Human growth hormone (HGH) induces strong cell growing. The pituitary gland produces this hormone in a natural way (the pituitary gland is positioned in close proximity to the base of human brain). Despite the fact that the pituitary gland is rather tiny, it runs a number of vital functions in the body.


HGH stands for human growth hormone. It can be found in pituitary gland in human body. HGH was first discovered in 1950s. Soon after that scientist managed to extract it and they started using it as therapy in children who couldn’t grow normally. This powerful hormone is produced naturally in human body, especially in young age when the levels of human growth hormone are very high.

HGH - injections vs supplements?

Supplementation with HGH, or Human growth hormone can certainly help you to achieve your body composition related goals in a much faster manner. The traditional way of replenishing the levels of HGH that your body can use if by injecting HGH directly into the muscle. This is the most direct way of administering HGH, and initially it was popular with bodybuilders. They used it to kick-start muscle growth, and as long as you workout hard and eat clean, supplementation with HGH will do wonders for your physique.

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