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I think I sent that message the the wrong email address...

checked C41's NND again and I saw she actually had a specific email address for us to send the answer to...

I feel like I should send it again, but I don't want to bother her if she sees on that address I originally sent it to.

...fuck that shit. brb.

Oh, and no response from roco or anyone else.

nevermind, it is the correct email address. I just read it wrong.
although I'm starting to question whether we give her the answer in the community application or through email. the description wasn't exactly clear...
I sent an email to C41 with my answer from the crossword. My message includes:




"My Japanese name is Kaoru.
I am a MMD user living abroad. I live in South Korea. I currently study Japanese. I follow all the rules.
I have finished C41's puzzle.

Please accept me."

I'm not putting the required answer just because...

I also sent roco a community request with almost the exact same message.
Now I wait for a response...

Christy who the fuck are you kidding they'll never accept you


TOOK ME A MONTH, BUT I DID IT, should I just email her? or should I wait?
I was gone for the entire weekend. I was kicked off the computer on Thursday, too, so I have not been online at all for the past... three or so days.

And when I finally log on, there's OVER 700 MESSAGES WAITING FOR ME

most of them are just deviations and shiet, and only ten feedback messages ;w;

I got a question from chido, but since I couldn't log on, I couldn't answer it and she had to get it herself ;w;

I'm so sorry ;n;

but, yeah. weekend update OVER.

so, Roco released her France.


I hope she'll release it to the English community.

have a nice day, yo
So I downloaded pesterchum

and I added all the trolls

and OMFG

Eridan and Feferi are SO NICE
KK is hilarious as ever
Kanaya and Tavros are really sweet
Sollux... he told me off for no reason... maybe I'll talk to him later...
Terezi is a lot nicer than I expected
Nepeta, Equius, and Aradia won't answer ;n;
Vriska is so cool
Gamzee... we didn't talk much



add me on pesterchum
I'm someonecoolerthanYou



talk to me
Stole from ~SodaCat17 C:

1) Full Name: Who wants to know?

2) Male/Female: Female

3) Were you named after anyone?: dunno.

4) Does your name mean anything?: IDFK

5) Nick Name(s): Christy

6) What do you think you look like... name wise: I give no shits

7) Date Of Birth: May 21

8) Place of Birth and Current Location: South Korea, U.S.A.

9) Nationality: South Korean

10) Astrology Sign: Gemini

11) Chinese Astrology Sign: Rat

12) Religion: ...

13) Whats your favorite smell?: none.

14) Political Position?: I hate politics.

15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: tea or apple juice

16) Hair + Eye colour: deep brown

17) Do you look like anyone famous?: IDFK

18) What do you look like?: a person :iconyoudontsayplz:

19) Any unusual talents?: I can stand on my hands.

20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Righty.

21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Straight.

22) What do you do for a living?: I LIVE. HAHA GEDDIT?

23) What do you do for fun?: Spend time on the computer. Chillax. IDK.

24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?: Paint.NET, GIMP, I'm starting to get the hang of photoshop. There's also MMD but there's this whole controversial debate whether it's really considered "art" or not.

25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?: ???

26) Have you met your grandparents?: of course.

27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: NONE LOL CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??

28) Crush:

29) What celebrity would you date if you could?: WHY WOULD I TELL YOU 0///0

30) Current worries?: homework, SATs, future colleges, other shiet

31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s): WHOEVER IS READING THIS.

32) Favorite place to be?: Home.

33) Least favorite place to be?: Anywhere that is not home.

34) Do you burn or tan?: HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW

35) Ever break a bone?: I sprained my wrist, does that count?

36) What is your favorite cereal?: I don't eat cereal yo

37) Person you cry with: I don't cry. I bottle up my feelings, even though I really shouldn't...

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: pbfft no I would be screwed if I did

39) Any brothers: a younger one

40) Any pets: used to ;n;

41) An Illness: nope.

42) A Pager: no way.

43) A Personal phone line: yes.

44) A Cell phone: yes

45) A visible birthmark: no, but there's this penny-shaped freckle on the side of my head. my hair covers it. If you can actually find it through the jungle of my hair it's pretty neat.

46) A Pool or hot tub: neither

47) A Car: yes, but I don't choose to drive it.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: tsundere. that's pretty much it.

49) Driving: I DON'T DRIVE YO I really should though, my pals tease me because of it

50) Your clothing style: punk-like, manly-ish

51) Room: really messy. there's jackets and shiet everywhere haha

52) What's missing: bitch please I don't need nothing

53) School: high school. it sucks.

54) Bed: it's soft

55) Relationship with your parent(s): kinda bad. maybe because I'm so distant.

56) Do You believe in yourself: I don't really care.

57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: hell no

58) Consider yourself a good listener: I suppose

59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?: I'd like to become a voice actor. Maybe make it to Japan.

60) Get Along with your parents: ish.

61) Save your e-mail conversations: wat

62) Pray: no

63) Believe in reincarnation: dafuq kind of question is that?

64) Brush your teeth twice a day?: yes.

65) Like to talk on the phone: HAHA nope.

66) Like to eat?: it doesn't matter to me.

67) Like to exercise?: depends.

68) Like to watch sports?: depends on the sport.

69) Sing in the car?: ...yes.

70) What is a dream that you have all the time?: I don't usually dream.

71) Dream in color: like I said before, I don't usually dream, but when I do, yes.

72) Do you have nightmares?: nope.

73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:

74) Right next to you: computer mouse, speaker, a lighter, nail-clipper, a pen

75) On your favorite coffee cup?: I don't have a coffee cup yo

76) On your mouse pad: a picture of a really weird cat

77) Your favorite flavor of gum?: cherry or melon

78) Your brand of deodorant: I don't know, I just use stuff.

79) Your dream honeymoon spot: wat

80) Your dream husband/wife: WTF

81) Hiding in your closet?: clothes

82) Under your bed: IDK haven't checked in years

83) The name of one of your closest/best friends?: IDK

84) Your bad time of the day: waking up in the morning

85) Your worst fear(s): sharks, snails/slugs

86) What's the weather like: cold in the morning and a heatwave in the afternoon ;n;

87) Your favorite time of year?: autumn

88) Your favorite holiday?: I don't have one.

89) A material weakness?: COMPUTERS YO

90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: ...I don't know...

91) At the top of your "to-do list"?: GET ON TEH COMPUTER

92) The hardest thing about growing up: people treating you like a child, then telling you "JUST GROW UP"
It's just WTF

93) A pet peeve?: grammar mistakes

94) Your scariest moment: when I was ten my family and I visited an aquarium and the shark there almost bit my leg off

95) Your attitude about love?: fuck no. I try to stay away from it.

96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I don't remember

97) The worst feeling in the world: IDK

98) The best feeling in the world: truth be told, I like being alone.

99) Who sent this to you?: nobody

100) 6 people you tag: I DON'T GIVE A DAMN DO THIS IF YOU WANT
~I was just surfing the internet, minding my own business. I've been hearing rumours that the members of the EITC were starting to turn against each other. Me, I love to read hate comments. I decided to go check it out.

So I discovered that they made a sister EITC group dedicated to APH. HetaHetaDance.

There was a tumblr link there, that said would be helpful if anyone was looking for certain models. Out of curiosity, I clicked the link.

Guess what I see? My Pirate!Spain edit.

I feel like such an idiot right now. I should've looked over the people I gave him to. I feel really ashamed of myself for being so gullible. I don't even want to tell the admins running that tumblr to credit me, but I probably should...

I probably had it coming, not being careful, but it hurts. ;n; Really bad.

On the bright side, I probably won't be giving out any of my edits to random people again...
Then again, why was I giving them to strangers in the first place?

I really am dumb... Sorry to all the people who have to put up with me.
I finally started talking to people over omegle, and the first response I get?


and I'm sitting there with a :iconwthplz: face

"NOPE." -disconnect-
am I the only one who doesn't like this new dA layout? 0_________0
I was playing sim dates again, because I'm a nerd like dat. yeah.

I was playing ~SodaCat17's sim date, and I noticed...

"Did you know that by the time you are 16 years old there is a 75% chance you have met the person you are going to marry?!"

...I kinda panicked at that line.

I'm turning seventeen in a few months. I know plenty of guys, but I only see them as friends...

seriously, I'm looking through my facebook and shizz surfing through my list of guy friends, trying to predict who I will marry...

silly me, I'm too young. I don't even want to get married. :|
you can ignore this, I just want to blow off some steam.

Surfing YouTube. Saw a video regarding the South Koreans and the character of South Korea in the anime of Axis Powers Hetalia.

I'm adding my two cents. I feel like it's my duty. (yes I said duty hurrdurr)

First off.
Reading the comments, so many people were flaming the South Koreans, their government, etc.
Let me tell you something, bitches.

Unless you've gone through our pain, you have no right to say shit.
In my case, my great-grandfather was around during WWII. He was there when the Japanese invaded. He watched his best friend being beaten senseless by the Japanese. His girlfriend was almost raped. Most often, the reaction would be to hold a grudge. But me, I've forgiven the Japanese for what they did. It's all behind me. I have many Japanese friends, and they agree with me.

Other countries' complaints? Pssh, yeah, right. I'm sure somewhere in the world, there is a butthurt Italian/German/French/whatever person against this anime.

"The Italians are portrayed as a bunch of weaklings and cowards, and they haven't complained!"

So what? You guys want a fucking medal?

Now what I really think:

I would LOVE to have Yong Soo in the anime. I think he is so cute and funny.
Fun fact: South Korea was actually supposed to be featured in the first season of Axis Powers Hetalia. But because of the South Korean government's violent reaction toward the character, he was removed and the anime was banned from broadcasting on television.

I do disagree with some aspects of this character.

Groping? It's funny, for the first, what, two times or so. Then it would get annoying.
Idolizing the Japanese? You must be joking.
[insert item] originated in South Korea? Well, fuck. If you've paid attention in seventh grade, the first colonists of Japan were Korean. It makes no sense to claim "KOREA PLAGIARIZES ITS CULTURE FROM JAPAN AND CHINA"
Historic fact: Korea was a tributary state to China. A tributary state is a country that remains independent, yet acknowledges the superiority of another larger country. Korea did have influence from the Chinese, but it had its own customs and traditions. Saying Korea "copies" the cultures of China is like saying [insert country influenced by China] copied China's culture. Is that true? Of course not!

"Koreans are nothing but hot-headed nationalists with an overly pushy attitude! The Japanese are much more sweet and kind!"

I hate nationalism. In fact, I've said multiple times that I wish I were a different nationality. Well, I wouldn't know if I have an "overly pushy attitude" or not.
FYI, there is this VERY rude Japanese girl in my Japanese class. She's pushed and shoved me various times, for no reason. She holds her head high as if she believes Japanese are superior. Tell me that's not nationalism.

STFU about the South Koreans being butthurt.
Please know that not all of us are like that, at the very least.
Everything will be resolved eventually. Maybe someday they'll look back and laugh at themselves for behaving so childishly.

You guys can go back to your lives. Sorry for wasting your time.
Hey, guys. I was stalking C41's NND as always, trying to find the link again to her crossword, and I saw she made Japan.


I haven't found a video yet.

Her deviantart, ~C41-mmd contains nothing about it.

I guess he's only being distributed in the community, which makes me want to finish the crossword that much more.


that amazing moment when you see someone use your edit

well... at least I think it's mine ^^;


that Pirate!Spain from my last account.

when you walk into your own room and you see your younger brother, shirtless, skyping with some girl .___.

...why is he even in my room in the first place.



...AAAANNNNDDD I'm online at 1:55 in the morning.

;w; whyy Rosie

1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.
6. No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.

1. QUICK YOU HAVE TO MARRY SOMEONE LIKE, PRONTO. So who is it, and why? (It can be anyone, real or not real)

Uhh... IDK, marriage is something I don't really want to think about.
I'd marry myself xD only because I can live with myself forever.

2. Your life now goes along with a movie. What movie, and why?

I'd travel all across the world to meet somebody I love.

3. Would you rather never be able to: speak, see, or hear?

That's really hard. I'd never speak, if I had to choose...

4. You are now in the Hunger Games, in the place of Katniss Everdeen. Yes, you are now ______ Everdeen. WHAT WILL YOU DO? (Peeta's there, too.)

Never seen/read it :/

5. If you were to be saved by a superhero, who would it be and why?

Ugh. I hate superheroes.
I guess I'd pick Iron Man only because of his cool outfit

6. If you are in middle or high school, you now have the option to fastforward to your college years. If you are in college, you now have the option to rewind to your middle, high, or elementary school years. Do you take the opportunity, and why or why not?

I'm in high school. I don't want to go to college just yet. I don't think I'm ready to deal with the real world yet ;w;

7. What is 'beauty'?

"Beauty" is the amazing aura that attracts people to one. Society may twist and render the definition of beauty to whatever fits their expectations, such as appearance, but true beauty is always the soul.

damn, I sound so cheesy xD

8. You can pick one class to always get 100% in forever. What class?

I do OK in other classes.

9. The thing to your right is now your zombie apocalypse weapon. What is it, and how will you use it?

...a lighter.



10. Would you rather be a famous Youtuber, or Tumblr user?

I don't really like Tumblr, so I guess YouTube...


1) What was the most creepy compliment you've ever received? Who was it?

2) You have a chance to switch lives with your best friend. Will you take it?

3) If you choose no to the last question, why do you choose to stay with your own life?

4) Eat a crocodile or let a slug crawl all over your face?

5) Have any allergies?

6) How often do you clip your toenails? Why?

7) You're just standing around, chilling, when a boy/girl with short brown hair and red/brown glasses comes up to you and says "YO WHAT'S UP MAH BROTHA" (totally not Christy)

8) If you had the chance to be born as the opposite gender?

9) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

10) Go to any time period you want? Which is it, and why?

to stay sane?

I was actually thinking about this earlier. I've concluded that...


Staying sane is fairly easy as long as you immerse yourself within the right group of people. In fact, hanging with a bunch of insane people might push you to stay sane more than hanging out with sane people.

Allow me to explain.

When I was young, I used to be friends with a group of people who talked about nothing but cartoons such as Pokemon. Sure, I loved Pokemon as a child, but I would ask to talk about different things every now and then. Of course, no one listened to me.

It soon came to my attention that those "friends" of mine were insane, brainless Pokemon fantards. When I mentioned something else, such as how the school bully was picking on that nerd the other day and I told him to shove off, they would simply glare at me and move somewhere else to talk about their precious yellow electric mouse.

Hanging out with an insane crowd pushes you to be different, from what I've gathered. If that is not the case, you grow influenced by the insane group and become insane yourself.

Sanity has always been the positive aspect of society. Insanity will not benefit the individual in their life.

But ignorance is a different story.
1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.
6. You cannot say in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people.

Questions by ~xDreamOfRoses

1 what is your favorite Homestuck Character? (if you don't read HS)/ what is the weirdest thing you ever seen?

Easy one. Karkat Vantas ;w;



2 HS pairing(if you dont read HS)?/ take a bath in Mentos and Coca-cola :U

SolKat, EriSol, and PB&J



3 You're favorite Seiyuu

-blush- Noriaki Sugiyama or Kouki Uchiyama ;w;

4 Things you hate in Fandom

insane fans. :X and excessive amounts of shipping. example, fans will try to kill you if you do not agree with a certain ship. ~CreamSodaBubbles and I discussed this once.

5 what would you're 2p be?

my 2P...?
I think she'd be super nice since I'm so teasing xD
or, she'd be really creepy and fashion-obsessed ;w;

I tagged

I give no craps, do this if you want to. here are the questions.

1) Go watch "Dragonzball Peepee" by OneyNG on YouTube. Reaction?
2) What would you do for a Klondike bar?
3) Describe yourself with an internet face. Example: trollface.
4) Opinion on Dane Cook?
5) Do you have moves like jagger?
I would have the :iconwthplz: face.


I was browsing my APH favourites, and I see this really good piece of art that I'd favourited. It almost looked like a screencap of the anime. So I took my time to browse the deviant's gallery, favouriting whatever I liked as I went along.

"Wow, I really like this person's work," I thought to myself, smiling. "This person deserves a watch." I clicked the watch button at the top of the page.

Then I saw a motivational poster in his/her gallery.

Molesting the world, one nation at a time."

Just... no.

I can never respect someone who thinks like that. There were a TON of comments giving the poster good feedback... which I CAN'T BELIEVE. SERIOUSLY.
Only one or two comments I've read mentioned "this is offensive."

Excuse me, while I sulk in a corner.
Comment and I'll...

1- Tell you something I learned about you by looking at your page for 10 seconds.

2- Tell you a color you remind me of.

3- Tell you what element I believe you belong to (water, fire, air, etc.).

4- Tell you what OC(s) of yours is/are my favorite(s).

5- Ask you a question, and you must answer.

6- Tell you something I like about you.

7- Give you a nickname.

8- Tell you what am I doing right now.

9- Tell you what food/flavor/smell you remind me of.

10- Dare you to do one of these in your journal too, if you haven't already.
I see so many people doing kiribans, I thought I might do one too ;w;

Whoever can send me a screenshot of my page at 1000 pageviews wins.

I'll send the first place winner a link to a bunch of my MMD Edits, they can pick three of their choice.

Second place gets two edits of choice.

Third place gets one edit of choice.

NOTE me the link to your screenshot.

Journal History