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Well Shit.

Journal Entry: Tue Mar 26, 2013, 6:22 PM
  • Listening to: Louder Than Thunder
  • Reading: The Red Pony
  • Playing: With MMD and a bunch of art programs
  • Drinking: Saliva







CSS by =MirageMasaki

Between My Legs

Journal Entry: Sun Mar 24, 2013, 4:37 PM


You can probably find all of these songs on YouTube. Just type in the name.

1. Put your iPod or MP3 on Shuffle.
2. List the first twenty songs you hear.
3. Put "Between my Legs" at the end of every song
4. Bold your favourite ones.

1. One More Time Between My Legs
2. Riot Between My Legs
3. Double Rainbow Between My Legs (DON'T JUDGE)
4. Crawling Between My Legs (wat)
5. Break Even Between My Legs
6. Olive You Between My Legs
7. Wake Me Up When September Ends Between My Legs (WTF)
8. New Divide Between My Legs
9. Breaking the Habit Between My Legs
10. The Reason Between My Legs
11. Animal I Have Become Between My Legs
12. I Gotta Feeling Between My Legs
13. Tonight Between My Legs
14. Clocks Between My Legs
15. Melancholic Between My Legs
16. Until the Day I Die Between My Legs (what the bloody hell)
17. Yellow Between My Legs (:iconimspeechlessplz:)
18. High Above Me Between My Legs
19. Bring Me To Life Between My Legs
20. Not Over You Between My Legs

CSS by =MirageMasaki

Yo Siddown and Lemme Tell Y'all a Story

Journal Entry: Sat Mar 23, 2013, 8:37 PM

You will NOT believe what happened to me tonight.

I was at In'N'Out a few hours ago (for those who don't know what In'N'out is, it's a burger place usually only on the west coast of the U.S. it has the best burgers, I swear). Like an average Saturday evening there, it was crowded as fuck and my mum and I had to wait for about half an hour until we could order.
So we were sitting on the bench nearby, waiting for our food, and I see something fucking incredible out of the corner of my eye

I saw a guy who looked remarkably like USA
minus the ahoge
and he even had this Asian friend with him that looked like Japan, but with a bit longer hair

I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't take a picture D:

but I was basically staring at him for ten minutes with my mouth slightly open
And dude
He ordered a shit ton of food. I didn't hear exactly what he ordered, but the cashier gave him a really weird look, as if to say "how the hell are you gonna eat all of that?"

They saw me.
"Japan" tapped "USA's" shoulder and told him something, I think he said something like "hey that chick over there is staring at us"
"USA" gave me this really big smile
I gave him a small smile back

but fuck I was so embarrassed they caught me staring at them
but right then my food came and we had to leave, I kept staring at them until I left
they stared right back at me
"USA" kept smiling at me

fuck I'm still going doki doki

I'm serious, true story
I wish I was lying

CSS by =MirageMasaki
If you have 00-10 ... write [I'm a goody-goody]
If you have 11-20 ... write [I'm still a goody-goody]
If you have 21-30 ... write [I'm average]
If you have 31-40 ... write [I'm a bad kid]
If you have 41-50 ... write [I'm a very bad influence]
If you have 51-60 ... write [I'm a horrible person]
If you have 61-70 ... write [I should be in jail]
If you have 71-80 ... write [I should be dead]
If you have 81-90 ... write [I got a ticket to Hell] ((PFF XDDD))


[ ] Smoked
[x] Consumed alcohol (( I didn't even know it was alcohol at the time .___. ))
[x] Slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex (( it was my cousin .__. ))
[x] Slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex (( again, cousin. big family sleepover. ))
[ ] Kissed someone of the same sex
[ ] Had sex
[x] Had someone in your room other than family
[x] Watched porn (( I was dared .___. I regret everything. ))
[ ] Bought porn
[ ] Tried drugs  


[ ] Taken painkillers
[ ] Taken someone else's prescription medicine
[x] Lied to your parents (( hasn't everyone? ))
[x] Lied to a friend (( pbffft ))
[x] Snuck out of the house
[ ] Done something illegal
[x] Felt hurt
[x] Hurt someone
[ ] Wished someone to die
[ ] Seen someone die


[ ] Missed curfew (( I don't have one. ))
[ ] Stayed out all night.
[ ] Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself
[ ] Been to a therapist
[ ] Received a ticket
[ ] Been to rehab
[ ] Dyed your hair
[x] Been in an accident
[ ] Been to a club
[ ] Been to a bar


[ ] Been to a wild party (( parties aren't really my thing. ))
[ ] Been to a Mardi Gras parade
[ ] Drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night
[ ] Had a spring break in Florida
[ ] Sniffed anything.
[ ] Wore black nail polish
[ ] Wore arm bands
[ ] Wore t-shirts with band names
[x] Listened to rap
[ ] Owned a 50 Cent CD


[ ] Dressed goth
[ ] Dressed girly
[x] Dressed punk
[ ] Dressed grunge
[x] Stole something. (( it was a wallet with absolutely nothing inside. ))
[ ] Been too drunk to remember anything
[ ] Blacked out.
[ ] Fainted
[ ] Had a crush on a neighbor

[x] Had a crush on a friend (( ...still do... ))
[ ] Been to a concert
[ ] ----------------- (( ??? ))
[x] Been called a slut (( by some guy online. idiot. ))
[x] Called someone a slut
[ ] Installed speakers in a car
[x] Broken a mirror
[ ] Showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
[ ] Brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush


[ ] Considered Ludacris your favorite rapper
[x] Seen an R-rated movie
[x] Cruised the mall
[ ] Skipped school.
[ ] Had surgery
[ ] Had an injury
[ ] Gone to court
[ ] Walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping
[x] Lied about your age (( to a little kid .____. ))


[ ] Owned/rented an apartment/house
[ ] Broke the law in the police's presence
[ ] Made out with someone who had a GF/BF
[ ] Got in trouble with the police
[x] Talked to a stranger
[ ] Hugged a stranger
[ ] Kissed a stranger
[ ] Rode in the car with a stranger
[ ] Been harassed
[ ] Been verbally harassed


[ ] Met face-to-face with someone you met online (( I wish ;n; ))
[x] Stayed online for 5+ hours straight
[x] Talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight
[ ] Watched TV for 5 hours straight
[x] Been to a fair
[ ] Been called a bad influence
[ ] Drank and drove
[x] Prank-called someone (( I pretended to be the girl from "the grudge" xD ))
[x] Laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex (( my brother? .___. ))
[x] Cheated on a test

I noticed I don't really take the time to actually talk to and get to know my watchers, except the select few on my dA friends listed on my userpage.

Here's a question for you, the person staring at the screen at this moment:

Are you currently in a relationship?

If yes, that's awesome! I envy you.

If no, are you interested in someone?

What's his/her name? How did you meet?

Gimme a comment, plz. C:
~xDreamOfRoses was right.

there is going to be some SERIOUS drama in the HMMDC.

get the popcorn with the extra butter.

this is gonna be one hella ride.
Who's up for a match of Draw My Thing?

Doujins are my new poison

I can't stop reading them

It's 12:41 right now, I should be in bed but I can't stop reading

and you don't even want to know what kind of doujins I'm looking at

you really don't

they're really gory and bloody


Dunno. Stole this from Tumblr, Thought I'd post this...

Send Me an Ask: Hetalia Style!

America: What is your favourite place to eat?
Christy: I don't usually eat out, I don't really know.
Australia: Do you have any quirks when speaking?
Christy: I tend to use the words "yo" and "bloody hell" waaaay too often
Austria: What kind of person do you wish to be?
Belarus: Is there anyone you love? Family, friends, romantic interest?
Christy: Well, of course! His name is Michael and he's my mum's best friend's son...
Belgium: What do you think of your siblings?
Christy: My brother is a total arse. Does that answer your question?
Botswana: Do you like to sing? Why or why not?
Christy: Hell yeah! I've loved music since I was young, it hasn't changed a bit!
Bulgaria: Who do you consider close to you?
Christy: Not very many people. Do I have to name them?
Cameroon: Describe your culture.
Christy: Culture is a beautiful thing. I'm not going into detail.
Canada: Favourite wintertime activity?
Christy: That's a hard one... Snowboarding or staying home with hot chocolate.
China: What was the best moment of your life?
Christy: When I achieved my black belt in martial arts.
Cuba: What sort of grudges do you hold if any?
Christy: I'm not really one to hold grudges! If I do, then it's usually pointless and immature, haha.
Cyprus: What hands-on activities do you like(drawing, carving, building, etc.)?
Christy: I love drawing! I also climb trees if you count that as hands-on, too!
Denmark: Do you wish for something of your past?
Christy: My childhood friend...?
Egypt: Do you stand up for what you believe in? How?
Christy: Of course, what kind of person would I be if I didn't? I'd just confront them and let the shitstorm begin...
England: Are you controlling?
Christy: Depends. If I want to be, very.
Estonia: Do you think people often misunderstand you?
Christy: I don't think, I know. A lot of people tend to stay away from me.
Finland: What do you prefer, kindness, sternness, or apathy?
Christy: Anything but apathy. Ironic, since I'm usually like that.
France: How do you show love for those you care for?
Christy: I don't like showing love through physical contact. I show love through support and humour.
Germania: What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?
Christy: Accept the fact that I can't be happy all the time.
Germany: Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself?
Christy: I think that's a given. I beat myself up over the smallest things...
Ghana: What is your favourite sport?
Christy: enjoy playing basketball and watching nothing.
Greece: Do you let other help you when in need?
Christy: Not usually. I'm a prideful person. I don't like accepting help.
Hungary: Who is the person you trust most?
Christy: I trust myself. "The closest friend one can have is the who they see in the mirror."
Hutt River: What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you have had?
Christy: Check my past journals. It's called "I had this WTF-tastic Dream"
Hong Kong: Do you fear death?
Christy: Pbffft, no. What's it gonna do, kill me?
Iceland: Do you hide your real personality? Why?
Christy: Of course. I don't want people to step all over me.
India: How important is family to you?
Christy: I'm happy they're there for me.
Japan: Tell us a secret about yourself.
Christy: It's difficult to make me laugh. In fact, your show is one of the few things that is able to pull it off.
Kenya: What is your favourite wild animal?
Christy: A wolf or tiger. I don't usually pay attention to that kind of stuff.
Korea: What is one thing you accomplished by yourself?
Christy: Building friendships~! Oh wait, I even had to have help with that... *sulk
Kugelmugel: Is there anyone you have a love-hate relationship with?
Christy: Yes, a buddy of mine, Drew. I act like I hate him but he's important to me.
Latvia: Do you believe you are brave?
Christy: Yes. I won't get anywhere if I'm not.
Ladonia: What is the internet site you visit most often?
Christy: I guess DeviantART or YouTube. I don't really use Facebook.
Liechtenstein: How do people underestimate you most often?
Christy: As quiet and shy, but that's totally the opposite if who I am.
Lithuania: Do you desire power?
Christy: Power is the only thing that keeps me going.
Macau: What is your favourite festival or celebration?
Christy: Make fun of me all you want... Valentines' Day.
Molossia: Do you consider yourself strong?
Christy: I have to be. I have to live up to the expectations of the people around me.
Monaco: Do you think you are a lucky person?
Christy: I always have bad luck.
New Zealand: Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, Hobbit, or wizard?
Christy: Uh. I'd choose to be a wizard, Harry Potter all the way bby
North Italy: What is your least favourite part of your personality?
Christy: I wish I could talk to people more easily. Or, at least try not to feel so uncomfortable.
Norway: What was the most disappointing time in your life?
Christy: Seventh grade, worst time of my life.
Netherlands: Most generous thing someone has done for you?
Christy: People giving me gifts.
Poland: Hardest thing you have gone through?
Christy: Believe it or not, heartbreak.
Prussia: Would you prefer to live forever or die alone?
Christy: Tough one. I guess I'd live forever, even if means I have to endure the pain.
Roman Empire: How would you like to be remembered?
Christy: As the weird introvert who actually broke out of her bubble and did something awesome
Romania: What is something you are very ashamed of?
Christy: Being unable to speak up for a friend even though I was right there
Russia: Have you ever suffered from low self esteem? Do you still?
Christy: Perhaps I do. The glass is always half-empty.
Sealand: Who is your best friend?
Christy: I'm not sure if I have one.
Seborga: What is your favourite beverage?
Christy: Tea! Or root beer. Dat shit is amazing yo
Seychelles: How do you handle people being rude to you?
Christy: Of course you'd ask that. I'd take it calmly. I don't care what they think of me.
South Italy: What is your favourite part of your personality?
Christy: I'm a very loyal person. I don't let my peeps down.
Spain: What would you tell to the person or people you hurt most if you had a second chance?
Christy: Depends. If I didn't mean it, I'd tell them I'm sorry.
Sweden: Are you a leader, follower, or independent?
Christy: A leader! If you want to get something done, you do it yourself.
Switzerland: Would you consider yourself evil, good, or neutral?
Christy: Neutral. There really is no difference between good and evil.
Thailand: How good is your poker face?
Christy: Really good. Most people can't tell what I'm thinking.
Tibet: What do you value most?
Christy: I value the beauty of life.
Taiwan: What do you think of the people or person who raised you?
Christy: I wish they'd stop being so anal about worthless things!
Turkey: Would you ever want children?
Christy: Never. They've never interested me.
Uganda: How would you like others to see you?
Christy: The tsundere that secretly likes this guy but acts like she hates him
Ukraine: What is one thing that has made you stronger in life?
Christy: Isolation. If I keep away from people, I won't have to suffer pain, right?
Vietnam: What is something you are proud of about yourself?
Christy: I can tell when people lie to me.
Wy: What kind of art do you like?
Christy: I love all kinds of art, except abstract. It's just complete bullshit.
Zimbabwe: Who is your favourite character from any folklore?
Christy: The Pirate Prince from this French story I read, I'm not sure what it was called...
I stole this from =SuicideParker

[x] You drink a lot of tea.
[] You know what a brolly is.
[] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life.
[] You wanted Ben to win X Factor.
[/] You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell." (I mostly use "bloody hell")
[x] Fish and chips are yummy.
[x] You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
[] You dislike Emos almost as much as you dislike Chavs.
[] It's football.... Not soccer.

Total = 3.5

[] You wear flip-flops all year.
[] You call flip-flops "thongs" not flip-flops.
[] You love a backyard barbie.
[] You know a barbie is not a doll.
[] You love the beach.
[x] Sometimes you swear without realizing.
[] You're a sports fanatic.
[] You are tanned.
[] You're a bit of a bogan.

Total = 1

[] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[] You know Italian songs.
[x] You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[] You speak some Italian.
[x] You are under 5'10"
[] Pizza/spaghetti is the best foods in the world.
[] You talk with your hands.

Total = 2

[] You say 'member' instead of remember.
[] You speak Spanish or some.
[] You like tacos
[] YoU TyPe LiKe ThIs On YoUr CoMpUtEr
[] You are dark skinned.
[] You know what a Puta is.
[x] You talk fast occasionally.
[x] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[] You know what platanos are.

Total = 2

[] You say villain as: Vee-lon.
[] You have more than one vodka bottle in your house.
[] You know the difference between channel 1 and RTVI.
[] You know of somebody named Natasha.
[] You don't get cold easily.
[] You get into contests all the time.
[] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
[] You can speak some Russian.
[x] You love listening to techno.

Total = 1

[] Your parents let you drink.
[] You know what a pizda is.
[] You have Pierogi at least once a week.
[] People always ask to see your "kielbasa" checking if you're Polish.
[] People randomly call you their best friend.
[] You have made/know what pisanki are.
[] You laughed when Poland beat the USA in the 2002 World Cup

Total = none

[] You think beer is the best.
[] You have a bad temper.
[] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with ay, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y.
[] You have blue or green eyes. (My eye's change colors from blue to green.)
[] You like the colour green.
[] You have been to a St. Patty's day party.
[] You have a family member from Ireland.
[] You have/had red hair.
[] You have/had freckles.
Total = none

[x] You have slanty/small eyes.
[/] You like rice a lot. (wow I suck as an Asian)
[] You are good at math.
[x] You have played the piano.
[x] You have family from Asia
[] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[] Most people think you're Chinese (they mostly think I'm Japanese... well, I am partially so haha)
[] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[] You go to Baulko.

Total =  3.5 (I am an Asian xDD)

[x] You like bread.
[x] You think American Chocolate is good.
[] You speak some German.
[] You know what Schnitzel is.
[] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi.
[x] You went to Pre-school.
[] You're under 5'4".  
[] You have been to Germany

Total = 3

[] You like to ride 4 Wheeler's.
[] You love beer.
[] You say eh.
[] You know what poutine is.
[] You speak some French.
[] You love Tim Horton's.
[] At one point you lived in a farm house.
[] You watch(ed) Degrassi.

Total = none

[x] You like French toast.
[] You love wine.
[] You speak a little or are fluent in French.
[] You have eaten a snail.
[] You like fashion.
[] You have been to France.
[x] You are either a Catholic, a Muslim, a Protestant or a Jew.  

Total = 2

[x] You like fast food.
[x] You call football football and soccer soccer...
[] You can trace your ancestery back to Ellis Island...
[] You watch way too much TV
[] You are obsessed with the royal wedding
[] You have a dog
[] You have a cushy job
[] You were sad when Steve Jobs died

Total = 2

[] You know what lefse is.
[] You can speak some Norwegian.
[] You love trolls.
[] You know what lutefisk is.
[] You have been whale hunting/seeing.
[] Food made with potatoes and flour rule.
[] Fish is a huge part of your diet.
[]You have blue or green eyes and have blonde or brown hair.
[x] You know how to fish or have fished before.

Total = 1

[] You grow some small vegetables in the yard.
[x] You like french fries.
[] You think Belgian chocolate rules.
[] You know that the official best beer in the world is Belgian.
[] You speak both Dutch and French.
[] You like Belgian waffles.
[] You call a pub or bar a café.
[] You fully realize and acknowledge that your football team sucks.
[] You drive/own a French or German car.
[] You have a lot of comments on your government.

Total = 1

[] You like the color orange.
[] You are a football enthusiast.
[] You often go to 'coffee shops'.
[x] You know what is meant by 'coffee shops'.
[] You tend to overreact and show your emotions.
[] You have a cheerful nature.
[] You like the sea.
[] You are good at building handiwork projects.
[] You tend to favour the megalomania.

Total = 1

I am Asian and British xDD
Today is Italy's birthday, right? Romano, too?

Isn't today St. Patrick's day?



Let's pinch them >3
holy shit kill me now





Copy and paste dis into your comment

What would you do if......

● I died:
● I kissed you:
● I fell:
● I lived next door to you:
● I showed up at your house unexpectedly:
● I stole something:
● I was murdered:
● I cried:
● I asked you to marry me:
● I was hospitalized:

Would you......

● Keep a secret if I told you one?
● Hold my hand?
● Study with me?
● Cook for me?
● Love me?
● Date me?


● When and how did we meet?
● Describe me in three words.
● What was your first impression of me?
● What do you think of me now?
● What reminds you of me?
● Could you see us together forever?
● When's the last time you saw me?
● Are you gonna re-post this to see what I say about you?
I am so tempted to make a comic of this


I can't stop laughing

IDK if it'd violate rules or some other shiet

well I'm going to hang with Hawaii and Alaska

I dunno if people like my style enough to request stuff, but I really need to get off my lazy ass and actually get something done, y'know?

I guess I'll take requests.

Anything the person wants, as usual.

I am waiting to marry whoever makes an animation of this song



oh yeah

I made that plz account


scty is "someone cooler than you" because that original screenname was too long xD

that is all
I'm making silly plz icons

yeah that's all I had to say xD
well that's the end of journal skins


I can't wait to get a premium account

A JoinMe?

Journal Entry: Mon Mar 11, 2013, 8:15 PM

daddy just came home and I can't find good parts to use anyway
I'll make China tomorrow

I'm making an Arte Stella Artbook edit of USA



CSS by =MirageMasaki

Journal History