Roof frame of Sultan Mizan stadium collapses, 3 seriously hurt


KUALA TERENGGANU: The roof frame of the Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin stadium in Gong Badak here collapsed at 11.30am today while workers were dismantling the structure.

Three workers were injured in the incident, with two of them suffering broken legs after the structure fell on them.

The injured workers Mohd Nazirul Nizam Marzuki, 25, Wan Fajrulazmi Wan Ahmad, 26, and Mohd Shaidi Ismail, 21, were sent to the Sultanah Nur Zahirah hospital.
There were 12 workers at the scene dismantling the west wing roof structure as part of the stadium's rebuilding process when the 100-metre long steel frame collapsed.
The stadium was undegoing repair works after the debris of the east wing roof which collapsed on June 2, 2009 were cleared up last year.