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Mission Highlights

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Speaking to the National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies during a private audience last May 11, 2012, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, encouraged the Congregation for the Evangelizati [ ... ]

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As part of the celebration of the Year of Mission declared by the CBCP for 2012, the Diocese of Cabanatuan held the First Diocesan Mission Convocation last October 27, 2012 at the auditorium of Maria  [ ... ]

Life on a Mission

08 Oct 2012 07:23 - Administrator

FOR WORLD MISSION DAY 2012 “Called to Radiate the Word of Truth” (Porta Fidei 6)

Dear Brothers a [ ... ]

Can the World be my Parish?
17 Mar 2012 07:41 - AdministratorCan the World be my Parish?

Global village. Shrinking world. And how does one become a Christian evangelizer in this situation?  [ ... ]

Our Home is like a Media Jungle
16 Mar 2012 09:39 - AdministratorOur Home is like a Media Jungle

In His message for World Mission Day this year, Pope Benedict XVI reminds us of our indispensable ca [ ... ]

It is Not Enough to Discover Christ
16 Mar 2012 09:15 - Administrator

Pope John Paul II has said, “It is not enough to discover Christ, we must bring Him to others.”  [ ... ]

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