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Male Edge – the ultimate solution for penis enlargement


It is naïve to think that penis enlargement is something that men have begun to think about only recently. It is far more likely that this has always been the wish of most men, only that we do not have any written data about it. The easiest way to approach this issue from a historical standpoint is to take a look at the art and about different similar sources that tell us what the opinion was on the penis size in the past. For instance, we know that in Ancient Greece, the ideal was a small penis. Large penis was seen as a sign of barbarity and they only represented different wild men as having big penises. As far as we know, in all other cultures throughout the history, a big penis was something desirable, mostly because it indicated virility and fertility, just as big breasts and wide hips did in women.

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How does Male Edge compare to other penis enlargement options


Women say that the penis size does not matter. In fact, they say that as long as the penis is of a certain size, it is enough. And this is a medical fact. Only the first inch or so of the vagina is actually sensitive to the stimuli, which means that if your penis is bigger than an inch and a half, you are basically good to go. However, as we all know so very well, this does not really matter to us men. We want a big penis, or at least a bigger penis. There are a few men out there who are satisfied with how big their penises are, but for the most of us, there is always room for improvement. And it is due to this large number of men looking for penis enlargement that the supply is so varied and so aggressive. In this article, we will tell you a little bit about how Male Edge compares to other penis enlargement solutions Read more »

What you should remember about Male Edge


If we were to tell you everything there is to tell about Male Edge, we would require entire encyclopedias to do so. There is so much to its design, to its manufacturing process, to its beneficial effects and so on that we would spend days just writing a single article. Therefore, we have decided to do a little article where we will provide you with the absolute basic facts about Male Edge that you should always remember.

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Male Edge vs. penis enlargement surgery


When we talked about other penis enlargement options and when we compared them with Male Edge, we came to a conclusion that we hope you remembered that besides Male Edge, there is only one other option that can actually produce some results and that is penis enlargement surgery. Therefore, we wanted to revisit this little comparison of ours and go into more detail when it comes to the battle between Male Edge and penis enlargement surgery.

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