Taro Alno's Blog

Archives of personal notes

NEW ! posted by ephesians-4-31

自分にとって敵だとおもう人々とは - 虚栄心が強い、思いやりがない、浪費家、不誠実、言い訳がうまい、平気で嘘をつき、陰口をたたく人たち。「侮辱の療法はそれを記憶にとどめないことである」というけれど、まさしくその通り、と思う。けれども、そういう「敵」が、私の全人生に影響を与える権利は、ない。それに、私もその「敵」と同じような性質を自分の中に持っている。




$Taro Alno's Blog

A normal person like me prays to God, "Please do not give me problems"....And maybe a great person prays to God, "Give me the power to face and overcome my problems.'

I always blurt out the whole story of my think, problems, thanks... But when praying, it's only to complain at just about anytime. Just like the below;

”It began to occur to me that it's right thing to stay away from the bad influences in my life.
Removing whatever make me unhappy - the custom, the way of thinking, lifestyle, culture and enemies.
Enemies for me are people like - vain, unsympathetic, big spender, bad faith, being clever at making excuses, feel no problem alright with lying and talking behind someone's back.
They say: The remedy for injuries is not to remember them - the phrase is true.
However those enemies has no right to color my whole life. And I also similar in nature to them.

...God I'm sorry.”

As a matter of course, God has perfect patience to listen so many complaints every day, and cares me anytime. I was born with a sharp tongue.

When I get angry, I scream inside cussing out:
"F**k off and die !"
"S**k my dick !"
And then feel awful about myself....I guess it's for my personality disorder or something.

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