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I'm Just Sayin

Celebrating International Quilting Day!
Saturday, 16 March 2013 05:40    PDF Print E-mail

Today is quilting's biggest day! It's a day to quilt, shop, and be thankful for this amazing art/craft/hobby/lifestyle! My own celebration began last night when I made 20 improvisational (Caveman) blocks. I love playtime. These are on the wall now, but what they will become I don't know yet. 

You can celebrate by watching over 140 episodes of The Quilt Show. Simply login or register for free and watch all weekend long! In addition, there are tons of free give-aways - so be sure to register to win! You could win a Bernina QE, a chair from Gammill, I'm giving away a $450 gift basket and there's a lot more. What will you do today to celebrate International Quilting Day?

Let's Play "What's New?"
Wednesday, 06 March 2013 20:00    PDF Print E-mail
If you watch any of my new companion videos for the Gaelic Blessing quilt, you will see something new. What is it?

I created a set of companion videos with tips and demonstrations to go along with the Gaelic Blessings quilt. Let's have some fun and make the quilt together! The videos are in the Classroom at The classroom is free, but you do have to be a TQS member, either a Basic Member (free) or a Star Member (premium) to access the videos. Just login to watch.

Click the image above to watch the introductory video on YouTube.

Patterns and kits are available now!

Purchase the Gaelic Blessing pattern only for $9.98 or get the kit
which includes 8 yards of Ricky's beautiful hand dyed fabrics for only $149.95
- a 25% savings and the pattern is included FREE!
Patterns and Kits available at

Gaelic Blessing
Wednesday, 06 February 2013 20:36    PDF Print E-mail

Please Take the poll now on the right.

Here it is! A sneak peek at Gaelic Blessing, a new quilt that I designed with you in mind. I hope this variation of the Double Irish Chain will make you smile because the border is integrated right into the patchwork! The central Celtic cross is an inspirational Irish icon. My quilting friend from Belfast says, "Most Celtic patterns are for smaller items like cushions or wall hangings. How wonderful to have a blessing on your bed!" 

If you are Irish - have Irish heritage - like Ireland - like The Celtic Women - believe in Leprechauns - enjoy Guinness - wear green on March 17th - or can spell "Ireland" - no doubt you'll want to make this quilt!

The 63"x63" quilt is created using four of my hand-dyed fabrics and the pattern and kit will be available near the end of February. Be sure you are on my General Newsletter list and watch your inbox for a special edition so you can be the first to get the pattern or the kit. This is an easy-to-make pseudo traditional quilt will find the luck of the Irish rubbing off on you.
Time to Quilt It!
Saturday, 05 January 2013 13:27    PDF Print E-mail

First of all - let me say...... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I wish you all the best in 2013!.

It happened yesterday! I finished the quilt top for my Streak of Lightning quilt. I will admit this is the most ornery quilt I've ever made and mostly because it was made by using very traditional techniques. Quilts like this with a kazillion small pieces means that the margin for error is nonexistent. The slightest changes in seam allowance will throw things off. Actually, I was VERY careful to make sure I was as accurate and consistent as possible to avoid problems. Let me tell you what I learned.

All of the columns were okay and not that difficult. It was important to mark where the columns should meet so that the ziz zag remained the same width. I did one column where I just pinned the top and bottom and a couple of places in between thinking it would just 'fit' -which it did. But that seam had to be picked out because the points of the blocks would shift and fall in odd places messing up the ziz zag - and it was visually obvious.

Notice the triangles pieced on the left and right of the body of the quilt. Those were cut the exact same size and the triangles that were cut to put onto the nine-patches. However, after piecing those, they were at least an inch (maybe slightly more) longer than any of the other columns. Still, I 'eased' them onto the quilt. At that point things were NOT looking good. The quilt was NOT flat, waving and rippling horribly. I almost decided to remove them from the quilt totally, but I didn't. So.... what did I do?

I had faith - that's what! I had faith that if I measured my length down several nine-patch columns, took the average (which was only maybe 1/4" difference at any spot) and made my border exactly that length (again easing those pecky triangle strips) that the quilt would go back to flat. It was important that my borders were cut on the length of the grain so that it was strong and stable to support the problem spots. Also, I pinned a LOT. As you know, I'm known for not being a pinner - but I DO pin when it's necessary - and this was necessary.

In this case, I found the center of the border and the center of the side and pinned that first. Then I pinned the corners. Then I tugged from center to corner to ease the fullness, and pinned in middle of that. I continued this until I had about 12 pins on each border.

After putting on the left and right borders (which I had already cut the miter corners on), then I measured across the quilt to get the best average. This measurement was pretty much exact across so I used that measurement to make my top and bottom borders. Again, I pinned to make sure everything was positioned correctly. After competing the four miters, the quilt top was FLAT - and FINISHED! Whoo-hoo!

This would not have happened if I had just sewn on a border without measuring, easing, and pinning. But now, I'm confident that it will look good when it's quilted and will be square as well. 

Today I dyed the fabric for the backing - and soon I'll be quilting it.

Have you ever had a project that, after a lot of work, you felt would simply not turn out. Did you toss it aside? Put on your thinking cap? Did if finish better than you expected?

Oh - Since the pattern is a traditional Streak of Lighthing, I was thinking of calling it St. Elmo's Fire (not the movie). St. Elmo's Fire is a weather phenomena created with electrical energy. However, a Facebook friend suggested Northern Lights. That works for me because I have a song on one of my CDs called Northern Lights and I really like using musical terms, phrases, or titles for my quilts. So. Northern Lights is is!

Christmas Shopping Done! Let's Quilt!
Friday, 21 December 2012 11:33    PDF Print E-mail
I'm so happy to say my shopping is done and I have time - finally - to get back to quilting. This week I started (and finished) a self-portrait quilt. Does it look anything like me?

And, I have turned my attentions back to the design wall and am plugging along to get this top assembled in the next couple of days. Cross your fingers and wish me luck.

Oh - and what did you put on your Santa's wish list?

2012 Ponnie Brinkman Scholarship Winner
Saturday, 01 December 2012 09:59    PDF Print E-mail

Under the African Sky (2012) by Peg Weschke

Congratulations to Peg Weschke from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Peg has been chosen as the Ponnie Brinkman Scholarship Recipient for 2012.

As a new quilter, Peg has quickly been recognized by her guild, the Palmetto Quilt Guild, as a 'new-bee' who is "fun, talented, energetic and always trying something new and different." Her recent works feature beaches and African themes. She is described as "an enthusiastic quilter who gives back to her guild and community."

It is always a difficult decision to select our scholarship winner. To all of our nominees, congratulations on your quilting journey and success thus far. We encourage you to continue quilting with passion and enthusiasm.

Each year Ricky Tims Inc accepts nominations from quilt guilds for new quilters showing great promise and enthusiasm. This scholarship enables Peg to attend a La Veta Quilt Retreat. Her tuition will be covered and in addition she will receive $500 toward expenses. For complete details on the Ponnie Brinkman Scholarship visit this link

Please join us in congratulation Peg on this well-deserved honor.

Mid-week at Quilt Retreat
Thursday, 15 November 2012 14:29    PDF Print E-mail

We are having a great time at the La Veta Quilt Retreat and have reached the half-way mark. Each student finished this sentence.
"So far this week I have learned...?"

...that two boxes of Kleenex are better than one and you can learn a lot by listening. - Marion

...that an opinion is an opinion  - it's not right or wrong. - Jo

...that I have been exposed to an open, relaxing, creative atmosphere - and did I mention supportive? - Carolyn

...a great way to do blanket stitch around corners and curves! - Jill

...not to worry about how long something takes but to enjoy the process. - Myrna to join fabrics in a wavy line and that I like my groove and am happy to be in it. - Karen start a quilt "just putting it up there' - "Inspiration comes by doing!" - Wynn

...that while creativity is a process that can be complex, Ricky will show me the way, and my heart will guide me over the rocky parts. - Sharon get rid of my fears - my inadequacy - and lack of knowledge. - Wendy

What have you learned - even if you weren't at the retreat?
Quilt Retreat So Much Fun!
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 17:53    PDF Print E-mail

I LOVE when I get to be home teaching retreats for a week. There are usually a few returning students who I've come to know and love in addition to the new students that I get to watch blossom. Today is the first of five days and already we are seeing and exposion of creativity. The photo above only shows a bit of what's unfolding and I look forward to the end of the week when we see the projects completed or closer to completion.

We have nine students this week. If you like, I'll share more of the classes progress. If you would like to know about the La Veta Quilt Retreats tucked away in one of Coloraodo's hidden gems - check out this link.

What creative push would you want from me if you came to a retreat?

Lifelines III Wins in Houston!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012 03:31    PDF Print E-mail

Lifelines III: Can Something Come From Nothing? approx. 60" x 60" - by Ricky Tims (2012)

Whoo-hoo! I'm flying high this morning. My quilt, Lifelines III: Can Something Come from Nothing has won first prize at the International Quilt Festival in Houston. I'm stunned really! This quilt was so much fun to make. It was total playtime! In addition to the "caveman" (improvisational) piecing, the free motion couching with the Bernina free-motion couching foot worked like a charm. The quilt basically built itself and grew out of spontaneity.

The past couple of years I began playing with inserting long, skinny, "V-shaped" wedges into my patchwork, similar to putting in a gusset only way longer and skinnier than normal. I called these inserts "lifelines" because they reminded me of the lifelines on our palms. In this case, I also wrote a poem and stitched it into the quilting. The lines of a poem can also be called "lifelines" if they have some sort of life message. Here's the poem.

Can something come from nothing?
Can we stop the hands of time?
The road of life moves forward,
And the past is left behind.
Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative
Tuesday, 30 October 2012 10:27    PDF Print E-mail
Hey everybody! Great news from the Houston International Quilt Show! The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative Auction begins online Thursday, November 1st. Twelve wonderful celebrity quilt artists were asked to create quilts for the event and I am delighted to be one of those.

The quilt is titled Sentinnels at Sunset II: Someone to Watch Over Me. As sunset moves to twilight and then to darkness, vigilant sentinels stand guard. It is a metaphor for those fading away from this world and a tribute to those who care for them on their journey.

You can own one of my original quilts and help fund Alzheimer's research! To become a part of this amazing event please follow this link: to bid on this quilt. All profits fund Alzheimer's research. Your bid is greatly appreciated and remember -  you only have until November 10th! I might have to bid on this one myself...(wink)...I'm just sayin'.....
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