iOption started as a small business and through the efforts of the owners who have extensive backgrounds in the gaming industry, Internet marketing and financial risk management, iOption has grown into an international brokerage company. The company is a privately help organization that has moved to the forefront off the trading industry.

The development team at iOption designed a trading platform that is user friendly and just right for trading binary options. The platform is ideal for the novice trader as well as the seasoned trading veteran. There is no prior trading experience necessary to use iOption, but traders should have a basic understanding of binary trading.

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iOption offers one of the most sophisticated and elite platforms in the industry. They offer one of the highest payouts in the industry and allow traders to trade currency pairs, commodities, indices and stocks. When traders open an account, a personal account manager is assigned to that account for the purpose of working with the trader. The assistant is always available through email, telephone and online chat in the event the trader has a question or problem that needs answering as soon as possible to avoid hindering the trade at the moment.

The iOption platform is a web based entity, making sure the trader has access to the latest and greatest program, information and tools. The web based program also allows the trader to trade at anytime, no matter where they are. Traders no longer have to be sitting at the same computer to use iOption. The trader no longer has to download software and set up a program in order to trade, which is a time saver.

The generous iOption payouts range from a healthy 70 to 400%. iOption also offers protection rates to minimize losses when a trade finishes out of the money. iOption takes client security seriously and has installed the most advanced and sophisticated security system in the trading industry. The purpose is to protect the client’s personal and trading data, offering peace of mind while online wheeling and dealing with trades. The iOption protection rate offers between 0 and 15% reimbursement of the value of the trade for those that finish out of the money.

iOption offers a variety of promotional programs as well as ongoing incentives to attract new customers and retain existing customers. The offers are typically time limited offers that work with specific terms and conditions and those terms and conditions must be fulfilled in order to take advantage of the offers.

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