
HCG Diet PlanIn order to help treat the obesity epidemic that is quickly spreading throughout the world, doctors and various professionals have started to recommend the HCG diet for their overweight patients. This diet is one of the most popular weight loss programs in today’s health industry, and thousands of HCG products have been sold in a variety of different countries. Scientists are constantly starting additional studies and experiments that pertain to the HCG diet plan, and we are discovering new benefits to this diet each and everyday. Many health specialists have developed their own diet plans for the HCG diet, and there have been quite a few books written about them. If you would like to spice up your dieting process and cleanse your entire body, it’s time that you finally start an HCG diet plan. We guarantee that you can find the perfect HCG diet plan for you and your personal preferences, and all of your dieting goals will quickly become more attainable than you could have ever imagined being possible. Not only will you be thinner and more in shape than you have been for years, you will also look younger, your skin will look healthier, you will appear to be better rested and more refreshed, and your body’s metabolic functions will be more efficient and healthier. Essentially, there are no drawbacks to HCG weight loss.

HCGOne of the most popular HCG weight loss plans is one that was created by a health specialist named Kevin Trudeau. Trudeau has written a very popular book called “Pounds to Inches” that outlines what he believes to be the best HCG protocol for average individuals to lose weight. It detoxifies the body, helps to boost overall health, is very efficient at weight loss, and is relatively simple to partake in. Before the official HCG diet is ever started, Trudeau recommends that future users detoxify and cleanse their bodies. There are many ways to do this, and the way that you choose should be completely dependent on your current health and preferences. It is very common for users to complete a colon cleanse, especially if they have a history of digestive problems. But, if you do not want to do all of the work that a colon cleanse requires, you can simply avoid sweet foods and large amounts of sugar, as well as foods that have been heavily processed. This will help to rid the body of the toxins that have built up in it, and it will also simultaneously clean out your digestive track. But, specialists do highly recommend that whatever detox program you choose, you should avoid ones that are specifically designed for the purpose of losing weight. You do not want to mix another weight loss program with the HCG diet, as it is an unnecessary risk.

Once you have finished your detox program, which is known as the first phase of the diet, you will then move on to the second phase. The second phase is where you finally start to incorporate HCG products into your everyday lifestyle. You can decide to participate in a 23 or 40 daylong HCG diet, and the one that you select is completely up to you. Individuals who choose the longer diet generally do so because they would like to lose an extreme amount of weight, while dieters who only want to lose a few pounds usually choose the shorter diet plan. If you find that neither of these plans winds up being long enough for you, you can always choose to do another round of the HCG weight loss diet after you have waited a total of 6 weeks. There is a waiting period in between diets solely for the purpose of preventing your body from becoming immune to the HCG compound. When you first start phase 2 of the HCG diet, you begin by eating as much as you possibly can for a total of two days. This helps to build up your fat reservoirs and to make your HCG supplements work almost immediately once you start taking them. But, once the third day begins, your 500-calorie diet will immediately go into effect. You will have to avoid eating certain foods while you are on the diet, and there are only a select few liquids that you can drink as well. Surprisingly, this part of the diet is much easier than you are probably imagining. With the help of HCG weight loss products, and specifically HCG drops, following a 500-calorie diet is very possible. You will almost immediately start to see results after you have started the diet, and these results will continue for the entire course of the weight loss program. Once your HCG weight loss plan is finished, you will still have to follow the 500-calorie diet for several days, and then you can choose a normal lifestyle instead.