A new donation screen has been added. This allows you to check on your current donation level, as well as make new donations. You no longer have to PM me for this - it will be credited automatically - unless you prefer direct wallet-to-wallet transactions, or you want Adopt-a-Server slots instead.
Note that new donations are done through Bitcoins. You can read more about this in this thread. We have been experimenting with this for about a month, with great success.
Also, this patch has core changes to how donations are handled internally. While this should not be noticeable in any way, keep a lookout for weirdness with everything that's affected by donations.
Finally, if you have any hath perks that are redundant after making a donation, that hath will now be automatically refunded.
Other changes:
- Fixed a bug where rating "power" was incorrectly computed.
- Tag Flagging is now just one 50-hath perk that unlocks the full Tag Flagging benefit. It is also now granted automatically when you get a Bronze Star or higher.
0.27.1 - 2013-03-22
- The namespace "female" was added.
- When attempting to add a blacklisted tag, the system will now tell you instead of silently ignoring it. If it's a blacklisted tag in that namespace but allowed in other namespaces, those namespaces will be listed.
A new Quality metric was added to Hentai@Home. This is basically a value between 0 and 10000 that measures the long-term overall stability and reliability of a client, and is now used together with raw speed and proximity to prioritize clients for file requests.
There is a readout for this on the Hentai@Home status page. New clients and clients that haven't been used for the last couple of days will start out with 0 quality, and it will take several days for it to stabilize at the baseline value.
Note that while 10000 could be read as "no issues whatsoever" and 0 could be read as "ass", what constitutes a decent quality rating could vary between parts of the world. This will have no overall effect on usage, as the system will still always prioritize clients within the same country or region.
Addendum: Due to browser blocking issues, the following ports are no longer considered valid for H@H use: 2049, 3659, 4045, 6000, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669 and 65535.
Addendum #2: Fixed a bug where the quality wouldn't get properly reinitialized after a client restart.
Addendum #3: Added some improvements to how clients that fail other clients unreasonably often are handled.
Posted Sat, 16 February 2013, 08:14 UTC by Tenboro
0.26.0 - 2013-02-16
- Added a basic text search for bounty title and description. This follows the same rules as the gallery and torrent searches.
- A new bounty category "Editing" has been added.
- You can now filter bounties by its type (Standard/Translation/Editing).
- Added a direct PM link next to the bounty poster's name.
The Home/Overview Page
- A readout and reset function for the image viewing limit was added to the home page. Note that this will automatically pick GP if available and Credits otherwise.
- The EHTracker screen was integrated into the general Overview screen.
- A readout for your current member toplist placements was added to the Overview screen. Note that placements below #1000 are not recorded.
- Tag flagging should now work properly with tag namespaces.
- Minor tweaks to the gallery page layout to prevent fields overflowing under certain conditions.
- Using the original image downloading function now counts towards the normal image viewing limit instead of the old daily quota with GP past a certain point.
0.26.1 - 2013-02-18
- The archivers now use the site's internal self-monitoring system to prevent failures caused by attempting to download images from servers that are unavailable for some reason or another.
0.26.2 - 2013-02-28
- Added some fixes to the uploaders to prevent then from balking on certain files, and to properly handle archives that have files with filenames that contain Japanese characters.
And thus another year has passed, but we don't have time to get nostalgic, there are fabulous prizes to be had!
The PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator returns to draw twenty lucky winners from those who entered - since we had about twice as many entrants compared to last year, we're doing twice as many winners.
Like previous years, you got one ticket per level. This generated a total of 198,790 tickets, up from 63,347 last year.
The price, recycled from last year and given to each of the lucky winners, is 100 Hath and one Tenbora's Box - plus the usual Cookie.
The winner, picked from 198780 tickets, is: niagatrats (46645) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: aboraba (672692) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: qqaaqq (500935) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: hyugaricdeau (180214) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: roadgray (672936) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: vampirial sin (3877) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: buktore (200030) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: Lord_Obagon (16751) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: raflcaptar (116376) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: Daodaodaidai (283070) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: Slobber (529349) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: nick321 (56184) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: PyroKen (676292) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: papercut89 (175722) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: Sushilicious (445951) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: EvolutionKing (18314) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: Logic Puzzle (83911) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: onikakushi (359610) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: Xalta78 (66533) The winner, picked from 198790 tickets, is: kakashi524 (121517)
Soo.. congratulations! Let's move on to the mane event!
The Fifth Annual E-Hentai Galleries Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence
As usual, everyone who made a showing in the Galleries Toplists (that is, made the Top 7) will receive one Tenbora's Box for each placement.
As for this year's Unique Thingie, you get points for every toplist you place Top 7 in - 7 points for 1st place, 6 for 2nd, and so on. New of this year is that you also get half a point for every placement between 8 and 25.
If the points add up to a 1st place or better (7 points), you got the Ruby Emblem of Loyalty, which adds +100% EXP (counting as an aura), +3 Hath and +5000C per dawn event, and +3 mod power.
If the points add up to a 2nd-4th place (4 points), you got the Emerald Emblem of Loyalty, which adds +75% EXP (counting as an aura), +2 Hath and +2500C per dawn event, and +2 mod power.
And if you get at least one point, you got the Sapphire Emblem of Loyalty, which adds +50% EXP (counting as an aura), +1 Hath and +1000C per dawn event, and +1 mod power.
And the winners are:
Ruby: Maximum_Joe, pop9, viviv, Sushilicious, binglo, Drksrpnt, Hairs Fan, danixxx and heran1234 Emerald: Robot_X, pocky00, Setebos, looon, jaylou1010, Sonic, AfroThunda, chivoef, Rei-Tenshi, scorpianpp, homicidalsage, lolotax and eyelezz Sapphire: Red_Piotrus, G Just G, Razorflame, Excavateur, etothex, HTTP/308, shadows_kami, grumpymal, Kaosumx, CZer, -Enforcer-, pitrace, Rawen, Shadow Weaver, Jonavrek, genl, whr86 and peterson123
Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who have contributed in some way for their hard work in the last year.
And a Happy New Year to all contributors and visitors alike.
(Note that the forum icons for the Loyalty Emblem and the Cookie can take a while to show up.)
Posted Fri, 28 December 2012, 12:38 UTC by Tenboro
I just finished switching the site over to use our new primary web cluster. This replaces the old setup that had six web servers and two database replicas with a new setup that consists of 8x Intel Xeon E3-1270V2s with 32GB RAM and a 120GB Intel 520 SSD.
Unlike the old setup, each node in the new cluster runs its own separate copy of the database, which means that overloading either of the old replicas - which has been a big problem in the past - should no longer be an issue. The raw processing capacity is also several times higher than the old cluster, which leaves us both with some badly needed redundancy, as well as plenty of room for future traffic increases.
With the new cluster, we have also acquired our own private rack, with an actual dedicated private switch that should prevent some other issues we have had in the past - namely where internal network problems could disrupt private communications between our servers. While the switch is obviously a single point of failure, it's still a significant improvement over the old situation.
Note that several of the existing servers will be moved to the new rack some time in January, but until this happens, the site is in somewhat of a transitional state, where parts of the internal traffic has to traverse a public network. I don't expect this to be a major problem, but just so you know, we're not entirely done yet.
Either way, if you notice any weirdness with the site after the switch, let me know.