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oppai >>
Hope no one will post the chinese link, it's actually working well for me right now for once, and I don't need any more newfags watching the stream and making it lag (justin doesn't work where I am right now). Last time I could only grasp three frames... >>
All right, so who thinks that this is Pinion about to get Urobutchered? >>
>>86749074 Probably not just him, my bet is on half the fleet dying.>>
>>86749079 Indeed, I'm usualy not into shota, but this fucker stole my heart.>>
>>86748196 (OP) Anyone have a link to the stream? I lost it when I reinstalled FF. I know the pass and everything, just need a link.>>
If Pinion dies, Fuck this show. No one needs to die we can all be a happy family. >>
waiting for subs for this one... see you later, /a/ >>
>>86749550 The only character more annoying than him is fucking Melty.>>
>>86749825 since she is with pinion fleet she may die today>>
The story is meant to teach neets how to abandon their self destructive ways and become a productive member of society instead. It also uses cheap propaganda promises of cute girls lusting after you, but elaborately mentions they will be absolute sluts and that it's perfectly normal and good and you should accept it. There will be no senmetsu, anon. Only guidance for lost man children. >>
>>86749884 I don't really care about Pinion and Melty since they were barely characterized and made important. Even if they get Urobutchered there will still be senmetsu>>
The mass senmetsuing of squids has begun! >>
Started. Senmetsu already in progress. >>
>>86749946 They should do educational OVA episode about exercising your reproduction rights. With some hands on examples. With Ridget because she seems like the serious teacher type.>>
anyone go the stream link? I know its justin tv oppai something >>
>>86750192 FUCK! Is it an endress recursion of time?>>
All dem eviscerated squid. >>
Damn this is getting intense. >>
What happened at the end? >>
Sweet, Chamber just went HAL on Ledo. >>
Its japanese movie to promote killing whales. >>
It really was space elavateror >>
can this show be any more predictable? >>
>>86750637 Yes. Since you didn't manage to predict what happened only pretending to be Nostradamus now that it happened.>>
God damn, is it really taking the "THEY BREEDED SPACE SQUIDS" route? >>
>>86750684 Yeah, nobody said this was going to happen for atleast a month now.>>
>>86750709 >they told me I could be anything I wanted >so I became a squid, in space >>
>>86750731 I wasn't in these threads before, what were the predictions and what happened in this episode?>>
>>86750731 >posting hundreds of random predictions with one actually being somewhat close in the end Yeah, it's predictable all right.>>
Boring and predictable as hell. Its going full Fractale now. >>
Nothing happens again this episode? >>
>>86750808 >hundreds more like 3, because this show is so limited in where it can go.>>
So the squids are space suits / adaptation for humans to be able to live in space? >>
>>86750806 Don't you remember those fish-waifu things from Blue Submarine?>>
>Ledo: I must destroy the space squids >Chamber: No Ledo! You are the space quid >And then Ledo was a space squid >>
>>86750855 Urobutcher infodump happens. So essentially, yes.>>
oh....Hideauze was human.... >>
>>86750857 Based Urobutcher is actually enforcing that now after how well it went in Psycho Pass.>>
>>86750820 Nooooo not the kawai space human squid ;_;>>
everyone is a squid the ships are made of squids chamber is a made of squids the planet is a giant squid >>
That was a nice episode. I'm such a sucker for world building infodumps. >>
All that Pinion death talk, It was for nothing. He is going to be fine all along. >>
>>86750855 Squids got senmetsu'd, and Ledo suffered. Shit got real.>>
Coexistence end? Please no. >>
>>86750833 >Ledo and Amy will name their daughter Aleine. >>
Cant wait for subs. So the heads of the alliance probably knows the origin of the squids. >>
>>86750984 Ledo destroyed a nest, its going to be all out war now>>
>>86750820 Post Ledo's face when this happens (since Chamber senmetsu'd that one against orders as far as I could tell).>>
>>86750917 So the space humans were killing the space squid humans and they suck at it?>>
>>86750970 This shit is so cute I want to bring one home>>
I'm missing why they kill the hideauze was it shown this ep or not? >>
>>86751004 >Ledo and Amy will name their daughter Ika FTFY>>
I half-expected the squids to come from mankind but I guess I should have expected them to be from actual humans. Well shit. >>
Fractale was better than this shit. >>
>>86751057 its a fight for survival I think. Master race squids versus humanity.>>
Right. So what's the moral of this supposed to be again? >>
W40K fags tears will be delicious >>
>progress is bad >socializing, normalfag lifestyle and hippies are good xD I'm going to shit on this show so much after I see this episode. What a dull twist.>>
So, Chamber autonomously tries to prevent Ledo from watching the old records. Then after Ledo finds out the truth, Chamber squashes a squid against his will... HMMMMM The plot thickens. >>
>>86751108 What? That's that 2 seconds per episode mechanic girl, not Bellows.>>
>>86751125 wait for the end of the show, remember, this is HEALING ANIME>>
I hate this noble savage garbage. As if technology isn't largely responsible for making the human race prosper and become more civilized. It's just eyerolling to any educated person. >>
>>86751138 Can you even read? Humans actually adapted to live in space and the Alliance is killing them.>>
Oh please no. God damn it. They're really going to sell the Alliance as evil. Fuck this shit. >>
>>86751103 This show is Fractale S2, anon Season 2 are never good>>
>>86751226 It was obvious they were going to do that before the show even aired.>>
I couldn't find the stream link. Would someone mind telling me exactly what happened? >>
>>86751226 You mean the same alliance that cultivates unfeeling soldiers by batch, no shit, who would have thought?>>
>>86751226 When has an "Alliance" ever been truly good?>>
>>86751226 The Alliance isn't really evil, it's just two types of humans fighting against each other.>>
What, is this good again? >>
>>86751247 Could you stop responding to your own posts?>>
So hippie route imminent? >>
>>86751265 Ledo fights squids, turns out squids were humans, Chamber kills a squid-person at the end.>>
>>86751222 >Humans actually adapted to live in space as horrendous space monsters, oh yay>>
When the fuck did bevel learn to walk? Its like finding out your dog could talk the entire time you've had him before giving him away to a side show. >>
So now Ledo become a fucking moralfag, I just hope he will impregnate amy. >>
>>86751207 British Imperialist, go choke on your nuts.>>
>>86751271 But why ? I don't get why would the alliance try to kill them. Did normal humans felt threatened by superior space humans ?>>
>>86751312 Do you really care about your body if your mind is intact and you have the same degree of freedom?>> 424069/#86427789 I can't believe this post was actually close. >>
>>86751315 He's always been able to walk. He just as a heart condition.>>
>this fucking episode
Why did it take so long for the show to rediscover its mojo?>>
>>86751307 >"going out into the world isn't scary" YEAH IT AIN'T SCARY AT ALL>>
>>86751342 Maybe it's just a purity type thing. Maybe they need to fight over resources. Who knows just yet.>>
>>86751315 >When the fuck did bevel learn to walk? What? He was walking during the barbeque and he was running last ep. He can walk ok, just has some heart disease or something.>>
>>86751365 At least it isn't if certain criteria are met>>
So the Earth really was the main Hideauze hive? Welp. I didn't think it would actually happen. >>
>>86751312 If you mean those green half-human forms are hideous, then you have strange tastes. And you should know that the squis shells and tentacles are just exosuits for the space-squid-humans.>>
>>86751384 He was in the wheel chair the entire time at the BBQ.
If he has a heart problem why is Amy so moe? Why hasn't he died yet?>>
>tfw i predicted this still waiting to see if ledo's brother was a hideauze>>
>>86751424 >Gargantia-.jpg >judging the series before it actually ends >>
>>86751347 Everyone who reads sci-fi predicted it pretty much since beginning. There are typical stories/tropes, and this is one of them. So overused and cliche its sick.>>
>>86751457 >If he has a heart problem why is Amy so moe? Why hasn't he died yet? You can't HNNNNNG to your own sister>>
>Humans created Hideauze and now they're ruining everything. wow this isn't generic or anything.>>
>>86751494 >You can't HNNNNNG to your own sister R.I.P.
Here lie my sides torn apart by some anons post>>
so it's confirmed that urobuther is a fan of SSY? >>
>>86751457 >He was in the wheel chair the entire time at the BBQ. No he was walking around (8:34 for example), build automatic fan and then took it easy.>>
>>86751312 Kill all bipedal humans! They left the trees and don't walk on all four limbs anymore!>>
>>86751507 Maybe not in Japan. Gen is a westaboo, he takes inspiration from western stuff.>>
Oh wow those of us who predicted the Hideauze were human just had to be right. >>
>>86751567 and he pushed his own wheelchair to the bbq>>
Can't wait for /a/ to praise SnK's inevitable titans are mecha/evolved humans as revolutionary while shitting on Gargantia at the same time. >>
>>86751507 As opposed to bad monsters coming from depth of space to wipe the humanity out?>>
>>86751625 Because of Squealer and the whole human mutation thing.>>
>>86751424 and now Chamber has betrayed him and Ledo is all on his own and deal with everything by himself.>>
That was a pretty standard turn of events. Can't say it was predictable but it wasn't really surprising. >>
>>86751626 But titans are biomecha, thats already established. They run on humans.>>
>>86751626 >Titans are evolved humans But they're not.>>
>>86751609 You mean, he reads TV Tropes? hp/Main/HumanAllAlong>>
>>86751626 If you weren't a faggot you would know most people don't want that to happen in SnK>>
>>86751507 >ruining Did you guys forget that the hideauze have fucking teeth and literal claws that can cut or bite through metal? Tools from gargantia can't do that. Extermination of such a race is logical and the best of course of action for the future of the pure human race. Glory to the Galactic Alliance of Humanity!>>
>>86751626 >Can't wait for /a/ to praise SnK's inevitable titans are mecha/evolved humans as revolutionary Yeah...about that.>>
So now how Ledo will go out of chamber? >>
>>86751663 >>86751668 I forgot you can't show emotion in the internet, that was sarcasm says MISAKA nerviously.>>
>>86751646 It's not these days. Everything is either hippie shit or has an ender's game end.>>
some TWEEST. of course humans were the progenitors of the hideauze. why else would they declare earth off-limits. >>
>>86751609 No, it means he reads a lot of western literature.>>
>>86751734 >I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Ledo. >>
>Ledo's whole life rendered meaningless >progress for humanity is bad Tss, too bad you weren't a superior Gargantian hippie all along huh? Well its ok, because by the end of teh series we will GET MARRIED>>
>>86751734 I'm guessing that Chamber will keep Ledo locked up inside him and SENMETSU the fuck out of the nest. Then, by some deus ex machina, Ledo gets out and is confronted with a squid-girl. But instead of pissing his pants and killing it, he accepts the freak of nature and THE END.>>
>>86751711 But I don't want to be a pure human, I want to be a cute space squid...>>
>>86751766 What the hell? Was Pinion's brother fucking turned into a Hideauze instead of killed by them?>>
>>86751625 > Gargantia > a candidate of AOTY > turns out hideauze was human > simply SSY rip-off with additional Mecha + Waterworld >>
>>86751761 >Philip K Dick You mean, the author and books every school kid learns as part of school program, movie adaptation of whom he plagiarized and basically is the only sci-fi author even illiterate retards that never held books in their life know aside form Asimo and Bredbery?>>
Too bad. I really wanted the Hideauze to be actually zerg. >>
>>86751800 What? Chamber killed that squid girl at the end without Ledo's orders. He clearly has no problem fulfilling the mission of the Galactic Alliance of Humankind on his own if Ledo goes full hippie. If Ledo encounters another squid-girl it is once again going to be Chamber killing it while Ledo watches in horror.>>
>>86751868 Are are talking as if SSY was original in first place.>>
Why don't the squid-humans try to make contact with the normal humans, at least on earth, instead of fighting them? >>
I wish this show had more philosophy to it >>
>>86751800 >>86751827 >fish girl end all my boners. Also this show is starting to go all Blue Submarine 6 on us now that I think about it.>>
>>86751858 pinion leans the truth becomes a sympathizer turns against ledo.>>
>>86751779 >Ledo's whole life rendered meaningless That's what you get for murdering evolved space squid humans.>>
>>86751879 You really think that is the case in Japan? I really doubt it.>>
At least it's not 00 Trailblazer : Electric Squidaloo >>
>>86751879 >You mean, the author and books every school kid learns as part of school program Only in America>basically is the only sci-fi author even illiterate retards that never held books in their life know aside form Asimo and Bredbery? Not in Japan.>>
>>86751895 Zerg were good, though. Did you play Starcraft II? Overmind was a noble and courageous creature corrupted by ancient evil.>>
>>86751928 not the same thing the other one is underwater>>
>>86751904 >Deus Ex Machina He disables Chamber from inside to get out>>
>>86751974 >retconning the entire history and creation of the zerg fuck you too Blizzard>>
>>86751879 >no school I went to had us read Dick This may depend on where you live.>>
>>86751968 Yeah except the ELS were actually alien.>>
>>86751987 If Ledo is gonna go full UNDERSTANDING on us, he might as well get it on with the superior being.>>
>>86751932 That scene when she brings a fish in her mouth to MC. My boner still didn't recuperate after this many years.>>
>>86751907 sorry i mean, the mutated human, my apology>>
>>86751958 >magical fairy squids >helping mankind >ledo is the obligatory pink haired boy every boat gets Terrifying. Horror genre? 10/10 sci-fy? 3/10>>
>>86751969 I am not american and this is truth for half the worlds countries at least. Dick is more popular sci-fi author after Jules Verne. If one does not know Asimov and Dick, one could just as well kill himself.>>
>>86751974 >CORRUPTION That shit pissed me off. Damn Metzen>>
now VVV is the best candidate of Mecha of the Year >>
>>86752001 I'm not so sure about that anon. We only knew that the zerg was modified for an unknown reason and then they went mad and killed the xelnaga. The new lore fits in pretty well.>>
>I'm afraid I can't let you do that ensign Ledo. >>
>Hey Ledo, you want this squid girl? >Sure, I'll take it >>
This is something I'd have expected out of Valvrave. This is not a good thing. >>
Does this episode have senmetsu? >>
>>86751734 >>86751764 Hello, Chamber, do you read me? Do you read me, Chamber? Open the door, Chamber. BliboIo>>
>>86752132 Yes, but also retarded as fuck "SQUIDS ARE ACTUALLY HUMANS" too.>>
>>86752132 Yeah, and it looks like Ledo and rest of Alliance were killing humans all along.>>
Valvrave = The humans are actually vampires Gargantia = The squids are actually hideauze >>
In the next episode of Game of Thrones:White Walkers were humans all along
>>86752188 Because when you spam REMOVE and SENMETSU for weeks and then they show the enemy is at least partially human it's shows retarded writing fault not yours.>>
>>86752128 VVV would never do such a trivial twist. Please dont insult Sunrise. In VVV Haruto was time travelling alien vampire his own father jedy hologram colony of nanomachines all along.>>
>>86752049 >>86751879 >reading sci-fi as part of school program Yeah no, that never happened. One Victor Hugo book, Madame Bovary and a few Zola books are pretty much the only thing we read in my country.>>
>>86752188 Because it's making the entire conflict even more Black and White, with the BIG BAD EBIL SPACE NAZIS and the PURE INNOCENT AND GOOD GARGANTIAN'S AND SQUIDS>>
>>86752194 You should update your post, the hideuza is humans.>>
>>86752128 This twist is pretty fucking standard though, anon.>>
>>86752291 If hideauze = humans, then what's wrong with my post?>>
>>86752344 Oh fuck you /pol/ I like all three shows.>>
>>86752286 We don't know that yet, for all we know the squids may have invaded Poland first.>>
so Gargantia = space people squids VVV = space prussian naizs MJP = space rapist human like aliens >>
>>86752281 Amerifat, please don't apply your standards of education to others. I bet you half of population cant even point the country on a globe.>>
>>86752386 >for all we know the squids may have invaded Poland first. Hahahahaha.>>
>>86752379 That chart's actually pretty accurate though.>>
>>86752344 The sad thing is that Gargantia actually started higher than both of those.>>
>>86752402 gBkloFE>>
>>86752344 The chart should be different. Gargantia should start higher than Valvrave and descend, while MJP should start lower and ascend>>
>>86752402 Unless you think Victor Hugo is an american author, i think you misquoted.>>86752391 >space rapist human like aliens picked the fuck up>>
>>86751974 >Zerg >good
Pick one. Fucking imbalanced as fuck, first Infestors and now Banelings and Corruptors.>>
>>86752286 Implying that it won't end it the way that all of this led the squids turned humans into something that can be considered corruption of both physical and mental levels. Also I bet that the squids were actually partially created by the Alliance as a way of living in space and went out of control 9due to mental and physical corruption), hence the genocidal way in dealing with them.>>
>>86752436 Not according to preorders and amount of discussion. So, not according to reality.>>
>>86752376 hideuze=squids was like three weeks ago.>>
Before the thread becomes troll central, I want to confirm one thing. When Chamber squeezes that squid girl, is it a pre-programmed command or does it do it with its own wills? >>
>>86752503 So let's evolve into spacesquid because they live longer. worst.plan.ever>>
>>86752565 I tried, but I really can't get past the hideous art style.>>
>>86752501 It will end with the squids killing all ship-humans, and Amy+Ledo will go to the last patch of dry land on Earth to re-start humanity as Adam and Eve.>>
>>86752391 >space rapist human like aliens Picked up again.>>
>>86752590 It's good, my second favorite after Gargantia. Very old-school with plenty of actions.>>
>>86752501 WHAT IF WALLS BECOMES TITA.... Oh wait... never mind>>
>>86752532 >Madoka wasn't good. This has gone on too long.>>
>>86752484 I wonder if Valvrave could beat Gargantia in the end of the season.>>
>>86752484 So you're telling me that MJP didnt get increasingly better, whilst VVV stayed the same retarded shit and Gargantia didn't get progressively worse? Ok>>
>mfw we now have two "EVERYONE/EVERYTHING IS [non-human enemy]" shows this season alone >>
>UNDERSTANDING imminent I blame every Gundam after Trun A for this.>>
So the show went full retard? Urobuchi, I expected more from you. Please, stop trying to go against your nature and write something you yourself will like. >>
>>86752648 You should swap the blue and green, otherwise surprising spot on.>>
>>86752679 >liking Hirai faces and shitty mecha where you have to wait 1/3 of 2cours until something happens NO U.>>
>>86752674 Probably not. Too much ground to cover and depending on how the finale pans out, sales could pick up again like Psycho-Pass which tracked similarly (strong start, dropped off the face of earth in the middle, picked up again at the end).>>
>>86752590 I picked it up again because the "I wonder if I die will the higher ups tell it to the people who nurtured me" or something like that. Very touching stuff.>>
>>86752754 Things have been happening though. You just were not paying attention.>>
>>86752501 So in other words, Tang-End confirmed with everyone but Ledo and Amy mutating into space squids Also, the Alliance's "fight" makes sense since they'd prefer having fingers>>
>>86752762 >Psycho-Pass which tracked similarly (strong start, dropped off the face of earth in the middle, picked up again at the end). Bullshit. Didn't it flop?>>
>>86752754 Nice shit taste. Bet you feel real safe in that hivemind, drone.>>
>>86752762 Mid-season cliffhanger would work very well with Valvrave though, while Gargantia would probably get a whimper end.>>
>>86752800 Ledo and Amy will repopulate the universe. Just wait>>
>>86752785 >team shit rabits fucks up again but emerges somewhat victorious despite that >You just were not paying attention. Because I was yawning from the boredom.>>
>>86752788 After 00 move came and went they want to kill everything.>>
nigga, will be confirmed gargantia S2 Ledo with the power of Hideauze against the tyranny of space alliance also
space battleship gargantia >>
>>86752821 >hivemind >i like something that people dislike because it's shit, that makes me special Ok.>>
>>86752878 Plus the pent-up frustration Flit didn't genocide every last vegans>>
>>86752891 >Ledo with the power of Hideauze against the tyranny of space alliance >>
>>86752820 Does this look like a flop to you? Valvrave or MJP will be lucky to reach that kind of numbers.
PSYCHO-PASS **1,443+*7,404=*8,847 (5+) (Production I.G/FUNimation) 2012/12/21 *1,183 Vol. 1 (Two episodes) 2013/01/25 *1,557 Vol. 2 (Three episodes up to current volume) 02/22 *1,649 Vol. 3 03/22 *1,476 Vol. 4 04/19 *1,353 Vol. 5 2012/12/21 *8,320 Vol. 1 2013/01/25 *7,226 Vol. 2 02/22 *7,660 Vol. 3 03/22 *7,151 Vol. 4 04/19 *6,662 Vol. 5>>86752827 >Mid-season cliffhanger would work very well with Valvrave though That depends on how the firs half pans out. I don't think it will reach the 10k number since even with the crazy twists and fujoshi factor, it has difficulties breaking into the top 50 and maintaining a consistent position there.>>
>>86752788 Judging by /m/'s reaction to ML /m/ doesn't care about waifu or squids or anything. Just mechs.My name is Captain Obvious. >>
>>86753014 Subsequent volumes always go down, who buys the second without buying the first. Additionally they shove in bonuses to entice people.>>
>>86752788 After they figured out it was going down this road like 3 eps ago they stop acknowledging the existence of this anime.>>
>>86752972 I'm not talking about the total sales, just about Valvrave beating Gargantia.>>
>>86753050 There were no bonuses in Psycho Pass though. Those sales aren't even good>>
>>86753050 >who buys the first and then no others You now realize the sales go down because people who bought early volumes die and can't buy the rest.>>
>[What-Raws] Suisei no Gargantia - 09 (MX 1280x720 h264 AAC).mkv HAHA TIME FOR HIDEAUZE>>
>>86752740 >This fag doesn't know that this is pretty standard shit Urobuchi writing. >>
>>86753123 Generally the first volume comes out before the show ends, always room to change their minds.>>
>>86752891 >also space battleship gargantia well, Ridget will have to use THAT Space Battleship Gargantia, transform!>>
>>86752955 What if Ledo gains aforementioned abilities and use them against the squids?>>
>>86753121 >There were no bonuses in Psycho Pass though. Are you sure?>>
>>86752697 MJP started out very weak, than got boost, than dropped beyound 500th place. Now the story finally starts to actually unveil - its received overall better, but currently falling down again. People had high expectations for it, but it failed to fulfill them. Its barely discussed both here and in Japan, and only most persistent people actually watched it - the only episode that brought some people back was the one with the big battle. Last episode is the same routine again. MJPs saving grace is that its two cour, and next season will have no real rivals. So mecha fans will stick to it probably unless it goes completely boring/retarded like say AGE. VVV is and was since beginning most discussed show (both in japan and here), and while BD sales are not super great (still lot better than MJP), still doing fin, and after latest episodes rose high again, ahead of Gargantia and others. Kits also top Amazon charts and VVV 1 was sold out in 5 retailers, indicating show`s popularity. Opinion on it is split - kind of like on SnK: theres lot of vocal haters and people that love it. People like how crazy it is, and it tops itself with every following episode - right now it is in its prime, where people finally accepted it as Geass substitute of a kind and not just another Guilty Crown. Gargantia had very good start, but alienated "senmetsu" fags with episode 3-5, SOL fags with last episode, and the rest probably with this episode: it really goes same curve as Fractale. Starting potentially interesting and good, and ending up boring and predictable. There still is some hope though. If remaining episodes are really great, can maintain lead over VVV in BD sales. In terms of discussion it rivals VVV and ahead of SnK in Japan (not on /a/ though) so its still popular. MJP gets better. But "getting better" for it means one small step per episode from really low position. VVV spirals either into greatness or bullshit depending on your preferences. Gargantia slides down.>>
>>86753186 That's the key to eliminating the whole Hideauze should they ever try to attack humanity on Earth.>Gin-iro no Kami no Agito >>
>>86753121 The sales are decent, certainly a lot more than your average anime.>>
>>86753305 The ocean are hideauze.Explains why are there so much water on Earth. >>
>>86753305 >SnG is an alternate universe of SnK where everyone turns into squids instead of titans > Bert is best squid >>
>>86753305 No, not like this. Plus the aforementioned abilities must be known first (I don't want him to turn into Kraken Jr. you know).>>
>>86752484 >>86753245 Amount of discussions don't mean anything. Gundam AGE was among the top discussed anime of Fall 2011 and it sold like shit, most of the "discussions" was about how much the show sucks.>>
>>86753395 Yeah... and no. Hate threads on 2ch are counted separately and are not included in discussion count. Valvrave for exapmle has 2-3 running generals reaching 1001 post for every "Valvrave Kuso anime" thread. I wish sometimes /a/ had system like that to contain the haters in their own threads.>>
How to make Gargantia even worse : - Ledo's brother newtype ghost as hideauze - Hideauze transcends space and time - Ledo turning into hideauze - Hideauze that is able to turn human into hideauze - Chamber fusing with hideauze >>
>>86753462 >I wish sometimes /a/ had system like that to contain the haters in their own threads. It's called frodo threads.>>
>>86753469 >Chamber fusing with hideauze Not a fucking chance. Do you see how he fucking murdered the little squids>>
>>86753469 Needs more underage whores awkwardly seducing Ledo.>>
>>86753469 - Humans and squid humans make peace on earth through understanding - Ledo gets married to Amy Oh wait isn't that the inevitable ending? Shit>>
>>86753245 >People had high expectations for it, but it failed to fulfill them ...there was barely any expectations for it beyond the battles themselves.>VVV is and was since beginning most discussed show (both in japan and here), and while BD sales are not super great (still lot better than MJP), still doing fin, and after latest episodes rose high again, ahead of Gargantia and others VA ticket also another deal came about last week.>Kits also top Amazon charts and VVV 1 was sold out in 5 retailers, indicating show`s popularity. I'm gonna wait for an actual sales report from Bandai then listen to your bullshit again.>Opinion on it is split - kind of like on SnK: theres lot of vocal haters and people that love it. The opinion is as "split" as you're implying since most people pretty much hate it, it does have a persistent defense force though.>>86753462 Cool lies bro>>
>>86753584 >nicokids >count as anything Kotoura sure is a best-seller.>>
>>86753469 -Chamber goes rampant and becomes the main villain and hideuze and humans team up to destroy him. Also Ledo is trapped inside him, so he won't show up until the end.>>
>>86752484 Preorders and amount of discussions don't really pertain to actual reception>>86753626 >2ch >counts as anything Just so you know that's just as stupid.>>
>>86753636 >he won't show up until the end. It will goes - Human and Hideauze attacks Chamber - Chamber lost - It somehow gains conscience, apologizes to Ledo - Asplodes - Amy cries - Timeskips later - Amy wonder to the seas "If only Ledo is here" - Ledo comeback - MAIAGARE YUME NO HATE NI>>
>>86753636 - gargantians find rockets and escape into space for s2 battle to reclaim earth>>
>>86753462 For now Valvrave generals (not counting other topics) 68k posts SnK 63k Gargantia 59k MJP 20k (this is just running generals, not full data. Full data posted irregularly at VIP blog)>>
>>86753245 > In terms of discussion it rivals VVV and ahead of SnK in Japan (not on /a/ though) so its still popular. I bet 90% of it is arguing about understanding vs. senmetsu. Have to give credit to Butcher for being able to provoke that.>>
>>86753833 Hah, when they invaded korea in the war they probably raped anyone who had a hole, so yes, koreans are all japanese, unless they are very old.>>
>>86753584 A sole mad MJP fag. Must feel bad when your favorite anime bombs and you have to resort to delusions.>>
>>86751085 I just want everyone to know, I called this shit. I know she'd do it Good for you squid girl, good for you>>
>>86753764 Original shows always get more discussion than adaptations.>>
Suisei no Gargantia - Dropped all week, every week Episode 1: Bad CG and technobabble everywhere - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 2: Attempted rape grimdark shit - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 3: SENMETSU IS BAD blah blah blah, Team Rocket blasting off again - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 4: Hardened badass soldier experiencing FEELS - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 5: Using a highly advanced piece of technology as a meat-grilling device - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 6: Taking away from belly dancing time for some PTSD bullshit - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 7: Implying the primitive Gargantians can stop Ledo with their puny slug-throwers - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 8: Wasting precious wood on some farcical aquatic ceremony - FUCKING DROPPED Episode 9: Squids was humans all along - FUCKING DROPPEDSee you next week >>
>>86753966 >delusions >actual data showing Valvrave actual reception as oppose to no source "2ch dicussions" >>
>>86753966 Just how much of a tool you have to be to believe the quality of a show is dependent on it's sales. It doesn't help that Valvrave has a fucking VA ticket giving it a boost and it's still looking to sell less than expected.>>
>>86753828 >Eru-Eruhu spoils Gargantia plot twist weeks in advance.jpg >>
>>86753966 The real question is why do you give a shit about sales to begin with? It's like you can't like a show if you don't think 10000 japanese people you've never met thought it was good enough to buy. Sad. Wish all those shitty sales threads were banned.>>
I don't know about you guys, but Hideazu as superior human space being was unpredictable twist to me. >>
>>86754216 you must be slow then, because it's been predicted weeks ago>>
>>86754188 Because all Valvrave has going for it is sales and if it can't be a hit than it'll just be forgotten with in season>>
>>86753828 I think the squids and human+squid hybrids are different things i.e. not every hideazu has human in them.>>
>>86753966 Gargantia and Valvrave are not going to do too hot either. Neither will reach 10k despite the massive hype and overrated staff behind them.>>
>>86754073 >data >ignore actual discussion >ignore number of people actually watching Niko broadcasts (300k for VVV last episode, 46k comments vs 136k/19k comments for MJP) >ignore the latest episode ratings >ignore preorder points >ignore any discussion amount on /a/ or elsewhere >still pretending anyone cares about MJP >>
>>86754262 So you say that the original hideuze uses human hybrids as drones? Like those small shelled squids that are just cannon fodders and their controlling minds are hiding in safety?>>
>>86754119 Does VA ticket make every VVV volume rank above MJP as well? The only retard here is you, mad some other show does better than the one you like.>>
>>86753469 >Chamber fusing with hideauze yes make it happes as in SnK
i mean sidonia no kishi
mfw gaunas were human >>
>>86754327 >>still pretending anyone cares about MJP I do. I don't care if it sells 1 copy or 1 million copies. I just like watching it every week and would like some MJP toys/kits.>>
>>86754188 I like facts. You dont. Dont start a discussion and make stupid claims if then backpedal and tell "why you care anyway?">>
>>86754216 Given the info we had prior to the reveal, it's pretty standard fare. It shouldn't be surprising.>>
>>86754243 Every single possible twist was predicted weeks ago. Squids=humans has potential for most suffering though.>>
>>86754396 >I don`t care if it sells And yet you shitpost about VVV and Gargantia in every tread, saying that in fact they are not liked and everyone loves MJP and just pretends to like others while hiding their MJP affliction>>
>>86754406 Potential Suffering Quotient (PSQ) for Real Aliens end where Ledo have to constantly be on his guard against the murderous Hideauze is higher though.>>
>>86754327 >ignore actual discussion You can't even provide evidence of what's being said in those threads, once again look at Gundam AGE>>ignore number of people actually watching Niko broadcasts (300k for VVV last episode, 46k comments vs 136k/19k comments for MJP) Great...more made up numbers>ignore the latest episode ratings Yeah...they're still shit miraculously>ignore preorder points Which also doesn't account for shit>ignore any discussion amount on /a/ or elsewhere Are you actually using /a/ as a refernce for anything?>>
>>86754457 >And yet you shitpost bout VVV and Gargantia in every tread Oh boy, I get accused of things I didn't do now.>>
>>86754243 Not predicted, but it was one of the possibilities.
The Hideauze always resembled terran sea creatures, so either the animators used these as reference or they originated in a way or another from Earth.>>
>>86754362 >Does VA ticket make every VVV volume rank above MJP as well? Only volume one is above it though>The only retard here is you, mad some other show does better than the one you like. I don't actually care really but you seem to be paranoid though. VVV isn;t doing that good at all so I have no idea why you're gloating.>>
>>86753998 >Original shows tend get more discussion than adaptations. FTFY So, whalesquid are human+hideauze hybrid? geez, it's like i'm reading Knight of Sidonia.>>
>>86754481 Yeah, now we made full circle of ignorance and denial. I am just glad not every MJP-fag is as retarded as you and your idiocy is a special case.>>
Came for the squids, found VVV MJP and Gargantia shit flinging. Get it together anons! >>
How many VVVfags will commit suicide if it sells less than Guilty Crown? >>
sign here if you can't tell who is a fan of what now. I just see a bunch of fags not wanting to lose a dumb internet fight. >>
Who the fuck cares about sales/fanbaseshit? >>
What's up with all the VVV and MJP talk? I thought this was a Gargantia thread. >>
>>86754465 Human squids bring us back to senmetsu debate. Butcher is asking you is it okay to kill hostile aliens? Obviously it is okay. Is it okay to kill hostile humans? Show says no, it isn't. Now what if aliens were humans all along?>>
>>86754679 /v/ cares Trying start their own kind of ''consolewar shitposting'' here>>
>>86754538 >Only volume one is above it though MJP vol 1 rank - 128 VVV vol 1 - 60 vol 2 - 118 vol 3 - 94 vol 4 - 99>Great...more made up numbers 73469 45159 Really, you give bad name for MJP community. I happened to like both all three mecha shows airing this season, including MJP and its just sad to see that one of the shows has such stupid trolls ruining its reputation for others.>>
>>86754505 Another possible origin was for example nanomachines going out of control and changing in some way the sea creatures. Or as an experiment in space since there were differences between space hideauze and earth hideauze. Or they came with ice comets that hit Earth, and so on, and so on.>>
>>86754746 I was commenting what I watch, there wasn't pic from flashback on futaba yet>>
>>86754739 >Unable to play video. >Sorry, this video can only be viewed in the same region where it was uploaded. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>>
>>86754723 Are they attacking us? Are attacking them gives benefit for us in the long run? No? Then don't attack them. Pretty simple stuff.>>
>>86754774 Bueno. 2.cgi?smd=title&tn=%8B%E2%89%CD%8B% 40%8DU%91%E0+%83%7D%83W%83F%83X%83e %83B%83b%83N%83v%83%8A%83%93%83X 2.cgi?smd=title&tn=%8Av%96%BD%8B%40 %83%94%83%40%83%8B%83%94%83%8C%83C% 83%94 How deep do you intend to dig your hole?>>
Bump limit reached. Good job faggots. >>
>>86754739 It's like we don't have sales threads to have saleswars there.>>
>>86754739 >check amazon ranks >vol 2,3 and 4 of VVV below vol. 1 of MJP >Unable to play video. >Sorry, this video can only be viewed in the same region where it was uploaded. Haven't you embrassed yourself enough?>>
>>86754810 Are you truly that retarded or just very persistently and authentically pretending to be?>>
Well, next episode will be interesting. How will Ledo/Chamber/the Gargantian deal with this? It will be about an island, with focus on Ridget in the preview shots. Perhaps there will be an attack and the ships are forced on land. Perhaps they will try to find more about the past and will visit the only places that are above sea level. >>
>>86754859 >making up lies >being retarded not knowing how niko niko works and unable to even read whats posted on the pages since dont even need to play the videos to see comment/view number see
>>86754815 Please, get a trip so that people knew to ignore you immediately when you post.>>
in madoka gen wasted 2 episodes before showing the true colors of the series, here he wasted half series to do the same (6 eps + ep 8). not a very efficient way to spend budget imo >>
>>86754743 >Or as an experiment in space since there were differences between space hideauze and earth hideauze. Or they came with ice comets that hit Earth, and so on, and so on. what if:>Alliance researcher fall in love/fuck Hideauze >saya no uta good end. >>
>>86754928 What, you even fail to paste link properly? What kind of mental institution are you in where they allow you to browse internet without supervision?>>
>>86755115 >lel i am just pretending to be retarded No. Thats genuine you.>>
do you want to be squid for survival? why squid? >>
>>86752935 >dat fucking thread >GRANDPA STOP, YOU'LL KILL ALL THE VEGANS >THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO GEEZ JUST LET ME THINK i need that pic again>>
>>86753305 >I'm the Armored Squid, and he's the Colossal Squid >>
>>86750109 I don't care if they are former humans,
senmetsu all the way>>
>>86751974 >courageous creature corrupted by ancient evil This shit goes on in Blizzard games for like 20 years already.>>
Oh shit I forgot what day it was. Any suffering ? -
+ yotsuba
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