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Tom Avery tennis professional resides and teaches tennis in Naples, Florida. For the last thirty years he has helped tens of thousands, from beginner to the nationally ranked improve their level of consistency. He has produced nine DVDs and one book all centered on becoming a more consistent tennis player. His popular series Consistent Tennis Wins (which now includes eight DVDs) has been aired on THE TENNIS CHANNEL. He is the designer and founder of AVERY Racquets, which has three frames: the M3 Control 95, the M3 Power 95 and the M5 110.
"Thank you for visiting the site, I think you'll find it eye-opening. I've been playing tennis, teaching tennis and tweaking tennis racquets for over 32 years and never thought I’d someday own a racquet company. However, because of the current trend in light racquets, which I do not agree with, I was impelled to see if I could produce player friendly racquets at reasonable prices. I'm glad to say I’ve succeeded and that AVERY Racquets now has 3 dynamite frames. These racquets have the weight, balance, flex and stability that are essential ingredients for a great playing racquet. AVERY Racquets are built to such strict standards they’re practically hand made.
So many are fooled every year to believe they need the new model on the market for game improvement. Unfortunately, they're not only wasting their money they may be hurting their arm because the overwhelming majority of these new so-called improved racquets are too light. It's a known fact light racquets cause arm problems. Most of what we hear every year about the' latest and the greatest' are just plain hype and turn out to be anything but what they claim. I promise you with an AVERY Racquet you’ll get a solid performer that will last you years to come. And if you need another racquet the same frame will be available in the future."