Choosing Champix: Uncover the Truth about its Action, Side Effects and Effectiveness in Helping You Stop Smoking

Champix is a popular smoking cessation treatment choice, but just how much do you really know about this drug? Before buying a pack online and starting therapy, learn how it works, what your body’s possible reactions to it are, and how effective it is based on credible clinical trials.

Drug Action: Agonist or Antagonist?
In terms used to describe drug actions, an agonist is a substance that attaches to a receptor in the body to stimulate a particular response. On the other hand, an antagonist is a drug that also binds with a receptor but does not elicit a response in itself—instead, it serves to block or dull the effect of agonists present.

As a drug, Champix is a little of both. Technically, it is known as a partial agonist of nicotine receptors in the brain. This property allows Champix to have a unique twofold action to help you combat nicotine addiction, which is the primary problem that makes it difficult for smokers to break away from the habit.

As a partial agonist, Champix binds with the brain’s nicotine receptors to stimulate a response similar to that experienced by the smoker every time he or she smokes. The pleasurable sensations produced by nicotine are thus mimicked by this action of Champix, diminishing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

For its second action, it also partly acts like an antagonist. As it binds with nicotine receptors, it also blunts the effect of actual nicotine on the receptors. So each time you smoke, you will find the activity not as pleasurable as it used to be. This reduction in the positive reinforcement you obtain from smoking will further help you resist smoking urges and eventually quit the habit.

Drug Safety: What are the possible side effects?
Champix, known in the United States as Chantix, is a safe medication approved for use by the US FDA, the European Medicines Agency, and Health Canada. In fact, before it was marketed, its review period was shortened by the US FDA from the standard 10 months to just 6 months due to its demonstration of remarkable effectiveness and safety in clinical trials.

Champix has been approved for use because of its safety and effectiveness in helping people quit smoking. Most people who take it do not experience significant side effects; most side effects reported are minor, if any. In clinical trials, the most commonly reported is nausea, which occurred in about 30% of the patients.

Often, the nausea experienced is mild and tolerable, and was can be reduced if the drug is taken along with a full 8-oz glass of water. A slower increase in dose titration has also been a suggested technique in reducing the occurrence of nausea among Champix therapy patients. However, every drug will elicit a unique response from different individuals, so read the drug leaflet included in the pack for a complete list of possible side effects and important cautions.

Drug Effectiveness: How does it compare with other therapies?
A randomized controlled trial in 2006 evaluated the effectiveness of Champix in stopping smoking and effecting continued abstinence from the habit. The study showed that the group treated with Champix had the highest rate of continued abstinence, with 23% remaining to be non-smokers one year after therapy. Those treated with bupropion (another smoking cessation treatment also involving a non-nicotine drug) showed a 15% abstinence rate, while the placebo group demonstrated a 10% abstinence rate.
Thus, Champix not only has the highest success rate of helping to stop smoking immediately after therapy, but also offers the highest chances of maintaining abstinence long after therapy has been completed.
So your next step? Buy Champix online and start your therapy as prescribed for a smoking-free life ahead.