218318 Too bad Amy was the one who gave ledo his first boner. Ledo wasnt even remotely interested in the other bitch>>
>>87219633 Okeanos is the name of one of the ships, I think Flange's ship in the old fleet.
I did make the connection with Arthur (doh), but not with Alexander.
>>87219471 Only two OVA: 13 episodes + 2 OVA makes 5 episodes for each box.>>
>>87220682 how does that even work? Your eye sight gave to be horrible to see that!>>
>>87220048 I don't know about Lagrange, but you could consider Moretsu Pirates a space opera...but without the gravitas that space opera usually has. Not that it is a bad thing.>>
OOOOKEEEAAANOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!>>
>>87219607 >there are 450 million people on avalon >they're all dead or unconscious >a planet of nothing but corpses >>
>>87220117 Go back to being dead Plato. Nietzsche is where it's at. Now if only he could get over that beaten horse...>>
>>87220779 Yeah...I like the Galactic Alliance...but I still cried bitch tears during this scene.>>
>>87220631 about the first OVA (episode #14, i.e. there should be 13 normal episodes): colored 15 years old Ridget.-
+ yotsuba
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