
The best way to get out a payday loan these days is online. You get the best deals on your loans, you get them as quickly as possible and you do not have to worry about the lack of choice. One of the finest payday loans websites out there is definitely 100DayLoans, the site that we are reviewing today. Before we start, we should tell you that we have been totally amazed by how well they do payday loans and how easy and quick it is to get a loan using this website.

100DayLoans $1,000 1 DAY 100% VARYING 97%


100DayLoans is more of a hub than a payday loans website. They are more of a service that puts you in touch with other lenders, but the way in which they do this is so elegant and so quick that you will feel they are really working for you. They are partners with more than 150 lenders all over the US which means that no matter where you live in the US, which state you reside in, the people from 100DayLoans will be able to help you find the lender that will best suit your needs. In general, this means finding you a lender which will lend you the most money at the lowest interest rates as quickly as possible. And it works every single time.

As we have said, 100DayLoans works with various lenders and this, unfortunately, means that the interest rates will not be fixed and that they will vary depending on the lender with which you are actually doing business. However, you need to remember that they work only with reputable lenders and that you will not be borrowing money from someone whose APRs are outrageous.

We also have to say a few things about the security of your money and your account when you do business with 100DayLoans. In short, you can sleep easily, knowing that your money is safe with them. All the account information that they get from you in order to be able to get you a loan will stay with them and no third parties will get access to that sort of information.


It is also incredibly easy to get a loan at 100DayLoans, user interface-wise. All you need to do is put in your personal information, let them know how much you wish to borrow and then you are put in contact with the lender with whom you will discuss the rest of the process. Money is usually transferred that same day, but depending on your own bank and their mode of operation, you might need to wait till the following day to get your money. For the first time borrowers, the maximum loan is $1,000 while over time you might be able to borrow more.


We have only good things to say about 100DayLoans, a payday loans website that has truly made getting payday loans online as easy and as quick as it can humanly be done. Great interest rates, quick and secure loans, what more could you ask for?