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Anonymous Big 3 Mecha In review so far #(...)
No. 9165152 MJP: Still consistent, still the best and fun to watch. Here's to hoping that UNDERSTAND don't take place. Valvrave: Fun and entertaining, zany, but it doesn't match to Code Geass. Will follow to the very end. Plot is a bit loony though. Gargantia: Seems to be losing steam after picking up a little when the whalesquids appeared. Recent episode was a bit of bore. Also, awesome Big 3 mecha montage on NicoNico. Enjoy! 68634?zeromypage_nicorepo I need more Gargantia and VVV pics... >>
>>9165152 (OP) Stop blogging. Liking all three, although MJP has been the most enjoyable of them all.>>
>MJP good>Valvrave good>Gargantia shit>>
>>9165167 Well, it's a thread where everyone can post their thoughts on the big 3 mecha shows running so far. I just start with my current thoughts with my small initial post, then others can follow>>
>>9165152 (OP) I get though now all of the three mecha take place in the same universe.>>
MJP is still the most solid. While it's slower than the other two, it isn't really a bad thing since Gargantia is half the length and VVV's is constantly screaming in your face. Other than that it's been consistently good, the comedy found its footage after a kinda rocky start, the action is great and the characters entertaining. VVV is... odd. The plot seems to want to be CURAYZEE but runs through a huge number of clichés, and overall it hasn't been that good. OST is excellent, though. Also waffles. They're adorable. Gargantia is... well I don't know, I kinda stopped watching after a while. Maybe I'll wait a bit more and catch up all at once, it helps shows with rocky pacing. >>
>MJP Shit>Valvrave Good>Gargantia It is having some slow paced chapters, but it is still interesting.>>
good MJP
good Valvrave
good >>
What about the mechs? I like how the hero pilots in MJP have their own pit teams, the transformation of some of them where they expand their bodies to let those add ons combine, totally have no idea why the mecha would use DNA. Maybe they would have the mecha trying to spread DNA by raping other mechs too, haha, the enemy mechs look like they could be biological in part. When OP compared VVV to CG, I thought that instead of people like CC being codes that allow them to grant Geass powers it was the mechs instead in VVV. Too bad it seems like Saki has the same power like Haruto, I hoped for a different kind of vampire thing. >>
First episode of gargantia was robo porn. Every other episode sucks balls. Valverave's plot is balls Mjp is consistent. Then they added commercials in the show downhill from there. >>
MJP has the best combat animation, someone needs to steal their software (especially for the explosions and weapons) and reuse it in a better series with better MS and character designs and a plot worth caring about. >>
>MJP Need to catch up.>Valvrave Good stupid fun. Designs are nice, particularly the enemy grunts. Most of the characters are entertaining. I just hope it doesn't become overly serious. Also, the fucking Dorssia Youth need to start dying. Can't stand them.>Gargantia Still very relaxing. I am more than happy with the lack of combat; Ledo vs. whalesquids doesn't interest me, and every other fight would be a shitstomp. More Earther on Earther fleet action would be interesting, but honestly the setting is compelling enough that I am perfectly okay with more exploration of the world in the format the show has been following.>>
VVV is still entertaining, I'm really waiting for it to kick off into more insanity at some point. If it stays at this level, it'll be disappointing. I want somethingl like the enjoyable trainwreck that was Geass. MJP is a good simple show, I like the (still) dysfunctional team and the characters. I like the looks and the action has been solid. The last episode was the best one so far. Gargantia disappointed and continues to do so. Slow stories in an underwhelming and underdeveloped setting, it's still watchable though. I have to say my expectations for it now are very low and I anticipate an unnuanced DERPERSTANDING ending. >>
Chen Gong
No. 9165402 >>9165334 >VVV OST is excellent, though Yeah, Akira Senju always rises to the occasion>>
>>9165402 I fucking love it when the show starts out with a serious or dramatic moment and then cuts immediately into BADADADA BADADADA. Too good.>>
>Gargantia It's more of a SoL featuring a mecha than a real mecha anime, I'm watching it to see how it goes and to see if Urobuchi will go for the reasonable ending.>MJP Started off a bit slow and a couple of the early episodes almost lost me, Midorikawa's character is a pretty cool one and I want to see more of him.>Valvrave Distilled Sunrise, it reminds me of some of the older ones that alternated between super serious and wacky hijinks really quickly. Depending on how Sunrise handles the remaining episodes it could turn out great or just be another case of wasted potential.>>
MJP is getting consistently better each episode, after a not so great start. Valvrave is just plain fantastic. The enemy mechs aren't great though, except the Waffe. Gargantia isn't very good as a mecha anime, and the recent episode was lacking in content of any kind. It's still pretty good though. >>
>MJP Terrible, bland garbage.>Valvrave Terrible but hilarious.>Gargantia It's okay.>>
Anyone completely disliking MJP should not be in /m/. >>
>>9165487 >stop disliking what I like I like MJP too but come on bro.>>
MJP is okay but it feels really kind of by the numbers. Might improve considering recent plot developments, but we'll see. Gargantia is too slow for my tastes. Not enough robot action. Valvrave is a spectacle. It's not exactly GOOD but it's the show I look forward to watching every week and that has to count for something. >>
>>9165487 >Anyone disliking any of the three shows should not be on /m/ Fixed.>>
I really like that MAD. Is there any art of the pilots crossing over? I only have L-Elf and Ledo>>9165497 This guy gets it >>
>>9165496 >Valvrave is a spectacle. It's not exactly GOOD but it's the show I look forward to watching every week and that has to count for something. I like to think of it like a bad dub of a kung-fu movie. There are some very obvious problems going on, but it's got some awesome fights and some amusing action going on, dialogue that ranges from badass to stupid, to funny and you never know what to expect from it next. It's fun.>>
>>9165487 Anon, there are these things called "opinions". Perhaps you've heard of them?>>
I think all the three series are pretty good. I don't understand why people who liked one of them would go out of his way to insult one of the others and call himself a /m/an. Obviously we have favorites, but not for that we have to get into dickwaving contest about which series is better and who has better taste >>
MJP: watched the first two episodes. It failed to grab me. Nice OP though. Garganita: bored to death with it. It certainly looks pretty and Chamber is my favorite mech design of the three leads this season, but that's about it. VVV- told myself that I'd avoid it because "lolsunrise recycled SEED plot." However, I keep hearing that it's incredibly fucking nuts without being explicitly good or bad, and I'm a bit interested. Might pick it up. >>
>>9165539 Valvrave's plot similarities are at the setting.>>
Any of these three shows were better than all the /m/ crap we got last year. Everybody should at least admit that. Anyone of these shows were worlds better than AGE/EVOL/AO. >>
>>9165561 Don't forget TEH TORTILLA CHIPS
which I liked btw but still .>>
MJP: Started slow, but is now in my tops 3 most anticipated each week. Especially after this last episode. Valvrave: Same zany shit LOADS of fun, but forgettable after it's done airing.
Gargantia: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ And seems to be heading towards UNDERSTANDING. >>
>>9165561 >EVOL Between EVOL and Valvrave - I pick EVOL all day every day.>>
>>9165538 >I think all the three series are pretty good. I don't understand why people who liked one of them would go out of his way to insult one of the others and call himself a /m/an I wish we could all be as sane as you>>9165561 I can agree with this, though I liked Tortilla Chips kinda, like just barely>>
>>9165581 >Between EVOL and Valvrave - I pick EVOL all day every day. Eh, I'd wait before saying that.
EVOL started a little stronger but became so much weaker.>>
>Gargantia I'm gay for Ledo (pic related) and Chamber.>Valvrave L-Elf isn't half bad, still I'm trying to not get my hopes too high about this series because I fear it could fail badly. Things are apparently starting to get serious but I wonder whether it'll keep some comedy.>MJP I really don't like Hisashi Hirai's drawings but I'm going to give it a try, I can't say anything about it for now.>>
>>9165581 Would you really suffer through EVOL again when the other series in question isn't even remotely closed to finished?>>
>>9165561 Let's just hope these shows don't take a dive in quality in the second half, like what happened in AO and Evol.>>
So general opinion is that Valvrave is completely bananas? >>
>>9165626 I think it's mostly bananas, though not in an entirely bad way, but there are parts of Valvrave that could become more interesting sooner or later, like the timeskip stuff, depending on the next few weeks.>>
>>9165635 Some may agree with you. Others may disagree. As for myself well I won't say.>>
I really question the MJP love in this thread. I mean yeah, opinions and all, but I just don't see how anyone could possibly enjoy this recycled nonsense unless you are completely new to mecha and haven't seen barely anything. >>
>>9165656 MJP has a completely coherent story. Not sure what you mean by "nonsense".>>
>>9165656 Because it started out like ass and has been improving as it progresses.>>
>>9165685 Right, the montage episode not even halfway through the series did wonders for the show's integrity>>
MJP - 8 / 26(?) episodes. Pacing is pretty good for a serious of this length. The aliens are being fleshed out and the conflict is interesting. I love the mix of humor and foreboding the episodes have had so far. Also like how team Rabbits is slowly going from thinking they are disposable soldiers, to being part of a family.
Gargantia 8 / 12 episodes - Started out strong, but lagging a little as of the last few episodes. All the strong world building of the early episodes are kind of hurting the show now as the current behavior of the gargantians feels out of sort with the logic the show had earlier, and it makes it hard to sympathise with them. The pacing is a little off as well. It feels like they are writing a 26 ep show, when reality this is a short show.
Valvrave 7/12 (?) this season, 24(?) total. The only way I can think to describe this show is with an imaginary scenario. During Age, a bunch of disgruntled staffers sit down at a bar, and start griping about Hino's non-standard gundam show. After getting piss drunk someone goes "Hino is ruining Gundam". To which Ichirō Ōkouchi goes "Pfft, Light weight. If I wanted to ruin Gundam, here is what I would do" and thus follows a drunken brainstorming session involving Vampires, body swapping, etc. And instead of burning the notes after getting sober, they pitched to Sunrise instead. The show is just nuts. It starts out with a standard scenario, and quickly spun into who knows what. And I'm absolutely enthralled with it. They are throwing everything they have at the screen and seeing if it sticks. And if the timeskip is not a fake out, and the plot of second season is about the immortal students in a now alien looking far future having adventures against an undisclosed empire, it'll be most unique set ups I've ever seen. Yeah the show isn't logical, the characters are either insane (Shoko, Saki, L-Elf, the 2 teachers, etc) or inconsistent (Haruto, Aina, etc), yet I'm enjoying myself. >>
>>9165656 What mecha have you actually watched? Besides Gundam.>>
>>9165656 It's the most mecha of the three. And /m/ likes mecha.>>
>>9165656 Because I haven't seen a mecha show like this sense the 90s, and I miss them. Sure is this really common if you consider mecha as a whole? Yes. But it's quite unlike any of it's currently airing contemporaries. (Except for maybe SnK, but that's because that show also feels like a 90s show. Reminds me a ton of Berserk. Great art, but a ton of still shots instead of actual animation.) Same reason GL appealed to me. It was using a ton of 70s cliches when the show first started, but that was a part of the draw, since it felt like a show they just weren't making any more.>>
>>9165690 I thought the graduation episode was fine.>>
>>9165702 >And if the timeskip is not a fake out, and the plot of second season is about the immortal students in a now alien looking far future having adventures against an undisclosed empire I want them to do this so badly. My god do I want this.>>
>>9165706 I've watched around ~200 mecha series/OVAs/movies, and MJP ranks about in the bottom 10% so far. Doesn't get much more derivative/boring. I don't expect every show to blow me through my windows but they aren't even trying.>>
>>9165741 Well, I guess this automatically makes all of our arguments invalid. We'll stop liking MJP from now on.>>
This fucking janitor we have assigned seems to have some personal agenda. He's only deleting specific posts that aren't necessarily inflammatory. Perhaps he's a f/a/ggot that got offended by something I stated? >>
>>9165761 He deleted a post that opened with this:>Either you're a jaded faglord that can't enjoy anything anymore, or you simply don't like mecha Granted, the rest of the post wasn't bad, but if that does not meet your definition of "inflammatory" you need to read a dictionary.>>
>>9165760 Pro tip: He's a janitor. You're not allowed to disagree with his. Pucker up and kiss his ass.>>
>>9165764 You mean YOU deleted that post? Seriously, if you're gonna be that offended to some school yard insults that are said in jest, then perhaps you should fuck off of 4chung all together.>>
>>9165774 >implying a janitor would ever cop to being a janitor or do anything which would remotely suggest that he is one I simply don't like seeing people egregiously violate the English language in that manner. The definition of "inflammatory" is not a matter of subjective opinion.
I don't really think that the post should have been deleted either, but it wasn't exactly a quality one.>>
>>9165775 The new 4chan: No fun allowed. This is what we get for fucking bitching about inconsequential shit in /q/.>>
>>9165786 I for one enjoy the increased moderation, although it becomes a bit overzealous at times.>>
MJP: The most consistent and coherent. Good but not great. I'm enjoying it. Valvrave: Absolutely insane. I'm not sure if I like it but I just can't look away. Gargantia: Not enough mecha action, slow pacing. Probably my least favorite.I'm enjoying Gyrozetter more than all of them though, to be honest. >>
>>9165733 Same here. If they back out on this interesting looking premise, it'll be very disappointing.>>
>>9165833 I don't think the timeskip will happen after 12 eps. There's just no point in characters like the nazi boys, blonde rich student girl, blonde student president, the physics teacher being a spy,etc existing if they are all dead in 4 more eps.
I think there will be a movie or OVA series after the series set in the future.>>
You guys know Danball and Gyrozetter are airing too, right? Is anyone watching those? >>
>>9165855 See:
>>9165829 I'm not sure about Danball since I stopped following after the first show/season but Gyrozetter is pretty slow on the subs so that may be why it's not being really talked about.
Plus kid shows.>>
>>9165857 I've been out of it for a while. VF-kun left? What happened, did he finally die?>>
>>9165855 I don't like Danball. Gyrozetter is pretty good though.>>
>>9165866 He posted not too long ago. 'Tis but a ruse. I personally think he has something to do with Torkaizer and just doesn't have time for us. Or maybe his disappointment in our lack of motivation/creativity to do our own projects finally made him give up on us.>>
>>9165866 He posted like a day or two ago. Don't believe VF-kun's lies.>>
Favorite mecha designs: Chamber, The Waffes, and MJP's grunts. Glorious alien grunt designs.
Favorite ships: MJP Favorite space battles: MJP Favorite Water battles: Gargantia Favorite weapons: Valvrave Favorite Male Pilot: Ledo or Izuru. Favorite Female Pilot: Saki or Kei.
Favorite CGI: MJP Favorite backgrounds: Gargantia Favorite artstyle: MJP Honorable mentions: Most Unique Berserker: Irie from MJP.
Best AI: Chamber. (He just barely beat out Ms. "Is this sexual intercourse), and Juria system barely made it to the contest.) Best staff name: Polygon Bancho. >>
>>9165844 I think they might meet us halfway and either have some characters from the Valvrave future go back to the past or some characters from the past go to the future.
I don't think they'll kill all the Nazi boys in a single go, but I imagine they could easily kill Q-Vier and maybe someone else at least.>>
I wonder how well Preserved Roses would go with a pure Gargantia opening now that I know how it goes with Majestic Prince. 23847 >>
>>9165977 >that 1:07 where Blue 1 slashes and the frame freezes with the music >>
>>9165844 I don't think it's only 2 cours. Some guy who leaked a bunch of animation drawings on 2ch for the show kinda has hinted that it might be more than 2 cours.>>
>>9165999 If they go 4 cour then VVV would have time to either be properly developed or be the next Geass R2. I hope that it turns out good just so that the people who actually stuck with it for good reasons can be rewarded for their time.>>
>>9166001 R2 suffered because of MBS putting it on 5:00 PM Sundays instead of its old midnight slot and forcing the creative team to adapt the show to the slot. The fact that Taniguichi barely has done anything since R2 except that Kimba special and Linebarrels really shows how much Sunrise and the broadcasters messed him up. The fact that VVV only airs in 13 episode chunks hopefully stops them from putting it at 5:00.>>
>>9165999 That's why I said OVA or Movie after the second cour.>>
>>9165999 I can't see Sunrise handing out money for more cours. Unless it sells really well. I can only see it getting a movie or two.>>
Unless the toys or dvds sell well I can't see it being 50 eps. Especially when Sunrise could do Horizon season 3 when the first 2 sold 20k plus each >>
>>9166030 wait, which sunrise studio is making valvrave anyway?>>
>>9166016 >The fact that Taniguichi barely has done anything since R2 except that Kimba special and Linebarrels really shows how much Sunrise and the broadcasters messed him up. I guess that's true, though AFAIK he was just the producer on Linebarrels, like how he is the producer on Fantasista Doll but not the director. So far, the Kimba TV movie was his last proper directorial work and it's okay but nothing special.
Which is a shame, since while the man rarely tends to get shows with great scripts I think Taniguchi does have a lot directorial skill even when the writing stumbles or falls.>>
>>9165999 If that rumor is true, then maybe the plan is to leave the universe open for more continuations after the main story arc is resolved.>>
>>9165496 >It's not exactly GOOD but it's the show I look forward to watching every week and that has to count for something. So you just have shit taste?>>
>>9166332 >the same idiot who feels compelled to lambaste others for 'shit taste' because they like what he doesn't Do you have a day job, or something?>>
>>9166342 If you like a shit anime then you have shit taste.....simple as that>>
>>9166347 Or they just like something you don't and you're lashing out like a baby, because whether an anime is 'shit' or not is a matter of personal subjectivity. In every single Valvrave thread posted since at least a few weeks back, you've shown up to spout your drivel. Don't you have anything better to do?>>
>>9166347 /m/ newb here Where do you guys even get these shows? I barely am able to torrent/stream the shows.>>
>>9166352 >because whether an anime is 'shit' or not is a matter of personal subjectivity. Hear that folks! Gundam SEED Destiny isn't shit afterall, the numerous plot holes, character derailments and piss poor animation are what adds to the quality of it. And the shit writing and characterization in Valvrave is too.>>
>>9165702 >I have terrible terrible tastes That's all I'm hearing from you>>
>>9166355 And yet its overwhelming success in Japan certainly indicates that despite its innumerable flaws, plenty of people welcomed it with open arms. We think it's shit, as do some fellows over there, the majority over there, at least at the time, thought it was gold. Even some people in the West salivate over it. That's exactly the point I was trying to make.>>
>>9166364 >And yet its overwhelming success in Japan certainly indicates that despite its innumerable flaws Yet just how Twilight is a success in the US>plenty of people welcomed it with open arms. Err...that's not true actually, many people disliked the sequel and despite performing better DVD wise it got lower ratings and Gunpla sales.>>
I'm greatly enjoying all 3 shows. What now /m/? >>
>>9166364 Not the anon you're replying to but I'd like to weigh in. Seed has some pretty bad writing, plot wise and character wise. To enjoy the show you need to be willing to ignore the bad parts. But the show being enjoyable doesn't make it good. SeeD was shit tier writing in general, but once you get over that it becomes ok. I don't understand why so many people went raving mad over it...
I'd call it fun, but I certainly wouldn't call it quality.>>
>>9166369 You better sleep with one eye open, you are fucking dead mate.>>
>>9166373 >I'd call it fun, but I certainly wouldn't call it quality. Probably because you have your head up your butt and think you are some sort of critic. Writing is pretty low on the list when it comes to importance in a cartoon. A crap story or even no story can be great with good animation, direction, acting, music, pacing, humor,etc.>>
>>9166377 >Writing is pretty low on the list when it comes to importance in a cartoon. Only if you're retarded.>>
>>9166377 >A crap story or even no story can be great with good animation, direction, acting, music, pacing, humor,etc. And yet you can't give an example>>
>>9165152 (OP) You're not being very critical. If you're going to review something at least be a little more discerning.>>
>>9166368 >lower ratings Fucking barely. SEED and Destiny are the two highest-rated Gundam shows ever produced alongside Zeta and ZZ. If absolutely everyone thought they were shit, which they clearly didn't, they wouldn't have that distinction. Fact of the matter is, this incessant bickering about 'tastes' - I don't know who's going to judge you for what anime you watch outside of this board or /a/, or MAL, but whatever - and about some shows being shit is, at least in part, subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasure, and all that. I'm willing to bet anything that there's someone out there who spurns the classics because he finds them dull or lacking, yet, without a hint of irony, hails. say, E7 AO as a great show. Or Musashi Gundoh.>>
>>9166384 >If absolutely everyone thought they were shit, which they clearly didn't, they wouldn't have that distinction. Do you realize how backwards that argument is?
>I'm willing to bet anything that there's someone out there who spurns the classics because he finds them dull or lacking, yet, without a hint of irony, hails. say, E7 AO as a great show. And way to contradict yourself>>
>>9166385 I don't think even you know what you are laughing at. Answer this one question before I start ignoring you, why do you value good writing so much then spend your time watching toy commercials?>>
>>9166389 Who are you to dictate what is well written or not?>>
>>9166377 Not your brightest moment here Anon. Anything that has a story or narrative needs solid writing. I don't fancy myself a critic, I just pay attention when something is going on in a show I'm watching. If I'm done watching it and the only thing coming to mind is: "dafuq just happened" then usually it lacks consistency.>>
>>9166389 >There's no way a toy commercial can have good writing >>
I think people are pissy because they refuse to believe Valvrave is shit and that they're indulging in the shit that Sunrise usually produces. >>
>>9166388 >backwards No, not really, because it illustrates my point. 'Tastes' are variable. What we think is garbage, they think is god-given, and I'm sure the reverse applies somewhere.>Contradict ...How? My entire argument has revolved around the subjectivity of the trite issue of 'tastes'. How does providing an example of such subjectivity fly in the face of it? I know you're conditioned to think AO is bad, but use rational thought for a moment.>>
>>9165591 The first half of EVOL was at least fun everything about VVV is cringeworthy>>
>>9166405 >No, not really, because it illustrates my point. Your point illustartes that everyone liked Destiny because it sold well why not use the same point for garbage like Bayformers even though that's obviously not the case.>My entire argument has revolved around the subjectivity of the trite issue of 'tastes'. How does providing an example of such subjectivity fly in the face of it? Because you're implying that people can't hate these classics and cite AO as good.>>
>>9166413 ...No, I'm not. I never did. I don't even know how you managed to extract that from what I said, which was pretty much 'Somewhere out there, I bet there's somebody who personally dislikes the classics and thinks shows held up as 'bad' are good', using AO as a generic example, because I did not imply that at all. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.>>
>>9166418 >>9166413 guys can't we just agree that SeeD albeit fun to watch isn't memorable because of it's writing?>>
>>9166355 >Hear that folks! Gundam SEED Destiny isn't shit afterall, the numerous plot holes, character derailments and piss poor animation are what adds to the quality of it. And the shit writing and characterization in Valvrave is too. Gundam SEED Destiny has already ended and there is already a concensus about it, so your comparison is poorly conceived and premature even at that basic level.>>
>>9166373 Yet there are disagreements about whether or not it was only SEED Destiny or all of SEED that can be described liked that. I think people tend to combine the two into one entity, which is unfair and inaccurate.>>
>>9166380 Lots of Super Robot shows have had terrible stories and one dimensional characterization by default. Like the original Mazinger, for example. It's a classic with historical impact but in no way is it a good, well written story.>>
>>9166404 >I think people are pissy because they refuse to believe Valvrave is shit and that they're indulging in the shit that Sunrise usually produces. It's not a matter of belief but of arguments and just calling someone out for "shit taste" is the weakest argument of all.>>
>>9166406 >The first half of EVOL was at least fun everything about VVV is cringeworthy Only if you're one of the ones who thinks it is cringeworthy, but I think you're exaggerating a lot.>>
>>9166439 In all fairness, it's been some time since I've seen it all. I know I found Destiny increasingly difficult to finish.
You might call me a pleb for it but I thought 00 had far better writing.>>
>>9166424 I think we should, but the issue isn't whether or not Gundam SEED has great writing. It doesn't, but that doesn't justify calling everything about the show bad either.>>
>>9166450 I'd agree with you in this case, actually. But even if I didn't, I wouldn't jump on you saying "shit taste, Gundam 00 (or SEED) had shit writing" without providing any arguments beyond personal attacks.>>
>>9166369 You're a pretty cool person then. Don't think all of /m/ is like that mindless troll.>>
>>9166451 Never said that it's the main point. I can't remember when I ever watched an anime hoping to get good writing. In all honesty I watch anime because it is the very anti-thesis to western disillusioned writing. The moral fiber and hopeful notes are heartwarming IMO. SEED didn't fail in that regard.>>9166455 yeah well the lack of Id's make this awkward, because I have no idea what you think I said. My opinion is fairly straightforward. SEED's writing left a lot to be desired, some characters were good, most lacked depth, others I had difficulty liking. The plot wasn't exactly genius, and the narration often left me wondering why some things were happening. I missed some crucial insights at times.... 00 was better in all the regards I just mentioned.
Is this sufficient as a line of argumentation? I'm not trying to attack anybody or anything.>>
MJP is consistently good. Gargantia wasted too many episodes of slice-of-life filler. VVV is a joke. >>
>>9166406 Exaggeration much? It's on the same level as early King Gainer and ZZ in terms of madness.>>
MJP : Best action, good development but it's underrated coz Hirai. Val : If MJP is underrated Vai is overrated coz Sunrise's marketing. It's not bad but not as good as you see. Gargantia : It's the great anime I like it but I agree with many ppl that it's not good mecha show. >>
>>9166521 Valvrave has the largest chunk of haters if anything.>>
Gargantia - Most /pol/ tier discussions Valvrave - Most haters MJP - Most average >>
>>9166521 >VVV overrated Do you even read VVV threads? Most faggots treat it like it's the second coming of Gundam AGE>>
>>9166564 What does that mean? I mean, I'm in one on /a/ now, one that's actually been chained with 2 previous 500 post threads by the way, and it's mainly full of OC and speculations>>
Does MJP get better after the first episode? It seems like the characters and the whole dysfunctional squad thing has already been done, but instead of the squad actually proving themselves they're just given prototype mechs for no reason. >>
>>9166570 /a/ is retarded? Tell me what else is new?>>
>>9166570 But /a/ have shit taste so you undermine your own argument.even if they like the mecha shows sometimes, and Akibaranger >>
>>9166571 MJP will reveal why they were chosen slowly to you in episodes that come after the first episode. Does everything seriously have to be explained to you via info dump first thing?>>
>>9166438 What does that have to do with anything?>>
I can't be the only one who finds this bitch's voice annoying. >>
>>9166585 It's the generic "Uguu Kawaii" voice a lot of girls in anime get. At least I'm liking the male trio's voices.>>
>>9166582 No, but it wouldn't surprise me if they had just ignored it.>>
>>9166589 Well they tell you in the next few episodes.>>
>>9166564 /m/, (and 4chan in general) don't understand how the term "overrated" works, and just use it to mean "it's bad". From what I have been able to see, VVV is being panned hard by sites like ANN.>>9166570 4chan should never, never be used as a gauge of popularity. 4chan popularity doesn't carry over into real world popularity. If it did, Naruto would never be talked about and KNJ would be the most popular anime ever.>>
>>9166597 4chan has a bad case of first impressions mean everything syndrome in general.>>
>>9166582 >Does everything seriously have to be explained to you via info dump first thing? I think that's the main problem with anime watchers these days. And the Frodo trend only made it worse. I was honestly surprised when I saw on /a/ yesterday a guy who actually knew what a plot hole actually is.>>
>>9166570 >/a/ discusses shit anime STOP THE PRESSES! But those VVV threads are also filled with wannabe Gundam fags who harper that SEED resurrected the franchise. Go figure>>
>>9166597 >4chan should never, never be used as a gauge of popularity I wasn't using it as a gauge of popularity. I just don't know what "it's like AGE" means>>
>>9166608 >SEED resurrected the franchise. Well that one's true. Not even talking about quality, but the franchise hadn't seen good sale numbers in years. As much of a shame as it is, X and Turn A simply weren't popular at all. And then SEED walks in and becomes one of the best selling anime of all times. Gundam is now a household name again, all thanks to Team Hiraiface.>>
>>9166607 The only anime right now of the three that should be filling out the empty spots of the plot is Gargantia and that's because it's almost done. The others have room to leave them blank for a bit longer.>>
>>9166623 It was that guy who posted a chart about AGE's failings to show that SEED sold badly.>>
>>9166607 I have no idea why everyone just wants their anime to give them information via info dumps.>>
>>9166635 Anime fans are impossible to please.>>
>>9166631 That chart was just bandais own expectations. It doesnt convey anything>>
>>9166582 It was a bit jarring to watch them just hand over they best robots they have to the worst squad on base, and then have no one question why they were chosen when the show has established that there are more skilled teams doing similar training.>>
>>9166582 >>9166607 >>9166635 I didn't need the information in an info dump, I just wanted a throwaway line or some kind of hint that they were better suited than the other teams on the base.>>
>>9166623 Do people forget that there were other gundam series that premiered in the 90s?>>
>>9166660 Wasn't Wing and the UC spinoffs the only notable ones sales wise?>>
>>9166653 You get the info you need in episode 3.>>
>>9166660 Victory was unpopular too and G barely moved any merchandise. Wing is about the only 90's show that worked, outside of the 08th MS Team which I didn't count because well, it's not a full TV series.>>
>>9166666 >why dont any of the characters question a major lapse in logic on the first episode >>
>>9166686 Soldiers are not suppose to question their superiors son.>>
>>9166686 I'm pretty sure somebody said>Eh, why them? when Simon made the decision. His reasoning just wasn't explained until later, but the characters certainly questioned it.>>
>>9166686 because they were ordered to use them. when they went back to school other you overhear other students saying "why do they get the new suits?" you don't even watch the show or think.>>
Man, I am really disliking the "Not enough fighting = boring." Gargantia crowd. That's not the point at this stage of the plot. Right now we're in the "John Smith learning the Native American's ways" part of the story. You have to be watching very consciously with the intent of observing Ledo's grow as he (and we) learn about the Earth culture and how it changes his perspective on the Alliance/Hideauze war. The cultural clash and major conflict will come later when Ledo can get back to space and he's thoroughly enough integrated into the Earth way of life that he's torn between his current and former loyalties all as the Hideauze threat looms. If you get that and simply don't find the Gargantia setting or characters all that interesting, that's fine, but if you're expecting it to be something other than what it is you're missing the point and you're the problem, not the show. >>
>>9166702 >>9166704 That happens in the second episode.>>9166653 Obviously needs more patience I'm just saying the pilot could have been done better.>>
>>9166686 What lapse in logic? They're GENETICALLY ENGINEER SOLDIERS who are not inept at piloting just can't function as a team they're given PROTOTYPES for an escort mission. Why would they send their bests team for the mission?>>
>>9166716 > still thinking that people's problem with Gargantia is its lack of mecha action You haven't been to the threads recently have you?>>
>>9166727 You're missing the point. The episode doesn't show or tell that they are genetically engineered or special in any way. If you watch the pilot to see if you'd like the show like
did, it doesn't make much sense why they'd give the most advanced units to the worst squad.>>
>>9166716 I would have preferred if nothing happen. Now we have XENOS thread up the butt.>>
>>9166736 I guess. I guess I just don't see the problem if they explain it later.>>
>>9166736 the studio purposedly do it to drive off those who have no patience from watching the show>>
>>9166735 It IS some people's problem with the show, and those are the people I'm addressing.>>
>The episode doesn't show or tell that they are genetically engineered
Actually it does, hell the fucking synopsis, the trailers and the background all go over them being genetically engineered. And once again Rin told them that individually that they weren't incompetent>>
Valvrave and MJP have improved somewhat while Gargantia is slowly getting less interesting. >>
>>9166757 Most of the threads aren't even complaining about the lack of action just how stupid the Gargantians are.>>
>>9166766 It's moving away from the highschool hijinks.>>
>>9166769 It's like whenever people thought there would be less high school hi-jinks in Code Geass only to have a next episode feature running around collecting hearts or making pizzas.>>
>>9166763 >>9166763 I see plenty of people simply dismissing the show as "boring" or "dull" or very specifically saying there's not enough action in this thread.>>
>>9166774 Well, I never said that they'll outright cut the highschool hijinks, but at this point, its obvious that they're going to focus a bit more on the plot at hand.inb4 Valvrave has no plot. >>
>>9166597 Actually its not exactly getting praised in Japan ad well>>
VVV's ep 6 and 7 were a clear improvement over "when snow attacks, the highschool musical". Whether it'll keep up the momentum remains to be seen, but with the other Valraves in play now, it makes for interesting situations. >>
>>9166789 Yeah. it gets a ton of traffic on 2ch, but I hear it's like here, most of the posts are "boy this show is stupid." Not sure how it's doing in terms of more reliable metrics like ratings or disc sales (I know pre-orders are meh, but I don't trust pre-order points.)
I can't get any of the kits on HLJ though. I've tried 5 different online retailers and all VVV-1 kits are either sold out, or on pre-order.>>
>>9166798 I heard that 2ch has a dedicated Valvrave hate thread and like thread.>>
>>9166798 Its preorders are where is at because of a VA ticket that comes with volume one I know its getting bad ratings on nico, which some claim is gargantia fans trolling but have yet to provide evidence. I know that the VVV-1 kit has sold out on a few retailers though>>
>>9165152 (OP) >Varying Degrees of Want Also, Ataru's crew appear to be checking him out. Not sure what to make of that.>>
>>9166812 All shows have their dedicated like and hate threads VVV is getting discussion for the same rason AGE got discussion, to bash the show or to see where it goes.>>
>>9166828 That's anime in general though, with the exception of manga adaptations.>>
>>9166854 This one works at attention getting too.>>
>glasses = death flags? 2chan sure is having a lot of fun with VVV.>>
Also, I love all 3 of this season's Big 3. >> 02299 >>
>>9166873 Here's a bonus. I wonder if you get subverted from bondage fetishists by not wearing underpants.>>
>>9167071 Don't be a fool, gag fetishists simply hate Gomess, even if only in cosplay.>>
>>9167010 Somebody drew that (minus the Shoko edit)?
Got a source? >>
>Why don't we take the module? And push it somewhere else? >>
Why are bondage folk infesting Valvrave and Majestic Prince threads recently? How come they don't hijack Gargantia threads too? And why did someone make a Zubat and Ultra Q reference in this topic? >>
>>9167151 >And why did someone make a Zubat and Ultra Q reference in this topic? Where is that "Because it looks cool" line from J-Decker when you need it?>>
>>9167151 >How come they don't hijack Gargantia threads too? Too much blushing and most look too young (at least head-wise).>> 21125 >>
>>9167151 >Why are bondage folk infesting Valvrave and Majestic Prince threads recently? Somebody in a MJP thread wanted it and eventually got a couple of bad manipulations plus one of Fllay to piss off our Fllay. As for VVV, someone made a bad leddit joke with Saki being Alpha with the recent episode flipping that on its head; not to mention it had most of the female cast minus glasses, Takahi, and the enemy first mate.>>
>>9167151 We've always been here (or at least I have) Just that mecha series haven't any any DID scenes in quite some time, and then Valvrave just throws the jackpot in our faces.>>
>>9167179 Where were you guys when this happened in Eureka Seven AO?>>
>>9167188 Hannah wasn't good enough to warrent giving a frick.>>
>>9167188 I didn't watch E7:AO Also, the scene that was in it was like 1 second, wasn't it?>>
>>9167151 >Ultra Q *smacks you* That Gomess is from Ultra Galaxy NEO. Learn your toku already.>>
I really like the team fan art for Majestic Prince. >>
>>9167223 It ended up being nothing, but that thing with Truth and whats-her-name had people going for a while.>>
Okay, I keep hearing different things about Valvrave. Is it actually good or is it one of those "so bad it's good" things? Sometimes I hear it described as Geass (dumb but fun to watch) and other times I hear it compared to Guilty Crown (just plain full retard yet people continue to watch it anyway). From the plot and summaries alone it sounds dumb as fuck. >>
>>9166584 What did the original post have to do with anything?>>
>>9167374 It's dumb, it parodies many cliche, everything is cranked over the top, mechanical designs are quite delicious, especially on enemy side. I like it.>>
>>9166774 >It's like whenever people thought there would be less high school hi-jinks in Code Geass only to have a next episode feature running around collecting hearts or making pizzas. That's a stupid (and wrong) comparison you know.>>
>>9166816 The nico ratings for VVV did improve with episode 7 though. The lowest point was episode 5.>>
>>9167374 >Sometimes I hear it described as Geass (dumb but fun to watch) and other times I hear it compared to Guilty Crown (just plain full retard yet people continue to watch it anyway). It's not quite like either of those, in context, but so far I think it's mostly dumb but fun to watch.>>
>>9167431 Wait. Why are Irie's breasts smaller than Chi's?>>
>>9167374 As someone who dropped both Geass and Guilty Crown, I'd say it's more of the former than the latter. Valvarve now is what Geass eventually turned into, in terms of tone, and "twists". If anything I'd argue Valvrave is what Code Geass would have been if it was honest from the start.>>
>>9167374 Just watch the bloody show and form your own godforsaken opinion on it. Fuck, how hard is it to think for yourself?>>
MJP: I didn't like this very much at first, especially since they kept overusing the focus on reaction faces/moments for everyone, but patience has proven things can get much better in other respects. Definitely looking forward to it the most by now. Gargantia: Conversely, I loved this one at the start and now it's been getting a little too dull and predictable even for the premise. That said, hopefully the latest changes in the status quo will bring us back into better territory sooner rather than later. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but a surprisingly good ending could easily put this one ahead of the entire pack again. Valvrave: Crazy ridiculous, but I've enjoyed the mecha segments and seeing a little more interesting material come to light lately. It'll probably be the worst of the three and I'll rate it accordingly, but I don't really hate it either. >>
>>9165152 (OP) Best descriptions I've seen of all three shows, cobbled to together.
MJP is a 90s mecha anime with 70s villains.
Valvrave is a B-Movie Gargantia is Turn-A>>
I'm liking all three. MJP has been a great fun ride, although the beginning was pretty meh (with the exception of THAT face), Gargantia started of great and has been a bit slow recently, although it seems things have finally picked up
and the fanservice is mostly delicious
and Chamber is awesome, sexy and cool. And Valvrave is enjoyable, even though it's really, really bad but it's like watching The Room or an Ed Wood film. >>
>>9167667 There has to be more reason than that.>>
>>9167677 The show in general is slowly paced like a 90s show and the plot isn't very complicated. It's apparently pretty clear-cut once the antagonists are properly introduced.>>
>>9167687 >paced like a 90s show So is that a good thing?>>
>>9167374 Anything you hear about it on the net runs the spectrum of gross overexaggeration. That said, it's pretty crazy in a Sunrise way. Anyone else trying to pull off what they're doing with Valvrave would've crashed and burned. It's a weird contradiction of uninspired yet inventive, with a taste for heavy mood disonnance at least in its early episodes. Essentially, a show you watch not to see what new things it brings to the table but as an exercise in what happens when you let a few bored men hit it up on the acid.>>
>>9167374 You'll have to watch it yourself to form an opinion. People tend to exaggerate things.>>
>>9168020 >Anyone else trying to pull off what they're doing with Valvrave would've crashed and burned .......they're already crashed and burned.>>
>>9168094 >>Anyone else trying to pull off what they're doing with Valvrave would've crashed and burned >.......they're already crashed and burned. It's not over until the fat lady sings, and you sure aren't a lady.>>
>>9168124 Yeah, you stay deluded. Doesn't seem like Japan is as stupid as though.>>
>>9165702 >Aina >Inconsistent
She's Dead and in pieces I'm just falling apart over here.>>
>>9168154 The sales are increasing since episode 6. Take that as you will. Sunrise has never been known for captivating early portions of their anime.>>
>>9168239 >The sales are increasing since episode 6 You mean dropped.>>
>>9168239 >The sales are increasing since episode 6. Really? Last time I checked it was dropping in fact has been dropping since episode 5.>>
>>9168239 >The sales are increasing since episode 6. Didn't it drop severely after that episode?
>Sunrise has never been known for captivating early portions of their anime. Code Geass and surprisingly Tiger and Bunny says hi! Let's hope Sunrise isn't expecting a big turn out from Valvrave since it isn't exactly heating up the charts right now.>>
>>9168154 You'd be surprised. Also, thanks for missing the point.>>
>>9168154 Japan? You mean "shit taste general" Japan? I thought we've agreed Japan always has shit taste. Oh. Wait. How could I have forgotten, they only have taste when it furthers your agenda. Ah, to be young! To still derive enjoyment from fallacious arguing, or as they say, "trolling!" Back in my day, trolling meant something!>>
>>9168277 Not exactly. Preorders went up a lot after episode 5 and were still pretty high by the time episode 6 came around. It then dropped a lot but also picked up moderately after 7.>>
>>9168318 He's pointing out that fact that even Japan who normally eats this shit up isn't falling for Valvrave which speaks more for yourself if anything.>>
>>9168312 What point? You're indulging in shit and won't admit it.
>>9168318 Where did I say any of the sort?>>
>>9168331 And you say nothing other than throwing around the word shit or personal attacks. Admit it.>>
>>9168318 >using the phrase "shit taste" unironically while attempting to condescend to others >>
>>9168331 >admit You don't seem to grasp the fundamentals of this situation, son.>>
>>9168328 "Not falling for it" in that Valvrave isn't super-popular in preorders, which is obvious. But it is still estimated to sell more discs than Majestic Prince and the model kits are doing well online.>>
>>9168331 No, I am simply not judging a show until it's over. Nowhere did I say it was great.>>
>>9168344 >But it is still estimated to sell more discs than Majestic Prince VA ticket>>
>>9168344 First volume of Valrave has a VA ticket you realize that right?>>
>>9168344 Considering MJP is using this as their commercial t9DANxg I'm not sure if you can call Valvrave selling more than it much of an accomplishment.>>
>>9168349 >>9168355 Samefag.
Also, are you really implying that a VA event ticket is somehow unusual in this industry?>>
>>9168362 No, but it's still a fact about Valvrave. And then you can just as easily say that Japan "isn't falling for" Majestic Prince either...which is a shame since I like that show more.>>
>>9168355 And how do you explain the model kit sales?>>
>>9168349 Then you should discount any of the other bonuses and tickets for the rest of the season's shows.>>
>>9168371 I know a lot of people who buy gunpla yet never watch the shows.>>
>>9168364 >Samefag. Swing and a Miss>Also, are you really implying that a VA event ticket is somehow unusual in this industry? That's not what I said at all.>>9168378 There's not that many actually>>
>>9168362 Is that really the ONLY Majestic Prince commercial?
I'm not sure that is true at this point. That would mean the marketing department is retarded.>>
>>9168371 What sales? There's no numbers out yet.>>
>>9168386 This is the one airing right now. tTsHouk Studio Dogakobo just doesn't give a fuck.>>
>>9168382 Nigga...this is as retarded as people citing that Japan bought the OP single of Valvrave because they like the show AND NOT BECAUSE NANA FUCKING MIZUKI AND TM REVOLUTION SUNG IT. That's almost as stupid as saying that Symphongear sold decently because people liked the show and not Nan Mizuki.>>
>>9168388 /ASIN/B00BJGAWQ6/rankbank-22/ Release Date: April 27, 2013 Date first available at February 25, 2013>>
>>9168401 Well I have a few friends in Asia who do exactly that. So I don't know what to tell you. I tell them myself that's stupid but they just don't care.>>
>>9168405 One is translated the other is in the alien tongue.>>
>>9168401 No, especially when you're comparing two different things.
This is actually much more ore relevant since they at least need to like the actual mecha in order to spend any money on the model kits, especially when you have certain faggots here complaining about the Valvrave mecha designs being shitty. Clearly Japan does not agree.
They might like the show or hate the show, but that's money they're spending and it's going into the coffers of the parties involved.>>
>>9168364 VA tickets are usually a last ploy to boost sales incase the distributors don't have much faith in the show selling on it's own, sometimes they work but as a result sales will drop significantly after the first volume (Guilty Crown) and sometimes they don't work at all and the show still bombs (Zetman) also doesn't help that Valvrave is a two cour split as well.>>
>>9168424 >This is actually much more ore relevant since they at least need to like the actual mecha in order to spend any money on the model kits Or it could be the fact that it's a cheap 1/44th model>>
>>9168401 It's true that Valvrave itself isn't really going to have much of a direct impact in terms of Nana Mizuki x TM Revolution disc sales, but the same thing goes for any other anime OP by popular artists>>
>>9168409 Best Sellers Rank:
#34 in Hobby (See Top 100 in Hobby) #2 in Hobby > プラモデル・模型 > ロボット>>
>>9168409 Also, ers/hobby/2189374051/ref=pd_zg_hrsr _hb_1_3_last>>
>>9168441 >one retailer >IT'S SELLING GOOD GUISE -
+ yotsuba
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