Plumbers Brisbane repair, maintain and install pipes, fixtures such as sinks, showers, tubs, laundry facilities, water treatment and heating facilities, as well as outside irrigation and water systems. Plumbers work on new and existing construction, as well as additions and rebuilds.

Plumbers must be familiar with the local plumbing codes and know when to apply them. They must be familiar with plumbing materials and what is acceptable under the plumbing codes. Most plumbing work is subject to inspection under local codes and the plumber has to have the ability to install or repair plumbing that will pass inspection. Often times passing the inspection will determine if the building is granted occupancy or a full use permit. This is critical if a family is waiting to move into a house or apartment or if an office or store opens according to schedule.

Plumbers are required to be licensed and unlicensed plumbers must work under the direct supervision of a licensed plumber. Plumbers can become licensed by serving in an apprentice program and passing the license exam. The apprentice program includes working a certain number of hours over the course of 2 to 5 years and work under the supervision of a licensed plumber. The time spent working the apprenticeship program must be documented according to the rules and regulations of apprenticeship.

 Once the apprenticeship program has been fulfilled, the applicant can apply to take the exam. The exam must be taken within 18 months of completing the program or the applicant must apply to extend the exam timeframe. That will require the applicant to take an 8 week plumbing refresher class prior to taking the exam.

When the applicant passes the test, they will be awarded a license to practice plumbing. They are allowed to perform plumbing tasks without supervision, but if they go to work for a new company, that company may assign them to work with a licensed plumber for a short duration of time.

A licensed plumber invests a significant amount of time getting their training and license and will work within the rules and regulations of the plumbing code. They will not perform any work that will put their license in jeopardy.