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This is a million page view per month web site with NO ADS, and not because I don't want them. This web site is refused ads for being a little too truthful about those who control it all.


The most important document ever produced by this web site is here: Nuclear Sabotage at Fukushima

To read the Fukushima report in German, Click here


contact: admin@destroythedarkness.com

MAKE SURE you read the following:

The following article will be complete when the permalink appears.

March 21, 2013

Bookmark the linked article, and whenever anyone calls you a conspiracy nutjob show it to them. Having the CIA make an announcement like this puts it in stone.

The CIA has officially announced that they are going to keep a record of EVERY VIDEO, EVERY CONVERSATION, EVERY MAIL, EVERY SINGLE PHOTO YOU EVER TOOK, A TOTAL INFORMATION LOCKDOWN. And unsaid in the linked article below is that they will be using wifi networks to raid this information from computers that never "go online".

This means that everything you ever typed is theirs, everything ever stolen by a botnet, every last thing that ever went across the web or was gathered by other means will be permanently recorded in the CIA database. What makes this storage offer unique? Well, the fact that The CIA's OWN Gus Hunt has publicly stated it, READ THAT LINK. THIS IS NOT A BUNCH OF A.J. CRAP.

This is serious, because it could spell the end of data integrity as we knew it. And the data integrity won't be yours, if you crash your hard disk I don't think the CIA is going to allow you to access YOUR DATA on THEIR exabyte raid array.

The biggest security mistakes people make

The biggest security mistakes people make are:

1. Buying I series processors Sandy Bridge or later, or ANY intel processor with CoreVPro technology

2. Having your computer be wifi capable, bluetooth capable, or 3g capable, even if you never go online.

3. MOST IMPORTANTLY - believing you can secure a Microsoft operating system.

The following is the best security info you are likely to read anywhere.

A secure Microsoft system is one of two things - 1- 200 or more feet underground in solid bedrock, with no connection to the outside whatsoever, or 2 - 15 or more years old, with no Wifi, bluetooth, or any other sort of wireless technology installed, as well as locked in a closet.

I was in contact with a Microsoft programmer for a couple of mails before he went silent (mail censorship). In the two mails I received, he was at least able to say that Microsoft operating systems have as a feature, not a vulnerability, the ability to be breached at will, AS A FEATURE, by anyone who knew the correct commands to walk right in through a paralell FRONT door. He said it was top secret, prison term stuff to talk about, and that this door was there for the government and other priviledged people to use at will. In addition to this, this programmer made it perfectly clear that Microsoft worked hand in hand with McCaffe and Norton to make good and sure that not only did those two security products not interfere with this front door, but that in addition to the front door both McCaffee and Norton provided alternatives to it.

Many of you may know about a software application called PC anywhere, which allows full remote administration of any PC it is installed on. This front door, which is built into all microsoft operating systems can operate in paralell with the main front door, and provides a spook with the ability to open a session on your PC which is completely hidden to you, and every bit as capable as the main user session. It's the same as hooking up two monitors, keyboards, and mice, and having two users use the same processor. This programmer used PC Anywhere as an example of how the front door built into all Microsoft operating systems since Windows 95 works. Obviously this front door will allow access to all data, but in addition to this it also allows fully remote installation of applications, deletion and modification of files, uploading of files to be used as "evidence", files which would remain hidden to the owner of the PC until a forensic examination revealed them, and any other abilities the real owner of the PC would have, and it all happens live, over the web, with the screen and input device control on the spook PC being provided by YOUR COMPUTER, as if it was a second monitor, keyboard and mouse hooked directly up to YOUR computer.

This programmer was going to tell me how to log into this second front window (he was nervous about just saying it all at once) and before that happened, all mails went silent.

So if anyone out there wonders why I don't use encryption, and don't do anything to secure my Microsoft PC, the answer is simple - THE FINAL AND MOST ADVANCED SYSTEM SECURITY KNOWLEDGE THAT ANY IT PROFESSIONAL COULD EVER HAVE IS KNOWING THAT WHEN DEALING WITH THE GOVERNMENT OR JEWISH COMMUNITY, NO SECURITY EXISTS AT ALL. Your security efforts are good ONLY against high school hackers and other idiots not on the inside track.

And this, in a nutshell, is how the CIA intends to get their hands on "ALL" data, as described in the linked article above.

It is important to note that in that article the CIA chief says ALL data, not "all data that goes across the web". He simply says ALL DATA, ALL PHOTOS, ALL VIDEOS, EVERYTHING ANYONE EVER RECORDS, TYPES, VIEWS, EVERYTHING and in that context it could only be possible if the CIA intends to walk through ALL FRONT DOORS ON ALL PC'S AND RAID THEM. The front door the programmer told me about would make this CIA witch hunt possible. It's exactly how they are going to do it.


This mailbox is already toast as per the following sent by forum member Paul

Jim, Thanks for dropping by my blog. I have the blog set up to send me an email notification at my gmail address when someone posts a comment. The notification for your comment didn't show up at all in my inbox. It's not in the spam folder or trash folder either. All the other comment emails showed up but yours didn't.

It had to have been gmail blocking it from reaching me.


Wow, thanks for telling me this! That would mean they already nailed destroythedarkness, in what - two days?

Visit Paul's blog Here

I could really use a little financial help right now

A friend of mine had me post an ad, but I have not been able to contact him regarding it (I wonder why). The mail censorship has been very damaging, because numerous people have offered to help, but none have succeeded in getting through with a message more than once, which is needed to confirm I knew they offered help. For what it is worth, after I wiped over 98 percent of the people off the forum, the messaging system seems to work. So if you would like to help, try that, (even non approved applicants can still send messages through that system).

I am a little more established now, and am going to try to get an income stream from working offline - I have some promising prospects - but until I am successful with that, I will need your help.

Keep in mind that mail is compromised, and if you do not see your offer and a record of what happened on theLog page you are not in contact with me. To the best of my knowledge the log page has worked for an accountability trail so far, and I certainly appreciate all the help that has been given thus far, which is what has kept me online.


I have decided to go into full damage mode for a week or two, and publish an article that will probably set trends in the truth movement. There is a totally un addressed issue with regard to the elite, and I am going to absolutely kick it. They need their butts kicked over what they are doing here to this site and no doubt others, and need to learn a hard lesson - that if they are going to keep the truth from getting out by censoring news tips that should be in the inbox, and trying to starve people out, those of us able to make an impression are not stupid and have more than one way to hit them. Wait until you see what happens next.

The following ad is from this web site's first non affiliated sponsor, and his views DO represent the opinions of this web site.

Cyprus "banker bailout"

No comment, other than that Cyprus, and apparently New Zealand will be the litmus test, and if the elite get away with this it will become the new way to ream the public. Nations with people who still have the balls to resist violently will not get reamed.

Update: Cyprus said no in a unanimous vote. And don't go thinking the poor me crowd did not try to guilt trip the public before this attempted scam THEY DID!

The forum is shut down to new posts except for a few selected people

If you have a history of posting to the forum and want posting access send me a message and I will look over past posts. I need to de spook the forum for the following reason -

There is an event log that (sort of) works, it records about 0.005% of what gets posted to the forum in a separate database. I went through that log, and found an extremely shocking post which was not visible (to me) any other way. This poster harassed people on the forum with obscenities and insults until they left, and when I clicked on his profile from the log itself, and went to it, and then clicked on his posts, I got the message that he had never posted to the forum before. The event log recorded the responses of other forum members to this poster, so he was definitely real. Despite not being able to see any of his posts show up through the regular threads (holonet reality) when I deleted his account, his comments vanished from the event log, which proves he was not some sort of ghost. I got captures of this and will post them here later.

SO, I disabled posting rights for all but a few select individuals I know are both aware of the spook presense and have a history of decent posts. There were too many members to go through for it to be practical for me to do anything other than just disable them all, and then pick through and re enable people I knew were real. Since I am not allowed to see the shill posts anyway,there is no way of knowing what is really out on the forum but I can at least stop the damage by blocking out all the accounts which are able to make posts I cannot see. No doubt good people got ousted by the blanket ban, but there is no other way for me to fix this problem.

If you got blocked out for no reason, try to message me and if I can see your posts and they are not shill posts there is a really good chance I will bump you to moderator status, which is the status I am using to allow past good people full rights on the forum again. It would not bother me to have a few really good people using the forum as a venue to get their word and observations out - the forum gets many more page views than the root site here at Jimstonefreelance, and even this site gets a high volume. Having posting rights on the forum will get you read. Unfortunately the original vision for the forum - one in which anyone could post, even without registration - did not survive in a world of paid shillage and government spooks.

This is an excellent read by forum Admin Farganne

"And when I, for one, look at the LAPD “officials” in charge of dispensing lies, lies, and more lies to the lying (and/or clueless) windbags that masquerade as journalists these days, I see those cops for what they are, and have been for a very long time: small, vicious criminals in uniform. They are organized, they are armed to the teeth, they are corrupt to the core of their being, and until now, they have enjoyed the cover of respectability that their badges afforded them"

The Psyopocalypse

by James Farganne, M.B.S.D.,


“Apocalypse” is a word loaded with mysterious and exotic connotations. Many people associate it with harrowing visions of mayhem and destruction ushering in the End Times. In fact, “apocalypse” comes to us from ancient Greek, and it simply means “revelation” or, even more mundanely, “disclosure”; it is the noun form of apokalyptein, a common verb meaning “to uncover”, and outside of Biblical context, it could be applied to any instance of revealing things once hidden or obscure.

By light of that definition, I would say an apocalypse is well and truly upon us. Maybe not “The Apocalypse”, mind you — but there does seem to be a massive revelation underway. More and more people have Eyes to See beyond the power structure’s threadbare veneer of legitimacy. For a great many of us in the “Truth” community, this apocalypse kicked in when we were asked to believe that fumbling Arabs with boxcutters took down three World Trade Center buildings, even though they (according to officialdom) managed to hit only two. That was the beginning for me, and it was a real fork in the road, a red-pill moment, a clear choice: either I had to ignore the facts laid out before me and abandon reason for the comforts of civilized ignorance, or I had to accept that the world I had taken for real was in fact an intricate matrix of lies, and slowly process all the anger, pain, and grief of that awakening.

I lived in New York City and was in Manhattan less than a kilometer from the WTC when the first plane struck. My BS detector first went off when Bush told us that the Arabs, and by extension all Muslims, hated us “for our freedoms”. If they really hated us, I wanted to know the real reasons why. Before that, I had been completely apolitical, but that one question sent me hurdling very early on into the apocalypse now becoming apparent to so many. And it was a lonely journey. When I realized that the official story was bunk, and that my government was overrun with criminals, I was no longer exactly fun to be around at parties. Awakening became an obsession. My first wife left me, and when the cops started carrying assault rifles, I left America vowing never to return.

I chose to live and work in Korea, where I could continue my re-education with the benefits of affordable medical care, low income tax, and no need to own a car. Also the police here are still really nice. They actually smile and speak politely, even if they are getting yelled at by an irate citizen; and when I went to jail for calling powerful people on the carpet over their funding of toxic music videos directed at children, the police heard me out, reviewed my evidence, concurred, and made sure I was released.

And what was it about those videos that bothered me so much? The sudden prevalence of Luciferian and Masonic imagery, occult hand signs, the occasional Mogen David, and choreography so downright pornographic that even the kids protested in disgust. And why the sudden, radical change in the production values of K-pop? I saw it as yet another sign of apocalypse. All the dark shit previously rolled out in western pop music culture was now being pushed on Asian audiences, upon people with by and large no ability to recognize the symbols, but enough sense to know that something dark this way had come, and it definitely had not come here from within. I can’t count how many times I have brought up the Masonic/Luciferian culture creep with Koreans both young and old, and they have been unanimous in pointing out that it is a foreign influence on their culture, and they don’t much like it.

I have also been surprised at how many have immediately brought up Masonry and “The Illuminati”: another sign that apocalypse is underway. Even a couple of years ago, I would never have attempted discussion of such topics with Korean acquaintances, much less most of my fellow expats. All that has changed in a very big way. Quite a few times, for example, when mixing with an expat crowd, I have calmly and assuredly stated that the Fukushima event on 3-11-11 was no natural disaster, but an Israeli attack on Japan. Instead of being shunned or told to don a tinfoil hat, I was able to open a real discussion every time I brought it up. I also taught lunchtime English classes at a Korean insurance company where all the students wanted to discuss, in every single lesson, was “the conspiracy”! I no longer feel cautious about asserting (with a smile, of course) that the “official stories” of 9-11 and 3-11 were rank bullshit. I think that most people, at some deep level, know this to be true, but it takes someone else to say it before they’ll admit it. This new freedom to discuss “conspiracy” is yet another clear sign of apocalypse.

One salient feature of apocalypse is this: like one of the favorite symbols of the power elite, it is best visualized as a Rising Sun. People become more aware, more conscious, in direct proportion to the swelling of the dawn. Reared in the darkness of indoctrination and mass mind control, taught to ridicule those who raved about a thing called Sun, fewer and fewer of us are able to ignore what is becoming painfully obvious: that all the appearances we believed in from childhood have been just that: appearances. And as the Sun rises, it will be burning those appearances away with a breadth and magnitude that only the truly blind will fail to perceive.

And then, as I did in the wake of 9-11, more and more People Who See are going to have to start making choices. Hard choices. You see, this apocalypse is not happening by accident. I am a believer that the power elite — the designers, programmers, and managers of this mental prison matrix that we call “society” — operate by a twisted code of honor requiring that they notify their victims; and if the victims do not protest, if the victims do not take measures to defend themselves, then the elites’ actions are justified. I am by no means arguing the fairness of this outlook, only observing that it seems to me to be a principle by which they operate.

In the preceding paragraph, I should have said that this apocalypse is not happening entirely by accident, meaning neither is it totally under “their” control. This is good news for all of us, if true. The bad news is, such things as RFID implants, thanks to apocalypse, are no longer “wingnut”, “tinfoil hat” topics; and as their advent becomes more and more obvious, you ignore them at your peril; AND, even if you don’t ignore them, and you happen to live where the chipping agenda is getting rolled out … again, HARD CHOICES. But the good news is that, from what I can see, this apocalypse has lately been rife with revelations coming to the public consciousness via absurd blunders and other developments which I doubt the elites intended. Consider:

Ever growing numbers of us no longer see a President when we look at Obama; rather, we see him for the dictator and the lying, liberty-destroying communist scumbag traitor that he is. Is it by design that Obama is so hated that the Marines must be disarmed at his Inauguration? Is it part of the plan that millions of gun owners hate him and his administration at a time when he is supposed to be stripping them of their weapons? Possibly. But the difficulties the current regime has been facing come in the wake of two “mass shootings” that were supposed to pave the way for disarmament, but failed miserably: Aurora, which drew a surprising amount of suspicion that it was a false flag, and possibly a wag-the-dog event, meaning it never happened; and Sandy Hook, which was such transparent bullshit, hardly anyone with an honest view of Uncle Sam could have been fooled. Anyone who saw “Robbie Parker” grinning and leering before “getting into character” as a grieving parent could see Sandy Hook exactly for what it was: a staged media event, with paid actors, and a plot so full of holes as to serve as a scathing indictment of America’s education system (they can’t even get smart enough people to pull off their psy ops convincingly any longer!). I don’t think the sloppy execution was intended, and I don’t think they foresaw the massive scorn that event provoked from the gun-owners of America.

And what of the growing numbers who can now look beyond the Obama hood ornament to see that the driver of the car wears a yarmulka? In my recent interactions with Koreans and westerners alike, I have detected a distinct uptick in awareness that Israel has pretty much taken over the Washington establishment, and where I live, it’s no big deal to observe that “the Jews run Hollywood.” I have struck up conversations with older Koreans on subway trains and told them that the real enemies are not their brethren to the North, and could they guess who the real enemy is? I was shocked by the number of times they answered, without so much as a blink: “Yes, it’s the Jews.” Suffice it to say that Koreans have no love for Jews or Israel, they are certainly unhampered by “holocaust” guilt, and if Zionist Jews wish to pursue their full-scale agenda in a country like this, right down to the tyrannical impositions of Agenda 21, it won’t be as easy as brainwashing and shaming North Americans and Europeans. It is my theory that this difficulty was foreseen and accounts for the fact that this country is still technically at war, with the DMZ still being the most heavily militarized border on the face of the Earth. If the Koreans don’t consent to have their society eaten away by Zionist and Luciferian rot, they’ll just start a big fucking war and try to pummel them into abject submission.

Anyway, their attempts to push Luciferian culture and sexual promiscuity on Korean youth (a sign of apocalypse) have failed. Assuming that Korea is not unique in its resiliency, this tells me the elites are not unveiling their shite “cult”ure to universal acclaim. So, although Koreans ultimately might be decimated for their recalcitrance, I count developments here on the “good news” side of apocalypse.

Moving along. When we look at politicians, bankers, and business executives, I think more and more of us than ever before no longer see respectable pillars of society; rather, we see them for what they actually are: murderous thugs, shameless shysters, and two-bit scammers in three-piece suits. The rapid acceptance of the neologism “bankster” into our lexicon most immediately reflects how their victims have come to perceive them. They are no better than John Gotti or Al Capone. In fact, when you consider the magnitude of their crimes, and the fact that common mafiosi at least observe a moral code, the banksters are a hell of a lot worse. At least mobsters do not enslave whole populations with fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, and odious usury; nor do they sack entire nations, robbing the people of their land, their resources, their homes, their livelihoods, and their retirement funds. The banksters are the worst group of criminals the world has ever known, and I can’t think of too many people I know who fail to see that by now.

And take the British royal family. When you look at them, are you any longer bamboozled by aristocratic pretensions? If you’ve been paying an ounce of attention to British politics, one glance at Prince Charles ought to evoke shroudy images of child molestation — and worse. The British royals have had their images permanently besmirched by their intimate relations with child molester and paedophile Jimmy Savile, who also “procured” children for them.

And when I, for one, look at the LAPD “officials” in charge of dispensing lies, lies, and more lies to the lying (and/or clueless) windbags that masquerade as journalists these days, I see those cops for what they are, and have been for a very long time: small, vicious criminals in uniform. They are organized, they are armed to the teeth, they are corrupt to the core of their being, and until now, they have enjoyed the cover of respectability that their badges afforded them.

But no longer. This is where apocalypse is in our favor, for now their pants are down for all to see. They’ve found Dorner’s wallet in three different locations, including among the cinders of the cabin they were overheard to have deliberately torched. They are known to have driven a fleeing figure, now identified as Dorner, back into the fire, to be burned alive. Never mind all the inconsistencies of the official story; never mind the obvious and ridiculous lies; never mind that they replaced his cogent original manifesto with an obvious fake designed to make him look like a raving madman: at the end of the day, assuming there was a suspect named “Dorner”, and that he was running away, now we are given to understand in the most blunt terms possible that, in the new America, the America of the Apocalypse, the cops are judge, jury, and executioner. There it is, folks, it could not possibly be more obvious. The good news? I don’t think the tomfoolery is intentional. I agree with Jim Stone, who opined that “Dorner” was detected writing his manifesto, in which he threatened only to expose the crimes of the LAPD in a court of law, and had to be dealt with in a hurry. And because cops are not the brightest bulbs on the tree, they fucked up. Badly. Score another one for the bright side of apocalypse!

Which leads to the question: how many will exercise due appreciation at being shown such hard truth in broad light of day, and have the courage to stand up and call bullshit on this whole disgusting “Dorner” farce? If not enough voices do just that, and do it every time the ruling criminals concoct another cheap wag-the-dog Batman Sandy Hook Dorner flim-flam FANTASY, then by sheer attrition, by chipping and chipping away, they will eventually succeed in justifying each new step in their “totalitarian tiptoe” agenda. Some people are going to have to get hurt. Some people will have to die. But hey, apocalypse doesn’t happen very often, so I think the occasion is going to demand that we go to extremes if we are to survive it. The point I guess I am trying to make, overall, is that, as I see it, we do have a chance.

The original Fukushima report is HERE

Two years on, and no one has managed to find a collapsed or leaning building outside the tsunami zone in Sendai, the city hardest hit by a 9.0.


Included in this additional report, posted March 13 2013, I have the OFFICIAL USGS charts that show Sendai, according to the USGS, had peak ground accelerations in excess of 3.7 G´s.

Folks, 0.35 g´s is considered adequate to possibly collapse a skyscraper when it is rated to survive an 8.0, yet the USGS said that INLAND, NORTH OF SENDAI the ground thrust was 12.7 g´s. Sendai proper had, according to the USGS, a MINIMUM G-force exerted on it of 3.7 across every square foot of the city, which is flatulent B.S, and fortunately the Japanese seismic readings farther down this page confirm that nothing on the Japanese mainland ANYWHERE should have fallen, provided it could withstand a 6.7 richter reading, and the REAL maximum ground acceleration ANYWHERE on Japan was in fact below 0.15 g's. Where did the USGS get 12.7 from? The original charts from both the scamming USGS and the "please help spread the truth" Japanese seismologists are here, right now, on the front page. Compare them, look at the photos of perfectly un damaged Japanese towns and cities as the tsunami arrives, and decide for yourself - WHO IS LYING, THE JAPANESE, OR THE USGS?

After Sandy Hook, do you think ANY mainstream news outlet would tell the truth about this - Japan's 911? The original Fukushima report laid the scam perpetrated by the USGS bare - the USGS has been usurped by an enemy and is now being used to front phony geological data for political purposes.

The scam of a 9.0 is so transparent that even the smallest kitten scratch on the surface of the topic lays waste to the official story; it takes a real stroke of sheeple style blindness to overlook the fact that it was ALL TSUNAMI DAMAGE because the earthquake never happened as stated at all. And if there was no significant quake, WHERE ON EARTH DID THAT TSUNAMI COME FROM?

THIS is the official USGS quake report, which shows the five top ground accelerations measured, the USGS clearly claims that a peak ground acceleration of 12.7 g's happened at station MYG004, which is 70 KM inland, yet puts the epicenter out in the ocean, where there are no stations to record it. The station closest to the reported epicenter, which the USGS painstakingly omits, shows that on the Japanese coast nearest the purported "epicenter", the quake registered a 5.63 on the richter scale which corresponds to a total ground thrust acceleration of approximately 0.08 G's. Look at this USGS report carefully, which puts the ground acceleration at station MYG004 at over 12 g's. To put this all in perspective, a quake that produces even 1 g of ground acceleration is considered to be one that virtually NO skyscraper, highway over pass or bridge can survive. Why then did a 12 G monster do virtually nothing at all where it was measured INLAND, FAR AWAY FROM THE OCEAN?

The picture below is NOT the USGS report, CLICK THE LINK ABOVE or Here, the USGS report is a PDF.

Take a look at the REAL richter readings in the photo below, which were provided by the various seismic monitoring agencies in Japan, which prove beyond all doubt the USGS lied.

Furthermore, I got numerous shill backstabs claiming that no damage happened inland because the ocean absorbed the quake. If the ocean really could absorb a quake (it cannot) it would be irrelevant if the USGS charts were true, charts which show peak ground accelerations of 12 G's, 3.18 g's, and 2.7 g's, ALL TOTALLY APOCALYPTIC READINGS, happening hundreds of miles apart ON THE JAPANESE MAINLAND. The lack of damage outside the tsunami zone proves beyond all doubt that the USGS lied with their charts, and is therefore complicit in the lie that gave creedence to the Fukushima disaster.

I am going to give Fuku some attention over the next few days

This is just going to be a rolling update at first, as I dig up stuff to post.

March 12 2013 In the original Fuku report, I made good and sure that everything was documented to official sources. But there were eyewitness reports sent to me by people who claimed to be out at Fuku during the quake, which I did not use because they could not be verified accurate through official record. I will post one of those reports here now. It is important for people to know how well done the original Fuku report was, it was done accurately enough to form the basis for a declaration of war on the part of Japan, or a death sentence conviction in a court room. That report is DOCUMENTED. Because I wanted the report to be perfectly solid, I avoided posting the following testimony even though I believe it entirely.

I got a testimony from an American engineer who said he was out at Fuku before the quake, visiting the facility as a consultant at reactor 1. He said that while he was there, there was an update to the control system software taking place, and the guy doing the update appeared nervous while doing so. THEN, when the update was complete the man PANICKED, ran out of the facility to his car and sped off, and reactor 1 went HAYWIRE BEFORE THERE WAS EVEN AN EARTHQUAKE. From what he said, (and this makes real sense here, and that is why I am publishing this now) the generators in the turbine room dropped off the Japanese grid, allowing them to free spin while the steam valves to the reactor remained open. Reactor 1 was then pushed to full thermal output by the "updated software", and the turbines and generators(now having nothing to hold them from spinning too fast with the full force of the reactor pushing on them) free spun to many times their rated RPM's and sounded like monster demons screaming from the gates of hell. ALL BEFORE THE QUAKE EVEN STRUCK.

Let me explain this a little more clearly -

If you have a power generation system hooked up to a grid, the grid will hold it back so that it cannot spin too fast. But if you disconnect that generator from the grid, and there is nothing holding it back it is the same as putting a car in neutral and stepping on the gas to rev the engine, if the car has no rev limiter the engine will blow up from spinning too fast. That is what that "update" tried to do to the turbines at reactor 1. It disabled all the programmed emergency shutdowns and rev limiters and routed the full thermal output from the reactor through the unloaded turbines and generators, with the hopes of causing a catastrophic failure in the turbine room.

About five minutes into this, the quake then hit, but the man who told me this was already in his car and not in the facility because with the turbines screaming like that those who could leave the facility panicked and ran. Subsequent verified reports confirmed that the turbines did not explode (many times safety margin to credit for that) and that the initial mode of failure planned for reactor 1 was ditched (loss of coolant via a turbine explosion, thus leading to a meltdown) and instead the reactor was put to full thermal output with all valves forced closed so that the temperature and pressures could only build up until it exploded it's pressure vessel. This is one reason why reactor 1 blew first.

Reactors 2 and 3 were pushed similarly early on, but they had additional safety systems due to a newer design, so it took the saboteurs longer to blow up reactor 2, and because reactor 3 had the most advanced redundant safety systems of all, they failed to blow up reactor 3 entirely and knew they would fail. So the saboteurs (who were an Israeli Defense Forces front company named Magna BSP masquarading as a security firm with a contract at Fukushima) knew they would have to offer reactor 3, which was robust, and reactor 4, which had no core in it and could not possibly explode, a little assistance in the form of gun type nuclear weapons thinly disguised as very odd looking "cameras". And this point cannot be argued, because the information was pulled right off of Magna BSP's own web site and reported in the Jerusalem Post. If you are hitting this before those links are embedded here, read this report. Below is a picture of reactor 3's "camera," still in Israel but on it's way to Fukushima. I kicked their asses when I found this photo.

The history of Magna BSP's contract at Fukushima

After Japan offered to assist Iran with it's nuclear program, by providing enriched fuel for them to use in their reactor at Busher, the Israeli defense forces embarked on a program to get even with Japan and teach Japan a lesson. This program involved the generation of front companies masquarading as security firms, offering their services to Japanese nuclear facilities, front companies which would be tasked with the job of planting the already successful Stuxnet virus into the Siemens Scada controllers used by Japan, and if possible, smuggle nuclear weapons into the facilities disguised as security hardware. The front company "Magna BSP" managed to land the contract at Fukushima.

At first they played it cool and sold the odd duck cameras appearances and obscene weight on the reason that the long tube was needed for separation of two different cameras in the same device so that the first "cameras", which were actually real, could provide 3d stereoscopic security for the perimiter surrounding the Fukushima Diiachi facility, and the obscenely high weight (in excess of a thousand pounds) was to make the camera stable due to a high mass. These original cameras, which were placed outside the facility actually did have some unique technologies, and actually did perform in an impressive way. Once trust was gained for their odd duck appearances and unbelievably high weight, "Magna BSP" was then able to sell the Japanese on the idea of getting these cameras placed inside the innermost containments at reactors 3 and 4. And those were the cameras that were thinly disguised nuclear weapons.

Trust went a long way, because no one questioned why such enormous cameras had to be used indoors where focal lengths are short, and the long tube was not needed for stereoscopic resolution indoors. The cameras placed outside were designed to stereoscopically resolve details across a distance of miles, the entire outdoor perimiter of the diiachi facility. Indoors, in a reactor containment, there is no need for anything stereoscopic, and with the lenses so widely spaced stereoscopic is impossible at close range to begin with. The fact that cameras of the same size and appearance were placed indoors was damning all by itself, but trust went a long way, and as a bonus, the indoor camera at reactor 3 had additional features which allowed it to monitor radiation levels and temperature, and in total violation of all security protocols, had a full time data connection to the outside world from inside the reactor containment, a connection that went straight back to Dimona Israel along with the approved feed from the outdoor cameras. Magna slipped up and told this to the Jerusalem Post, this is not a fiction folks Such a link to this camera would be perfect for knowing if your virus failed and if the reactor would need a little "critical mass assistance" to explode.

Despite having the contract to provide a security team from Israel, Magna BSP did not see fit to keep permanent Israeli representatives out at Fukushima, and instead trained local Japanese people to take over and run security for them. Once this training was complete, the original team of Israelis was to return to Israel and "only provide support and training" to the Japanese employees at Fukushima on an as needed basis while the cameras were administered remotely, from Dimona Israel, and would only be tended by Israelis. No Israeli from Magna BSP was present at Fuku during the disaster, they all returned to Israel a week before. How convenient.

Completely unreported to the public at large was the fact that though the main fuel pool at reactor 3 remained intact, the steam separator pool was used to store fuel and was breached by the explosion, which resulted in a river of melted fuel flowing into the alley between reactors 2 and 3. It was this river of melted fuel which caused the two deaths (now a completely buried topic) out at Fukushima. Also completely unreported was the reactor 3 pressure vessel breach and core expulsion, with the mangled core laying in the debris with portions of it's core spray system still functioning. This is proven by the following photo:

Even the authorized wikipedia post now at least admits that a radiation level of 3.75 sieverts an hour was measured above reactor 3 on March 17, four days after the explosion, and that at the Diaachi facility an overall background radiation level of one sievert an hour made it impossible for people to be out there. That this was overlooked by the press is damning, Because absent a reactor core ejection, with fuel thrown everywhere, a core ejection which would be impossible with the official line being that a little loose hydrogen gas blew the place up, absent a full core breach and expulsion you cannot hit 3.75 sieverts an hour, which is a level so high that it will kill you just trying to approach the Diacchi facility to work. The overall radiation level of one sievert an hour would have killed any worker out at Fukushima before morning break on their first day out there after the reactor 3 explosion, which is why initially the cleanup was handled via REMOTE CONTROL AND ROBOTS BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL DIE IF THEY EVEN APPROACH THE PLACE. (the article has an error which makes it look like it took two hours to do the cleanup, but if you read past the error, it means two hours per cycle of cleanup.) In addition to this, the article was obviously a leak of some sort, with all reports about this sourcing back to the same press release, with no divergence from the story line across several publications, and ZERO coverage in the mainstream press. Despite the fact that this report did not go mainstream (as to be expected when it spoke the truth about the real level of contamination at Fuku,) I would like to ask, if Arnie and his ENENEWS are such an expert on the topic, HOW DID REMOTE CONTROL AND ROBOTIC CLEANUP GET MISSED BY OUR ILLUSTRIOUS ARNIE GUNDERSEN, MEGA SCAMMER AND BLOWHARD AGAINST THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY?

I will tell you how. Arnie missed it because he is a paid shill who was used to front the hydrogen blast story, when only a nuclear weapon could destroy a heavily built reactor containment structure and throw thousands of pounds of nuclear material everywhere, thus necessitating initially remote controlled construction equipment cleanup, and then robotic vacuum cleanup. The entire place was a dead zone far in excess of Chernobyl. CHERNOBYL NEVER REACHED A SUSTAINED SIEVERT AN HOUR IN IT'S SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT. FUKU WAS MANY TIMES CHERNOBYL, A FACT TOTALLY BLOWN OVER BY THE SCAMMING ELITE MEDIA, BECAUSE THEY HAD TO IGNORE THIS FACT TO MAINTAIN THE OFFICIAL "HYDROGEN BLAST" LIE AND KEEP THE BLAME ON THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY, THE SCAPEGOAT THEY WANTED BANNED IN JAPAN AFTER JAPAN OFFERED TO HELP IRAN.

According to the ONE press release that actually got at least marginal publication, the radiological contamination at reactor 3 was so intense that the people handling the equipment had to do it from two kilometers away. HOW did Arnie miss this?

Don't be bamboozled by Defconalert

This bogus warning has become commonplace in the blogs over the last few hours, and appears to me to be nothing but an attention grab over the tensions on the Korean peninsula. Just to let you know, Defcon 4 is nothing, Defcon 1 is launch, back in the cold war days we were always at defcon 4, frequently at defcon 3, a couple times at defcon 2, and nothing ever happened. Defcon 4 is simply nothing at all. This site obscures that fact however, and seems to make it look like Defcon 5 is launch, which it is not.

New deadly virus?

In my opinion, 8 deaths and 15 infections over a period of months smacks of B.S. and is NOT "sweeping the globe". COME ON NOW. First of all, with numbers this low, how did they manage to link Great Britain to the Arab peninsula? How does 15 infections constitute "global"? Know propaganda when you see it, and this is PURE propaganda of idiotic proportions, complete with a stock photo of a red colored agar petri dish supposedly with viruses growing in it, when viruses do not grow in petri dishes, followed by a stock photo of an antibiotic resistant "superbug" which looks to me like acidophilis bacteria, the same stuff they make yogurt with, Then, following that, the idiot article writer took a stock photo of prozac capsules, to represent an antibiotic.

Make sure you take a look at this article, to know what I am talking about

With such schlock stock photography to support this story, my guess is that the entirety of this particular scare is pure B.S, And with regard to any "superbugs", it's as if we never heard of that, news of such bugs has been commonplace since 1970, and we are all still alive. Seems like "superbugs" are in a 6 month news cycle repeat, anything to work up the public for a possible vaccine scare drive.

Want to survive the scenario in this article? Forget about the virus, avoid any vaccines, and avoid the hospital where these new "superbugs" supposedly lurk.

And when you consider the fact that FAUX NEWS COVERED THE SAME LINE OF B.S., well, THAT is news. I wonder if this really could be a setup for the next "swine flu" scam.

On other notes

I am just going to go through a few things briefly -

Don´t sweat the NK "threats", nothing is going to happen there. SK is now scared about being nuked, and will do nothing. Since we all want Samsung TV sets and smart phones and tablets and Hyundai Sonatas, the U.S. is not going to do anything to cause the North to strike the south, and on top of that, NK is really not stupid and has no desire to become a sea of glass. This is just a bunch of bellicose blabbering, NK does have nukes and with that deterrent in place don´t expect to see much happen there. Anyway, that´s how I see it.

Sandy hook - An interesting thing we have overlooked is how Sandy Hook has been used for social engineering in schools. This video says it all so well, and is oddly being censored from Youtube search results at last check, even when it´s full title is used for the search which is something that always works. When you see what it says, it will leave no room to wonder why they dont want it coming up in search results, it is spot on. Here is the exact link, in case they block the above link from working, as usual, copy and paste it into a new tab if necessary: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFIVtBcdPC4

A new way to prove cancer is either being caused or has been cured was put on Activist Post. I am going to look into this and see if it has any merit, but it sure looks tempting - just look at how many of the top zionist leaders and their Clintonesque or Bushite cronies have died of cancer, and compare that to the general population. That particular poster may have a point, because cancer is a common cause of death, and the only prominent political figures I have heard of dying from it are those who failed to cooperate with the greater powers.

Surprise! 250+ mpg car allowed to enter production


The specs on this thing actually tick me off, because they reveal a scam we all have to live with. This car weighs over 1,700 pounds, and though it can be plugged in, even without plugging it in, it gets 250 plus mpg and will do 98 mph. By that math, a Cadillac should get 100 mpg, RIGHT?

This car by Volkswagen has been around since at least 2007. They are stating it will have an enormous price tag, but originally it was a cheap design. This is only news because somehow it is entering production. It goes 98 mph and does zero to 60 in a respectable 12 seconds, which is much much faster than an empty semi could ever dream of doing. Though 12 seconds sounds slow, it really is not.

The marketing plan is obviously to price it out of reach so only the elite will be able to buy it anyway. My question in all of this is, if a car can get 250 plus mpg why is it that a Kawasaki Ninja EX250 motorcycle has trouble getting over 90 mpg, and IF a reasonably performing ninja can get 90 mpg, howcome a moped or scooter struggles to get 60 mpg? it is all a SCAM. There is no reason at all why something like a Cadillac can´t get over 80 mpg, other than intentional limits.

It is a fact that today´s cars are forced to burn dirty enough to heat up the catalytic converter, and send enough unburned fuel plus oxygen out the tail pipe to make sure the catalytic converter gets hot enough to be effective. Modification of cars, such as the chip for the Impala (a severe oversight on the part of G.M.) can force the ECM to run more efficiently and successfully chipped 4 door full size Impalas can easily break 50 MPG despite programmed inefficiencies, and STILL waste enough fuel to heat up the catalytic converter enough to pass emissions while doing so. And if you manage to make your car run efficiently enough to negate the converter, you won't pass emissions, because the testing system is designed to look for arbitrary exhaust component ratios that will show the car has been modified and fail you even if hydrocarbon emissions are passable.

I suggest simply getting rid of the converter, and using the amazing capabilities of computer control to keep emissions clean by making the engine run optimally. The Impala chip lays the scam bare, it is obvious our cars are rigged to be inefficient crap by design.

At any rate, because this thing has been around since at least 2007 it is obvious Volkswagen had to cut a deal to be allowed to produce this car, one which takes a cheap design and prices it far out of reach of average people to make GOOD AND SURE the entire thing remains a mystery to the greater population.

Looking at the design, it uses reliable but higher than average pressure tires and could be more efficient than it is, this is obviously a 250 plus mpg vehicle designed for everyday use with nothing truly exotic about it at all, nothing at all that requires special consideration or care the way a fully optimized design would. This is where bread and butter should take us by default.

March 6, 2013

People have asked what I think about Hugo Chavez


Since the news is what it is, I will simply tell you what I think, and why.

I have no doubt at all he was murdered by a not so new cancer inducing re-engineered bacteriophage virus technology, which uses re-engineered bacteriophages to modify living cells rather than attack bacteria. Bacteriophages are viruses which up until the Human Genome Project (which gave bioweapons experts the exact human genome sequences to re-program the phages with) only attacked bacteria. There are two different infection modes for bacteriophages, one which kills (lytic) and one in which the phage simply places it´s DNA inside a cell´s DNA (lysogenic) and then goes dormant. It is this type that I believe has been re-engineered to create cancer cells in people. A re-engineered phage obviously would not have the DNA payload for infecting a bacteria, instead it would be re programmed to attack (for example) bladder cells, and then insert custom made cancer DNA into those cells, to for example bump off Aaron Russo, and I believe our NWO resistant Chavez.(read that last one, it nails it quite well)

Unlike the viruses we are all familiar with, viruses which are versatile enough to cross the species barriers, bacteriophages look for exact molecular matches on the surface of the bacteria they infect, and therefore only attack one strain of one particular type of bacteria (all bacteria are susceptible, each with it´s custom phage). Due to this ability to be highly selective in what they attack, the good folks at Dimona, Israel, set out to re-engineer bacteriophages for the purpose of creating race specific bioweapons, with selectivity far beyond that of ordinary viruses. This would keep the Ashkenazi club safe, while the sephardics died around them (don´t kid yourself, the Ashkenazi don´t care much for the Sephardic Jews.) Sephardics do, in turn, hate non Jews though but in the context of THIS linked article, well, families do have favorites.

And of course, the entire race specific bioweapons program is being marketed as a way to get rid of Arabs. If you think that is where it will stop, THINK AGAIN. Hugo Chavez would be a much easier target.

Anyway, just read this report, and you will know what I think about what happened to Chavez, and don´t expect many details on this topic from a whole lot of sources, which in my case were handed to me by a doctorate of pharmacology who was totally flipped out about where they were taking bacteriophage technology, - in a direction where bacteriophages would become extremely selective bioweapons that could wipe out specific brain cells to alter behavior, attack specific groups of people while leaving others untouched, and modify our DNA in ways that would be passed from generation to generation. Compared to those three things cancer is childs play, if you don't think cancer can be given to people intentionally, think again.

It´s a little bit suspicious that people who stand against the elite one way or another die from cancer, die from heart attacks, die from suicide, die in plane crashes, or some other way. Getting a little bit obvious, DONT YA KNOW! And I used the Steve Jobs cancer reference, rather than hunt out someone else, because my computer went haywire when I searched for that, I WONDER WHY. Got it in 2004 eh? That was when Jobs was a pain in the behind for the powers that be.

March 5, 2013

A piece of history few people know about

It´s a safe bet that Russia only "fell" after sufficient communist control over America was gained. Though the following article does not approach from this angle, applying a little thought to what it does say might be enough to cause people to reach the conclusion that the upper echelons of Russia may be more comfortable with America on a political level than we have been led to believe.

Since the Soviet union was a Jewish creation, with those the Jews wanted in power being in power, and America, since the Bush family has been a total zionist stronghold, it's no wonder why High russian officials assisted the looting of the Russian treasures, and exported them to Los Angeles, where the gold was melted down and jewels dispersed. This article says the FBI stopped it all, but from what I have read in other articles, they stopped it only when the job was approximately 80 percent complete.

I chose to link This article, because it is so detailed but while reading this keep in mind that the damage to Russia was far more severe than this article may lead you to believe. I am mentioning this topic because it is very important to know how strong the communist influence is in America now, with the only real barrier to a total communist lock down here being the many good gun owners in America. If anything could ever tell you where the communists went, just follow the money trail, and see where the old world Communists at least tried to send their riches after their little game in Russia hit a road block. This does not bode well for America AT ALL.

The worlds's most accurate list of foods to avoid

I have seen a lot of lists, all at least partially nonsense. This list however is DEAD ON, especially the writer's attitude towards "health experts" who recommend soy which is in fact a poisonous plant, and rapeseed "canola oil", which is easily the worst oil anyone could ever consume.

Soy is in fact suitable for consumption only by pigs, and when growing up I lived on a farm for about a year, and was warned many times to never eat the soy beans even if they tasted good because though they won't kill you immediately they will cause long term health damage. I can only guess that the "elite", within their high minded inner circles - where they call the rest of mankind pigs and cattle, pushed the soy scam on the population to boost their ego. You are what you eat, don't make it pig food.

March 4, 2013

An interesting development

It has been confirmed that anyone who visits this site for the first time gets logged on a computer somewhere, which is then programmed to scan their computer, steal their e-mail details, and then send them scam e-mails that are highly damaging and discrediting to this site. And it does not matter if they sent an e-mail here or not, they still get the scam mails, discouraging them from ever visiting this site again. I knew there were dirty tactics in place to ruin this site, and this is one of them. Of particular interest is the Fukushima report, which triggers a shill computer to begin sending emails with links to shill pages specifically intended to discredit this site and the fukushima report, and some of these mails even pretend to be sent by this web site automatically and patch people through to crazy B.S. If you received such e-mails after visiting here, please forward them to me, so I can try to formulate a plan to stop this from happening. The holonet is real, and with regard to getting your info stolen, you can thank Microsoft for that one, there is simply no way other than a total system breach BY DEFAULT built into everyone´s computer to make such an assault possible.

Obviously, if such slander attempts are built into the fabric of the web, THIS particular site is an extremely important venue for truth.

Forum member Glitch reports seeing an armed predator drone in St Croix County Wisconsin


"A friend and I were outdoors in the greater MSP Wisconsin area, and a predator drone flew so low to us that we could clearly see it armed with missiles. I have not heard of any other such sightings yet."

My comment

Glitch has no history of posting B.S., and that gives weight to this report. On top of that, I am familiar with St. Croix county (msp area) and can state that if you wanted to play around with an armed drone, it would be a great place to do it. The population is relatively diffuse but there is excellent infrastructure and good ground accessiblilty to all areas.

I am not surprised by this report, Obama said he would do this. St Croix county is a place where you can get away with having a gun rack in the rear window of your pickup truck, with rifles and shotguns clearly visible to people behind you, while on top of that having the population be somewhat cosmopolitan. It is not redneck turf, yet guns are beyond accepted, they are a way of life. Everyone who is anyone has several.

Said gun racks are common accessories and though I never lived in St Croix county, I had my rear window adorned with guns myself. When you consider the fact that such gun racks are CULTURE in that area of the country, it is probably safe to assume that Obama would piss himself over the opportunity to start drone striking mud ducks and chedder heads. THAT would be a hard area to put down - a picture really is worth a thousand words.

A Predator armed with missiles. . . . . Hmmm. . . . . "Natural gas" . . . . . . .

An Australian politician speaks out against Agenda 21


Posted to the forum by Farganne

In case you don't know, Ann Bressington is a South Australian MP who gave this incredible speech exposing Agenda 21 and the Club of Rome: (if Youtube blocks that link, open a new tab, and drop this in: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrdmjBAX0E0

I traded messages with Ann on Facebook today, and she is without a doubt the real deal. As her speech gains traction on the internet, the trolls are coming out in force. They have set up a page called the Ann Bressington Appreciation Society where they do nothing but trash her all day long. They have also posted porn to her profile and the profiles of her FB friends.

If you have a YouTube channel, please mirror the above video. If you have a blog, please post it. If you are on FB, please visit her page and leave a message of support.

Also, if you are really good at Facebooking, and know how to set up a support page, and make it grow, please send me a message.

How rare is it that an establishment politician stands up for us on something like Agenda 21? Ann's speech makes Ron Paul look like a half-assed doofus. She went straight for the jugular, no holds barred, and she is paying for it. Let's give her all the support we can.


This is well worth a read

"The FDA has taken a freely-available herbal product, sap of the dragon's blood tree, defined it as the drug Fulyzac, & handed it to Big Pharma. Nature's gift is being polluted. What you get after Big Pharma and & the FDA get their hands on it has lost much of its value and often been rendered into a poison, the very nature of a drug.

This happens all too often, and this article is one of the most to the point write ups I have ever seen on this topic

See a clearly at fault cop get rectal about it

Another LAPD gem. A motorcyclist had a dash cam running which clearly showed that the police officer who hit him from behind was at fault. The police officer accuses the motorcyclist of hitting his brakes for no reason, but if you watch the traffic in the dash cam you can clearly see a white car ahead of the motorcyclist motioning for a lane change to take the lane ahead of the motorcyclist, and that is why the motorcyclist hit the brakes. The fact that the cop was out of it and not paying attention was obviously irrelevant, it can NEVER be the fault of the police officer. Fortunately the motorcyclist did not tip over or get hurt. See some ridiculous police behavior here, and replay the video if you miss where the white car gave the motorcyclist a reason to brake.

if Youtube blocks the link, open a new tab and drop this in: www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Rb_3GlMTM

March 1 2013

Status update

A status update on what is happening with this web site

Since the Mexican Government bulletin regarding the following issue got the "hand grenades and dynamite" part edited out of it, I present the following, and must remind people to always make sure what they are linking is AS IT ORIGINALLY APPEARED, and not a revisionist hack job. I should have re-read it in full rather than skimmed it before linking it here. And now, I present the ORIGINAL press account of:

Army General and Head of the PGR Releases Two Israelis Arrested With Guns and Explosives Inside the Mexican Congress

All the details, including what got immediately scrubbed, are here.

LOS ANGELES (ACN) - In a mind-blowing development, Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha who heads the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of Justice) has released the retired Israeli Defense Forces colonel and presumed MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the security of the Mexican Congress and were in possession of guns, hand grenades and explosives.

This morning La Voz de Aztlan had a personal telephone interview with the Mexican Congressional Press Secretary, Lic. Adriana Lopez, and verified the arrest of the two Israelis after they had entered through the highly secured front entrance of the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro. She stated to La Voz de Aztlan that the two terrorists had taken advantage of a situation that occurred around 1700 hours of Wednesday October 10 when a large contingent of Sugar Industry Unionists were entering through the metal detectors. The two Israelis followed about 50 of the unionists to the office of the President of the Mexican Congress Beatriz Paredes. The two Israelis were first pretending to be press photographers but called the attention of the sugar unionists because of their nervous and out of the ordinary behavior. About ten of the unionists confronted them and observed that they were carrying guns and and what looked to them to be explosives. They held the two Israelis until Official Congressional Security personnel took them into custody. The head of Congressional Security Salvador Alarcón verified that the Israelis had in their possession nine hand grenades, sticks of dynamite, detonators, wiring and two 9mm "Glock" automatics.

Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana Lopez informed La Voz de Aztlan in the telephone interview that Congressional Security then turned the terrorists Salvador Guersson Smecke, age 34, and Saur Ben Zvi, age 27, to the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of Justice) which is headed by Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha. Initial reports by the Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) were that both Israelis worked for a private security agency and that they both had gun permits. It turned out that there is no connection of either suspect to any private security agency. The PGR has released the retired Israeli I.D.F. colonel with the official explanation that he had a legal permit to carry a gun. They also released the illegal Israeli immigrant on about $4,000 bail and the case turned over to the Mexican immigration authorities. Mexican Congressional Press Secretary Lic. Adriana Lopez was surprised to hear from La Voz de Aztlan of the release of the two Israelis.

The Israeli Embassy used heavy handed measures to have the two Israelis released. Very high level emergency meetings took place between Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Jorge Gutman, General Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy who flew to Mexico City specially for that purpose. Elías Luf of the Israeli Embassy worked night and day and their official spokeswoman Hila Engelhart went into high gear after many hours of complete silence. What went on during those high level meetings no one knows, but many in Mexico are in disbelief at their release. Guns and any kind of explosive is highly illegal for Mexican citizens and the fact that these two Israelis had them inside the Mexican Congress makes their release highly suspect. What is really going on? Jorge Gutman, the Mexican Foreign Secretary, has strong Zionist connections and himself is of Jewish descent. Mexican Army General Macedo de la Concha has strong connections to the U.S. Military Industrial-Complex and through this to the Israeli Defense Forces. Have any of these connections influenced the decision to release the two Zionist terrorists?

The initial arrests of the two Israelis inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro made top news on Mexico City television and radio on the evening of October 10. TV Azteca had extensive coverage on the first night and on the following day. La Cronica de Hoy and El Universal both covered the incident the following two days but now it seems that there is a lack of reports.

What were the Israelis up to? We think we know. The Vicente Fox government has been very careful of involving Mexico in a war against Islam. The Mexican population as well as the two major opposition political parties, the PRI and the PRD will not allow it. President Bush and the U.S. Zionists want Mexico fully involved in the war principally because if things get tough in the middle east and the oil rich Arabs leave the coalition, the U.S. military machine is going to need alternative sources of oil and PEMEX is just across the border. We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely then Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism.

Original report, posted here because the government web page regarding the topic has been modified and no longer represents the facts.

Proof that the war in Syria is staged and phony

There are no rebels in Syria. To be a rebel, you have to be acting against a power that did you wrong. This is not what is happening in Syria. Militants are being recruited from around the middle east to go to Syria and fight for pay, in service of an outsider who wants Assad overthrown to clear the way for who knows what. The man in this video is from Tunisia, and he quickly saw through the lies and went back to Tunisia within a month, where he spoke to the press and the truth got aired.

Though he is not seeing the whole picture, one which includes the trail back to the CIA and the Rothchilds, he at least saw enough to know that it was all phony. Included in this video is his testimony that it was his own group that staged the massacres, and not Assad´s army. and as usual, if the link does not work, open a new tab and paste this in: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHrMzB6skpg

. . . . .

An interesting outgoing e-mail

I will just title this "how to speed up an old computer"

I hope turning off updates solves things, seriously, that totally slays many computers and causes them to thrash endlessly as they waste bandwidth and run like crap. The problem is that all the programmers think their often 50 megabyte or more updates are important, and don´t realize while they surf the web with their octo core opterons and gigabit connections that there is such a thing as a single core computer on a connection that is not ideal.

Typically, with any computer over 5 years old, updates will totally trash it while coming in, and many software vendors update daily. Yet if you turn off updates, you probably will never notice anything is in need of an update for the entire life of a computer. Updates SUCK. Update ONLY when something does not work, the rest is just a nuisance.

If you know about MSconfig, go into it and click the services tab, and disable all check boxes that say anything about updates. Also, disable windows update because I see that as a back door, believe me, you do not want a custom microsoft tweak to come in. Also, this may seem odd, but if disabling updates is not enough, just use windows firewall and get rid of any virus scanning software like Norton or McCaffee. The only good paid for scanner I have seen is made by Trend Micro, and it is marketed as PcCillin. That one works and is not so damn resource intensive and invasive. I just hate Norton. They used to be great, now they are nothing but a nuisance. I surf with no virus protection at all because Norton and McCaffee write for the fed, and actually decrease your security against snoops, and viruses come from dirty web sites and also from having outlook auto open mails. If you keep your mail web based, and do not have a program automatically open them all, and then avoid opening attachments in mails, and then avoid bad web sites, you wont get viruses. The gain in system performance is well worth removing Norton or McCaffee and skipping email attachments which in my case are all too often aggressive.

Of course personal taste and whether or not you keep backups of everything plays into this. I have never had a virus hit any of my computers simply because I know how to avoid them, all my problems are from hacks that would happen even with virus protection installed. If you are unfamiliar with anything I said here, keep your virus protection. However, I see Norton and McCaffee as BEING viruses themselves, in most cases they will reduce system performance by well over 50 percent. Trend Micro´s PcCillin is approximately a 10 percent hit and has not been noticeable on systems I have put it on, and has been completely effective as well. There are also some really good free downloadable virus protection programs on the web which operate similar to PCcillin and do not steal all your resources.

Feb 28, 2013

Keep an eye on Greece

Greece may end up being a prime test case for what happens when people addicted to antidepressants suddenly cannot get them.

New "superbug" likely to be a media ploy

This superbug, which is making the internet rounds is all just a bunch of smoke. There are numerous things wrong with this story.

First of all, the disease has too many forms to be credible, all this means is that improperly administered antibiotics are creating numerous resistant disease strains, and bacterial resistance to antibiotics is old old news, and I mean OLD.(check out the date of that linked report - it is probably older than you are.)

At any rate, with no death statistics reported in any of the online flurry over this, call it bogus and rest easy, that is, unless it spawns any sort of official response or forced medications. Even if this did take off, there are no bacteria that can handle a shot of Colloidal silver (though because it works, the medical community has severely hammered it´s reputation and the Fed lied as usual about it.) Don´t expect a real cure to be offered as any sort of a solution to any medical problem when that cure can be made by people for a few cents a dose in the age of the MANDATORY $20,000 health care plan.

Taxation WITHOUT representation

time to re run an old gem


I have a favorite cadillac, it’s the 1998 Northstar, the maxed out version. I saw one in a parking lot in DC, and after noticing the plate I had to get a picture. The owner stepped out and asked why I took a picture of his car, and I said it’s my favorite Cadillac, and he smiled. I asked him if his plate was normal, and he said yes, that’s a normal Washington DC plate. I then started looking at all the cars and realized they all said that.

…THIS is the exact reason for the revolutionary war – where England was taxing the American colonies, without representing them.

This is a telling sign – Washington DC knows it does not represent the American people, it represents a corporation that has re-named America to the United States of America, which is indeed a corporation and not a government. The proper name for the union is the United States. Once “Of America” is added, it’s a corporate statement. I don’t have time to go into details on this, but the best source of information with regard to the corporate takeover of America is HERE: It´s not the Law.com

Wayne Barbuto has written a brilliant book which outlines the hostile takeover of America, the courts, and the constitution. It’s not free, but well worth the price. I don’t pitch people on this site, but I simply do not know of a better resource than what Wayne has provided, and if he needs to charge for it, well, that is that.

It’s a fact that the District of Columbia is NOT American territory and not part of any state, it is a parcel of land set aside for the implementation of the criminal enslavement of the American people, and that statement on the license plate – “taxation without representation” stands as a testimony to this fact.

Meteor, or Chinese spy satellite?

With the meteor over russia being real (though 50 percent of Russians think it was something else) and the fact that it happened during a close approach of an asteroid, it is easy to think that everything in the sky is somehow associated with the recent near miss asteroid. However, In the case of this sighting over Louisiana, it was a chinese rocket.

I have a comment about that rocket however, and that is that the trajectory the Chinese put it on suggests strongly that it was the launch of a Chinese spy satellite, which is why it was on a polar rather than equatorial orbit. The odd trajectory contributed significantly to it´s originally being attributed to the asteroid. If Youtube blocks the link, open a new tab, and use this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEIqK6MqB4c

Check point resistance

This is a compilation of checkpoint resistance videos. There is probably some new stuff you have not seen here, and it ought to give you a few chuckles. Youtube has gotten nastier with this site, and now not only refuses embeds, but it blocks direct links as well. To circumvent this when it happens, open a new tab, and paste this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Ku17CqdZg and it is my guess that the added complexity involved in messing with that approach will probably make it a permanent solution.

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Frontrunner of the Don´t hate, don´t descriminate "just say no to violence campaign" Israel once again proves it is a beacon of racial tolerance and human rights

This is WAY too much truth to pass over, especially when placed immediately before a "Zionist Bill Gates abandons vaccine damaged children" article. Get this! Israel clandestinely sterilized Ethiopian immigrant women via tainted shots, just to keep their numbers down in Israel. HOW TOLERANT IS THIS?

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Bill Gates is up against severe backlash for his vaccine campaigns in the third world

"It appears that Mr. Gates will go to any lengths to vaccinate the world, even if the world makes it very clear that they do not want his vaccines. Rather than vaccinating more children, if he was such a humanitarian, why has he allowed vulnerable, sick children to be dumped in the middle of nowhere to die? Surely the world would applaud him far more loudly if he spent his millions making sure that any vaccine casualties were sufficiently cared for.

Whether Gates believes he is doing ‘God’s work’ or not, dumping severely vaccine damaged children in a remote village in Africa without a doctor on site is almost certainly not God’s work and this is exactly what Gates has allowed to happen to the children adversely affected by the MenAfriVac Meningitis A vaccine.

Over the last few months I have written four articles covering recent events in Chad, Northern Africa, where 106 children became ill after receiving the meningitis vaccine, 40 of which were left paralyzed and suffering from convulsions."

Original (and very detailed) article

Remember - All zionists believe that "god´s work" involves gaining superiority over mankind in any way possible, even ways which destroy us.

Here is an interesting comment left in response to the linked article -

"Gates and his sick fantasy of murdering billions by way of vaccinations is frightening to say the least. Nothing worse than a rich untouchable mass murderer." Unfortunately, that comment has more than just a thread of truth.

Feb 26 2013

Resurgent Russia returning to police state status

If you think Russia is a non issue these days, think again. Russia has better nukes than we do, will stand it´s ground and defend its interests, and does not appear interested in playing ball with regard to Iran. The recent Russian statements implying a will to go nuclear in any conflict may not just be smoke.

Russia is returning to centralization and a soviet style control system.

This article by Strategypage.com starts out confusing, but read into it - it really discusses the Russian issue very well.Russia is one of two things, depending upon how you view things - a stabilizer and asset, or an obstacle and a hazard. If this trend towards centralization and control continues in Russia I would say that their excellent nuclear arsenal is probably a lot more of a threat than we all think. I can't say I am sad about what this article states, this resurgent sovietization makes Russia considerably more dangerous. SOMEONE has to put the brakes on the war machine and a re soveitized Russia just might be enough. I don't think New York and London Jewry wants to have their matzo balls heated by anything other than the kitchen stove. Iran may get to live after all.

Conan Obrien clearly shows the media is 100 percent controlled

There is a reason why Conan has had a few bumps in his career, and this particular hit piece against the media is one of them. It is important to realize what is going on while watching this - Conan proved with this video clip that even at the local level, it does not matter if the affilliate is CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, whatever, they are ALL under the same controller reading exactly the same script. Think we have a decentralized media? This may make you give that a second thought.

Youtube got a step nastier in their censorship of this web site. If the link above does not work, open a new tab and paste this in: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh_Kx7UKndI It´s well worth the watch.

FIVE nuclear aircraft carriers in SAME harbor at SAME time is perfect setup for Stuxnet / control system virus installation

I am sure everyone will breathe easy when these five aircraft carriers leave the harbor, apparently unharmed. But I have a different take on this. They are in that harbor for a "routine inspection", one which will no doubt include having inspectors gain access to the nuclear reactor rooms. And if it is the same team of inspectors going through all of them, WATCH OUT.

Not only is having FIVE carriers in the same location unprecedented, not only is it STUPID, it is, in addition to those two things a perfect setup for having ONE team of people sabotage all five. Why would Obama do this, - The same Obama that refused to allow the Marines to march in front of him not only without ammo, but also with weapons rendered incapable of shooting? I have a pretty good guess, and it is not one that I would want to sleep on. Something is fishy here, COUNT ON IT.

Oregon Democrats introduce horrendous gun ban bill

In typical two faced fashion, Oregon democrats - Representatives BAILEY, BUCKLEY, DEMBROW, FREDERICK, READ, REARDON, TOMEI, Senators , DINGFELDER, HASS, MONNES- ANDERSON, MONROE, SHIELDS, STEINER- HAYWARD introduced a massive gun ban bill which would allow inspections of homes and allow ownership of only ONE gun, while banning a majority of modern firearms on spurious random grounds. Full contact list with phone numbers is included in this article.


Indefinite detention is an old topic, but this is well worth a read

Gun and ammo shortages are in fact because manufacturers are maxed out

Though it may be difficult to get the guns and ammo you want now, it does not appear to be anything clandestine, it´s just that Obama is such a good salesman. The truth is that Americans are preparing for war.

Blowing a hole in the "herd immunity" myth

In this brilliant article by the Home Economist, the true effective vaccination rates are stated, and clearly show that a majority of childhood vaccines are totally useless two to five years after being administered. It goes farther and shows that in fact virtually all adults go through life totally unprotected by vaccines simply because their effects do not persist as long as stated.

The real truth behind lower disease rates is that cleaner foods, higher living standards, and an awareness of how diseases spread is the reason why we do not have the plagues of the past. But this does not prevent the fear mongering "get vaccinated or else" crowd from applying immense pressure on people to vaccinate, and if you have been placed under such pressure by brainwashed parents who do not want your kids among their kids if you do not vaccinate them, this article will give you plenty of ammo to fight back with.

Scorpion fun.

I got stung by a notably deadly scorpion

And now that I am fully recovered I will state it. I am perfectly fine now. It was a two inch long red one with small pinchers and a triangle shaped body, and according to a Mexican friend it was one of the nasty ones. I got stung on the left hand, and waited for symptoms to develop. It hurt like crazy and my arm started twitching. But I am really healthy and figured I would probably be ok. I decided to wait to see if the twitching spread to the rest of my body and it did not, so I just went to bed. My hand was numb for a couple days and now I am fine. This scorpion species stings with a neurotoxin, and it was obvious from the electrical zapping feelings and nerve malfunctions in my left arm. But I am completely back to normal now.

This is really good

A British man went to court to fight a cable theft charge, and did so on the grounds of not providing support to a terrorist organization. He presented a very clear cut case of the BBC aiding and abetting terrorism, and of the BBC itself being a terrorist organization because they knew building 7 was going to collapse 20 minutes before it did.

The judge even admitted the man presented a compelling case, but that due to the nature of that particular court he could not issue a judgement against the BBC. I guess the real news here is that the Daily Mail picked up the subject, and actually did a truthful representation of what happened, thereby validating the fact that the BBC really did have foreknowledge of and therefore supported the 911 attacks

Feb 22,2013

The real threat to our future is the Bacteriophage


I know a few medical professionals who are really spooked by genetically engineered phages, and in fact this is an old topic of mine.

An alarming development regarding the topic of viral phages has occurred

To provide a background on this, I have a really close friend who is a doctorate of pharmacology and an expert in the related microbiology fields. While having lengthy discussions about the future of weaponized medicine, this friend went on and on about how bacteriophages were being re engineered to attack our brain cells rather than their normal host - bacteria, implant DNA directly into our cells to change us immediately and forever change future generations by delivering a DNA payload to the egg cells in the ovaries and also to the male reproductive system. This would have a permanent impact on the future of mankind. Once this type of phage was received via a vaccination, those vaccinated would have the vaccine induced traits passed along via DNA insertion by the phage to all future generations.

Though phages (which are viruses that attack bacteria,) of various types have been around virtually forever, they have thus far been harmless to anything other than bacteria, and are even highly selective in the exact type and species of bacteria they will attack.

When discussing this topic, I raised the question WHY were they modifying phages instead of common viruses that have a history of attacking people. One answer is in the fact that phages, more so than ordinary viruses which can cross the species divide, are highly selective in their targets and are programmed to only attack precisely what they were designed to - a bacteriophage will prefer only one variant of a particular type of bacteria. For example, there are many different types of salmonella bacteria, and among salmonella bacteria, a particular phage will attack only one variant while leaving other variants of salmonella alone. In the brain, not all neurons are identical, but all are similar so when administered via an intentionally tainted vaccine, the high selectivity of a modified bacteriophage can be used to target precisely the type of neuron a sabotaged vaccine would be intended to wipe out.

Another reason why bacteriophages were chosen as prime candidates for brain and DNA modification is the fact that they are not designed to attack people to begin with, so if any make it into the wild, re infection of people who never received the tainted vaccine would be impossible - a phage would not be likely to make it through the lungs or skin and into the blood stream simply because it was never designed to breach those biological barriers. But a needle, injecting it directly into the blood stream would bypass those barriers. So the elite, who would either want us emotionally numbed, dumbed down, or genetically altered would have little to fear while being amongst their victims, even as the disease raged inside them.

There are two modes of action phages operate with, one is the active assault, and one is a dormant mode. The active assault type of phage, called a lytic phage would be used for immediate personality modification of individuals, and the lysogenic type, which simply invades and makes changes to DNA while leaving whatever it is attacking alive, would be used for genetic modification of people, modifications that would span generations and be permanent.

And now onto this spooky robot like six legged fully hexagonal T4 phage that now totally dominates the web - I would like to know why the people who are pulling this tainted vaccine scam off on the people have somehow made this particular variant so dominant in the public spectrum. I was corrected yesterday, and as it turns out the six legged hexagonal phage is nothing new. So let me ask WHY is this thing almost completely dominant online, when MANY different types of phages exist?

Let me take a WILD EYED GUESS. It´s a matter of national pride. A form of cult like religious orgasm. All phages depicted now not only have six legs, but they also have a star of david body. This is NOT NATURAL, BLATANTLY OBVIOUS, AND DOWN RIGHT DANGEROUS. You know what the future holds now? It is something FAR MORE SPOOKY than any micro drone - it is the brain eating phage, specifically engineered to eat your emotional neurons and render you incapable of free will. I have been told it is being developed as a vaccine additive to be administered under strict controls and not be something that can survive outside the body, because that certain six pointed group of individuals has the same genetics as the rest of us, so they have no doubt made it certain that their own weapon cannot leap out of the wild and haunt them.

Tainted Nightmare needs an update, because it only speaks about vaccine adjuvants. This entire phage thing is something new, four years advanced beyond that article. I suggest you take Alex with a grain of salt and watch this video, it really is dead on.

I suggest everyone save a copy of the photo to the left of a different type of natural phage, because through expungement of history "they" no doubt want to drool in a religious stupor over how their little hexagonal leg patterns and star of david phage bodies wreak havoc on the rest of mankind. And on that note, I may have stated above that the reason for re engineering a phage to do the job rather than a known infectious virus would be to make good and sure it could not spread to other people in the wild, but I can´t help but imagine that such a profoundly Jewish looking micro organism would not be selected simply for its appearances. That stupid phage has six points on the body when viewed from above, six points on the body when viewed from the side, and six legs. PERFECT, DON´T YA KNOW!

. . . . . But I am sure it is just coincidence . . . . . ..


I have a pretty good idea why, and the following discusses it.

Doctors say "it´s like your brain is on fire"

"PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – It’s a mysterious, newly discovered disease that strikes mainly young women, and it’s often misdiagnosed. Doctors who discovered it, here in Philadelphia, say it’s like your brain is on fire.

It starts with personality changes, and then young women lay dazed, restrained in hospital beds, acting possessed and then become catatonic. They’d been so normal, when suddenly their lives went haywire.

“One minute I’d be sobbing, crying hysterically, and the next minute I’d be laughing, said Susannah Cahalan, of New Jersey.

My comment:

Personality changes? That is EXACTLY what will happen if your emotional centers, which largely control personality, get attacked. And HOW can doctors just blatantly state that "it´s like your brain is on fire" if they were not in on the program and had no insight into what was going on? Furthermore, IT STRIKES MAINLY YOUNG WOMEN, THE GROUP THAT WOULD GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE. They state later in this rag article that "It´s an autoimmune response, where the immune system is attacking the brain" but oh so responsibly omit the fact that it is blatantly obviously caused by vaccines administered to a controlled group, and that vaccines are responsible for virtually ALL auto immune disorders.

The fact that this is a controlled administration of an illness is proven by the fact that it is so selective to "young women", not middle aged women, teenagers, boys, children, men or anything else, just YOUNG WOMEN. YOUNG WOMEN GET THE GARDASIL VACCINE FREQUENTLY, WHICH IS VIRTUALLY BEYOND QUESTION, JUST BY WHO IS IMPACTED BY THIS ILLNESS, THE MEDIUM THAT CAUSED THIS "DISEASE" IN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia no doubt got a custom batch.

Further deepening the pile of B.S. in the CBS report is the fact that the doctors called it an auto immune disorder at all. There is no way they could know that for certain, unless they knew there was a trial vaccination campaign happening locally to Philadelphia, and they assumed it was auto immune. My guess? My guess is this little six legged monster was being tested in a trial run, with a controlled group of the elite´s primary target - young women, to see how well it destroyed them. No doubt any woman who got these vaccines has it in her medical record, and they will use that record to see if "after complete recovery" from this illness she becomes the perfect wage slave they want her to be. They will no doubt track EVERYTHING she does, from the number of abortions to how many days her children spend in daycare, and how well she follows the programming inserted into her life via various media control mechanisms. Obamacare will be PERFECT for that.

“I was very paranoid and manic. There was something wrong. I thought trucks were following me,” said Emily Gavigan, of Pennsylvania.

And it got worse for Emily Gavigan, who was a sophomore at the University of Scranton. Hospitalized, and out of it, she couldn’t control her arm movements. Then there were seizures, and she needed a ventilator. Her parents were watching their only child slip away.

“It was life and death for weeks,” said Grace Gavigan, Emily’s mom.

“We were losing her. This is something that I couldn’t control,” said Bill Gavigan, Emily’s dad.

Doctors also couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Susannah.

“I had bizarre abnormal movements, would leave my arms out extended, you know, in front of me. I was a relatively normal person, then the next minute I’m hallucinating and insisting that my father had kidnapped me,” said Susannah.

Turns out, Susannah and Emily weren’t mentally ill. They both had an auto immune disease called Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis, when antibodies attack the brain, causing swelling.

My comment Cool name for it - "Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis" and let me quickly explain what that means. NMDA receptor encephalytis means swelling of NMDA receiving axons in the brain. Anti is spurious. It gives absolutely no indication of AUTOIMMUNE, that is B.S. The bottom line, from that terminology, is that something caused swelling of the nmda receptor sites.

And now I got my weapon, to clear the BS with

Those doctors know exactly what caused this. Wanna know why? Because they said the NMDA receptors swelled up, and there is NO WAY YOU CAN KNOW THAT, UNLESS YOU DO BRAIN SURGERY AND REMOVE SOME OF THOSE RECEPTORS TO PUT THEM ON A MICROSCOPE SLIDE AND CONFIRM THEY ARE INDEED SWOLLEN. Those doctors KNEW this was a test, and that it would CAUSE those receptors to swell up. They KNEW THERE WAS A BIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT GOING ON, AND THEY WERE THE OBSERVERS, ABSENT A BRAIN BIOPSY THERE IS NO OTHER WAY FOR THEM TO SAY WHAT THEY DID, OTHER THAN FOREKNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WAS REALLY GOING ON. No biopsies were ever spoken of. Conveniently, the probable death part of those receptors was left out.

Anything regarding "doctors could not figure out BLAH" is smoke and mirrors, if they spat an answer too quickly someone might ask how they knew. And the fact that this subsided after a few weeks proves that it was NOT any sort of autoimmune malfunction as this article states, because autoimmune disorders do not go away in a few weeks. Something other than auto immune caused this. I believe this was a GM bacteriophage virus test, where the virus phages went in, did their job, and when complete those receptor sites were not transmitting random trash anymore because they were DEAD. END of symptoms. Dead is SILENT.

The fact that such obvious fallacious statements from the doctors made it into this CBS report without getting caught proves that CBS is not qualified to cover topics of this nature. Autoimmune disorders clearing up in a few weeks? YEAH RIGHT.

Susannah says this is how doctors explained it to her parents, “He told them her brain is on fire. He used those words: ‘Her brain is on fire.’

If you did not watch this Alex video, I strongly suggest you do, it really is dead on.

You can see the original article here, the one released before everyone parroted it. However, this CBS news site runs like garbage.

Proof this web site is a potent trend setter

This web site gets watched by the elite very closely, and when I cover a topic all too often something appears somewhere else in the alternative media to defuse it, or take away it´s potency.

This happened to the phage report, which speaks about how bacteriophages are being re-engineered to attack our brains and modify our DNA because unlike the usual viruses that attack us, bacteriphages are extremely selective in what they will attack and can be used for precision strikes against the concience, and to precisely modify DNA in our reproductive organs. In response to this, a puff piece about how great phages are was posted on NaturalNews two days after I released this report.

Coincidence? I think not. When have you ever even heard of a phage before I mentioned it here, or before reading this natural news puff piece which seems intended to counter what I said above? The re-engineered bacteriophage, re designed to do precision attacks against cells in our bodies, has become the preferred method of destroying our children and our genetic futures via tainted vaccines. This is the heart of autism. Mercury is not enough to do THAT MUCH damage to the children.

Drones like these were spoken of over a decade ago

Drones this small, which will be designed to carry out the type of missions depicted, have actually been under development and discussion for at least 15 years. But this is worth looking at anyway

I´d say this mosquito, which appears to be real, is the actual state of technology now.

Iranian style "banker bailout" exactly what America needed

It seems that nowadays every nation is doing a banker bailout in one form or another. Iran had a unique way of dealing with their banker issue, one which follows common sense and was a genuine reach for a real solution to the banker problem. Don´t expect them to make any friends by handling said problem in such an appropriate manner.

"No More Hesitation" targets getting attention now

This is posted all over the web now, but I have a few comments about this of my own -

What would happen in Russia if the police trained with such targets? What would have happened in the 1970´s if America discovered Russian police with this type of target? What do you think the world thinks of America regarding police brutality now that this is plastered all over the web? There are certain things that mark the end of a nation, and targets such as these certainly fit the bill. What are they thinking with this? Do these targets go hand in hand with the 2 billion rounds now purchased by the DHS? What nation on earth has ever had anything like this before?

If you ever wondered where America is going now, this ought to tell you. What about an aware mother wanting to avoid getting her child "vaccinated"? And what about so-called "regimes" like Saudi Arabia? What would our media say if their police trained with targets like these? If America ever needed a wake up call, this is it, and remember this in the future when they come for you. In response to these preposterous targets, I would like to offer one of my own, to help thinking Americans combat the police state. It will be posted here later.

Shoot first, ask questions later, "NO MORE HESITATION" says it all, STORM TROOPERS DO NOT HESITATE, DO NOT THINK, THEY ARE KILLING MACHINES and that is EXACTLY what these targets are intended to produce. There is simply no way to avoid that conclusion.

Keep in mind that though these targets show people with guns, the police are programmed to view anything from a can of beans to a broom handle as a deadly weapon equal to a gun. Any "weapon" AT ALL is justification in their minds to shoot you.

This is not unique, here is another such target provider. Scroll down the page for the full assortment of everyday people targets.

No surprise, Amish children have few allergies

Since allergies are usually caused by vaccine adjuvants, it is no wonder why the Amish, who do not vaccinate their children, have very few allergy problems. This report covers the topic nicely. And since I am on this topic, how about a little insight into GMO, which is something that is related?

When given a choice, EVEN PIGS will not eat GMO

Pigs are eating machines. Any pig farmer knows that it is not a good idea to fall down in a pig pen, because even with domesticated pigs, doing so can get you eaten alive. Pigs are an ideal way to dispose of a corpse, and if they do leave any part of a body behind it will be the teeth, the pigs will eat bones and all.

Pigs will root around in their own crap looking for undigested morsels to re chew and eat, and also look for fungus growing in their own crap to eat as well. YET THEY WILL NOT EAT GMO. Interesting indeed.

BEWARE THE WAG - Socal shooting spree is hitting keywords that spell B.S.

Let's decipher this article

"TUSTIN, Calif. (AP) — A chaotic 25-minute shooting spree through Orange County early Tuesday left a trail of dead and injured victims before the shooter stopped and killed himself, police said."

Ok, First sentence hits a no brainer - the shooter "killed himself". How convenient. No trial, where people can come forward to call B.S., and why is it that all these shooters "kill themselves" anyway? Gosh, we would have NEVER had a wild west if all the killers shot themselves before the next heist. How convenient.

"The shootings started with an apparent carjacking"

Hmm, so someone jacks a car, and rather than steal the seats and turbocharger as usual, he decides to have a little shooting spree fun. Interesting twist.

"There were at least six crime scenes, Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino told KNBC-TV."

SIX CRIME SCENES, ALL ORIGINATING WITH THIS STUPID CARJACKING. Folks, if you ever see the number SIX get used in an article, it is highly probable that it is pure disinfo, and in this case ABSOLUTE PROOF that this is nothing but a TOTAL WAG THE DOG. Mass shooting spree starting at 5 AM? YEAH RIGHT. How do you find victims for your shootings at 5AM, when the early risers are brushing their teeth, TIMES SIX?

DEAR GOD: All I wanted was a turbocharger, and when I discovered the car I jacked did not have one, I SHOT MYSELF.

This is spooky, but I think they can do better.

This is real interesting, a small step from full dexterity.

It can be assumed from this, which they are allowing us to see, that this technology is much more advanced than this. In 1994 Sony demonstrated a game controller at Comdex in Las Vegas which used your brain waves to control your character in a video game. The scientists do at least say here that they won't need any brain implants to do the final version, which is how the Sony game controller worked. Obviously the game controller never materialized in the market and was instead thrown into the black ops black hole.

Reports like this got PressTV banned.

Chinese invasion


Jim Stone, 2/18/2013

I recently met a Mexican woman who is completely aware of the Rothchild banking scam, nuclear sabotage on 3/11, the antidepressant conspiracy, and many other major issues. It is unusual to find anyone as aware as she is, and with regard to issues in Mexico, she happened to be a gold mine of information.

She is extremely concerned about a new Chinese presense in Mexico called Dragon Mart. Dragon mart is a massive economic center recently established 13 kilometers outside of Cancun. It will be the largest center for Chinese trade outside of China anywhere in the world, dwarfing the next largest center which is located in Dubai by a factor of more than two. It will sell everything from medical equipment to agricultural machinery. Obviously things like food, electronics and computer hardware will be mainstays there but the list even includes construction materials and Jewelry. The only things that will not be sold are clothes, shoes and toys, due to local pressures from those who could afford to fight, but what about the poor Mexicans producing traditional goods?

The Chinese know no bounds in what they will produce and according to this woman, China has rendered many aboriginal mexicans unable to support themselves through traditional means because China even makes cheap knock offs of traditional Mexican products. These products are imported and then get sold to tourists at high markup while leaving the local producers with no income stream. If China can out do local Mexicans at their own game, Mexicans who are themselves low income, what on earth are the work conditions like in China?

If you are concerned about America selling off it's national treasures, such as the Escalante Staircase to China for the purpose of securing debt, you ought to know what is going on in Mexico. Mexico has long been rumored to be a major front for a hostile Chinese invasion from the south, with many Chinese troops rumored to be there. Heck, there may be many up in Canada as well, waiting for who knows what.

I find it interesting that not a peep about this is being spoken in the American press; Mexicans are very upset about this and see it as yet another example of the super rich cashing in livelihoods of average people simply to get even richer. I am not a communist, and though I am sympathetic toward the Mexican people over this, feel that the problem could be a lot bigger than the rich getting richer. It may simply be a way to provide cover while a Chinese military presense becomes firmly rooted to the south. After all,

everything going to this "Dragon Mart" will be routed through the Port of Manzanillo, and if the list involves agricultural equipment, automobiles and trucks, and the supply stream is 100 percent Chinese, military equipment would be fairly easy to get into the country and container shipped anywhere once in. Dragon Mart would provide an excellent front for military imports, especially since there are many ways to divert cargo between Manzanillo and Cancun. Why place this so far from the port city?

Pemex blast came after NO, and is not the first!

Want a good Banker / elite conspiracy? Anyone who knows what is going on in this world knows that there are two areas where the "elite" do not play games - Money and energy. And according to my source in Mexico, the recent Pemex blast which was attributed to "natural gas", a blast which totally gutted Pemex corporate headquarters, came TWO DAYS after Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto told the globalists that Pemex WOULD NOT be sold to them.

Pemex is a fully state run business, and an anchor of finance for the Mexican government. Better that than an income tax I say, and since the elite love to make wealth from nothing and then enslave you to it via interest, Mexico is definitely in the sights for holding on to Pemex which provides the government a way to support itself without nailing the Mexican people with an income tax. Real government finance based in real wealth rather than smoke and mirrors. Yep, Better watch out for "Al Quaida" in Mexico now.

Here is a really interesting mail regarding Dorner

Last night I was watching a video on Randal Quan. It was removed from youtube while I was watching it or I would share it here.

Basically they were accusing Quan of setting up a hit on his daughters black fiance that went wrong and killed his daughter too. Quote:A former Cal Poly Pomona police chief is suing the school and the Cal State University system, claiming he was fired because he refused to hire an unqualified black woman to be his second in command.

Randal Quan alleges that university officials pressured him to hire the woman as his lieutenant in the name of diversity, despite his protests that doing so would jeopardize campus safety.

Quan was abruptly fired April 8, about six months after starting the $107,000 per year job, sparking protests at the campus. http://www.calstate.edu/pa/clips2004/jan.../cop.shtml

After the hit he would need someone to take the fall. Who did Quan know that had beef? Another black man?

The theory went something like Quan (or somebody from tha LAPD) contacted Dorner at his home in Vegas and told him he could get his job back/ clear his name. He just needed to get back to LA, pick up some scuba tanks (he was a harbor cop), check into a hotel and conduct some sort of off the books OP for the LAPD then they would let bygones be bygones. I think you guys can fill in the blanks from there. Quote:And Monica Quan's father told investigators that someone identifying himself as Dorner called him Thursday and told him he "should have done a better job of protecting his daughter," the federal affidavit states. Investigators traced the call to Vancouver, Washington, but based on the timing of other sightings, they don't believe Dorner was in Vancouver at the time, the affidavit states.http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/10/us/lapd-attacks “There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

Why would this site get censored? The reason is simple. There is a lot of damning stuff here, perfectly documented, and this site is the source. This site is not a link farm parroting other people's work, it is the root of many investigations, not just one, MANY. Take a look at what is here and link back. Articles can be posted in their entirity without modification as well, just mention my name and prominently link back (your usual method is fine if you have a news site). This site has avoided shutdown because so many people re-post what is here.

All the evidence for why I believe no one died at the theater


No CCTV footage came out of the bat man shooting. No pictures after the fact either. Some people hit the social security death index too early. Then there is the Libor connection, the dead nurse, and the testimony that police made threats and blackmailed people to testify against Holmes, when they were not at the theater at all. Then there were the damning tweets, the phony blood trail, and downright silly pictures. If you think you know the Bat Man shooting, take a look at this!

Japan earthquake both man made AND faked to a higher magnitude to justify nuclear tsunami

Permalink This is the first portion of the Fukushima report, which speaks about the physical aspects of the disaster, which was in fact an act of war. There is a lot more to it than that, including the fact that the zionists want all cultures destroyed and smashed into a global monoculture and Japan was having none of it, as well as Japan refusing to do an enormous banker bailout they never owed, and therefore from a globalist perspective Japan had to be destroyed. Read the full report HERE


Permalink What if the entire nuclear waste problem was intentionally created? What if our own government got infiltrated and wanted over 100 nation destroying weapons placed in key locations around the country, all disguised as infrastructure? America's nuclear policy has done exactly that, and this report covers how it happened.This is a must read on this site

Mails from Japan, the real perspective

Permalink There was a brief gap in the censorship on my mail box, and for a week I got e-mails from Japan. They flooded in. You would be surprised by what the people said in these mails. Now, after over 150,000 more visits to the site from Japan, not a single new e-mail from Japan has come in. Why would the elite want these e-mails censored? Read this, and you will know why

The WSA passport has been proven legitimate

PERMALINK When the U.S. government detained me without a reason shortly after I published the Fukushima report, I knew my days in America were numbered. After being refused a passport from the FED, I chose an alternate - the WSA passport, with doubts. Those doubts are gone. The WSA passport is indeed 100 percent legitimate, and I believe it saved my life. Read more HERE

Joe did not "Stack" up.

Permalink Many of you may remember the story of Joe Stack, who flew his plane into the IRS building. This report proves even THAT to have been a false flag PERMALINK This groundbreaking whistleblower testimony proves that vaccines are the cause of SIDS and the "shaken baby syndrome". This officer provides testimony that parents are prosecuted for damage proven to be from vaccines. Read more here

Digital stepping in the Aurora Borealis

Permalink This report is a technical stab at how haarp works to modify weather, and has supporting evidence in an article published by Nasa.

Many people do not realize the fact that Nasa published a report which spoke about Hurricane Katrina, and two other hurricanes that did not have normal electrical readings. In fact, the readings were so far out of character for hurricanes that they broke world records for all previous storms of any type in history, including tornado spawning super cells which are normally very electrically charged. Nasa does not specifically state that Haarp did it, to do so would be suicide for them. This report is linked to in my Haarp report, which can be read HERE


USGS and MSM Busted over phony quake!

Permalink I was in Mexico city, and there was an earthquake drill. Because they triggered a real quake in Chiapas during a drill there, which I did feel, I recorded a video of this drill just in case they triggered an earthquake for it as well. They did not, but the next day I found out they called the drill a real quake. See the video and read about it HERE


7.9 in Chiapas Mexico on March 20 2012 proven man made

Permalink I was at a Starbucks in the Santa Fe district of Mexico city when an earthquake happened. It swayed the buildings, disoriented drivers and caused everyone to evacuate. I reported it within minutes on my site, and then found out the next day that there was an earthquake drill in Chiapas Mexico, the epicenter, covering the exact same magnitude of quake at the exact same time on the exact same day. Since defense secretary William Cohen has verified the earthquake machine to be a reality in a press briefing in 1997, it's pretty obvious how such a coincidence could have happened.

Read the full report HERE

Prescribed deletion

Permalink I got my hands on 230 megs of classified documents related to antidepressants from GSK. It was a tedious read, but after diving fairly deep into the tens of thousands of pages of studies, results, etc, it was obvious that antidepressants were horrible, the manufacturers knew it, and they false advertised and put knowingly damaging products on the market. A This report will have six segments when complete, "Testimonies of the destroyed" is the first. If you have been ruined or damaged by antidepressants, you are not alone, read what others have been through Here

A tale of two protests


I was in Washington DC, so I figured I would go pay a visit to an anti war protest against war with Iran. After that protest ended another started, begging Obama to go to war with Syria. It was obviously phony and I documented that as well. If you want to see what a psy op looks like, just take a look at this report Here

The Evils of Compartmentalization

Permalink In this somewhat open letter to my former peers in the NSA, and also, by default, other top secret agencies, I speak about how they really are unaware of what their work is being used for, and how their compartmentalized security clearances prevent them from really knowing how their efforts will manifest themselves in the real world. Read it Here

Shedding a little light on the darkest of dark

Permalink This report about Luciferianism is only about a third of the way finished, but it is massive nonetheless. Take the time to look at what's here, several of the linked items are banned on the web and can only be found internally on this site (as far as I know) and of the greatest interest is the child slave trade. The article which quotes the prices state agencies are awarded for snatching children may have a bit of a sappy start, but it's a simple fact it's probably the most banned report on the web. Definitely worth a look. You can read the Luciferian report Here

My experience with the Jewish Community

Permalink This report sparked a lot of interest, and it outlines the basics of what happened when I was with the Jewish community, without going into too much detail. It covers their attempts on my life in some detail. I must say, they treat each other well, and treated me VERY well, until I decided to leave. The full report is Here

I would much rather live in a civilized society

Permalink This report, which I pulled off an old Geocities site I once had, was good enough to re-post here. If you want a look at who I am, you will find a pretty good insight Here

Deep Water Horizon likely destroyed by space based laser

Permalink Many people were suspicious about the real reason for the disaster in the gulf, and I myself found it to be a highly implausible scenario. So I looked into it, and discovered that the main electrical center, which was well away from anything that burned, had an extremely neat hole burned right through the helipad above it. Was the helipad used for targeting setup of a space based laser? Read the report and decide for yourself HERE

The Post Office has automated mail intercept

Permalink Many people think snail mail is more secure than e-mail. Think again! Read why you should be VERY careful with the mail, HERE

Power Grid Tampering to end an Era

Permalink The power grid has now been dismantled. The national grid is now running in isolated segments. Though it is true that DC power lines have mitigated the need for full national synchronization in the grid, they did not eliminate it. As a result, clocks such as the one in your microwave or stove, which use the power grid as a time keeping reference now run at different speeds at different places in the nation and they prove that the system is disconnected and America's power is now far more vulnerable to attack during a war. Read the report HERE

Surprisingly reputable Gordon Duff posts ridiculous article on Micro Nukes

Permalink A reader sent me a link in an e-mail that went to "an amazing article about micro nukes". Since I know a thing or two about nuclear topics, I gave it a look, gasped, and then shredded it. It's a great rip, and recycle bin treasure. Read it HERE

Warning, 2012!

Permalink I think I will put this in the 2012 scam section as well, but it's so bad it really belongs in the recycle bin. If you want to see something SILLY, click HERE

U.S. Senator visits Fukushima and says it's worse than stated, DUH??

Permalink Senator Wyden ought to be applauded for having the guts to actually go out to Fukushima, and the Duh really does not apply to him, it applies to the media which has done nothing but scam and lie about this. Even still, for lack of a better place, this report goes in the recycle bin. Read it HERE

____________________________ What it looks like when my site gets attacked

Mexico quake proven man made

I would much rather live in a civilized society

The WSA Passport has been proven legitimate

PRESCRIBED DELETION - the truth about antidepressants

My experience with the Jewish community

A tale of two protests

"Joe" did not Stack up.%