When I was made redundant, I used it to my advantage

When Jason Nitz was asked to come in for a meeting "first thing Monday", he knew exactly what it meant: redundancy. Here's what he did next...

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Aussie miners reveal how they stay healthy (or not)

Miners often work long hours in remote locations, but is that any excuse to be fat and unfit? We go straight to the horse's mouth for answers...

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Reader's Question of the month

I don't want my husband to work away full time. Am I a bad wife?

My husband has been working FIFO on and off. It was initially going to be the occasional stint, but he would like to be working FIFO permanently and I don't think I am coping with it. I find myself getting upset because I didn't choose this lifestyle, he has just decided that that is what he wants to do. It is hard at times, and when I am feeling low I don't like to express my feelings with other family and friends.  Am I a bad wife for not being able to cope with the FIFO lifestyle?

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