CoolNovo is a multi-tab/multi-window web browser, it is a green software and based on Chrome. It have more than 20 imporved features such as dual-core (IE and WebKit engine), the boss key, privacy protection and Ad block. It completely free, no trojans, no virus, no malicious software/Ads, no function limit and any third party software. It perfectly run as Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 and Linux like OS.
If your issue do not have solution on this page, please go to our Forum
CoolNovo perfectly run as Windows 2003/XP/Vista/7
CoolNovo currently support below Linux distrbution:
Debian/Ubuntu 32-bit
Debian/Ubuntu 64-bit
Fedora/openSUSE 32-bit
Fedora/openSUSE 64-bit
1. Access
2. Click here to download setup package. From here, it will ensure you get latest security and content update. And understand all features of this browser.
3. Double-click downloaded CoolNovo_x.x.x.x.exe to install
4. Click shortcut on Desktop or CoolNovo.exe which in installation folder when finished. For portable version, just extract all files to a folder and run CoolNovo.exe.
1. For installation version, if you have selected "Add shortcut to start menu" when install CoolNovo. Please go to StartMenu > All Programes > CoolNovo > Uninstall CoolNovo. If you not seleted this option or not sure,you can uninstall CoolNovo from "Add or remove programs" in "Control Panel" of Windows2003/XP/Vista/7.
2. For portable version, just delete installation folder to uninstall. CoolNovo is a portable/green software, there are no any file write to other directory, also do not write anything to the registry.
Due to Internet is increasingly and rich, it is necessery to find a quicker and safer browser. Just try the CoolNovo! It display the webpage blink of an eye! The CoolNovo is very tersely and leave more space for you to surfing favorite web sites. This chapter describe the main functions of CoolNovo.
When you create a new tab, the most visited, closed webpage and windows in nearest will be shown on new tab. Press Ctrl+T (For Windows and Linux) or click will open the new tab. After a period of time to use CoolNovo, the snapshots of visited website will be displayed on new tab. To click these snapshots will quickly turned to the webpage.
The most visited and closed webpage will be shown on the new tab; you can restore them if closed by accident.
When webpage thumbnail occur around gray line-frame, you can delete this webpage by click button on top right.
When CoolNovo has been installed, you should take few times to fit it for your favorite behavior.
To copy a bookmark from other browser, you just need to open a new tab and click [import bookmark link] top of this tab. If you cannot find bookmarks toolbar, just press Ctrl+T (for Windows and Linux) to open a new tab, and click [import favorites immediately]. Your imported bookmarks will be stored in [other bookmarks]. If [other bookmarks] is empty, it will not be displayed automatically.
The default homepage will be displayed on new tab automatically, but any webpage shoud be your homepage. Click Menu > Option to set your homepage and preferrences.
As default, the Favorites Bar is below as Address Toolbar. It is the easiest way to access your bookmarks and other bookmark folders. To close/automatic display Favorites Bar, please click Menu > Bookmarks > always display Favorites Bar/automatic hide Favorites Bar. You should also press shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B (For Windows and Linux) to open, close or automatic hide Favorites Bar
Choose a pretty theme for the CoolNovo which from CoolNovo Webstore. The theme should be able to change at any time. Click Menu > Option > Personal Data to do the action
Please set CoolNovo as default web browser if you feel satisfied! So the outside link will be opened in CoolNovo as a new tab. Click Menu > Option > Basic > Make default.
Some website is IE only (based on ActiveX), and in CoolNovo, the IETab is design for these websites. The basic IETab operation is to click CoolNovo icon right side of Address Bar, and it will switch to IE Kernel mode. As default, some IETab only websites will opened in IE Kernel mode automatically, and the user can manually swith to IE Kernel mode for a website as well. CoolNovo will remenber your chose and will opened as IE Kernel mode if you open this website again.
Just double-click a tab to close it. Your do not need to click "close icon" to close a tab anymore. In addition, you can set right-click to close a tab in Enhance Option as well.
When CoolNovo start, just click button on the toolbar to resume last unclosed tab, it is very easy and convenient. The button also be able to used if your close a tab/window by mistake.
If some tabs opened in single window, when the mouse move to Windows 7 taskbar, they will be shown as multi-tab (include web content).
To switch tabs, we recommend scroll mouse wheel on the Tab Toolbar instead of click them. On the other hand, press the right mouse button and scroll the wheel will do the same things as well (it belongs to the mouse gestures function). To click middle mouse button will open the link in background tab.
You can set up your privacy options to clean cache data when close the browser, such as cookies, URL history, cache and saved password, etc...
The method to clean cache data:
Click button right after of Address Toolbar, select "Option -> Privacy Protection".
In Privacy Mode, browser will not store URL history and search history, and Cookie also will be deleted when the window has closed. But all downloaded files and favorites will be kept.
The method into Privacy Mode:
Click button right after of Address Toolbar, select "New -> Create new privacy window" or shortcut key "Ctrl+Shift+N".
Delete all cache data manually when CoolNovo closed.
To delete cache data: click button right after of Address Toolbar and select [clean cache data].
Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
Mouse gestures is an action which your holding your right mouse button and move. If you do the action on CoolNovo, different functons will be applied such as close tab, create new tab, maximum/minimal window, etc.... It will save your lots of time, efficient operation and also increase the pleasure of use. For instance, you should go back/forward webpage by left/right mouse gestures, and close currently tab and switch to left/right tab by down-left/down-right mouse gestures. There are number of default mouse gestures and you can customize them for convenient.
As default, the mouse gestures is opened. Here is the method to close this feature:
Click Menu > Option > Mouse Gestures and unset [Open Mouse Gestures].
Most of features can be invoked by keyboard shortcut in CoolNovo. Click Menu > Option > Shortcut to add/modify them.
Open new window: Ctrl + N
Open CoolNovo Option:Ctrl + Shift + C
Close window:Ctrl + Shift + W
Close current window:Alt + F4
Open new window in privacy protection mode:Ctrl + Shift + N
Open new tab:Ctrl + T
Open new IE tab:Ctrl + I
Switch to first (leftmost) tab:Ctrl + 1
Switch to second tab:Ctrl + 2
Switch to third tab:Ctrl + 3
Switch to fourth tab:Ctrl + 4
Switch to fifth tab:Ctrl + 5
Switch to sixth tab:Ctrl + 6
Switch to seventh tab:Ctrl + 7
Switch to eighth tab:Ctrl + 8
Switch to last (rightmost) tab:Ctrl + 9
Switch to next tab:Ctrl + Tab
Switch to next tab:Ctrl + PageDown
Switch to previous tab:Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Switch to previous tab:Ctrl + PageUp
Reopen latest closed tab (lastest 10 tabs will be remembered in CoolNovo):Ctrl + Shift + T
Open a local disk file in CoolNovo:Ctrl + O
Close current tab or popup a window:Ctrl + W
Close current tab or popup a window:Ctrl + F4
Switch to previous webpage of current tab: BackSpace
Switch to previous webpage of current tab:Alt + LeftArrow
Switch to next webpage of current tab:Shift + BackSpace
Switch to next webpage of current tab:Alt + RightArrow
Open homepage in current window:Alt + Home
Display MenuBar:Alt + F
Open/Close favorites bar:Ctrl + Shift + B
Add all tabs to favorites:Ctrl + Shift + D
Open History window:Ctrl + H
Open Download window:Ctrl + J
Open CoolNovo Task Manager:Shift + Esc
Set focus to Toolbar:Shift + Alt + T
Open Developer Tools:Ctrl + Shift + J
Open Developer Tools:Ctrl + Shift + I
Open "Clean cache data" window:Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Open Help Center in new tab (recommend):F1
Add www. to Leftmost and .com to rightmost of input, and open it:Ctrl + Enter
Open the URL in new tab:Alt + Enter
URL standout display:Ctrl + L
URL standout display:Alt + D
In Address Bar, use default Search Engine to search given keyword:Ctrl + K
In Address Bar, use default Search Engine to search given keyword:Ctrl + E
In Address Bar, move cursor to previous keyword:Ctrl + LeftArrow
In Address Bar, move cursor to next keyword:Ctrl + RightArrow
In Address Bar, delete character/word before cursor:Ctrl + BackSpace
If possible, delete selected entry from browser history:Shift + Delete
Select first entry in drop-down list:PageUp
Select last entry in drop-down list:PageDown
Put focus to MenuBar, you can use LeftArrow/RightArrow to switch to different menu:F10
Put focus to MenuBar, you can use LeftArrow/RightArrow to switch to different menu:Alt
Print current webpage:Ctrl + P
Save current webpage:Ctrl + S
Refresh current webpage:F5
Refresh current webpage:Ctrl + R
Stop to load current webpage:Esc
Open SearchBar:Ctrl + F
Move to next searched keyword:Ctrl + G
Move to next searched keyword:F3
Move to previous searched keyword:Ctrl + Shift + G
Move to previous searched keyword:Shift + F3
Move to previous searched keyword:Shift + Enter
Refresh current webpage (ignore cache data):Ctrl + F5
Refresh current webpage (ignore cache data):Shift + F5
To view source code of current webpage:Ctrl + U
Add current URL to favorites:Ctrl + D
Open/Exit webpage in FullScreen mode:F11
Zoom in the webpage:Ctrl + +
Zoom in the webpage:Ctrl + Shift + +
Zoom out the webpage:Ctrl + -
Zoom out the webpage:Ctrl + Shift + -
Reset webpage to normal size:Ctrl + 0
Scroll down the webpage:Space
Scroll webpage to top:Home
Scroll webpage to bottom:End
Copy highlight content to clipboard:Ctrl + C
Paste from clipboard:Ctrl + V
Paste from clipboard:Shift + Insert
Paste from clipboard (No text format):Ctrl + Shift + V
Cut highlight content to clipboard:Ctrl + X
Cut highlight content to clipboard:Shift + Delete
Open link in new background tab: Ctrl + click link by left mouse button or middle mouse button (wheel)
Open link in new background tab and switch to: Ctrl + Shift + click link by left mouse button or middle mouse button (wheel)middle button (wheel)
Open link in new window: Shift + click link
Open link in exist tab: drag link to the tab
Open link in new tab: drag link to blank area of TabBar
Open link in new window: drag link out of TabBar
Move a tab to a window: drag a tab to an opened window
Cancel tab drag: Esc (In draging situation)
Close a tab: click middle mouse button (or wheel)
Close a tab: click middle mouse button (or wheel)
Maxmize window: double click in blank area of TabBar
Search in default search engine: input text and press Enter
Search in specific serch engine: input search engine keyword and insert a blank(space), and press Tab by system prompt, and finally press Enter
Search in specific serch engine: input search engine keyword and insert a blank(space), and press Tab by system prompt, and finally press Enter
Open URL in new tab: input URL and press ALT + Enter
Delete a history URL if possible: from AddressBar, select a URL by arrow keys and press Shift + Delete
Open a history URL in background new tab: select a URL by arrow keys and press middle mouse button (or wheel)
Focus on Firstly/Lastly entry in history dropdown list: Page Up/Down in history dropdown list
In auto scroll mode (it will scroll automatically according to your mouse cursor): click middle mouse button (or wheel)
Download: Press Alt and click the link
Add URL to favorites: drag the link to FavoritesBar
Scroll webpage horizontally: Press Shift and move your mouse
There are three types of Supper Drag: link, text and image: 1. Press left mouse button and drag the link to other position will open it in new tab; 2. For text, it will be searched in default search engine and opened in new tab; 3. For image, the image will be opened in new tab.
The SideBar is an important feature of CoolNovo, it is a powerful framework to install App. For most important, it is fully support Google Chrome App. You can install ToolBar App to SideBar by simple modify manifest.json file and repackage. With the SideBar Addon is unceasingly increase and rich, you will get more abundant SideBar applications such as games, search engines, shopping tools...
Welcome every developer help us make the App perfectly complete CoolNovo App Center. If you are the developer, please refer Developer Center.
For your convenience, CoolNovo add some download toolsets in right click menu. Currently following download toolset has been added: Thunder, Web Thunder, FlashGet, Mini FlashGet, NetX, QQDownload, NetAnts, Orbit, IS. You can find them in your right click menu if they already installed. And you can set a download toolset to default.
While your downloading a file, DownloadBar will be shown below TabBar to help you observe the process. You can click the file to open it when download finished.
CoolNovo can save your account automatically. If you login to a websit, CoolNovo will prompt you whether or not save your account. The account(username and password) will fill up automatically by browser if it has been saved.
CoolNovo will translate webpage automatically if it is not in your default language. Of course, you can close this feature in Option.
The other way is click right mouse button on webpage and then manually select [translate] in right click menu.
Please go to Google Chrome Help Center to see more functions
It is very convenience to add more functions to CoolNovo, or delete unneeded functions to optimize your browser.
How to install App
click "Tool" > "Addon" into configuration dialog, and then click "more App" link lower right corner to open Chrome Webstore. Click an Addon in Chrome WebStore, browser will download and install it automatic. Other way is to goto CoolNovo App Center to download.
Management App
In normally, just click right mouse button on Addon icon to configure, stop, uninstall.
If you have plenty of App to configure, you should click button to into "App"
click Option > Personal Data > Theme, and click "Get themes" to goto Chrome Skins and Themes webpage. In this webpage, theme file *.crx will be download when click "Apply" button.
If you have an own designed theme, just drag .crx file to the browser and then click continue button. In fact, .crx is an zip compressed file, if you want to see the detail, just change suffix to .zip and decompress it.
When download finished, the theme will be applied to browser immediately. Click "Cancel" button at the top of webpage will back to last theme.
Shortcut:View demonstrate
1、Switch to first tab: Ctrl + 1;
2、Create new tab: Ctrl + T;
3、Switch focus: Tab;
4、Close current tab: Ctrl + F4;
5、Switch to last tab: Ctrl + PageUp;
6、Hide browser`s window by boss key (to customize it in advance option): Ctrl + Shift + A;
7、Zoom in/out current webpage: Ctrl + "+/-";
8、Switch focus to AddressBar: F6 or Alt + D;
Mouse Gestures:View demonstrate
1、Create new tab: Right Top (↗);
2、Open a new link by Supper Drag and use mouse gestures "Down" (↓) to "PageDown";
3、Move mouse cursor to TabBar and scroll mouse wheel to switch to last tab;
4、Open a link in current webpage, and use "Left" (←) to back to previous webpage and use "Right" (→) to goto next webpage;
5、Press "Ctrl + double click" to close a tab, and use "Bottom Right" (↓→) to close current tab and switch to right tab; and use "Bottom Left" (↓←) to close current tab and switch to left tab;
Fixed tab:View demonstrate
1、Ctrl + T and input "" to open gmail, and right click current tab on TabBar and select "Fixed Tab";
2、And then Ctrl + T to input "", fix this tab and drag it for second tab;
3、Ctrl + T and open "", fix this tab and drag it for first tab
4、Switch to third tab, and press Ctrl + 1 switch to first tab, search keyword in search engine and use Supper Drag.
What different between CoolNovo and Google Chrome?
CoolNovo is designed based on Chrome, it have all Google Chrome`s features and more enhance functions such as Mouse Gestures, IE Tab, close tab by double click, Supper Drag, Download toolset support and etc... It is very convenience to use.
What is the "Dual Core" mean?
Some websites only support IE (Just for ActiveX). The CoolNovo is designed for this situation. It is fully combined all Chrome features and avoid such "IE Only" issue. You can switch to compatible mode (IE kernel) or high speed mode (Chrome kernel) by click %s icon on AddressBar.
How do I import IE favorites to CoolNovo?
Click "Import..." from FavoritesBar (or click button > Option > Personal Data, and click "import data from other browser"); select import source -- IE, import content -- (Favorites/Bookmarks) and finally click "import". Please pay attention: all imported favorites are in "other favorites" folder.
Why there are many version folders in CoolNovo directory?
Considering of some customers prefer older version, the previous version will not be deleted immedially after update. In this case, please click old_chrome.exe to run older version of CoolNovo.
Why there are so many chrome processes?
As default, CoolNovo run every website instance for a process. That is, every tab, addon, extention will run as a new process. In additional, every website instance will run in a "Sandbox", it will greatly enhance safety of CoolNovo.
Why do I encounter crash and suspended?
Sometimes we got these errors although do the strict test before release. The issue should be due to Addon (Plugin) conflict or configuration problem. Please go to our forum to report if encounter such issue, we will follow up in time.
How do I change UI language?
Click Option > Advance Option > Webpage Content > Spell and Check configuration
What different about install version and portable version?
It is essentially no different. Install version will ask you for path and create shortcut on desktop automatic, and it can be copy to other folder to run as well.
I`ve installed CoolNovo to c:\, do I copy it to other folder?
Yes, of course, CoolNovo is a fully green software. You should just copy CoolNovo to new directory and run. Please notices the folder must have the permission.
How do I configure shortcut of search engine?
For example, if you want to create a shortcut for Google engine and want to input "g + Tab" to do the searching with Google. Please click Option > Basic Option > Search > Management search engine > Google > Modify > Name > g
My antivirus software tell me have the virus?
We promise that CoolNovo is a green software and completely no trojans, no virus, no malicious software/Ads, no function limit and any third party software. If you find this situation, please contact us (by forum or email) and we will be the first time to ask antivirus software manufacturer to solve it. Of course, don`t exclude some vicious competition reasons.
Do the CoolNovo update automatically?
As default, CoolNovo will update automatic. The browser will check latest version and update when open.
Do the CoolNovo support previews of applications on taskbar in Win7?
Yes. You should configure it in Option > Basic Option > Tab
Do the CoolNovo can change cache folder?
Yes. You should configure it in Enhance Option -- Start
For more questions, please goto Forum of CoolNovo ( to report, we will follow it in time.