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New Video Up!

Thursday, 02 August 2012 11:30

Our video from the most recent Award Ceremony is now up on youtube! So if you want to relive the night or just check out what happened then click here and enjoy!

And don't forget that nominations for Round 16 are now open. If you know a young person between the ages of 10-18 years old who deserves recognition for their positive contribution then make sure you fill out a nomination form and they could $150 better off and a star in our next video!


Nominations Now Open!

Monday, 30 July 2012 16:01

Nominations are now open for Round 16 of the LyriK Awards! We have already recognised some pretty amazing young people in our community so far this year however, for this round we are set to recognise even more. LyriK has now increased the age for nominations to 18 years old which means that any young person between the ages of 10 and 18 years old can now be nominated for, and win, a LyriK Award!

Due to the age range changes, there have also been some changes to the way that you nominate a young person. We will now have two age groups for each category (10-14 year olds and 15-18 year olds) which will now mean that we have 2 winners for each award...effectively doubing the amount of young people that we can recognise for their positive contribution! New nomination forms have been designed and printed and will start showing up around the comunity soon, however we haven't had a chance to change the nominating process online as yet. So, if you are choosing to nominate online (either via the online form or the downladable word doc) please indicate the age of the young person in the additional comments section. This will be updated very soon, but we will appreciate your co-operation with this in the mean time.

Aside from that, the nomination process remains largely the same. So with nominations closing 2nd November 2012, what are you waiting for? Start nominating!


LyriK Awards - Round 15 Winners

Monday, 09 July 2012 10:50

Round 15 of the LyriK Awards was recently held on June 20th at the new Zone Youth Space. Around 100 people turned out to help us celebrate the achievements of young people in Kwinana and recognise the positive contribution they have made to our community. Despite some technical difficulties it was a fantastic night that showcased the achievements and talents of some of our young people. Along with the awards, there were performances from Julia Celiberti & Madison Forkin and Cristina Poad as well as some fantastic food that was made and catered by the staff and students at Bertram Primary School. On top of this, participants were fortunate enough to be inspired by the stories and achievements of Irene Carbone, a former Kwinana High student who among various achievements has gone on to be the director of the Lulu's.

21 nominations were received for Round 15 and as is becoming the trend, all the nominations were such a high standard! Congratulations to all the nominees for this round as you were all very deserving of your nomination, however only one person can win each category...and these young peope are:

    Mateship Award - Jerry Zhang

    Teamwork Award - The Bertram Primary Fundraising Group

    Inspiration Award - Jai Hui Zhou

    Achievement Award - John Garlett

    Leadership Award - Julia Celiberti

Congratulations to our winners for Round 15! If you nominated a young person who didn't win an award this time then we strongly encourage you to nominate them again. As we mentioned, the standard of nominations was extremely high and all were deserving of winning.

Nominations for Round 16 will open on 30th July 2012. To nominate a young person all you need to do is complete and submit a nomination form and that young person could be one of our next group of winners!


New Photo's Uploaded

Monday, 15 August 2011 10:05 We have just uploaded a HEAP of pictiures from some of the events we have run. You can now check out pictures taken from all our leadership days since October 2009!! Plus all of the action from our first ever LyriK ImpaKt Team. If you want to check out all of what's been happening then just click on the 'activity' link at the top of the page and follow it to the photo's. It will be a lot easier for us to keep on top of the uploading now so we will make sure that photo's from everything that is LyriK will be continually added. Enjoy the viewing and make sure to keep an eye on the page for more updates in the near future!  

Round 13 Winners!

Friday, 24 June 2011 12:50 The winners of Round 13 of the LyriK Awards were announced on Tuesday night at the Koorliny Arts Centre. It was a fantastic night that once again highlighted the positive contributions that young people are making to the Town of Kwinana. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners on the night as you all thoroughly deserved to be recognised for your contributions. Fir those of you who couldn't be at the ceremony, here are our round 13 winners! Inspiration Award – Kayla Michael & Tameisha Torres Friendship Award – Tyra Jacobs – Bolton Achievement Award – Ben Fletcher (winner), Thomas Pratt (highly commended) Teamwork Award – Bertram Primary Student Councillors Respect Award – Gilmore College Middle School Drumbeat Group Leadership Award – Zoe Adams (winner), Zachariah Graham (highly commended) The 'Bertram Primary School Kitchen Garden Program - Fruit Grove and Gazebo' project was also awarded $1000 to help with setting up their fruit grove and gazebo. A big thankyou must also go out to our sponsors (Town of Kwinana, Eclipse Resources, McCusker Foundation, BHP Billiton, Coogee Chemicals and Alcoa) as without their support LyriK would not exist! Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for pics from the night and updates on projects as well as the opening date for nominations for round 14!  

Round 13 Nominations

Thursday, 09 June 2011 15:46 Nominations for round 13 of the LyriK Awards has now closed and we are very pleased to say that we have seen 28 nominations submitted for this round! Invites have now gone out to all those young people who were nominated and those that submitted nominations...so keep an eye out for them in the post! The awards ceremony is shaping up to be a great night, so for those of you who have been invited please make sure you get your RSVP's in as soon as possible so that we can confirm last minute details for the night. A huge THANKYOU must go out to all those people who have submitted nominations for this round! LyriK would not be ale to function the way it does without your support in this way, and by simply filling out the nomination you have helped in making sure those young people who are doing great things in Kwinana get recognised and rewarded just as they deserve. To everyone else, make sure you stay tuned in the coming couple of weeks to find out who has won each category!  

Last Day for Nominations

Friday, 27 May 2011 08:08 Today is the last day you can nominate a young person for round 13 of the LyriK awards! So if you know someone between the ages of 10 and 15 years old who is making a positive contribution to the community of Kwinana then make sure you click on the 'nominate here' section at the top of the page, fill out the details and submit a nomination! Winners of the categories will recieve a $150 incentive prize and will be recognised and celebrated for their contribution in front of their peers at our awards ceremony at the end of June.  

LyriK Nominations Close Tomorrow!

Thursday, 26 May 2011 16:08 Nominations for round 13 of LyriK close TOMORROW! So if you know a young person between the ages of 10 - 15 years old who has been making a positive contribution to the community of Kwinana then make sure you complete your nomination soon. You can nominate by clicking the link at the top of this page, filling out the details required and completing the questions. There are six categories that young people can be nominated in (Leadership, respect, inspiration, achievement, teamwork and mateship) and the winner of each category will recieve a $150 incentive prize. So get nominating and make sure that the young people in Kwinana get recognised for the good things they do!  

Photo's Uploaded

Tuesday, 10 May 2011 10:11

We have recently uploaded some photo's from the LyriK ImpaKt Team for you all to have a look at! They are pictures from the Team's leadership day held at Challenge Stadium in March. Head into the 'photo's & video's' section under activities in the menu and you will find the photo's in the LyriK ImpaKt folder.

The LyriK ImpaKt Team is made up of a group of young people who were nominated in the last round of awards and they have been spending their last term learning about different aspects of leadership in a fun and interactive environment.

There will be more pics uploaded in the coming weeks, from the ImpaKt Team and other activities, so keep an eye out!


Round 13 of Lyrik Nominations closing soon

Monday, 02 May 2011 15:28

Nominations for round 13 of Lyrik Awards close on May 27th 2011. Entry forms are available online with an incentive prize of $150 for the winners of each catagory. The catagories to choose from are: Respect, Teamwork, Friendship, Inspiration, Achievment and Leadership. For any queries contact Kwinana Youth Services on 9493 0274.

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About LyriK

LyriK is a multi-faceted program which rewards and recognises young people for their contribution to the Kwinana community.

LyriK consists of:

Awards Ceremonies (May, August and December each year)
Young people can be nominated for awards in the categories of Respect, Mateship, Achievement, Leadership and Teamwork.

Leadership Camps
Leadership camps are also held three times a year, and provide off-site opportunities for young people to practice their leadership and communication skills.

Junior & Senior Media Groups

The media groups are the heart of the Konnect magazine, made of groups of young people contributing articles, reviews, stories and more in their spare time.

Konnect Magazine

The Konnect magazine is a publication written by young people for young people. It is published three times a year in conjunction with the LYRIK awards ceremonies.


LYRIK workshops are run monthly, and aim to develop young people’s self-awareness, communication and leadership skills.


LYRIK Projects are a recent addition, providing young people the opportunity to apply for a grant of $500 - $1000 to spend on a project benefiting the Kwinana community.

Youth Mentoring

The Youth Mentoring Program matches young people with community volunteers passionate about developing them personally and professionally.


Photo Gallery

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