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A web server option offered by some hosting companies is a dedicated server system. Such a system is a single server within a network system dedicated to one customer. Large companies that may have a high volume of traffic will utilize a dedicated server. This type of server allows the customer to create hosting space customized to their exact needs. The customer has the ability to upload any type of software and customize the hardware.

The web hosting company will work with the customer to make sure the dedicated server accommodates the needs of the web page with the desired customization. A dedicated server system will give the customer the ability to create additional domains, if they use different domains for different aspects of their company. This is also ideal if the customer operates satellite businesses or a chain of companies. A dedicated server will keep everyone under one roof.

Ecommerce websites are perfect candidates for a dedicated server, especially if there are different websites contained within the business. This makes point of sale capabilities efficient, especially when it is time to upgrade those facilities. It is necessary to make the revision once and the change will affect all point of sale sites.

The biggest benefit of a dedicated server is the simplification of the support and administration for each domain contained within the dedicated server. This maintains continuity and efficiency when maintaining a website. This saves time, effort and labor when maintaining a website, not to mention it streamlines the cost.

Websites experience quicker web page access with a dedicated server. The customization of the page will also provide the necessary efficiency, making for a better running web page. If the customer does not need all the web space provided with a dedicated server, the customer is free to sell or lease the extra web space. This is usually completed under a resellers program the customer has with the hosting provider. This is a way to help pay for the disk space and even start a web hosting company, if so desired.

Dedicated servers are the costliest of all the hosting services, but for a large business with a high volume of traffic, a dedicated server is usually the right answer.