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More from ~Izzy-Chan2095

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May 13
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This is very annoying...And has gotten WAY out of hand...

SO. I'm sure you've all heard about the RARE Animasa Miku edit, or AA Miku by Yamato right? You have? Well that's strange because she's SO rare...What's that? She's not rare anymore? Why so?

BECAUSE as you've heard, someone in that oh so famous Facebook group had gotten his/her hands on her, and guess what? He put her up for download ON DEVIANT ART.
I heard that they were going to put her up in the group, but they decided not to and had this idea of making a fake folder, and putting in it a MALWARE! That's right, some kind of virus.
I've always gone to the group to see what they're talking about. But you know what's odd? They said that they made that group to "Share models for everyone to use" and "Left it open for anyone to gladly take the models". WELL SCREW THAT IS WHAT I THINK THEY WANT TO SAY.

Now it's mostly pure drama, and their comments about people and their models are ridiculous, also trying to do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to get their hands on a model.

There was a person in the group who had a model for download here on DA, limited download I don't remember. And the people in the group decided it would be funny to get the model and troll the SH*T out of her/him. He/She was in the group and NOT happy about it. They did that to themselves, they hurt their "friend" or "companion" or what ever word they used or use.

And thus comes the question; what will happen now?

I don't know myself, but this has really gotten serious and out of hand as I said up there. But I ALSO wonder why they target at DA and their uses so much? What have we done to hurt them? (And quote that I said "we", I'm not making this one persons or a few peoples responsibility).

Oh, and as you can see I used the ORIGINAL Animasa Miku, I am not going to get AA Miku because well, it's not worth it anymore. And besides, even IF I get her everyone will complain saying that I downloaded her illegally or something, so screw that.

Well, I hope you all now enjoy AA Miku, but remember...

She's probably not worth it anymore...

Miku Model by Animasa
Table by ~The-Horrible-Mu

EDIT: Please don't take to seriously what I said about her not being worth it and how she was rare, I was only emphasizing some people who say that. I would care less about the rarity of the model, I like the model if it's pretty to me. Okay bai bai. Oh, and please don't be rude when you state your opinion. Remember we all have different opinions and there's no need to be rude about it.
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It's no longer rare thanks to [link] and ~darius15
Yep, you are weird.
What's up when a model is rare or not?
Those are models.
And dA uses? dA is for art.
And what did you guys do?
Cyberbully the new people and noobs, that what!
And remember this:
~Izzy-Chan2095 5 days ago  Hobbyist Filmographer
Hey hey calm down a bit.
As I told another comment below me, I was sorta emphasizing on what everyone else is saying. I would care less if it's "rare" or "popular".
And yes, every model IS worth it, and I repeat, emphasizing what others say.
wow some people are just kinda weird

yes im talking about you
It does not matter if a model is rare or not, use tda miku for an example She was rare but now everybody still fucking loves her
like seriously, shes a fucking MMD Model stop being all butthurt now that shes not Rare Anymore And not to be a EITC Fan but its not only them, what about :iconseeuedits: the EITC Is trying to figure out who the fuck she is.

-sigh- sorry for the rant.. it just kinda annoys me when someones like She's probably not worth it anymore... with a good model
~Izzy-Chan2095 5 days ago  Hobbyist Filmographer
Oh it's alright ^^
But I wanted to let you know I wasn't saying it SERIOUSLY, I was sorta emphasizing on what everyone else is saying. I would care less if it's "rare" or "popular".
Okay look, it's pixels, it's art, art is to be shared, Hatsune Miku has a 3.0 License, so I can share her, LEGALLY.
The malware file, was not me, although it's a shame that members of EITC would do that sort of thing.

Tell me why I shouldn't have uploaded that model?
My reasons for uploading her:
1: She's rare
2: Many people wanted her
3: she is under a 3.0 License
4: I am not doing anything illegal

Here's where it gets crazy, you bash US for hating you so much, and the reason? This is the reason. We upload models, for FREE, you bitch at us
Chatterhead(you, part of the dAfags) uploads models and takes money for it. Not only is this illegal, but you guys are doing nothing about it.
sup with that? You bash at us, which are doing nothing illegally(by law, not by your own little fancy princess pink rules), but you don't give a shit about your own fags, sharing models for a profit.

Suck on this one for a lil' bit.
~Izzy-Chan2095 5 days ago  Hobbyist Filmographer
There is no need to be rude you know, I'm just giving my opinion and thought of mind, and I also understand yours.

Also, I actually looked up to the EITC before. I used to love the group because of how they would share models. But after a while some of the members attitudes went a little to far and started bashing on people and saying something like, for example "omg look at what this idiot did LOL".

Believe me, I know your intentions are good, but the members should mature up a bit.

And ChatterHEADor ChatterBOOB...which I actually find slightly amusing, I don't care much about him. But I am aware of what he does with his models and his Miku Model. But Crypton, if I don't recall, contacted CH about the model sale, I don't know what happened from there but yes he is still selling it. And maybe his Len model, that no one is certain. But I don't approve about the model sales either.
If crypton were to give him a license for selling it, he has to put up the license to each of uploads..

and I wasn't trying to be rude. All I'm saying is I share models for free, not breaking any laws, although I do see your anger at this situation, due to the rarity and all of us being hobbyists.
I think she's mainly focusing on the hacking business.
I got nothing to do about that, nor do I want to be a part of it.
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