Pest Inspection
There are a variety of pests that might invade your home or business. The pest parade includes ants, termites, silverfish, wasps, lice, birds, rodents and bees to name but a few. The pests can not only be annoying, they can cause damage as well as health risks.
Most pests make their presence known, with the exception of termites, there are signs a pest is present such as droppings and noise and noticeable damage. Some pests can be eliminated by setting out traps, but the problem will not be resolved until the problem is corrected at the source.
If you have problems with pests, hire a professional exterminator to perform an inspection of your property. They will look for the tell tale signs of pest activity and offer solutions to exterminate and eliminate the problem in the future.
Pests, such as ants that get in the house will often invade a kitchen and forage for food. They will also invade bathrooms as well as get inside the walls. Ants will also get into the electrical sockets and cause short circuits that can result in fires. Most types of ants will bite, causing welts to appear and be very uncomfortable.
Ants that are outside will invade gardens and destroy plants and undermine pavers. The ants will eat away at the roots of plants and it does not matter if the plants are in a garden or stand alone throughout the yard. If the ants undermine pavers, they will tunnel beneath the paver and undermine the paver bed. This will cause the pavers to be unbalanced and cause them to tip or drop in elevation.
Bees can be a problem for those who are allergic to bee stings. Bees tend to congregate in gardens, but they can sometimes find their way into a house and build a hive. Bees will sometimes build a hive under roof tiles, behind the siding or in a corner of the porch.
Rats and mice will find areas with food and water and settle in for the winter. They will eat through walls and doors to reach a food source and have been known to each through wiring, as well. Both rats and mice will produce 4 to 6 litters a year and produce 5 to 10 babies at a time. Pest inspectors will often set traps or apply insecticides to eliminate the problems of pests.