Kamagra is one of the most promising products in the market today. The following facts are some of the important things that you should know about this drug. If you want to know more about this medication for erectile dysfunction, then you should read on.
Alcohol Interaction
Alcohol is considered a depressant because of its ability to slow down the functions for most of your body systems. Upon drinking alcohol, your heart rate and your respiratory rate begin to decline. As a result, your body will have decreased capacity to circulate blood to most of your body systems. These effects more or less increase if you take Kamagra with alcohol. Not only will the blood flow decrease but also the ability of the active ingredients to cause a functional erection of the male reproductive organ. In essence, you simply waste your time taking the drug if you will take it with alcohol.
Adipose Interaction
Like alcohol, fatty food items can significantly decrease the effects of the drug. The effects of the drug are blunted because the stomach acids, enzymes, and villi need to get rid of the fatty particles first before they proceed to the rest of the contents of the stomach. Because the fatty particles are difficult to process and absorb, the drug will have delayed effects for the male reproductive system. Therefore, it will be wise for you to stray away from the foodstuff, especially if you are about to take the medication.
Drug Effect Duration
The average duration of the effects of Kamagra is approximately eight hours. During this period, you are highly discouraged from taking another pill. An additional pill will send your circulatory system into a frenzy. This, in turn, will cause significant increase in blood flow not only to the male reproductive system but also to the rest of your body. Aside from that, the symphatetic nervous system may cancel the initial effects of the drug to keep you from suffering from a state of danger, such as shock or coma.
According to the clients who have already tried out the product, Kamagra is an effective medication that has helped them address the signs and symptoms that they currently experience with erectile dysfunction. They expressed utmost satisfaction because their partners have been more responsive to them during sexual activity. In the long run, this brought utter satisfaction for both parties, not to mention that the clients who brought the product have significantly boosted their self-confidence.
Systematic reviews are not yet available for this drug. However, some of the investigators started randomized controlled trials and case studies. These studies involved the direct use of the drug. So far, most of these conducted studies showed dramatic and promising results, as far as the maintenance and the contraction of the penile muscles are concerned.
These are just some of the facts that you have to know about this drug. If you want this medication to provide you with its full potency, you should make sure that you follow the dosage instructions indicated on the product insert.