False Confessions Blog

Manhatttan DA Cyrus Vance Walks Away From Innocence Case

District attorneys under fire for wrongful convictions are establishing so-called Conviction Integrity Units to review cases where strong evidence exists that someone may be languishing in prison for a crime they did not commit.  It seems like the popular thing to do these days, but is it real or just another way to cover one”s political rear end? The whole concept is counterintuitive: how can the office that generated the wrongful conviction in the first place, usually as a result of ethical breaches, review themselves honestly and with integrity? They cant.

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A brutal rape and murder, followed by eight arrests, five confessions, and one DNA match. How did the Norfolk Virginia police go from one assailant to eight? And why would four of these men confess to a brutal crime they didn’t commit? Watch!

West Memphis 3

Arkansas Supreme Court orders new evidentiary hearing for Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley. Visit the Free West Memphis 3 site for more information.

Click here for the decision.

Detroit Free Press

View the videos of a 13-year-old child incriminating his father in the rape of his sister. The father was innocent. Click here to watch the videos.