【That's SGI Cult! これがカルト教団・創価学会だ!】
The pic is dated 1992 before SGI was excommunicated by Nichiren Shoshu)
These cult members were chanting for " Punishment of Priest Mizutani family for actual proof
、Banishment of Nikken(Shonin) forever".
they are praying for other people's unhappiness.
This Cult organazation makes up stories that Nikken Shonin as an evil man,and praying for his unhappiness with "anger nature".
There are so many slanderous defamation on cult SGI publications where we wonder "Is this a religious organization?"
For SGI members,Don't you think SGI is an abnormal religious organization?
SGI憲章 SGIcharters
3.SGI shall respect and protect the freedom of religion and religious expression.]7.SGIは仏法の寛容の精神を根本に、他の宗教を尊重して、人類の基本的問題について対話し、その解決のために協力していく。]
7.SGI shall, based on the Buddhist spirit of tolerance, respect other religions, engage in dialogue and work together with them toward the resolution of fundamental issues concerning humanity.
There is no other religious organization ever seen before with "Two Faces".