Electronic cigarettes are devices designed to imitate the experience of cigarette smoking, only without actual smoke. They use a fluid with certain nicotine content in it and instead of the smoke, they produce a vapor that does not pollute the air or causes the risk of second hand smoke. Electronic cigarettes can be smoked anywhere, anytime, which is the main reason why people switch to them.
Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes or e-cigs, are hitting the market hard over the last couple of years. There are many manufacturers and brands to choose from and for an e-cigs novice it may be hard to understand what advantages or downsides he or she should be looking out for. Some of the main factors in deciding which brand to choose include the price, quality of the vapor, flavor and taste, availability, warranty, customer service, delivery options and others.
Green Smoke is a brand that has received a lot of positive reviews in terms of vapor, throat feel and aroma. On the other hand, some other aspects have left their customers somewhat disappointed. For example, the price. Compared to other brands on the market, Green Smoke with its basic kit with just one battery and five cartomizers for $89.99 is ridiculous. Their best and the most expensive product, “Ultimate,” comes with what other brands sell as standard kit (three batteries, ten cartomizers, two plus two chargers and a case) for as much as $159.95. Their batteries are also expensive ($34.99 apiece) and their warranty is good for one year. Furthermore, Green Smoke does not offer any e-liquid, which is a major downside for those who want to save up money by using e-liquid instead of cartomizers.
Chase Cigs is a relatively young brand but they managed to establish themselves among the top ones, mainly thanks to their competitive prices and good customer service. Their model comes in five configurations, from Express (one battery, one charger, two cartomizers for $19.95) to Couples (two short and two standard batteries, two chargers and twenty cartomizers for $166.95). Cartomizers come at $9.95 per 5-pack, with additional discounts for larger packs. The customer service is good and the returns policy is solid, except they do not refund for broken components, which is confusing because what are you supposed to do if the product you received is already broken? The selection is basic when it comes to flavors, but they do offer different sized batteries and different colors.
Starfire Cigs are another brand that boasts low prices, and with right. Their PCCs cost $29.95, which is a standard price, but what makes Starfire Cigs stand out in that department is the fact they throw in two batteries, one cartomizer and two chargers for just $59.95. The 5-pack of cartomizers costs $9.99, similar to the same item purchased with, say, Firelight Fusion. Batteries are also on the cheaper side at $12.95. Customer service is excellent and as for the warranty, Starfire Cigs offer full 1-year warranty, with one downside being that the customer must pay the expenses for the return of the defective product. As for the selection, the flavor range is standard at best and another problem is that they do not offer e-liquids.