yamaha cx5m standard and CX5M II 128 msx computer with 4 OP-fm sound http://www.sequencer.de/pix/yamaha/cx5m.jpg click CX5M to enlarge.. there is a FM voicing card in the slot, you need the editor to change the sounds.. otherwise you need to program it yourself (if you know where to poke to?) ;)
btw it stands on a GS2 2OP first FM Synth and the big full expanded TX816 with TF1 modules (each one is a DX7!) <--- the GS2 looks like this with the TX-816 on top - the keyboards on the left are also used for the CX5M Computers
Beggars Opera Precious Life Electro Symphony: 1st movement. Ricky Gardiner: Yamaha CX5/Atari 1040 computers. Images Virginia Scott RGS: 1986 http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=-QPAVE5u9p0
1989 May I Video done on my first video camera - an Amstrad VMC100 VHS-C camcorder(editing in Camera). This Amstrad cost £300 in 1990 a breakthru product, (thanks, Sir Alan!) video for the masses - user guide at http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/davieses/ ! Music courtesy of my Yamaha Music Computer http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=0eI_hdAc3GM
Ahem .. scraping the barrel now, I'm afraid ... this is about moving from the city to the country. Video is a series of screenshots drawn on the MSX Graphics program. Music is a very harsh sequence of FM tones from my Yamaha CX5MII music computer. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=juwPCvGibI8