Electronic cigarettes – the way of the future

The smoking culture has not changed for centuries, if not for millennia. Everything that was around since the beginnings of human civilization has been very little improved upon over the centuries and the same is true for the duration of Canadian modern history. You had tobacco that could either be rolled and smoked in cigarettes or stuffed in pipes and smoked. Some people chewed it but it wasn’t until only a few years ago that we have seen a real huge breakthrough and a new introduction to the world of smoking in Canada and the world in general. We are, of course, talking about electronic cigarettes.

For the first time ever, it became possible to have the same experience when it comes to the taste, to the richness of what is inhaled and everything else that is the same as smoking tobacco, only without actually burning any tobacco leaves and inhaling all the dangers that come with it. Today, we have electronic cigarettes which contain especially formulated liquids which provide the vapor and the taste. They use no open flame and they produce no ash. What is more important, they do not produce the smoke, which is the biggest advancement.

Without the smoke, there is no second hand smoke. Without second hand smoke, there is no need to prohibit smoking in closed spaces, public places or anywhere else. Because of this, you can smoke your electronic cigs pretty much everywhere in Canada and things are only going to get more lax in the future. We only need to raise the awareness and it won’t be long before you are able to smoke in hospitals and public spaces like you used too many years ago.

Without the burning of tobacco, there is also no smell that many people find disagreeable. There is also no yellowing of the nails, fingers and the teeth that many smokers experienced in the past. With electronic cigarettes, you can change the flavor by simply using a different liquid. There is no fire hazard as there is no open flame. There is no need for you to worry about spending too much money because e-cigs are cheaper than cigarettes in the long run, at least in Canada.

Electronic cigarettes are simply the way of the future and there is no denying it.

How to recognize the best e-cigs brands in Canada

Ever since e-cigs became available in Canada, people have been checking the various brands out and as new brands have been coming out, making the right choice is becoming more and more difficult with every day. A new brand seems to come out every few days and for many [...] Continue Reading…

Electronic cigarettes in Canada – the essentials

Believe it or not, but electronic cigarettes have been available in Canada for no more than a few years. In fact, this is true for the rest of the world as well. It seems strange today when pretty much every smoker in Canada has tried e-cigs of some type, [...] Continue Reading…