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WebCite® archive form

This page allows you to submit a single URL for instant archiving with WebCite®, a member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium. Archiving in WebCite® allows anybody (particularly authors and editors of scholarly papers, books etc.) to cite a stable version of a Web page (including Blogs, Wiki, PDF file, and other webdocuments), making it "citable" in an academic context. It also provides the cited author and the academic commmunity with WebCite® impact statistics.

The content of the page requested below will be immediately archived, including any inline images and / or media (up to a maximum size). WebCite® automatically determines if the webpage is already archived, and if yes, will merely create a link to the already archived copy. As part of the archiving process, an e-mail will be sent to the address of the citing author below, containing the unique URL that can be used to access the archived content, which should be used if you cite the Web page. We will not use your e-mail adress for any other purposes than sending a confirmation or failure email.

URL to Archive [url]:
Your (citing author) E-mail Address [email]:

Metadata (optional)

These are Dublin Core elements. Entering these will help you to correctly cite the URL. Any information here will take precedence over metadata extracted from the cited webpage.
Title [title]:
Author(s) [author]:
Lastname, Firstname; Separate multiple authors with ";". Example: Doe, John; Smith, R
Cited Author's E-mail [authoremail]:
Publisher [source]:
Date [date]:
Date of publication, if known: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm or yyyy
Subject Keywords [subject]:
Keywords (e.g. MeSH keywords). Separate multiple keywords with ";". Example: informatics; health

Instructions for webauthors (cited authors) who want to link directly to this form

Field names in square brackets can be used by authors of webpages/blogs/pdf-documents/preprints ("cited authors") to directly link to this form (use the link http://www.webcitation.org/archive?url=... - see example below). This ensures that your content - even if dynamically changing - is permanently archived in WebCite® and its digital preservation partners whenever somebody cites it, and also makes sure that readers cite your webpage/blog/PDF-document/preprint correctly and with a link to WebCite® or the DOI® (Digital Object Identifier) resolver at http://dx.doi.org/.

Example: If you are the blogger Dean Giustini you could publish the following button underneath your blog at http://oalibrarian.blogspot.com/2006/07/open-source-open-access-and-open.html:

Cite this page!

Note that the link above is an archiving request link, which you may put on a dynamically changing page like a blog, a wikipage, or a working paper which is constantly being revised. If you have instead a static webdocument, and prefer that people cite one specific version, you could alternatively first self-archive it using this form, and then publish a static link to the snapshot from the WebCite® archive:

Cite as: Giustini D. Open Source, Open Access - And Open Search? URL: http://oalibrarian.blogspot.com/2006/07/open-source-open-access-and-open.html (accessed 26-Nov-2007). Archived at WebCite on 26-Nov-2007 [http://www.webcitation.org/5TeS43Ipq]

If you have a DOI of the archived material, yet another way is to provide a link to the DOI-resolver instead to WebCite, which ensures that an archived copy can be retrieved from other digital archives (see below).

A couple of other switches to be used in the archive request link are available for paying WebCite® premium members (available starting in 2008):

  • doi=yes|no assigns a DOI® to the archived content unless one is already assigned, enabling readers to retrieve the content from other archives if not found on WebCite®. Having a DOI® for your content enables the reader to use a link to the DOI handle system at http://dx.doi.org/ using a link like http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/webcite/0434/15c5db189f5e861c107889baf908125768710c2c instead of using a link to WebCite® directly. The part after /webcite/ is a hash sum (a sort of a digital fingerprint of a webpage). The DOI handle system will resolve this link to an archived copy on WebCite® or - if the WebCite® server is unavailable and an archived document with the same hash sum is found in another archive -, will resolve the link to another digital archive.
  • ads=yes|no enables the display of Google ads with royalty payments to the copyright holder
  • alert=yes|no sends an email alert to the cited author whenever a snapshot is taken

A final note on how to construct links to this page (archiving request links) which populate the fields above: The email address of the citing author (i.e. the reader) is usually not known (unless you have a user logged-in on your site, know his email address, and write a program that plugs his email address into the archiving request URL) and can remain blank (as can all other variables if they are unknown). If both URL and email of the citing author are known, this form is skipped and the archiving process is initiated immediately.